55 research outputs found

    Microbiome Composition and Function Drives Wound-Healing Impairment in the Female Genital Tract

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    The mechanism(s) by which bacterial communities impact susceptibility to infectious diseases, such as HIV, and maintain female genital tract (FGT) health are poorly understood. Evaluation of FGT bacteria has predominantly been limited to studies of species abundance, but not bacterial function. We therefore sought to examine the relationship of bacterial community composition and function with mucosal epithelial barrier health in the context of bacterial vaginosis (BV) using metaproteomic, metagenomic, and in vitro approaches. We found highly diverse bacterial communities dominated by Gardnerella vaginalis associated with host epithelial barrier disruption and enhanced immune activation, and low diversity communities dominated by Lactobacillus species that associated with lower Nugent scores, reduced pH, and expression of host mucosal proteins important for maintaining epithelial integrity. Importantly, proteomic signatures of disrupted epithelial integrity associated with G. vaginalis-dominated communities in the absence of clinical BV diagnosis. Because traditional clinical assessments did not capture this, it likely represents a larger underrepresented phenomenon in populations with high prevalence of G. vaginalis. We finally demonstrated that soluble products derived from G. vaginalis inhibited wound healing, while those derived from L. iners did not, providing insight into functional mechanisms by which FGT bacterial communities affect epithelial barrier integrity

    Complement opsonization of HIV-1 results in a different intracellular processing pattern and enhanced MHC class I presentation by dendritic cells

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    Induction of optimal HIV-1-specific T-cell responses, which can contribute to controlling viral infection in vivo, depends on antigen processing and presentation processes occurring in DCs. Opsonization can influence the routing of antigen processing and pathways used for presentation. We studied antigen proteolysis and the role of endocytic receptors in MHC class I (MHCI) and II (MHCII) presentation of antigens derived from HIV-1 in human monocyte-derived immature DCs (IDCs) and mature DCs, comparing free and complement opsonized HIV-1 particles. Opsonization of virions promoted MHCI presentation by DCs, indicating that complement opsonization routes more virions toward the MHCI presentation pathway. Blockade of macrophage mannose receptor (MMR) and β7-integrin enhanced MHCI and MHCII presentation by IDCs and mature DCs, whereas the block of complement receptor 3 decreased MHCI and MHCII presentation. In addition, we found that IDC and MDC proteolytic activities were modulated by HIV-1 exposure; complement-opsonized HIV-1 induced an increased proteasome activity in IDCs. Taken together, these findings indicate that endocytic receptors such as MMR, complement receptor 3, and β7-integrin can promote or disfavor antigen presentation probably by routing HIV-1 into different endosomal compartments with distinct efficiencies for degradation of viral antigens and MHCI and MHCII presentation, and that HIV-1 affects the antigen-processing machinery.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council||Swedish, Physicians against AIDS research Foundation||Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency||SIDA SARC||VINNMER for Vinnova||Linkoping University Hospital Research Fund||C ALF||Swedish Society of Medicine||National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health|HHSN261200800001E||AI52731|</p

    Highly Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Exposed Seronegative Men Have Lower Mucosal Innate Immune Reactivity.

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    Risk of HIV acquisition varies, and some individuals are highly HIV-1-exposed, yet, persistently seronegative (HESN). The immunologic mechanisms contributing to this phenomenon are an area of intense interest. As immune activation and inflammation facilitate disease progression in HIV-1-infected persons and gastrointestinal-associated lymphoid tissue is a highly susceptible site for transmission, we hypothesized that reduced gut mucosal immune reactivity may contribute to reduced HIV-1 susceptibility in HESN men with a history of numerous rectal sexual exposures. To test this, we used ex vivo mucosal explants from freshly acquired colorectal biopsies from healthy control and HESN subjects who were stimulated with specific innate immune ligands and inactivated whole pathogens. Immune reactivity was then assessed via cytokine arrays and proteomic analysis. Mucosal immune cell compositions were quantified via immunohistochemistry. We found that explants from HESN subjects produced less proinflammatory cytokines compared with controls following innate immune stimulation; while noninflammatory cytokines were similar between groups. Proteomic analysis identified several immune response proteins to be differentially expressed between HIV-1-stimulated HESN and control explants. Immunohistochemical examination of colorectal mucosa showed similar amounts of T cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells between groups. The results of this pilot study suggest that mucosal innate immune reactivity is dampened in HESN versus control groups, despite presence of similar densities of immune cells in the colorectal mucosa. This observed modulation of the rectal mucosal immune response may contribute to lower risk of mucosal HIV-1 transmission in these individuals