35 research outputs found

    The Effect of PGF2α Injection on Post-Thaw Motility in Sperm of Nubian Goats

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    This study aims to determine the effect of PGF2α injection on the post-thaw motility (PTM) in sperm of Nubian goats. Three male Nubian goats (3-4 years) with good reproductive ability were used. This study used a 3 x 3 Latin square design. The experimental animals received a physiological NaCl injection as a control (P1); 37.5 mg of PGF2α (P2), and 75 mg of PGF2α (P3). Semen was collected using an artificial vagina with one-week storage intervals between treatments. The collected semen was then diluted and frozen using a simple freezing method. Observation of semen quality before freezing included macroscopic and microscopic examinations. Macroscopic examination consisted of volume, pH, color, odor, and consistency, while microscopic examination consisted of motility, concentration, viability, and abnormality. PTM examination was done by mixing a drop of sperm suspension and one drop of physiological NaCl on an object glass and covered prior to observation under microscope.. The results were analyzed using a Latin square pattern variant analysis, followed by Duncan's test. The PTM values of sperm (%) of Nubian goats in P1, P2, and P3 respectively are 28.71±10.24, 50.03±13.70, and 54.84±12.04 (P<0.05). Injection of PGF2α to Nubian goats by injection increased the PTM.


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    The aim of this research was to determine if the substitution of rosella filtrate (Hibiscus sabdarifa L.) in citrate-based diluent and egg yolks with the ratio 4:1 (16 mL citrate + 4 mL yolk) would help maintain the progressive motility of Kacang goat spermatozoa at room temperature. This study used a male Kacang goat with an average sperm quality of approximately ≥ 205 x 107 spermatozoa/mL and motility of 81.6%. An electro-ejaculator was used once a week to collect the semen. The treatments were labelled as follows: P0 was the negative control group, treatment P1 was given 5% rosella filtrate, treatment P2 was given 10% rosella filtrate, and treatment P3 was given 15% rosella filtrate. Examination of the motility of the spermatozoa was carried out at room temperature. The examination was carried out once every four hours. It was concluded that the rosella filtrate could maintain the progressive motility of spermatozoa of the Kacang goat at optimal concentrations. The optimal motility percentage was found at a concentration of 15% at a storage life of 0-4 hours

    Respons Ovarium Kelinci Lokal Bunting Semu yang diinduksi dengan Kopulasi Tiruan

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    Kelinci bunting semu diperlukan untuk kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan mekanisme endokrinologi, terapi, dan transplantasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keberhasilan induksi bunting semu dengan metode kopulasi tiruan pada kelinci lokal. Penelitian ini mwnggunakan sembilan ekor kelinci betina lokal dan satu ekor kelinci jantan lokal, berumur 1–1,5 tahun, dan bobot badan 1,8–2,2 kg yang dibagi  dalam tiga kelompok perlakuan (n= 3), yakni, kelompok kelinci yang diinjeksi dengan 0,1 mL NaCl fisiologis dan tanpa perkawinan (K1, kontrol negatif), kelinci yang mendapat induksi dengan kopulasi tiruan (K2), dan kelinci yang mendapatkan injeksi 100 IU PMSG secara intramuskuluar dan dikawinkan dengan pejantan tiga hari kemudian dan diikuti dengan injeksi 75 IU hCG secara intravena (K3, kontrol positif). Hasil penelitian diamati jumlah dan ukuran folikel serta korpus luteum dengan pemeriksaan histologis menggunakan pewarnaan HE. Jumlah folikel pada kelompok K1; K2; dan K3 masing-masing adalah 5,9 ± 1,45; 0,63 ± 0,35; dan 2,06 ± 1,50 (P <0,05). Pada kelompok K1, tidak terdapat kelinci yang ovulasi. Namun, pada kelompok K2 dan K3 seluruh kelinci berhasil ovulasi. Pada kelompok K2 dan K3 yang berhasil ovulasi, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (P <0,05), yaitu jumlah korpus luteum pada K2 (4,83 ± 2,65) dan pada K3 (7,63 ± 0,57), sedangkan ukuran korpus luteum pada K2 adalah 0,68 ± 0,20 dan pada K3 adalah 1,38 ± 0,16 mm. Disimpulkan bahwa kopulasi tiruan dapat menginduksi bunting semu pada kelinci lokal.AbstractPseudo-pregnant rabbits are required for activities related to endocrinology, therapy, and transplantation mechanisms. This study aims to determine the success of pseudopregnancy induction with artificial copulation methods in local rabbits. In this study, 9 local female rabbits and 1 local male rabbit aged 1–1.5 years-old and 1.8–2.2 kg body weight were used, which were divided into three treatment groups (n= 3). The rabbit in group K1 (negative control) were injected with 0.1 mL of physiological NaCl and were not mated. The rabbits in K2 were induced with artificial copulation by inserting a cotton bud of 1 cm into vagina at five o'clock in the morning, while the rabbits in K3 (positive control) received injection of 100 IU PMSG intramuscularly and mated with males three days post injection and then followed by injection of 75 IU hCG intravenously. The number and size of follicles and corpus luteum were determined by histological examination with HE staining. The number of follicles in the K1 group; K2; and K3 were 5.9 ± 1.45; 0.63 ± 0.35; and 2.06 ± 1.50, respectively (P <0.05). There was no ovulation observed at rabbit in K1 but all rabbits ovulated successfully in K2 and K3. The number of CL (4.83 ± 2.65 and 7.63 ± 0.57) and the size of CL (0.68 ± 0.20 and 1.38 ± 0.16 mm) were significantly difference (P <0.05) in groups K2 and K3, respectively. It was concluded that artificial copulation could induce pseudopregnancy in local rabbits


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    The objective of this study was to characterize the morphology of ovary from slaughtered Aceh cow and measuring the concentration of estradiol in the follicular fluid to examine the potential utilizing for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) development in Aceh cattle. In total, 30 pairs of ovaries were collected from 30 Aceh cattle slaughtered at Banda Aceh abattoir. Morphological characteristics of ovaries observed were the size of ovaries, weight of ovaries, number of follicles, the diameter of follicles, corpus luteal (CL), and volume of follicular fluid. The follicular fluid was aspirated using a disposable syringe and analyzed the estradiol concentrations using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The follicles were grouped into 3 categories based on the diameter (Ø) of follicles: small follicles (Ø 1 - 5 mm), medium follicles (Ø 5 - 8 mm), and large follicles (Ø 8 mm). The morphological characteristic of ovaries varied between right and left ovaries in which right ovaries showed bigger size and weight compared to the left ovaries (P0.05), whereas the number of follicles and follicular fluid did not significantly different (P0.05). The concentrations of estradiol in follicular fluid of large and medium follicles were significantly higher compared to small follicles (P0.05), whereas the concentration of estradiol between large and medium follicles, did not significant different (P0.05). In conclusion, the follicles from abattoir can be used as potential oocytes resources to support IVF development for Aceh cattle in the future. The follicular fluid provided from these follicles can be an alternative for in vitro maturation media of oocytes due to containing high estradiol concentrations


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    Koperasi Serba Usaha Komunitas Warga Bojong Gede (KSU KOWAGE) berdiri pada tgl 01 oktober 2022,&nbsp; berbentuk koperasi serba usaha dengan nama KSU KOWAGE (KOMUNITAS WARGA BOJONGGEDE) yang mempunyai kekhawatiran masa depan yang&nbsp; penuh dengan ketidakpastian maka perlu persiapan-persiapan dengan menyusun perencanaan dan kekuatan besar agar dapat menghadapi ketatnya persaingan dan tingginya tuntutan kebutuhan hidup. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh KSU KOWAGE adalah mempunyai keinginan besar untuk mengembangkan usaha namun terkendala dengan keterbatasan seperti modal usaha yang kecil, lemahnya Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) dan adanya dampak Pandemi Covid-19 menuntut semua pihak bergeser ke era digital termasuk dalam pengelolaan SDM. KSU KOWAGE di era digital sekarang ini juga memerlukan adanya peningkatan strategi dan teknik pengelolaan SDM yang lebih efektif. Maka perlu pelatihan tentang strategi dan teknik pengelolaan SDM yang efektif dalam era digital, termasuk bagaimana mengembangkan keterampilan digital anggota koperasi, membangun budaya kerja yang sesuai dengan era digital, dan cara mengelola tim kerja anggota koperasi dari berbagai tempat. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan adalah berupa ceramah dengan menyampaikan teori, sedangkan untuk metode praktikumnya yaitu simulasi dan tanya jawab. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk membantu koperasi dalam menghadapi tantangan seperti kesempatan yang ditimbulkan oleh era digital dalam pengelolaan SDM dan membantu koperasi&nbsp; dalam meningkatkan kinerja serta produktivitas anggota koperasi dalam era digital. Hasil pelatihan ini menunjukkan para peserta terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman tentang keterampilan digital, membangun budaya kerja yang sesuai dengan era digital, dan cara mengelola SDM dalam sebuah tim kerja serta meningkatkan kinerja dan produktivitas anggota koperasi dalam era digital.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp


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    Tanjong Selamat is one of the villages directly adjacent to Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. Its strategic location makes Tanjong Selamat Village a priority to be developed into an assisted village of Universitas Syiah Kuala. The main occupations of local Tanjong Selamat villagers are farmers and breeders. Efforts to increase the community income can be done through the cultivation of laying ducks and post-harvest management in the form of making salted eggs. This community service activity was carried out in the form of extension, demonstration, and training. The activity materials are knowledge about the prospects for laying ducks cultivation, prevention and treatment of diseases that often attack ducks, good cage systems, management of breeding, and the making of salted eggs. The cage system and breeding management were carried out by making a pilot cage consisting of the main cage of 15 m2 and a breeding area of&nbsp;50 m2. The cage was filled with 50 domestic ducks (peking ducks and tegal ducks) aged 4 months. During the community service activity, the participants were very enthusiastic and able to implement the technology package that had been given. Based on the activity that has been conducted, the villagers of Tanjong Selamat Village, especially the members of the livestock group, can understand well the extension material and have high enthusiasm in improving the management of laying ducks as observed during the demonstration of the cage plot as well as better understand the making of salted eggs that are in accordance with consumer desires and have a long shelf life


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    Inseminasi buatan dikenal oleh peternak sebagai teknologi reproduksi ternak yang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan inseminasi buatan pada sapi di Kabupaten Asahan yang dipelihara secara intensif. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode survey, menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dengan cara membagikan kuesioner dan wawancara langsung ke peternak sebagai tambahan informasi, sedangkan data sekunder didapat dari inseminator terkait tentang hasil inseminasi buatan di Kabupaten Asahan. Kuesioner yang digunakan mencakup pertanyaan tentang karakteristik sapi seperti: status kebuntingan sapi (konfirmasi dari petugas inseminator), jenis sapi, umur sapi, skor kondisi tubuh sapi, jumlah inseminasi buatan sampai bunting, tanda-tanda berahi, waktu pelaksanaan inseminasi buatan, bulan pelaksanaan inseminasi buatan, lama birahi pascapartus, jenis straw, jumlah dosis inseminasi, jarak waktu pelaporan berahi sampai dengan IB dilaksanakan, pakan sapi, ternak dikandangkan serta profil peternak dengan 75 responden peternak dari lima kecamatan. Data dianalisis menggunakan stepwise regression. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 114 ekor ternak sapi betina yang dilakukan IB, sebanyak 76,3% mengalami kebuntingan dan 23,7% tidak mengalami kebuntingan. Variabel independen yang mempunyai korelasi paling kuat adalah umur sapi (sig. 0,006), jarak waktu pelaporan sampai IB (sig. 0,001), serta pakan ternak sapi (sig. 0,004). Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan inseminasi buatan pada sapi di Kabupaten Asahan adalah umur sapi, jarak waktu pelaporan sampai inseminasi buatan dilaksanakan, dan pakan.  Kata kunci: Faktor keberhasilan, Inseminasi buatan, Jenis pakan, Umur sap

    Analisis Keamanan Tebing Pada Areal Bekas Tambang Di Desa Semaya, Kecamatan Randudongkal, Kabupaten Pemalang

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    Mining activities has become increasingly widespread in recent years, especially people’s mining, thatjust concerned about the result and not paying attention to the environmental factors.This is causedthe post mining area’s destruction and environmental degradation potential. For this reason, the slopesafety factor enhancement analysis on the post mining area in Semaya Village, Randudongkal Sub-District, Pemalang Regency is needed. Slope stability analysis using Slide 6.0 software to identify thecondition of post mining area from the results of undisturbed sample (UDS) laboratory data.Laboratory testing includes several aspects including water content, weight, specific gravity, grain size,atteberg limit test, and direct shear test. The value of the safety factor is 1,441, the value is in the safecategory because it passes the minimum value limit of the safety factor which is 1.25, this result isobtained from the terracing modeling

    Analisis Keamanan Tebing pada Areal Bekas Tambang dengan Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Slide 6.0 di Desa Semaya, Kecamatan Randudongkal, Kabupaten Pemalang

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    Kegiatan Penambangan yang semakin marak akhir-akhir ini, khususnya pertambangan rakyat yang mementingkan hasil dan kurang memperhatikan faktor-faktor lingkungan, telah mengakibatkan dan menyisakan lahan bekas penambangan yang rusak serta berpotensi menimbulkan degradasi terhadap lingkungan. Untuk itu diperlukan analisis peningkatan faktor keamanan tebing pada areal bekas tambang di Desa Semaya Kecamatan Randudongkal, Kabupaten Pemalang. Analisis kestabilan lereng dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Slide 6.0 untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi lahan bekas penambangan dari hasil data laboratorium undisturbed sample (UDS). Pengujian laboratorium meliputi berberapa aspek diantaranya kadar air, berat isi, specific gravity, ukuran butir, atteberg limit test, dan direct shear test. Nilai faktor keamanan yang didapatkan bernilai 1.441, nilai tersebut masuk dalam kategori aman karena melewati batas minimun nilai faktor keamanan 1.25, yang didapatkan dari hasil pemodelan terasering. Kata kunci: Lahan bekas tambang, kestabilan lereng, Faktor keamanan, Undisturbed Sampel (UDS),Teraserin