4,969 research outputs found

    A positive relationship between the abundance of ammonia oxidizing archaea and natural abundance δ15N of ecosystems

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    We present a significant relationship between the natural abundance isotopic composition of ecosystem pools and the abundance of a microbial gene. Natural abundance 15N of soils and soil DNA were analysed and compared with archaeal ammonia oxidizer abundance along an elevation gradient in northern Arizona and along a substrate age gradient in Hawai'i. There was a significant positive correlation between the abundance of archaeal amoA genes and natural abundance δ15N of total soil or DNA suggesting that ammonia oxidizing archaea play an important role in ecosystem N release. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    The sexual health needs of looked after young people; findings from qualitative interviews led through public health and health psychology.

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    Background - Looked after young people (LAYP) have poorer sexual health outcomes than their peers. However, research seldom examines the health needs of, or intervenes with, this group. The aim of the current study was to identify LAYP's perceived sexual health needs and explore sources of sexual health information, knowledge levels, concerns and service preferences. Methods - Looked after young people within Fife, Scotland, were recruited through their workers and carers to participate in qualitative semi-structured interviews. Those aged 12–19 years were targeted for recruitment. National Health Services ethics approval was granted. Thematic analysis was conducted using NVivo. Results - Interviews were conducted with 10 LAYP. Key themes included gaps in knowledge, and gaps between knowledge and behaviour. Being ‘looked after’ may have negative consequences on knowledge, sources of support and safer sex. A flexible, one-to-one service, aimed at several lifestyle issues, not solely sexual health, was preferred by respondents. Conclusion - Looked after young people require support to bridge the gap between knowledge and behaviour and several theories relevant to the findings have been identified. Participants desired more support around a range of health issues, which may come from school, workers and carers, as well as health professionals. Further research examining effective interventions with this group is crucial to improve outcomes

    Preclinical correction of human Fanconi anemia complementation group A bone marrow cells using a safety-modified lentiviral vector.

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    One of the major hurdles for the development of gene therapy for Fanconi anemia (FA) is the increased sensitivity of FA stem cells to free radical-induced DNA damage during ex vivo culture and manipulation. To minimize this damage, we have developed a brief transduction procedure for lentivirus vector-mediated transduction of hematopoietic progenitor cells from patients with Fanconi anemia complementation group A (FANCA). The lentiviral vector FancA-sW contains the phosphoglycerate kinase promoter, the FANCA cDNA, and a synthetic, safety-modified woodchuck post transcriptional regulatory element (sW). Bone marrow mononuclear cells or purified CD34(+) cells from patients with FANCA were transduced in an overnight culture on recombinant fibronectin peptide CH-296, in low (5%) oxygen, with the reducing agent, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), and a combination of growth factors, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), Flt3 ligand, stem cell factor, and thrombopoietin. Transduced cells plated in methylcellulose in hypoxia with NAC showed increased colony formation compared with 21% oxygen without NAC (P<0.03), showed increased resistance to mitomycin C compared with green fluorescent protein (GFP) vector-transduced controls (P<0.007), and increased survival. Thus, combining short transduction and reducing oxidative stress may enhance the viability and engraftment of gene-corrected cells in patients with FANCA

    Fano effect in a ring-dot system with tunable coupling

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    Transport measurements are presented on a quantum ring that is tunnel-coupled to a quantum dot. When the dot is in the Coulomb blockade regime, but strongly coupled to the open ring, Fano line shapes are observed in the current through the ring, when the electron number in the dot changes by one. The symmetry of the Fano resonances is found to depend on the magnetic flux penetrating the area of the ring and on the strength of the ring-dot coupling. At temperatures above T=0.65 K the Fano effect disappears while the Aharonov-Bohm interference in the ring persists up to T=4.2 K. Good agreement is found between these experimental observations and a single channel scattering matrix model including decoherence in the dot.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Deuterium spectroscopy for enhanced bounds on physics beyond the Standard Model

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    We consider the impact of combining precision spectroscopic measurements made in atomic hydrogen with similar measurements made in atomic deuterium on the search for physics beyond the Standard Model. Specifically we consider the wide class of models that can be described by an effective Yukawa-type interaction between the nucleus and the electron. We find that it is possible to set bounds on new light-mass bosons that are orders of magnitude more sensitive than those set using a single isotope only, provided the interaction couples differently to the deuteron and proton. Further enhancements of these bounds by an order of magnitude or more would be made possible by extending the current measurements of the isotope shift of the 1s1/2_{1/2}-2s1/2_{1/2} transition frequency to that of a transition between the 2s1/2_{1/2} state and a Rydberg s-state.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Deuterium spectroscopy for enhanced bounds on physics beyond the standard model

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    We consider the impact of combining precision spectroscopic measurements made in atomic hydrogen with similar measurements made in atomic deuterium on the search for physics beyond the Standard Model. Specifically we consider the wide class of models that can be described by an effective Yukawa-type interaction between the nucleus and the electron. We find that it is possible to set bounds on new light-mass bosons that are orders of magnitude more sensitive than those set using a single isotope only, provided the interaction couples differently to the deuteron and proton. Further enhancements of these bounds by an order of magnitude or more would be made possible by extending the current measurements of the isotope shift of the 1s1/2_{1/2}-2s1/2_{1/2} transition frequency to that of a transition between the 2s1/2_{1/2} state and a Rydberg s-state.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    An evaluation of a storybook targeting parental attitudes, intention and self-efficacy to change their child’s oral health behaviour

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    Objective: Methods for reducing dental disease have traditionally focused on health education rather than targeting psychosocial determinants of the core behaviours through behaviour change strategies. This study tested a novel intervention in the form of a children’s story (Kitten’s First Tooth) embedded with behaviour change techniques (Abraham and Michie, 2008) with the aim of investigating how effective the intervention was at improving parents’ efficacy and intention to enact oral health behaviours for their child.Methods: A controlled before and after study conducted in a deprived area of England (n=149; child mean age 4 years) with an intervention and control group. Changes in task specific parental self-efficacy (PSE) and intention were measured using the Oral Health Behaviours Questionnaire (OHBQ; Adair et al., 2004) at baseline and 3 months following intervention. Results: Of the 149 participants, 129 returned both baseline and evaluation questionnaires (retention 86.6%), 125 of these pairs of questionnaires were used in the analysis (83.4%). The OHBQ was analysed using a general linear model (ANCOVA). A significant difference was found in favour of the intervention group for PSE related to child tooth brushing behaviours (F(1,1)=12.04, p=0.001), however no change was observed for PSE related to control of dietary sugars. Conclusions: A theorized children’s story can be effective as an oral health promotion intervention by supporting parents to improve their child’s oral health-related behaviour. Change was observed for child tooth brushing but not sugar control. This may reflect story contents or may be indicative of difficulties of changing dietary behaviour

    The BBaRTS Healthy Teeth Behaviour Change Programme for preventing dental caries in primary school children: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were madeThis trial is supported by an unrestricted grant from GlaxoSmithKlin

    How overweight and obesity relate to the development of functional limitations among filipino women

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    As life expectancy and obesity increase in low and middle-income countries, the relationship of weight status to functional outcomes in older adults in these settings requires attention. We examined how overweight (BMI > 25 kg/m2), obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2), and high waist circumference (WC > 80 cm) related to grip strength, timed up-and-go, and development of limitations in mobility, activities of daily living (ADL), and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) among Filipino women. We analyzed data from seven rounds of the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey (1994, n = 2279 to 2015, n = 1568, age 49-78 years) to examine how women's reports of functional limitations related to their prior WC, and how their grip strength and timed up-and-go related to concurrently measured overweight and obesity, adjusted for age, socioeconomic status, and urbanicity. High WC was associated with higher odds of subsequent mobility and IADL limitations. Chronic disease morbidity (sum of self-reported arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer) fully mediated the association of high WC with ADL and IADL limitations, but not physical/mobility limitations. Longer up-and-go times, and higher grip strength were related to overweight and obesity. Results emphasize the need for obesity prevention to reduce chronic diseases and maintain good functional status as women age