163 research outputs found

    Comparison of vertical handover decision-based techniques in heterogeneous networks

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    Industry leaders are currently setting out standards for 5G Networks projected for 2020 or even sooner. Future generation networks will be heterogeneous in nature because no single network type is capable of optimally meeting all the rapid changes in customer demands. Heterogeneous networks are typically characterized by some network architecture, base stations of varying transmission power, transmission solutions and the deployment of a mix of technologies (multiple radio access technologies). In heterogeneous networks, the processes involved when a mobile node successfully switches from one radio access technology to the other for the purpose of quality of service continuity is termed vertical handover or vertical handoff. Active calls that get dropped, or cases where there is discontinuity of service experienced by mobile users can be attributed to the phenomenon of delayed handover or an outright case of an unsuccessful handover procedure. This dissertation analyses the performance of a fuzzy-based VHO algorithm scheme in a Wi-Fi, WiMAX, UMTS and LTE integrated network using the OMNeT++ discrete event simulator. The loose coupling type network architecture is adopted and results of the simulation are analysed and compared for the two major categories of handover basis; multiple and single criteria based handover methods. The key performance indices from the simulations showed better overall throughput, better call dropped rate and shorter handover time duration for the multiple criteria based decision method compared to the single criteria based technique. This work also touches on current trends, challenges in area of seamless handover and initiatives for future Networks (Next Generation Heterogeneous Networks)

    Islam’s Market Ideology: A Brief Outline

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    Many of the studies on the Islamic market doctrine have failed to integrate the idea within the broad social objective of its Islamic doctrinal origin. Consequently, the outcomes of such studies have only partially explicated the Islamic market theory. This brief study attempts to contextualize the Islamic market ideology within the broad social goal of the Islamic Shari’ah (law), in order to give it a more complete understanding. Using an interpretative approach that attempts to integrate market moral injunctions, pricing and profit, and price control, among others into the broader social doctrine of Islam, we established that the Islamic market ideology, broadly, seeks to promote the overall economic well-being of the members of society through creating fair opportunities for economic gains, enforcing the right to private property, and curbing exploitative tendencies of economic agents towards one another, among other things. Consequently, the Islamic market ideology is founded on the ideals of economic justice, which, generally, emphasize fairness as a moral duty enforceable by the state. It is further established that the individual has the right to engage in exchange activities and earn fair rewards, and this must not, ordinarily, be interfered with. However, when, in the course of exercising this right, the individual’s pursuit of self-interest puts the overall public welfare into jeopardy, the state is obliged to give public welfare precedence over individual self-interests. Thus, there is room for the state to intervene even in pricing; though, under normal circumstances, prices in the market should depend on the prevailing market conditions

    Un rendez-vous avec l'administration ottomane : le mode de fonctionnement du tribunal char'i de Beyrouth au XIXe siècle

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    Depuis que les archives du gouvernement ottoman central à Istanbul furent ouvertes au public, il y a environ quarante ans, un nombre incalculable de recherches sur l'Empire ottoman a été effectué et publié à travers le monde. Il s'agit de travaux historiques inédits et aussi divers que seule l'exploitation de ce genre de source primaire permet de réaliser. Les archives permettent entre autres d'appréhender le mode de fonctionnement de l'administration impériale dans son ensemble, puisqu 'elles existent aussi bien à Istanbul que dans toutes les provinces impériales et couvrent non seulement les régions arabes de la Méditerranée orientale et de l' Afrique du Nord, mais également de vastes territoires en Europe de I 'Est. Cet article s' intéresse au mode de fonctionnement des tribunaux religieux durant le XIXe siècle, spécifiquement à celui de la ville de Beyrouth où est conservée une série de vieux registres datés de 1843 à 1929 (Adada 2009). Son objectif est de montrer la réalité concrète de cette institution, son mode d'organisation et son évolution durant la période des Tanzimats

    Les fondatrices de waqf à Beyrouth entre 1843 et 1909

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    Le waqfest une institution sociale gérée par la jurisprudence musulmane, oufìqh en arabe. II permet à un individu, homme ou femme, de mobiliser en donation pieuse et à longue durée une propriété lui appartenant, un mulk, nommant par la même procédure le futur administrateur de la propriété cédée et, le cas échéant, le bénéficiaire qui recevrait des parts des revenus qu'elle produit. Les biens dévolus sont mobiles ou immobiles et de finalité économique, publique ou sociale : numéraire, boutique, habitation, terrain, boulangerie, bain public, atelier, etc. Les bénéficiaires du waqfpeuvent être des membres de la famille ou même des amis du fondateur ou de la fondatrice : il s'agit alors d'un waqffamilial. Mais quand les bénéfices vont à la gestion et à l'entretien d'édifices religieux ou publics (églises, mosquées, écoles), le waqfest dit charitable. Enfin, le waqfpeut être à la fois familial et charitable. On déduit qu'il est mixte. Nous aurons à y revenir. Les actes de waqfsont consignés dans les registres ottomans entreposés au tribunal char 'î de Beyrouth. Cet article s'intéresse uniquement aux fondatrices de waqffamilial de cette ville. Partant des données de ces registres, il décrit la manière dont les femmes beyrouthines de toutes les communautés religieuses, y compris les étrangères telles que les directrices des missions religieuses françaises et anglaises, fondaient des waqfs. La période étudiée va de 1843 à 1909. Ces deux dates sont déterminées par les registres disponibles. Elles sont néanmoins assez éloignées dans le temps pour nous permettre de constituer une banque de données fournie et effectuer des analyses inscrites dans la longue durée

    Avaliação das condições estruturais e funcionais de pavimentos de concreto de cimento portland: estudo de caso

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil.Levantamentos de condição de superfície têm sido largamente utilizados como alternativa da determinação do desempenho, manutenção e reabilitação de pavimentos de concreto. Dentre estes levantamentos destacam-se os levantamentos de defeitos, de deflexões e de aderência. Com o objetivo de verificar a condição funcional e estrutural dos pavimentos de concreto através dos levantamentos realizados, foram analisadas as condições de superfície através da determinação do Índice de Condição do Pavimento, das condições de derrapagem através dos resultados do equipamento Griptester, da macrotextura através dos ensaios de mancha de areia e drenabilidade, bem como, da condição estrutural através de métodos não destrutivos com a utilização do equipamento do tipo Falling Weight Deflectometer. Foram realizadas as análises dos procedimentos dos levantamentos mencionados e do resultado dessas avaliações determinou-se o comportamento das estruturas. Por último, com base em critérios técnicos foi elaborado um fluxograma para tomada de decisão para seleção de serviços adequados de manutenção e/ou reabilitação de pavimentos de concreto viários

    Determinants of Export Survival:The Case of Ghanaian Manufacturers

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    In this study, we sought to investigate the factors that affect the export survival of Ghanaian manufacturing firms, using the survival (or duration) analysis technique. The study used a panel dataset (of Ghanaian manufacturing firms) spanning from 1991 to 1998, obtained from the regional program for enterprise development (RPED)/Ghana Manufacturing Enterprise surveys, which was jointly conducted by the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), the University of Oxford, the University of Ghana (Legon), and the Ghana Statistical Office. Our findings suggest that median duration of Ghanaian manufacturers in export markets is 5-6 years. The study also reveals that the longer a firm remains exporting, the greater the likelihood of survival in exporting. Other factors including firm age, size and export intensity each enhance the probability of firms’ survival in exporting while exporting a final product reduces the probability of survival


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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Socioeconômico, Ciências Contábeis.Os valores de tributos sonegados geram um prejuízo maior que a corrupção no Brasil. Os altos encargos tributários, somados a um sistema tributário brasileiro complexo, são os principais fatores que fomentam a sonegação por parte das empresas. E essa sonegação vem crescendo cada vez mais nas microempresas e empresas de pequeno porte. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise da sonegação fiscal em empresas enquadradas ilegalmente no regime do Simples Nacional a partir da utilização de interpostas pessoas para manutenção nesta forma de tributação. A coleta dos multi casos se deu por intermédio do site do CARF, onde ocorrem os julgamentos de 2a instância federal administrativa, e tiveram como parâmetro de busca acórdãos de empresas excluídas do Simples Nacional em razão do uso indevido de interpostas pessoas. Por meio da amostragem, foram escolhidos 05 (cinco) acórdãos, levando em consideração o valor discutido em cada demanda. Os dados levantados apontam que os valores sonegados e/ou aqueles que foram indevidamente tributados no Simples Nacional, chegaram ao montante de R$ 74.187.008,34 (setenta e quatro milhões, cento e oitenta e sete mil, oito reais e trinta e quatro centavos) somente nos acórdãos analisados neste trabalho. Para termos noção da proporção da importância sonegada, referido valor é 20% (vinte por cento) do total dos recursos federais destinados ao Estado de Santa Catarina no combate a pandemia de CORONAVÍRUS (COVID-19) apenas no ano de 2021. Certo que o prejuízo na arrecadação não é apenas do fisco, que deixa de receber toda essa fatia, mas do restante da sociedade, que sente o reflexo da sonegação no aumento dos tributos para compensar as receitas perdidas, além do surgimento de desigualdades sociais e desfalque nos serviços públicos essenciais como saúde, educação e segurança pública


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    Corrosion Grade on Anchor Rods of Guyed Transmission Towers Applying Machine Committee / Grau de Corrosão em Hastes de Âncora de Torres de Transmissão Guiadas Comitê de Aplicação de Máquinas

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    The use of guyed structures in electric power transmission lines is a growing practice because of their cost efficiency. However, the anchor systems are subject to corrosion, which can lead to their rupture and loss of tower support. Monitoring the evolution of the corrosion of the anchor rods by visual inspection is a destructive and costly method; therefore, there is considerable interest in developing methods and tools that are capable of generating a maintenance diagnosis of the system. This work aimed to propose a classification tool for guyed towers in terms of the corrosion degree by a machine committee with neural networks and applied it to the Paraiso-Açu line located in Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil. Thirty-eight samples were collected and 33 variables related to the soil corrosion along the line were analyzed. The targets for training the networks were obtained from the inspection of anchor rods taken from the field. A simplification of the problem's dimension was proposed by principal component analysis, describing the phenomenon with 6 variables instead of 33, simplifying the practical application by massively reducing the requirements for data sampling in the field. Several network typologies were trained and the best ones in terms of their generalist and specialist capacities were combined in a machine committee for the final proposal of this work. The classification obtained by the application of the committee for 10 towers was compared with the classification from non-destructive impulse reflectometry tests and showed an 80% correlation