12 research outputs found

    Influence of environmental factors on theoccurrence of Marteilia refringens inMediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)

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    Циљ истраживања је био да се утврди појава и преваленца паразита Marteilia refringens у медитеранској дагњи (Mytilus galloprovincialis) гајеној у Бококоторском заливу. Осим тога имали смо за циљ да утврдимо да ли еколошки фактори (температура морске воде, салинитет, концентрација кисеоника, pH вредност) и присуство бактерија (Escherichia coli и стрептококи фекалног порекла) утичу на појаву овог паразита у медитеранској дагњи. Вршили смо испитивања на шест различитих локација – узгајалишта медитеранске дагње у Бококоторском заливу. Укупно је узорковано 960 јединки медитеранске дагње. Marteilia refringens је утврђена на четири локације - узгајалишта. Укупна преваленца паразита Marteilia refringens је износила 1,25%. Кретала се од 0% на две локације, 0,56% на једној, 1,67% на једној локацији до максимално 3,33% на двe локације. Пратили смо евентуалну појаву паразита током дванаестомесечног периода, а утврдили смо његово присуство од септембра до децембра и у марту месецу. Од праћених еколошких фактора утврдили смо да највећи утицај на појаву паразита има pH вредност морске воде, с тим што се Marteilia refringens појављује при нижој pH вредности од просечне. Утврдили смо и утицај концентрације кисеоника у морској води, при чему се Marteilia refringens јављала при вишим концентрацијама кисеоника. Нисмо утврдили утицај температуре на појаву паразита, али смо забележили појаву паразита при минималној температури од 11,2˚C. Нисмо статистички доказали утицај салинитета и појаве бактерија у морској води на појаву Marteiliae refringens. Доказали смо негативан утицај појаве паразита Marteilia refringens на индекс кондиције медитеранске дагње. Све мартелије утврђене цитолошким и хистолошким испитивањима смо потврдили и молекуларним испитивањима, при чему смо утвдили да наши изолати паразита припадају М типу Marteiliae refringens. Сви нCilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi pojava i prevalenca parazita Marteilia refringens u mediteranskoj dagnji (Mytilus galloprovincialis) gajenoj u Bokokotorskom zalivu. Osim toga imali smo za cilj da utvrdimo da li ekološki faktori (temperatura morske vode, salinitet, koncentracija kiseonika, pH vrednost) i prisustvo bakterija (Escherichia coli i streptokoki fekalnog porekla) utiču na pojavu ovog parazita u mediteranskoj dagnji. Vršili smo ispitivanja na šest različitih lokacija – uzgajališta mediteranske dagnje u Bokokotorskom zalivu. Ukupno je uzorkovano 960 jedinki mediteranske dagnje. Marteilia refringens je utvrđena na četiri lokacije - uzgajališta. Ukupna prevalenca parazita Marteilia refringens je iznosila 1,25%. Kretala se od 0% na dve lokacije, 0,56% na jednoj, 1,67% na jednoj lokaciji do maksimalno 3,33% na dve lokacije. Pratili smo eventualnu pojavu parazita tokom dvanaestomesečnog perioda, a utvrdili smo njegovo prisustvo od septembra do decembra i u martu mesecu. Od praćenih ekoloških faktora utvrdili smo da najveći uticaj na pojavu parazita ima pH vrednost morske vode, s tim što se Marteilia refringens pojavljuje pri nižoj pH vrednosti od prosečne. Utvrdili smo i uticaj koncentracije kiseonika u morskoj vodi, pri čemu se Marteilia refringens javljala pri višim koncentracijama kiseonika. Nismo utvrdili uticaj temperature na pojavu parazita, ali smo zabeležili pojavu parazita pri minimalnoj temperaturi od 11,2˚C. Nismo statistički dokazali uticaj saliniteta i pojave bakterija u morskoj vodi na pojavu Marteiliae refringens. Dokazali smo negativan uticaj pojave parazita Marteilia refringens na indeks kondicije mediteranske dagnje. Sve martelije utvrđene citološkim i histološkim ispitivanjima smo potvrdili i molekularnim ispitivanjima, pri čemu smo utvdili da naši izolati parazita pripadaju M tipu Marteiliae refringens. Svi nThe aim of the research was to determine the presence and prevalence of the parasite Marteilia refringens in Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) cultivated in Boka kotorska Bay. In addition we aimed to determine wheather environmental factors (temperature of seawater, salinity, oxygen concentration, pH value) and the presence of bacteria (Escherichia coli and streptococci of faecal origin) have influence on the occurrence of this parasite in the Mediterranean mussels. We conducted tests at six different locations. In total 960 individuals of Mediterranean mussels were sampled and included in the study. Marteilia refringens was found at four locations. The overall prevalence of the parasite Marteilia refringens was 1.25%. It ranged from 0% at two locations, 0,56% at one, 1.67% at one to 3,33% at two locations. We traced the possible occurrence of the parasite during a twelve month period, and we found its presence from September till December and in March. We found that the pH value of seawater had the greatest impact on the occurence of the parasite from all monitored environmental factors. Marteilia refringens occurs at lower pH values than the average measured pH values of seawater. We also found that Marteilia refringens occured at the higher concentrations of oxygen in the seawater. We did not determine the effect of temperature on the occurrence of the parasite, but we recorded the occurrence of this parasite at a minimum temperature of 11,2˚C. We did not prove that salinity and the presents of bacteria had an influence on the occurrence of Marteilia refringens. We determined a negative impact of Marteilia refringens on the condition index of Mediterranean mussel. All parasites, determined by cytologic and histologic examination were confirmed by molecular methods. We determined that all our isolates belonged to the M type of Marteilia refringens. All our isolates show genetic uniformity, but also show genetic similarity with other isolates of Marteili

    Financial and socio-economic effects of investment in the context of dog population management

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    The modern world faces serious challenges associated with the presence of stray dogs on the streets, especially in urban areas. Vardar Planning Region in North Macedonia, which consists of nine municipalities, experiences such challenges. According to current reports, the number of stray dogs on the streets of cities in this region has increased, which has resulted in an increase in the number of dog attacks on residents. As the existing capacities are small in the registered shelters, we considered the possibility of building a new shelter for stray dogs to meet the needs of this region. The goal of our paper is the evaluation of the financial and socio-economic justifications for the construction of a shelter for stray dogs in the Vardar Planning Region (VPR). The results of the financial justification analysis show that the project does not provide satisfactory financial results. Namely, the Financial Net Present Value (FNPV) is negative, with a value of EUR 75,291. The Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) is 0.57%, lower than the discount rate, which is not acceptable for a private investor. The Financial Benefit–Cost Ratio (FB/CR) of this project is 0.925, suggesting that the total discounted costs are greater than the total discounted revenues. On the other hand, the expected socio-economic benefits from this project are multifaceted, including savings in stray dog bite costs, savings in the cost of traffic accidents caused by stray dogs, and savings in the treatment of diseases caused by stray dogs. The results of the economic analysis show that this investment has full socio-economic justification and that it should be implemented. The Economic Net Present Value (ENPV) is positive and amounts to EUR 789,916. The Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) is 25.94% and the Economic Benefit–Cost Ratio (EB/CR) amounts to 1.90, i.e., greater than 1. The results of the sensitivity analysis also confirm the justification for the realization of this project

    Ixodid ticks and zoonotic tick-borne pathogens of the Western Balkans

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    Ixodid ticks are distributed across all countries of the Western Balkans, with a high diversity of species. Many of these species serve as vectors of pathogens of veterinary and medical importance. Given the scattered data from Western Balkan countries, we have conducted a comprehensive review of available literature, including some historical data, with the aim to compile information about all recorded tick species and associated zoonotic pathogens in this region. Based on the collected data, the tick fauna of the Western Balkans encompasses 32 tick species belonging to five genera: Ixodes, Haemaphysalis, Dermacentor, Rhipicephalus and Hyalomma. A range of pathogens responsible for human diseases has also been documented, including viruses, bacteria and parasites. In this review, we emphasize the necessity for integrated surveillance and reporting, urging authorities to foster research by providing financial support. Additionally, international and interdisciplinary collaborations should be encouraged that include the exchange of expertise, experiences and resources. The present collaborative effort can effectively address gaps in our knowledge of ticks and tick-borne diseases

    Evaluation of west nile virus diagnostic capacities in veterinary laboratories of the mediterranean and black sea regions

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    The increasing incidence of West Nile virus (WNV) in the Euro-Mediterranean area warrants the implementation of effective surveillance programs in animals. A crucial step in the fight against the disease is the evaluation of the capacity of the veterinary labs to accurately detect the infection in animal populations. In this context, the animal virology network of the MediLabSecure project organized an external quality assessment (EQA) to evaluate the WNV molecular and serological diagnostic capacities of beneficiary veterinary labs. Laboratories from 17 Mediterranean and Black Sea countries participated. The results of the triplex real time RT-PCR for simultaneous detection and differentiation of WNV lineage 1 (L1), lineage 2 (L2) and Usutu virus (USUV) were highly satisfactory, especially for L1 and L2, with detection rates of 97.9% and 100%, respectively. For USUV, 75% of the labs reported correct results. More limitations were observed for the generic detection of flaviviruses using conventional reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), since only 46.1% reported correct results in the whole panel. As regards the serological panel, the results were excellent for the generic detection of WNV antibodies. More variability was observed for the specific detection of IgM antibodies with a higher percentage of incorrect results mainly in samples with low titers. This EQA provides a good overview of the WNV (and USUV) diagnostic performance of the involved veterinary labs and demonstrates that the implemented training program was successful in upgrading their diagnostic capacities

    External quality assessment of Rift Valley fever diagnosis in 17 veterinary laboratories of the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions

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    Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an arboviral zoonosis that primarily affects ruminants but can also cause illness in humans. The increasing impact of RVF in Africa and Middle East and the risk of expansion to other areas such as Europe, where competent mosquitos are already established, require the implementation of efficient surveillance programs in animal populations. For that, it is pivotal to regularly assess the performance of existing diagnostic tests and to evaluate the capacity of veterinary labs of endemic and non-endemic countries to detect the infection in an accurate and timely manner. In this context, the animal virology network of the MediLabSecure project organized between October 2016 and March 2017 an external quality assessment (EQA) to evaluate the RVF diagnostic capacities of beneficiary veterinary labs. This EQA was conceived as the last step of a training curriculum that included 2 diagnostic workshops that were organized by INIA-CISA (Spain) in 2015 and 2016. Seventeen veterinary diagnostic labs from 17 countries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions participated in this EQA. The exercise consisted of two panels of samples for molecular and serological detection of the virus. The laboratories were also provided with positive controls and all the kits and reagents necessary to perform the recommended diagnostic techniques. All the labs were able to apply the different protocols and to provide the results on time. The performance was good in the molecular panel with 70.6% of participants reporting 100% correct results, and excellent in the serological panel with 100% correct results reported by 94.1% of the labs. This EQA provided a good overview of the RVFV diagnostic capacities of the involved labs and demonstrated that most of them were able to correctly identify the virus genome and antibodies in different animal samples

    The effects of whey and pumpkin seed oil on blood biochemical parameters of liver function and lipid profile in rats chronically drinking low concentrations of ethanol

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    We studied the effects of whey and pumpkin seed oil supplementation on the biochemical parameters in blood serum of male rats after chronic ad libitum alcohol consumption. The levels of AST, ALT, total bilirubin, ALP, LDH, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL, triglyceride/HDL ratio, total cholesterol/HDL ratio (cholesterol ratio) and LDL/HDL ratio (index of atherosclerosis) were determined in rats after six weeks of treatment with: (i) ethanol (12% ethanol, ad libitum), (ii) whey (2 g/kg per day), (iii) pumpkin seed oil (2 mL/kg per day), (iv) both ethanol and whey, and (v) both ethanol and pumpkin seed oil. The results showed no changes in the levels of AST, ALT, total bilirubin, ALP, total cholesterol, HDL and VLDL in alcoholic rats when compared to the controls (fed with a standard laboratory diet ad libitum) and rats supplemented with whey and pumpkin seed oil. Our results suggest that alcohol consumption in small doses for 6 weeks changes lipid metabolism and significantly elevates the LDL/HDL ratio (index of atherosclerosis) but does not induce extensive liver damage. Ethanol consumption in our experimental conditions lowered the triglyceride level as well as the triglyceride/HDL ratio, suggesting lipid redistribution and the induction of some cardio-protective effect. However, ethanol induced a higher index of atherosclerosis. Pumpkin seed oil showed some protective potential in alcoholic rats by lowering the total cholesterol/HDL ratio, but it elevated the LDH. Whey consumption prevented elevation of the atherosclerosis index, pointing to its protective role, probably through the redistribution of lipids. However, whey in combination with ethanol elevated LDH

    Influence of environmental factors on theoccurrence of Marteilia refringens inMediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)

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    Циљ истраживања је био да се утврди појава и преваленца паразита Marteilia refringens у медитеранској дагњи (Mytilus galloprovincialis) гајеној у Бококоторском заливу. Осим тога имали смо за циљ да утврдимо да ли еколошки фактори (температура морске воде, салинитет, концентрација кисеоника, pH вредност) и присуство бактерија (Escherichia coli и стрептококи фекалног порекла) утичу на појаву овог паразита у медитеранској дагњи. Вршили смо испитивања на шест различитих локација – узгајалишта медитеранске дагње у Бококоторском заливу. Укупно је узорковано 960 јединки медитеранске дагње. Marteilia refringens је утврђена на четири локације - узгајалишта. Укупна преваленца паразита Marteilia refringens је износила 1,25%. Кретала се од 0% на две локације, 0,56% на једној, 1,67% на једној локацији до максимално 3,33% на двe локације. Пратили смо евентуалну појаву паразита током дванаестомесечног периода, а утврдили смо његово присуство од септембра до децембра и у марту месецу. Од праћених еколошких фактора утврдили смо да највећи утицај на појаву паразита има pH вредност морске воде, с тим што се Marteilia refringens појављује при нижој pH вредности од просечне. Утврдили смо и утицај концентрације кисеоника у морској води, при чему се Marteilia refringens јављала при вишим концентрацијама кисеоника. Нисмо утврдили утицај температуре на појаву паразита, али смо забележили појаву паразита при минималној температури од 11,2˚C. Нисмо статистички доказали утицај салинитета и појаве бактерија у морској води на појаву Marteiliae refringens. Доказали смо негативан утицај појаве паразита Marteilia refringens на индекс кондиције медитеранске дагње. Све мартелије утврђене цитолошким и хистолошким испитивањима смо потврдили и молекуларним испитивањима, при чему смо утвдили да наши изолати паразита припадају М типу Marteiliae refringens. Сви нCilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi pojava i prevalenca parazita Marteilia refringens u mediteranskoj dagnji (Mytilus galloprovincialis) gajenoj u Bokokotorskom zalivu. Osim toga imali smo za cilj da utvrdimo da li ekološki faktori (temperatura morske vode, salinitet, koncentracija kiseonika, pH vrednost) i prisustvo bakterija (Escherichia coli i streptokoki fekalnog porekla) utiču na pojavu ovog parazita u mediteranskoj dagnji. Vršili smo ispitivanja na šest različitih lokacija – uzgajališta mediteranske dagnje u Bokokotorskom zalivu. Ukupno je uzorkovano 960 jedinki mediteranske dagnje. Marteilia refringens je utvrđena na četiri lokacije - uzgajališta. Ukupna prevalenca parazita Marteilia refringens je iznosila 1,25%. Kretala se od 0% na dve lokacije, 0,56% na jednoj, 1,67% na jednoj lokaciji do maksimalno 3,33% na dve lokacije. Pratili smo eventualnu pojavu parazita tokom dvanaestomesečnog perioda, a utvrdili smo njegovo prisustvo od septembra do decembra i u martu mesecu. Od praćenih ekoloških faktora utvrdili smo da najveći uticaj na pojavu parazita ima pH vrednost morske vode, s tim što se Marteilia refringens pojavljuje pri nižoj pH vrednosti od prosečne. Utvrdili smo i uticaj koncentracije kiseonika u morskoj vodi, pri čemu se Marteilia refringens javljala pri višim koncentracijama kiseonika. Nismo utvrdili uticaj temperature na pojavu parazita, ali smo zabeležili pojavu parazita pri minimalnoj temperaturi od 11,2˚C. Nismo statistički dokazali uticaj saliniteta i pojave bakterija u morskoj vodi na pojavu Marteiliae refringens. Dokazali smo negativan uticaj pojave parazita Marteilia refringens na indeks kondicije mediteranske dagnje. Sve martelije utvrđene citološkim i histološkim ispitivanjima smo potvrdili i molekularnim ispitivanjima, pri čemu smo utvdili da naši izolati parazita pripadaju M tipu Marteiliae refringens. Svi nThe aim of the research was to determine the presence and prevalence of the parasite Marteilia refringens in Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) cultivated in Boka kotorska Bay. In addition we aimed to determine wheather environmental factors (temperature of seawater, salinity, oxygen concentration, pH value) and the presence of bacteria (Escherichia coli and streptococci of faecal origin) have influence on the occurrence of this parasite in the Mediterranean mussels. We conducted tests at six different locations. In total 960 individuals of Mediterranean mussels were sampled and included in the study. Marteilia refringens was found at four locations. The overall prevalence of the parasite Marteilia refringens was 1.25%. It ranged from 0% at two locations, 0,56% at one, 1.67% at one to 3,33% at two locations. We traced the possible occurrence of the parasite during a twelve month period, and we found its presence from September till December and in March. We found that the pH value of seawater had the greatest impact on the occurence of the parasite from all monitored environmental factors. Marteilia refringens occurs at lower pH values than the average measured pH values of seawater. We also found that Marteilia refringens occured at the higher concentrations of oxygen in the seawater. We did not determine the effect of temperature on the occurrence of the parasite, but we recorded the occurrence of this parasite at a minimum temperature of 11,2˚C. We did not prove that salinity and the presents of bacteria had an influence on the occurrence of Marteilia refringens. We determined a negative impact of Marteilia refringens on the condition index of Mediterranean mussel. All parasites, determined by cytologic and histologic examination were confirmed by molecular methods. We determined that all our isolates belonged to the M type of Marteilia refringens. All our isolates show genetic uniformity, but also show genetic similarity with other isolates of Marteili


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    U radu se analiziraju položaj i uloga Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga u postupku preuzimanja dioničkih društava. Autor detaljno analizira ulogu i položaj HANFE u predponudbenom, ponudbenom, postponudbenom periodu. Također, daje se povijesni i kronološki pregled nastanka Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga. Obrađuje se postupak preuzimanja dioničkih društava ukazujući na otvorena pitanja u provođenju ovoga postupka. Naglašavaju se dobre i loše strane uređenja i djelovanja Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga te se zaključno daje kritički osvrt na rad ovog nadzornog i regulatornog tijela.The paper analyzes the position and authorities of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency in the corporate takeovers. The author analyzes in detail the role and position of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency in the pre-bid, bid and post-bid period. Furthermore, the historical and chronological overview of the origins of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency is presented. The author analyzes takeover procedure pointing out open issues in the implementation of this procedure. Also, the strengths and weaknesses of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency are emphasized. In conclusion, the author gives a critical review of the work of this supervisory and regulatory body


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    U radu se analiziraju položaj i uloga Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga u postupku preuzimanja dioničkih društava. Autor detaljno analizira ulogu i položaj HANFE u predponudbenom, ponudbenom, postponudbenom periodu. Također, daje se povijesni i kronološki pregled nastanka Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga. Obrađuje se postupak preuzimanja dioničkih društava ukazujući na otvorena pitanja u provođenju ovoga postupka. Naglašavaju se dobre i loše strane uređenja i djelovanja Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga te se zaključno daje kritički osvrt na rad ovog nadzornog i regulatornog tijela.The paper analyzes the position and authorities of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency in the corporate takeovers. The author analyzes in detail the role and position of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency in the pre-bid, bid and post-bid period. Furthermore, the historical and chronological overview of the origins of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency is presented. The author analyzes takeover procedure pointing out open issues in the implementation of this procedure. Also, the strengths and weaknesses of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency are emphasized. In conclusion, the author gives a critical review of the work of this supervisory and regulatory body


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    U radu se analiziraju položaj i uloga Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga u postupku preuzimanja dioničkih društava. Autor detaljno analizira ulogu i položaj HANFE u predponudbenom, ponudbenom, postponudbenom periodu. Također, daje se povijesni i kronološki pregled nastanka Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga. Obrađuje se postupak preuzimanja dioničkih društava ukazujući na otvorena pitanja u provođenju ovoga postupka. Naglašavaju se dobre i loše strane uređenja i djelovanja Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga te se zaključno daje kritički osvrt na rad ovog nadzornog i regulatornog tijela.The paper analyzes the position and authorities of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency in the corporate takeovers. The author analyzes in detail the role and position of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency in the pre-bid, bid and post-bid period. Furthermore, the historical and chronological overview of the origins of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency is presented. The author analyzes takeover procedure pointing out open issues in the implementation of this procedure. Also, the strengths and weaknesses of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency are emphasized. In conclusion, the author gives a critical review of the work of this supervisory and regulatory body