8 research outputs found

    Comparative study of Pierre Bonnard's "Nude crouching in the tub" and D. H. Lawrence's "Gloire de Dijon Roses"

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    The present article analyses the poem Gloire de Dijon by D. H. Lawrence and Pierre Bonnard's painting Nude Crouching in the Tub. Both structural and contextual elements are taken into consideration to compare and contrast the writer.s and the painter.s modes of representation.El presente art铆culo analiza el poema Gloire de Dijon del poeta ingl茅s D. H. Lawrence y la obra del pintor franc茅s Pierre Bonnard Nude Crouching in the Tub. Se comparan los modos de representaci贸n del poeta y el pintor teniendo en cuenta elementos contextuales y estructurales de las obras mencionadas

    Postmodernist fiction and the imperial theme

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    The present paper suggests a review of modern and postmodern epistemology and their respective positions in reference to history and literature. The postmodern will be seen as a reformulation of modern classical realist positions both in the field of art and of history. This revisionist attitude is manifested in the treatment of the theme of Imperialism in the contemporary novels Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhyss, and Cambridge by Caryl Phillips here analysed.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci贸

    Barriers, borders and crossing in two postmodern novels: Caryl's Phillips's The Nature of Blood and Zadie Smith's White Teeth

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    The present article is a study of the novels the Nature of Blood by Caryl Phillips and White Teeth by Zadie Smith as paradigmatic examples of postmodern writing as well as of two different responses that the movement has elicited in our times. While The Nature of Blood deals tragically with the postmodern condition, White Teeth laughs at the contradictions and celebrates the achievements of postmodernism

    Postmodernist fiction and the imperial theme

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    Marshall McLuhan, the Postmodern Mentality and Don Delillo's "White Noise"

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    The present paper is a study of Don Delillo's novel White Noise (1984) from the perspective of Marshall McLuhan's media studies and the contribution of postmodernist theory. A comparison will be held between the concepts of modernism and those expounded by McLuhan in terms of the Guttemberg Galaxy or the world of literacy. Similarly, the postmodern mentality will be equated to McLuhan's Constellation of Marconi or the environment of modern man. These theoretical framework explained, the article proceeds to the interpretation of the novel "White Noise" by the contemporary American writer Don Delillo.El presente art铆culo es un estudio de la novela White Noise.(1984) desde la perspectiva te贸rica del postmodernismo y los estudios sobre los medios de comunicaci贸n de Marshall MacLuhan. Se establecer谩 una comparaci贸n entre los conceptos de modernismo y las ideas expuestas por McLuhan en t茅rminos de La Galaxia de Guttemberg o la mentalidad humana a partir de la alfabetizaci贸n. De la misma forma, la mentalidad postmoderna se comparar谩 con la Constelaci贸n de Marconi o la concepci贸n de la realidad del hombre moderno en t茅rminos de McLuhan. En el marco de las dicotom铆as te贸ricas descriptas se procede al an谩lisis e interpretaci贸n de la novela White Noise del autor nortemericano Don Delillo

    Gender and power in Jean Rhys's "Wide Sargasso Sea"

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    In the context of post-colonial literatures in English, the novel "Wide Sargasso Sea" (1966) by the Dominican Jean Rhys (1890-1979) depicts the struggle of the oppressed to make their voices heard. In her masterpiece, Rhys dramatizes a central issue: that the ethics that direct politics of state can be observed to prevail at the level of the personal life of the individual. Imperial policies prevalent in the colonial West Indies find a correlate in the patriarchal assumptions that underlie the behaviour of the characters in their private lives. With the purpose of explaining by which means the narrative under scrutiny achieves this particular aim, the present work concentrates on a detailed linguistic and technical analysis of Part II of the novel where the power struggle has its development and resolution.En el contexto de las literaturas post-coloniales en ingl茅s, la novela "Wide Sargasso Sea" (1966) de la escritora dominicana Jean Rhys's (1890-1979) describe la lucha del oprimido por hacer oir su voz. En su obra maestra Rhys dramatiza una cuesti贸n central: la 茅tica que marca pol铆ticas de estado prevalece tambi茅n en el nivel de la vida personal del individuo. La pol铆tica imperial dominante en las Indias Occidentales durante la 茅poca colonial, encuentra un correlato en los principios patriarcales que gobiernan la vida privada de los personajes de la novela. Con el prop贸sito de explicar los medios con los cuales esta narrativa logra tales prop贸sitos, en el presente trabajo se realiza un detallado an谩lisis t茅cnico-ling眉铆stico de la segunda parte de la novela, en la que la lucha por el poder encuentra su desarrollo y resoluci贸n

    Postmodernist fiction and the imperial theme

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    Renormalized spin waves in the AF Heisenberg-Kondo model for heavy fermions.

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    Recent neutron measurements in CeIn_3 and CePd_2Si_3 evidenced spin wave excitations at low temperatures. These heavy fermion compounds exhibit AF long range order, but a strong competition between the RKKY interaction and Kondo effect is evidenced by their nearly equal N?el and Kondo temperatures. Our aim is to show how magnons in the AF phase of these compounds can be dexribed by a microscopic Heisenberg-Kondo model [J. Iglesias et al. PRB 56, 11820 (1997)] introduced before for the non-magnetic phase. The model includes the correlated Ce 4f electrons hybridized with the conduction band, and we consider competing RKKY and Kondo AF couplings. Carrying on a series of unitary transformations we perturbatively derive an effective Hamiltonian which, projected onto the AF electron ground state, describes the spin wave excitations, renormalized by their interaction with the correlated itinerant electrons. We numerically study how the different parameters of the model influence the renormalization of the magnons and compare our results with available experimental data, finding good agreement with the spin wave measurements in cubic CeIn_