1,566 research outputs found

    A giant foraminifer that converges to the feeding strategy of carnivorous sponges: Spiculosiphon oceana sp. nov. (Foraminifera, Astrorhizida)

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    14 páginas, 6 figurasThe foraminifer Spiculosiphon oceana sp. nov. is a giant (>4 cm) agglutinated astrorhizid, which makes the second known species of this unusual genus and its first Mediterranean record. It has a peculiar stalked, capitate, monothalamous test. Bleach digestion and X-ray microanalysis indicated the test to be made exclusively of siliceous sponge spicules agglutinated in organic cement. The organism stands on a hollow, 4 cm long, 0.5 cm thick stalk built with highly selected, long and thin spicule fragments, tightly cemented together in parallel to the main axis of the stalk. The proximal end of the stalk is closed and slightly expanded into a bulb-like structure, designed to penetrate between the sand grains and maintaining the test upright while avoiding a permanent attachment to the substratum. The distal stalk end becomes a hollow, globelike structure that contains the main protoplasm. The globelike region is built with loosely agglutinated and irregularlyshaped spicules, allowing extrusion of the pseudopodia through the cavities between the spicules. The globelike structure also serves as an anchoring basis, from which long and thin, solid tracts protrude radially to make a spherical crown that attains about 4 mm in total diameter. The radiating tracts are built with highly selected aciculate spicule fragments held together with a translucent organic cement. They provide skeletal support for the extension of a crown of pseudopodia into the water column. This arrangement is thought to enhance the chances of the pseudopodia to contact demersal planktonic prey. In summary, Spiculosiphon species collect and arrange sponge spicules with high selectivity to recreate a body morphology that strongly converges to that of some carnivorous sponges, which allows these predatory foraminifera to exploit a prey capturing strategy similar to that of the carnivorous sponges. This idea is also consistent with our report of an additional, yet undetermined, Spiculosiphon species occurring in the same sublittoral Mediterranean cave where carnivorous sponges were first discovered.This research has benefited from funds of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness grant (CTM2012-37787) to MM.Peer reviewe

    NOD1 deficiency promotes an imbalance of thyroid hormones and microbiota homeostasis in mice fed high fat diet

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    The contribution of the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain protein NOD1 to obesity has been investigated in mice fed a high fat diet (HFD). Absence of NOD1 accelerates obesity as early as 2 weeks after feeding a HFD. The obesity was due to increases in abdominal and inguinal adipose tissues. Analysis of the resting energy expenditure showed an impaired function in NOD1-deficient animals, compatible with an alteration in thyroid hormone homeostasis. Interestingly, free thyroidal T4 increased in NOD1-deficient mice fed a HFD and the expression levels of UCP1 in brown adipose tissue were significantly lower in NOD1-deficient mice than in the wild type animals eating a HFD, thus contributing to the observed adiposity in NOD1-deficient mice. Feeding a HFD resulted in an alteration of the proinflammatory profile of these animals, with an increase in the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the liver and in the white adipose tissue, and an elevation of the circulating levels of TNF-α. In addition, alterations in the gut microbiota in NOD1-deficient mice correlate with increased vulnerability of their ecosystem to the HFD challenge and affect the immune-metabolic phenotype of obese mice. Together, the data are compatible with a protective function of NOD1 against low-grade inflammation and obesity under nutritional conditions enriched in saturated lipids. Moreover, one of the key players of this early obesity onset is a dysregulation in the metabolism and release of thyroid hormones leading to reduced energy expenditure, which represents a new role for these hormones in the metabolic actions controlled by NOD1.This work was supported by Grants SAF2017-82436R, AGL2017-88801-P and SAF2016-75004R from MINECO/AEI/FEDER/EU, S2017/BMD-3686 from Comunidad de Madrid, CIVP18A3864 from Fundación Ramón Areces and CIBERCV and CIBERHED (funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and Fondos FEDER.Peer reviewe

    Optimización del medio de cultivo qbp para la producción de biomasa del consorcio bioyaf

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    Título en inglés: Optimization of culture media QBP to the production of biomass of consortium BIOYAF Título corto: Optimización de un medio de cultivoResumen: La optimización de los medios de cultivo con fines industriales en la mayoría de los casos ha sido efectuada mediante procedimientos empíricos de ensayo y error. Empleando diversos métodos estadísticos es probable que el medio de cultivo original pueda ser optimizado, en muchos casos es posible obtener un medio que no solo sea más productivo, sino de menor o igual costo que el original. Se optimizó el medio de cultivo QBP para el crecimiento de las cepas del consorcio bacteriano BIOYAF capaz de degradar hidrocarburos del petróleo, empleando un Diseño de Factor Categórico Individual para determinar el tiempo de trabajo, un Diseño Factorial (24) para determinar los rangos de trabajo de concentración de los nutrientes y un Diseño de Superficie de Respuesta para optimizar las concentraciones. Las variables de respuesta de evaluación de los experimentos fueron masa húmeda, masa (UDO), conteo de viables, conductividad, pH y tensión superficial. El tiempo óptimo para el crecimiento de las cepas del consorcio BIOYAF es de seis horas. El medio de cultivo QBP con concentraciones óptimas de fosfato de amonio (3,19 g.l-1), sulfato de magnesio (0,04 g.l-1), levadura (3,77 g.l-1) y sacarosa (47,89 g.l-1) permite que la producción de biomasa aumente de 1,540 UDO a 3,082 UDO.Palabras clave: superficie de respuesta, consorcio bacteriano, crecimiento óptimo.Abstract: The optimization of culture media with industrial purposes, in most cases, has been made through empirical trial and error procedures. Using different statistical methods original culture media can be optimized, in many cases, is possible to obtain a more productive media, at the same cost as the original one. The culture media QBP was optimized for the growth of the bacterial consortium BIOYAF, which can degrade petroleum hydrocarbons, using a Categorical Individual Factor Design to determine the working time, a Factorial Design (24) to determine working range of elements concentration and a Surface Response Design to optimize the concentrations. The response variables of the experiments used in this work were: wet mass, mass (UDO), viable’s count, conductivity, pH and surface tension. The optimal time for growth of the consortium was of six hours. The optimized QBP culture media (ammonium phosphate: 3.19; magnesium sulphate: 0,04; yeast extract : 3,77; sucrose: 47,89) allowed that the biomass’ production increases of 1,540 UDO to 3,082 UDO.Key words: Surface Response Design, bacterial consortium, optimum growth

    Isolation and characterization of a Bacillus velezensis D‑18 strain, as a potential probiotic in European seabass aquaculture

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    Author's accepted version (postprint)This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Springer in Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins on 03/04/2021Available online: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s12602-021-09782-8.pdfWithin the food-producing sectors, aquaculture is the one that has developed the greatest growth in recent decades, currently representing almost 50% of the world’s edible fish. The diseases can affect the final production in intensive aquaculture; in seabass, aquaculture vibriosis is one of the most important diseases producing huge economical losses in this industry. The usual methodology to solve the problems associated with the bacterial pathology has been the use of antibiotics, with known environmental consequences. This is why probiotic bacteria are proposed as an alternative fight against pathogenic bacteria. The aim of this study was to analyse a strain of Bacillus velezensis D-18 isolated from a wastewater sample collected from a fish farm, for use as probiotics in aquaculture. The strain was evaluated in vitro through various mechanisms of selection, obtaining as results for growth inhibition by co-culture a reduction of 30%; B. velezensis D-18 was able to survive at 1.5-h exposure to 10% seabass bile, and at pH 4, its survival is 5% and reducing by 60% the adhesion capacity of V. anguillarum 507 to the mucus of seabass and in vivo by performing a challenge. Therefore, in conclusion, we consider B. velezensis D-18 isolate from wastewater samples collected from the farms as a good candidate probiotic in the prevention of the infection by Vibrio anguillarum 507 in European seabass after in vitro and biosafety assays.acceptedVersio

    Evaluación de la capacidad hidrocarburoclastica de un consorcio bacteriano aislado de zonas costeras de cuba

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    La recuperación de ecosistemas contaminados con hidrocarburos empleando microorganismos ofrece una solución práctica y viable. Varios investigadores han reportado microor­ganismos con una alta capacidad de degradar hidrocarburos, aislados de hábitats naturales histórica­mente contaminados con petróleo o sus derivados. El objetivo de la investigación trabajo fue evaluar la capacidad de degradación de un consorcio bacteriano, compuesto por cuatro cepas (Pseudomonas sp. B10, Alcaligenes sp. F10S1, Bacillus sp. F9S y Bacillus sp. RFA) aisladas de zonas costeras de Cuba. Se diseñó un ensayo microcosmo utilizando petróleo crudo y derivados del petróleo (queroseno, diésel, gasolina, Jet A1) como fuentes de carbono. Los cultivos se incubaron en agitación a 130 rpm y temperatura de 300 C por 90 días. Durante el ensayo se evaluó la viabilidad del consorcio a 0, 21, 45 y 90 días por conteo en placas de bacterias aerobias cultivables (UFC/mL). La eficiencia de degradación del consorcio se determinó por la técnica de Espectroscopia Infrarrojo (IR) para el petróleo crudo, diésel, queroseno y Jet A1, se utilizó Cromatografía de Gases para la gasolina e Hidrocarburos totales (HCT) para el diésel, queroseno y Jet A1. Se determinaron los componentes del petróleo crudo saturados, aromáticos, resinas y asfáltenos (SARA) al inicio y final del ensayo por los procedimientos EPA, 2020. El consorcio se mantuvo viable en el cultivo con el petróleo crudo y los derivados, lo que indica que fue capaz de utilizar estos compuestos como fuente de carbono y energía

    Sangre oculta en heces fecales: un valioso auxiliar en el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer colorrectal

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    Introduction: colorectal cancer has increased in recent years; the clinical laboratory diagnostic elements can provide simple and specific features when it is still asymptomatic with great healing potential.Objectives: to determine the relationship between the study of occult blood, positive blood stool and related diseases at Turcios Lima Teaching Polyclinic in Pinar del Río.Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in order to diagnose and detect fecal occult blood in patients belonging to the health area of Pinar del Río, between July 2014 to June 2015; 35 patients comprised the target group they attended to the fecal laboratory studies, they were randomly selected and the sample included 410 patients who met the pre-established criteria.Results: out of the 410 cases included, only 10% were positive for the procedure, 22 men and 18 women; ages from 40-50 prevailed and ages from 50-60 years. Eight (8) patients agreed not to continue the study, 32 were underwent colonoscopy and the results were suggestive of gastrointestinal malignancies.Conclusions: a high incidence was found among positive fecal occult blood and the expression of colorectal cancer, male patients in productive ages of life (40-50 years) predominated, it is recommended a more extensive use of this diagnostic means to the entire population since it has simple risk, it is economical and safe; these screening tests are applicable at all levels of care.Introducción: el cáncer colorrectal se ha incrementado en los últimos años, el laboratorio clínico puede aportar elementos diagnósticos sencillos y específicos cuando aún es asintomático con grandes posibilidades de curación.Objetivos: determinar la relación entre el estudio de sangre oculta en heces fecales positivas y enfermedades en el Policlínico Universitario “Turcios Lima” de Pinar del Río.Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, con el propósito de detectar para diagnosticar sangre  oculta en heces fecales en pacientes de un área de salud de Pinar del Río, entre julio 2014 a junio 2015. El universo fue integrado por los pacientes mayores de 35 años que acudieron al laboratorio por estudios de heces fecales; la muestra seleccionada al azar quedó integrada por 410 pacientes que cumplieran criterios preestablecidos.Resultados: de los 410 casos incluidos, solo el 10% resultaron positivos para el procedimiento, 22 hombres y 18 mujeres, con predominio de edad de 40-50 años seguido de 50-60. Ocho pacientes no aceptaron continuar el estudio, los 32 que se realizaron la colonoscopia tuvieron resultados sugestivos de patologías malignas digestivas.Conclusiones: encontramos una elevada incidencia entre la sangre oculta positiva y la expresión de cáncer colorrectal, con predominio del sexo masculino en edades productivas de la vida (40-50 años), recomendando un uso más extensivo a toda la población de riesgo de esta sencilla, económica y segura prueba de pesquisaje aplicable en todos los niveles de asistencia

    Fecal occult blood test: a valuable aid in the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer

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    Introduction: colorectal cancer has increased in recent years; the clinical laboratory diagnostic elements can provide simple and specific features when it is still asymptomatic with great healing potential. Objectives: to determine the relationship between the study of occult blood, positive blood stool and related diseases at Turcios Lima Teaching Polyclinic in Pinar del Río. Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in order to diagnose and detect fecal occult blood in patients belonging to the health area of Pinar del Río, between July 2014 to June 2015; 35 patients comprised the target group they attended to the fecal laboratory studies, they were randomly selected and the sample included 410 patients who met the pre-established criteria. Results: out of the 410 cases included, only 10% were positive for the procedure, 22 men and 18 women; ages from 40-50 prevailed and ages from 50-60 years. Eight (8) patients agreed not to continue the study, 32 were underwent colonoscopy and the results were suggestive of gastrointestinal malignancies. Conclusions: a high incidence was found among positive fecal occult blood and the expression of colorectal cancer, male patients in productive ages of life (40-50 years) predominated, it is recommended a more extensive use of this diagnostic means to the entire population since it has simple risk, it is economical and safe; these screening tests are applicable at all levels of care

    A preliminary study of the predictive factors of binge eating behavior in three cultures: Mexico, Spain and Argentina / Un estudio preliminar de los factores predictores de la conducta de atracón en tres culturas: México, Argentina y España

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    Abstract The increased frequency of binge eating behavior, and its relationship to overweight and obesity, expressed a national and international real health problem. The objective of this study was to explore, identify and describe the risk factors that interrelate and explain Binge Eating Behavior, paying special attention to the simi- larities and differences inherent to samples from three different Spanish-speaking countries (Mexico, Spain and Argentina). The total sample consisted of N = 258 women: Mexican (n = 85, Mage = 16.18, SD = 0.99); Argentine (n = 75, Mage = 17.00, SD = 1.24) and Spanish (n = 98, Mage = 17.00, SD = 1.36). The instruments used showed a good psychometrical properties. The eating for psychological compensation factor gets the highest β weight in the three groups and its intercultural relevance is confirmed by the Path Analysis. It is discussed the emotional nature of the eating for psychological compensation factor, its contribution to prevention, and its predictive power. Resumen La conducta de atracón, el incremento en su frecuencia que incide en el riesgo asociado a trastorno alimentario, así como su relación con sobrepeso y obesidad constituyen un problema de salud vigente a nivel nacional e internacional. El objetivo de la investigación fue explorar, identificar y describir los factores de riesgo que se interrelacionan y explican la Conducta de Atracón, poniendo especial interés en las similitudes y diferencias inherentes a muestras de tres diferentes países de habla hispana (México, España y Argentina). La muestra agrupó N = 258 mujeres: mexicanas (n = 85, Medad = 16.18, DE = 0.99); argentinas (n = 75, Medad = 17.00, DE = 1.24) y españolas (n = 98, Medad = 17.00, DE = 1.36). Se utilizaron instrumentos psicométricamente adecuados. Entre los resultados de mayor interés se encontró que el factor comer por compensación psicológica obtiene el peso β más alto en cada grupo y el análisis de senderos confirma su importancia intercultural. El carácter emocional de dicho factor, su aportación a la prevención y su poder predictivo forman parte de la discusión.

    Taxonomic and functional metagenomic profiling of the microbial community in the anoxic sediment of a sub-saline Shallow Lake (Laguna de Carrizo, Central Spain)

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    The phylogenetic and functional structure of the microbial community residing in a Ca2+-rich anoxic sediment of a sub-saline shallow lake (Laguna de Carrizo, initially operated as a gypsum (CaSO4 × 2 H2O) mine) was estimated by analyzing the diversity of 16S rRNA amplicons and a 3.1 Mb of consensus metagenome sequence. The lake has about half the salinity of seawater and possesses an unusual relative concentration of ions, with Ca2+ and SO 4 2- being dominant. The 16S rRNA sequences revealed a diverse community with about 22% of the bacterial rRNAs being less than 94.5% similar to any rRNA currently deposited in GenBank. In addition to this, about 79% of the archaeal rRNA genes were mostly related to uncultured Euryarchaeota of the CCA47 group, which are often associated with marine and oxygen-depleted sites. Sequence analysis of assembled genes revealed that 23% of the open reading frames of the metagenome library had no hits in the database. Among annotated genes, functions related to (thio) sulfate and (thio) sulfonate-reduction and iron-oxidation, sulfur-oxidation, denitrification, synthrophism, and phototrophic sulfur metabolism were found as predominant. Phylogenetic and biochemical analyses indicate that the inherent physical–chemical characteristics of this habitat coupled with adaptation to anthropogenic activities have resulted in a highly efficient community for the assimilation of polysulfides, sulfoxides, and organosulfonates together with nitro-, nitrile-, and cyanide-substituted compounds. We discuss that the relevant microbial composition and metabolic capacities at Laguna de Carrizo, likely developed as an adaptation to thrive in the presence of moderate salinity conditions and potential toxic bio-molecules, in contrast with the properties of previously known anoxic sediments of shallow lakes.This research was supported by the Spanish CSD2007-00005 project and FEDER funds. M-E.G. thanks the CSIC for a JAE fellowship.Peer Reviewe