24 research outputs found

    Particle filtering estimation for linear and nonlinear state-space models

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    The sequential estimation of the states (filtering) and the corresponding simultaneous estimation of the states and fixed parameters of a dynamic state-space model, being linear or not, is an important probleminmany fields of research, such as in the area of finance. The main objective of this research is to estimate sequ entially and efficiently –from a Bayesian perspective via the particle filtering methodology– the states and/or the fixed parameters of a nonstandard dynamic state-spacemodel: one that is possibly nonlinear, non-stationary or non-Gaussian. The present thesis consists of seven chapters and is structured into two parts. Chapter 1 introduces basic concepts, themotivation, the purpose, and the outline of the thesis. Chapters 2-4, the first part of the thesis, focus on the estimation of the states. Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive review of themost classic algorithms (non-simulation based: KF, EKF, and UKF; and simulation based: SIS, SIR, ASIR, EPF, and UPF1) used for filtering solely the states of a dynamic statespacemodel. All these filters scattered in the literature are not only described in detail, but also placed in a unified notation for the sake of consistency, readability and comparability. Chapters 3 and 4 confirm the efficiency of the well-established particle filtering methodology, via extensive Monte Carlo (MC) studies, when estimating only the latent states for a dynamic state-space model, being linear or not. Also, complementary MC studies are conducted to analyze some relevant issues within the adopted approach, such as the degeneracy problem, the resampling strategy, or the possible impact on estimation of the number of particles used and the time series length. Chapter 3 specifically illustrates the performance of the particle filtering methodology in a linear and Gaussian context, using the exact Kalman filter as a benchmark. The performance of the four studied particle filter variants (SIR, SIRopt, ASIR, KPF, the latter being a special case of the EPF algorithm) is assessed using two apparently simple, but important time series processes: the so-called Local Level Model (LLM) and the AR(1) plus noise model, which are non-stationary and stationary, respectively. An exhaustive study on the effect of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) over the quality of the estimation is additionally performed. ComplementaryMC studies are conducted to assess the degree of degeneracy and the possible effect of increasing the number of particles and the time series length. Chapter 4 assesses and illustrates the performance of the particle filtering methodology in a nonlinear context. Specifically, a synthetic nonlinear, non Gaussian and non-stationary state space model taken from literature is used to illustrate the performance of the four competing particle filters under study (SIR, ASIR, EPF, UPF) in contraposition to two well-known non-simulation based filters (EKF, UKF). In this chapter, the residual and stratified resampling schemes are compared and the effect of increasing the number of particles is addressed. In the second part (Chapters 5 and 6), extensive MC studies are carried out, but the main goal is the simultaneous estimation of states and fixed model parameters for chosen non-standard dynamic models. This area of research is still very active and it is within this area where this thesis contributes themost. Chapter 5 provides a partial survey of particle filter variants used to conduct the simultaneous estimation of states and fixed parameters. Such filters are an extension of those previously adopted for estimating solely the states. Additionally, a MC study is carried out to estimate the state (level) and the two fixed variance parameters of the non-stationary local level model; we use four particle filter variants (LW, SIRJ, SIRoptJ, KPFJ), six typical settings of the SNR and two settings for the discount factor needed in the jittering step. In this chapter, the SIRJ particle filter variant is proposed as an alternative to the well-established filter of Liu West (LW PF). The combined use of a Kalman-based proposal distribution and a jittering step is proposed and explored, which gives rise to the particle filter variant called: the Kalman Particle Filter plus Jittering (KPFJ). Chapter 6 focuses on estimating the states and three fixed parameters of the non-standard basic stochastic volatility model known as stochastic autoregressive volatility model of order one: SARV(1). After an introduction and detailed description of the stylized features of financial time series, the estimation ability of two competing particle filter variants (SIRJ vs LW(Liu andWest)) is shown empirically using simulated data. The chapter ends with an application to real data sets from the financial area: the Spanish IBEX 35 returns index and the Europe Brent Spot prices (in dollars). The contribution in chapters 5 and 6 is to propose new variants of particle filters, such as the KPFJ, the SIRJ, and the SIRoptJ (a special case of the SIRJ that uses an optimal proposal distribution) that have developed along this work. The thesis also suggests that the so-called EPFJ (Extended Particle Filter with Jittering) and the UPFJ (Unscented Particle Filter with Jittering) algorithms could be reasonable choices when dealingwith highly nonlinearmodels. In this part, also relevant issueswithin the particle filteringmethodology are discussed, such as the potential impact on estimation of the discount factor parameter, the time series length, and the number of particles used. Throughout this work, pseudo-codes are written for all filters studied and are implemented in RLanguage. The reported findings are obtained as the result of extensive MC studies, considering a variety of case-scenarios described in the thesis. The intrinsic characteristics of the model at hand guided -according to suitability– the choice of filters in each specific situation. The comparison of filters is based on the RMSE, the elapsed CPU-time and the degree of degeneracy. Finally, Chapter 7 includes the discussion, contributions, and future lines of research. Some complementary theoretical and practical aspects are presented in the appendix.L’estimació seqüencial dels estats (filtratge) i la corresponent estimació simultània dels estats i els paràmetres fixos d’unmodel dinàmic formulat en forma d’espai d’estat –sigui lineal o no– constitueix un problema de rellevada importància enmolts camps, com ser a l’àrea de finances. L’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi és el d’estimar seqüencialment i de manera eficient –des d’un punt de vista bayesià i usant lametodologia de filtratge de partícules– els estats i/o els paràmetres fixos d’unmodel d’espai d’estat dinàmic no estàndard: possiblement no lineal, no gaussià o no estacionari. El present treball consisteix de 7 capítols i s’organitza en dues parts. El Capítol 1 hi introdueix conceptes bàsics, lamotivació, el propòsit i l’estructura de la tesi. La primera part d’aquesta tesi (capítols 2 a 4) se centra únicament en l’estimació dels estats. El Capítol 2 presenta una revisió exhaustiva dels algorismes més clàssics no basats en simulacions (KF, EKF, UKF2) i els basats en simulacions (SIS, SIR, ASIR, EPF, UPF). Per a aquests filtres, tots esmentats en la literatura, amés de descriure’ls detalladament, s’ha unificat la notació amb l’objectiu que aquesta sigui consistent i comparable entre els diferents algorismes implementats al llarg d’aquest treball. Els capítols 3 i 4 se centren en la realització d’estudis Monte Carlo (MC) extensos que confirmen l’eficiència de la metodologia de filtratge de partícules per estimar els estats latents d’un procés dinàmic formulat en forma d’espai d’estat, sigui lineal o no. Alguns estudis MC complementaris es duen a terme per avaluar diferents aspectes de la metodologia de filtratge de partícules, com ser el problema de la degeneració, l’elecció de l’estratègia de remostreig, el nombre de partícules usades o la grandària de la sèrie temporal. Específicament, el Capítol 3 il·lustra el comportament de la metodologia de filtratge de partícules en un context lineal i gaussià en comparació de l’òptim i exacte filtre de Kalman. La capacitat de filtratge de les quatre variants de filtre de partícules estudiades (SIR, SIRopt, ASIR, KPF; l’últim sent un cas especial de l’algorisme EPF) es va avaluar sobre la base de dos processos de sèries temporals aparentment simples però importants: els anomenats Local Level Model (LLM) i el AR (1) plus noise, que són no estacionari i estacionari, respectivament. Aquest capítol estudia en profunditat temes rellevants dins de l’enfocament adoptat, coml’impacte en l’estimació de la relació entre el senyal i el soroll (SNR: signal-to-noise-ratio, en aquesta tesi), de la longitud de la sèrie temporal i del nombre de partícules. El Capítol 4 avalua i il·lustra el comportament de la metodologia de filtratge de partícules en un context no lineal. En concret, s’utilitza un model d’espai d’estat no lineal, no gaussià i no estacionari pres de la literatura per il·lustrar el comportament de quatre filtres de partícules (SIR, ASIR, EPF, UPF) en contraposició a dos filtres no basats en simulació ben coneguts (EKF, UKF). Aquí es comparen els esquemes de remostreig residual i estratificat i s’avalua l’efecte d’augmentar el nombre de partícules. A la segona part (capítols 5 i 6), es duen a terme també estudis MC extensos, però ara l’objectiu principal és l’estimació simultània dels estats i paràmetres fixos de certsmodels seleccionats. Aquesta àrea de recerca segueix sentmolt activa i és on aquesta tesi hi contribueixmés. El Capítol 5 proveeix una revisió parcial dels mètodes per dur a terme l’estimació simultània dels estats i paràmetres fixos a través de la metodologia de filtratge de partícules. Aquests filtres són una extensió d’aquells adoptats anteriorment només per estimar els estats. Aquí es realitza un estudi MC per estimar l’estat (nivell) i els dos paràmetres de variància del model LLM no estacionari; s’utilitzen quatre variants (LW, SIRJ, SIRoptJ, KPFJ) de filtre de partícules, sis escenaris típics del SNR i dos escenaris per a l’anomenat factor de descompte necessari en el pas de diversificació. En aquest capítol, es proposa la variant de filtre de partícules SIRJ (Sample Importance Resampling with Jittering) com a alternativa al filtre de referència de Liu iWest (LWPF). També es proposa i explora l’ús combinat d’una distribució d’importància basada en el filtre de Kalman i un pas de diversificació (jittering) que dóna lloc a la variant del filtre de partícules anomenada Kalman Particle Filteringwith Jittering (KPFJ). El Capítol 6 se centra en l’estimació dels estats i dels paràmetres fixos delmodel bàsic no estàndard de volatilitat estocàstica denominat Stochastic autoregressive model of order one: SARV (1). Després d’una introducció i descripció detallada de les característiques pròpies de sèries temporals financeres, es demostra mitjançant estudis MC la capacitat d’estimació de dues variants de filtre de partícules (SIRJ vs. LW(Liu iWest)) utilitzant dades simulades. El capítol acaba amb una aplicació a dos conjunts de dades reals dins de l’àrea financera: l’índex de rendiments espanyol IBEX 35 i els preus al comptat (en dòlars) del Brent europeu. La contribució en els capítols 5 i 6 consisteix en proposar noves variants de filtres de partícules, compoden ser el KPFJ, el SIRJ i el SIRoptJ (un cas especial de l’algorisme SIRJ utilitzant una distribució d’importància òptima) que s’han desenvolupat al llarg d’aquest treball. També se suggereix que els anomenats filtres de partícules EPFJ (Extended Particle Filter with Jittering) i UPFJ (Unscented Particle Filter with Jittering) podrien ser opcions raonables quan es tracta de models altament no lineals; el KPFJ sent un cas especial de l’algorisme EPFJ. En aquesta part, també es tracten aspectes rellevants dins de la metodologia de filtratge de partícules, com ser l’impacte potencial en l’estimació de la longitud de la sèrie temporal, el paràmetre de factor de descompte i el nombre de partícules. Al llarg d’aquest treball s’han escrit (i implementat en el llenguatge R) els pseudo-codis per a tots els filtres estudiats. Els resultats presentats s’obtenenmitjançant simulacionsMonte Carlo (MC) extenses, tenint en compte variats escenaris descrits en la tesi. Les característiques intrínseques del model baix estudi van guiar l’elecció dels filtres a comparar en cada situació específica. Amés, la comparació dels filtres es basa en el RMSE (RootMean Square Error), el temps de CPU i el grau de degeneració. Finalment, el Capítol 7 presenta la discussió, les contribucions i les línies futures de recerca. Alguns aspectes teòrics i pràctics complementaris es presenten en els apèndixs.La estimación secuencial de los estados (filtrado) y la correspondiente estimación simultánea de los estados y los parámetros fijos de un modelo dinámico formulado en forma de espacio de estado –sea lineal o no– constituye un problema de relevada importancia enmuchos campos, como ser en el área de finanzas. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el de estimar secuencialmente y de manera eficiente –desde un punto de vista bayesiano y usando la metodología de filtrado de partículas– los estados y/o los parámetros fijos de un modelo de espacio de estado dinámico no estándar: posiblemente no lineal, no gaussiano o no estacionario. El presente trabajo consta de 7 capítulos y se organiza en dos partes. El Capítulo 1 introduce conceptos básicos, la motivación, el propósito y la estructura de la tesis. La primera parte de esta tesis (capítulos 2 a 4) se centra únicamente en la estimación de los estados. El Capítulo 2 presenta una revisión exhaustiva de los algoritmos más clásicos no basados en simulaciones (KF, EKF,UKF3) y los basados en simulaciones (SIS, SIR, ASIR, EPF, UPF). Para todos estos filtros, mencionados en la literatura, además de describirlos en detalle, se ha unificado la notación con el objetivo de que ésta sea consistente y comparable entre los diferentes algoritmos implementados a lo largo de este trabajo. Los capítulos 3 y 4 se centran en la realización de estudios Monte Carlo (MC) extensos que confirman la eficiencia de la metodología de filtrado de partículas para estimar los estados latentes de un proceso dinámico formulado en forma de espacio de estado, sea lineal o no. Algunos estudios MC complementarios se llevan a cabo para evaluar varios aspectos de la metodología de filtrado de partículas, como ser el problema de la degeneración, la elección de la estrategia de remuestreo, el número de partículas usadas o el tamaño de la serie temporal. Específicamente, el Capítulo 3 ilustra el comportamiento de lametodología de filtrado de partículas en un contexto lineal y gaussiano en comparación con el óptimo y exacto filtro de Kalman. La capacidad de filtrado de las cuatro variantes de filtro de partículas estudiadas (SIR, SIRopt, ASIR, KPF; el último siendo un caso especial del algoritmo EPF) se evaluó en base a dos procesos de series temporales aparentemente simples pero importantes: los denominados Local Level Model (LLM) y el AR (1) plus noise, que son no estacionario y estacionario, respectivamente. Este capítulo estudia en profundidad temas relevantes dentro del enfoque adoptado, como el impacto en la estimación de la relación entre la señal y el ruido (SNR: signal-to-noise-ratio, en esta tesis), de la longitud de la serie temporal y del número de partículas. El Capítulo 4 evalúa e ilustra el comportamiento de la metodología de filtrado de partículas en un contexto no lineal. En concreto, se utiliza un modelo de espacio de estado no lineal, no gaussiano y no estacionario tomado de la literatura para ilustrar el comportamiento de cuatro filtros de partículas (SIR, ASIR, EPF, UPF) en contraposición a dos filtros no basados en simulación bien conocidos (EKF, UKF). Aquí se comparan los esquemas de remuestreo residual y estratificado y se evalúa el efecto de aumentar el número de partículas. En la segunda parte (capítulos 5 y 6), se llevan a cabo también estudios MC extensos, pero ahora el objetivo principal es la estimación simultánea de los estados y parámetros fijos de ciertos modelos seleccionados. Esta área de investigación sigue siendo muy activa y es donde esta tesis contribuye más. El Capítulo 5 provee una revisión parcial de losmétodos para llevar a cabo la estimación simultánea de los estados y parámetros fijos a través de lametodología de filtrado de partículas. Dichos filtros son una extensión de aquellos adoptados anteriormente sólo para estimar los estados. Aquí se realiza un estudio MC para estimar el estado (nivel) y los dos parámetros de varianza del modelo LLM no estacionario; se utilizan cuatro variantes (LW, SIRJ, SIRoptJ, KPFJ) de filtro de partículas, seis escenarios típicos del SNR y dos escenarios para el llamado factor de descuento necesario en el paso de diversificación. En este capítulo, se propone la variante de filtro de partículas SIRJ (Sample Importance resampling with Jittering) como alternativa al filtro de referencia de Liu y West (LW PF). También se propone y explora el uso combinado de una distribución de importancia basada en el filtro de Kalman y un paso de diversificación (jittering) que da lugar a la variante del filtro de partículas denominada Kalman Particle Filteringwith Jittering (KPFJ). El Capítulo 6 se centra en la estimación de los estados y de los parámetros fijos del modelo básico no estándar de volatilidad estocástica denominado Stochastic autoregressivemodel of order one: SARV (1). Después de una introducción y descripción detallada de las características propias de series temporales financieras, se demuestra mediante estudios MC la capacidad de estimación de dos variantes de filtro de partículas (SIRJ vs. LW (Liu y West)) utilizando datos simulados. El capítulo termina con una aplicación a dos conjuntos de datos reales dentro del área financiera: el índice de rendimientos español IBEX 35 y los precios al contado (en dólares) del Brent europeo. La contribución en los capítulos 5 y 6 consiste en proponer nuevas variantes de filtros de partículas, como pueden ser el KPFJ, el SIRJ y el SIRoptJ (Caso especial del algoritmo SIRJ utilizando una distribución de importancia óptima) que se han desarrollado a lo largo de este trabajo. También se sugiere que los llamados filtros de partículas EPFJ (Extended Particle Filter with Jittering) y UPFJ (Unscented Particle Filter with Jittering) podrían ser opciones razonables cuando se trata de modelos altamente no lineales; el KPFJ siendo un caso especial del algoritmo EPFJ. En esta parte, también se tratan aspectos relevantes dentro de lametodología de filtrado de partículas, como ser el impacto potencial en la estimación de la longitud de la serie temporal, el parámetro de factor de descuento y el número de partículas. A lo largo de este trabajo se han escrito (e implementado en el lenguaje R) los pseudo-códigos para todos los filtros estudiados. Los resultados presentados se obtienen mediante simulaciones Monte Carlo (MC) extensas, teniendo en cuenta variados escenarios descritos en la tesis. Las características intrínsecas del modelo bajo estudio guiaron la elección de los filtros a comparar en cada situación específica. Además, la comparación de los filtros se basa en el RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), el tiempo de CPU y el grado de degeneración. Finalmente, el Capítulo 7 presenta la discusión, las contribuciones y las líneas futuras de investigación. Algunos aspectos teóricos y prácticos complementarios se presentan en los apéndices

    Threshold volatility models: forecasting performance

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    The aim of this paper is to compare the forecasting performance of competing volatility models, in order to capture the asymmetric effect in the volatility. We focus on examining the relative out-of-sample forecasting ability of the models (SETAR-TGARCH and SETAR-THSV), which contain the introduction of regimes based on thresholds in the mean equation and volatility equation, compared to the GARCH model and SV model. For each model, we consider two cases: Gaussian and t-Student measurement noise distribution. An important problem when evaluating the predictive ability of volatility models is that the “true” underlying process is not observable and thus a proxy must be defined for the unobservable volatility. To attain our proposal, the proxy volatility measure and the loss function must also be decided to ensure a correct ranking of models. Our empirical application suggests the following results: when time series include leverage effects on the mean, the introduction of threshold in the mean and variance equations produces more accurate predictions. If the leverage in the mean is not important, then the SVt is flexible enough to beat the threshold models.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Threshold volatily models: forecasting performance

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    The aim of this paper is to compare the forecasting performance of competing volatility models, in order to capture the asymmetric effect in the volatility. We focus on examining the relative out-of-sample forecasting ability of the models (SETAR-TGARCH and SETAR-THSV), which contain the introduction of regimes based on thresholds in the mean equation and volatility equation, compared to the GARCH model and SV model. For each model, we consider two cases: Gaussian and t-Student measurement noise distribution. An important problem when evaluating the predictive ability of volatility models is that the “true” underlying process is not observable and thus a proxy must be defined for the unobservable volatility. To attain our proposal, the proxy volatility measure and the loss function must also be decided to ensure a correct ranking of models. Our empirical application suggests the following results: when time series include leverage effects on the mean, the introduction of threshold in the mean and variance equations produces more accurate predictions. If the leverage in the mean is not important, then the SVt is flexible enough to beat the threshold models.Postprint (published version

    Validation and implementation of a diagnostic algorithm for DNA Detection of Bordetella pertussis, B. parapertussis, and B-holmesii in a Pediatric Referral Hospital in Barcelona, Spain

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    This study aimed to validate a comprehensive diagnostic protocolbased on real-time PCR for the rapid detection and identification ofBordetella per-tussis,Bordetella parapertussis, andBordetella holmesii, as well as its implementationin the diagnostic routine of a reference children’s hospital. The new algorithm in-cluded a triplex quantitative PCR (qPCR) targeting IS481gene (inB. pertussis,B. hol-mesii, and someBordetella bronchisepticastrains), pIS1001(B. parapertussis-specific)andrnaseP as the human internal control. Two confirmatory singleplex tests forB.pertussis(ptxA-Pr) andB. holmesii(hIS1001) were performed if IS481was positive. An-alytical validation included determination of linear range, linearity, efficiency, preci-sion, sensitivity, and a reference panel with clinical samples. Once validated, the newalgorithm was prospectively implemented in children with clinical suspicion ofwhooping cough presenting to Hospital Sant Joan de Deu (Barcelona, Spain) over12 months. Lower limits of detection obtained were 4.4, 13.9, and 27.3 genomicequivalents/ml of sample for IS481(onB. pertussis), pIS1001and hIS1001, and 777.9forptxA-Pr. qPCR efficiencies ranged from 86.0% to 96.9%. Intra- and interassay vari-abilities were 3% and 5%, respectively. Among 566 samples analyzed,B. pertus-sis,B. holmesii, andB. parapertussiswere detected in 11.1%, 0.9% (only in females 4 years old), and 0.2% of samples, respectively. The new algorithm proved to be auseful microbiological diagnostic tool for whooping cough, demonstrating a low rateof other non-pertussis Bordetellaspecies in our surveilled areaPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Effectiveness of pertussis vaccination in pregnancy to prevent hospitalisation in infants aged <2 months and effectiveness of both primary vaccination and mother's vaccination in pregnancy in infants aged 2-11 months

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    Background PERTINENT is an active hospital-based surveillance system for pertussis in infants. In 2019, four of the six participating European countries recommended pertussis vaccination in pregnancy. Among infants aged 14 days before symptom onset. We excluded infants with unknown maternal or PV status or with mothers vaccinated =14 days before delivery. We calculated pooled VE as 100 * (1-odds ratio of vaccination) adjusted for study site, onset date in quarters and infants’ age group. Results Of 829 infants presenting with pertussis-like symptoms, 336 (41%) were too young for PV. For the VE in pregnancy analysis, we included 75 cases and 201 controls. Vaccination in pregnancy was recorded for 9 cases (12%) and 92 controls (46%), adjusted VE was between 75% [95%CI: 35–91%] and 88% [95%CI: 57–96%]. Of 493 infants eligible for PV, we included 123 cases and 253 controls. Thirty-one cases and 98 controls recorded both PV with = 1 dose and vaccination in pregnancy, adjusted VE was between 74% [95%CI: 33–90] and 95% [95%CI: 69–99]; 27 cases and 53 controls recorded PV only, adjusted VE was between 68% [95%CI: 27–86] and 94% [95%CI: 59–99]. Conclusion Our findings suggest that vaccination in pregnancy reduces pertussis incidence in infants too young for PV. In infants aged 2–11 months, PV only and both PV and vaccination in pregnancy provide significant protection against severe pertussis.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fitted avatars: automatic skeleton adjustment for self-avatars in virtual reality

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    In the era of the metaverse, self-avatars are gaining popularity, as they can enhance presence and provide embodiment when a user is immersed in Virtual Reality. They are also very important in collaborative Virtual Reality to improve communication through gestures. Whether we are using a complex motion capture solution or a few trackers with inverse kinematics (IK), it is essential to have a good match in size between the avatar and the user, as otherwise mismatches in self-avatar posture could be noticeable for the user. To achieve such a correct match in dimensions, a manual process is often required, with the need for a second person to take measurements of body limbs and introduce them into the system. This process can be time-consuming, and prone to errors. In this paper, we propose an automatic measuring method that simply requires the user to do a small set of exercises while wearing a Head-Mounted Display (HMD), two hand controllers, and three trackers. Our work provides an affordable and quick method to automatically extract user measurements and adjust the virtual humanoid skeleton to the exact dimensions. Our results show that our method can reduce the misalignment produced by the IK system when compared to other solutions that simply apply a uniform scaling to an avatar based on the height of the HMD, and make assumptions about the locations of joints with respect to the trackers.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2021-122136OB-C21). Jose Luis Ponton was also funded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU21/01927).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Behavior of hospitalized severe influenza cases according to the outcome variable in Catalonia, Spain, during the 2017-2018 season

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    Infuenza is an important cause of severe illness and death among patients with underlying medical conditions and in the elderly. The aim of this study was to investigate factors associated with ICU admission and death in patients hospitalized with severe laboratory-confrmed infuenza during the 2017-2018 season in Catalonia. An observational epidemiological case-to-case study was carried out. Reported cases of severe laboratory-confrmed infuenza requiring hospitalization in 2017-2018 infuenza season were included. Mixed-efects regression analysis was used to estimate the factors associated with ICU admission and death. A total of 1306 cases of hospitalized severe infuenza cases were included, of whom 175 (13.4%) died and 217 (16.6%) were ICU admitted. Age 65-74 years and≥ 75 years and having≥ 2 comorbidities were positively associated with death (aOR 3.19; 95%CI 1.19-8.50, aOR 6.95, 95%CI 2.76-1.80 and aOR 1.99; 95%CI 1.12-3.52, respectively). Neuraminidase inhibitor treatment and pneumonia were negatively associated with death. The 65-74 years and≥ 75 years age groups were negatively associated with ICU admission (aOR 0.41; 95%CI 0.23-0.74 and aOR 0.30; 95%CI 0.17-0.53, respectively). A factor positively associated with ICU admission was neuraminidase inhibitor treatment. Our results support the need to investigate the worst outcomes of hospitalized severe cases, distinguishing between death and ICU admission

    Incidence and severity of pertussis hospitalisations in infants aged less than 1¿year in 37 hospitals of six EU/EEA countries, results of PERTINENT sentinel pilot surveillance system, December 2015 to December 2018

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    PERTINENT is a pilot active surveillance systaem of infants hospitalised with pertussis in six European Union/European Economic Area countries (37 hospitals, seven sites). Aim: This observational study aimed to estimate annual pertussis incidence per site from 2016 to 2018 and respective trends between 2017 and 2018. Pertussis cases were described, including their severity. Methods: We developed a generic protocol and laboratory guidelines to harmonise practices across sites. Cases were hospitalised infants testing positive for Bordetella pertussis by PCR or culture. Sites collected demographic, clinical, laboratory data, vaccination status, and risk/protective factors. We estimated sites’ annual incidences by dividing case numbers by the catchment populations. Results: From December 2015 to December 2018, we identified 469 cases (247 males; 53%). The median age, birthweight and gestational age were 2.5months (range:0–11.6; interquartile range (IQR):2.5), 3,280g (range:700– 4,925; IQR:720) and 39weeks (range:25–42; IQR:2), respectively. Thirty cases (6%) had atypical presentation either with cough or cyanosis only or with absence of pertussis-like symptoms. Of 330 cases with information, 83 (25%) were admitted to intensive care units including five deceased infants too young to be vaccinated. Incidence rate ratios between 2018 and 2017 were 1.43 in Czech Republic (p=0.468), 0.25 in Catalonia (p=0.002), 0.71 in France (p=0.034), 0.14 in Ireland (p=0.002), 0.63 in Italy (p=0.053), 0.21 in Navarra (p=0.148) and zero in Norway. Conclusions: Incidence appeared to decrease between 2017 and 2018 in all but one site. Enhanced surveillance of hospitalised pertussis in Europe is essential to monitor pertussis epidemiology and disease burden.Postprint (published version

    Mixed nonlinear modelling in food engineering: determination of the salting time of boneless dry-cured Cerretan hams

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    A great challenge in producing a good cured ham is to reduce the variability of the salt content between pieces of ham and to obtain homogeneity in terms of flavour and quality in general. This reduction in variability would imply a reduction in salt content, a recommendation of the World Health Organisation (WHO, 2007). This work focuses on the salting process of boneless Cerretan hams and our aim is two-fold: 1) to build a mathematical model that enables —through predictions— the reduction of the variability of salt between pieces, and 2) to determine an ‘appropriate’ salting time for each ham. We propose a novel strategy within the ham industry to determine appropriate hams extraction time from the salting pile and we postulate that it is statistically and practically advantageous to the habitual hams extraction strategy (removal based on fat and weight classification and all at the same time). We build a non-linear mixed (NLM) model that, according to the final salt uptake target of 1.7%, would allow to decide each ham extraction time depending on the initial weight and fat, plus the weight decrease on day one. This model has to be applicable in industrial production, albeit in an approximate form. To account better for the salting-time estimated uncertainty, we run a nonparametric bootstrap. A further aim is to extrapolate the use of the NLM modelling methodology and proposed novel extraction strategy to other boneless hams industrial production systems in Europe.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Threshold volatility models: forecasting performance

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    The aim of this paper is to compare the forecasting performance of competing volatility models, in order to capture the asymmetric effect in the volatility. We focus on examining the relative out-of-sample forecasting ability of the models (SETAR-TGARCH and SETAR-THSV), which contain the introduction of regimes based on thresholds in the mean equation and volatility equation, compared to the GARCH model and SV model. For each model, we consider two cases: Gaussian and t-Student measurement noise distribution. An important problem when evaluating the predictive ability of volatility models is that the “true” underlying process is not observable and thus a proxy must be defined for the unobservable volatility. To attain our proposal, the proxy volatility measure and the loss function must also be decided to ensure a correct ranking of models. Our empirical application suggests the following results: when time series include leverage effects on the mean, the introduction of threshold in the mean and variance equations produces more accurate predictions. If the leverage in the mean is not important, then the SVt is flexible enough to beat the threshold models.Peer Reviewe