7 research outputs found

    Le scénario Negatep : diviser par 4 les rejets de CO

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    Le scĂ©nario Negatep vise, conformĂ©ment aux objectifs de la loi d’orientation sur l’énergie de 2005, la division par 4 des rejets de gaz carbonique, ce qui implique Ă  peu de chose prĂšs, de diviser par 4 la consommation de combustibles fossiles. Outre les Ă©conomies d’énergie, sans lesquelles le “facteur 4” serait inaccessible, il faut remplacer le plus possible les combustibles fossiles par des sources d’énergie non Ă©mettrices de gaz carbonique et, pour cela : - Pratiquement supprimer le pĂ©trole et le gaz dans le rĂ©sidentiel et le tertiaire. Les moyens existent, en combinant une meilleure isolation, les Ă©nergies renouvelables chaleur associĂ©es ou non Ă  des pompes Ă  chaleur, et l’électricitĂ© directe exploitĂ©e intelligemment. - RĂ©duire trĂšs fortement le pĂ©trole pour les transports. Il s’agit lĂ  d’une double rĂ©volution : repenser la mobilitĂ© (transports en commun, fret) et remplacer le pĂ©trole par l’électricitĂ©, soit directement dans des vĂ©hicules hybrides rechargeables ou Ă©lectriques, soit en apportant tout ou partie de l’énergie nĂ©cessaire Ă  la synthĂšse des biocarburants. - Limiter sĂ©rieusement les combustibles fossiles dans l’industrie. Ceci implique notamment des modifications de procĂ©dĂ©s (et donc des investissements lourds). - Augmenter fortement la part de l’électricitĂ© dans le mix Ă©nergĂ©tique, maintenir la part de l’énergie nuclĂ©aire dans la production d’électricitĂ© et, tant que des moyens Ă©conomiques de stockage n’auront pas Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s, limiter la part des Ă©lectricitĂ©s intermittentes au niveau que le rĂ©seau Ă©lectrique peut supporter sans augmenter les capacitĂ©s des centrales Ă  gaz. La comparaison avec deux scĂ©narios publiĂ©s rĂ©cemment, l’un europĂ©en, l’autre allemand, apporte des Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©flexion essentiels : le premier conforte le choix de NĂ©gatep de faire largement appel Ă  l’électricitĂ©, aux cĂŽtĂ©s de l’efficacitĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique, comme Ă©nergie de substitution au pĂ©trole ; les deux scĂ©narios montrent que le remplacement du nuclĂ©aire et du charbon par des Ă©nergies renouvelables intermittentes (Ă©olienne et solaire) soulĂšve de redoutables - et coĂ»teux - problĂšmes de rĂ©seau Ă©lectrique dans toute l’Europe

    Zika virus outbreak in New Caledonia and Guillain-Barré syndrome: a case-control study

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    International audienceZika virus (ZIKV) infection has been associated with neurologic disorders including Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). In New Caledonia during the ZIKV outbreak (2014-2015), case-control and retrospective studies have been performed to assess the link between ZIKV and GBS. Among the 15 cases included, 33% had evidence of a recent ZIKV infection compared to only 3.3% in the 30 controls involved. All patients were Melanesian, had facial diplegia and similar neurophysiological pattern consistent with acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and recovered well. Furthermore, during the peak of ZIKV transmission, we observed a number of GBS cases higher than the calculated upper limit, emphasizing the fact that ZIKV is now a major trigger of GBS

    An Integrated Clinical-Biological Approach to Identify Interindividual Variability and Atypical Phenotype-Genotype Correlations in Myopathies: Experience on A Cohort of 156 Families

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    International audienceDiagnosis of myopathies is challenged by the high genetic heterogeneity and clinical overlap of the various etiologies. We previously reported a Next-Generation Sequencing strategy to identify genetic etiology in patients with undiagnosed Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophies, Congenital Myopathies, Congenital Muscular Dystrophies, Distal Myopathies, Myofibrillar Myopathies, and hyperCKemia or effort intolerance, using a large gene panel including genes classically associated with other entry diagnostic categories. In this study, we report the comprehensive clinical-biological strategy used to interpret NGS data in a cohort of 156 pediatric and adult patients, that included Copy Number Variants search, variants filtering and interpretation according to ACMG guidelines, segregation studies, deep phenotyping of patients and relatives, transcripts and protein studies, and multidisciplinary meetings. Genetic etiology was identified in 74 patients, a diagnostic yield (47.4%) similar to previous studies. We identified 18 patients (10%) with causative variants in different genes (ACTA1, RYR1, NEB, TTN, TRIP4, CACNA1S, FLNC, TNNT1, and PAPBN1) that resulted in milder and/or atypical phenotypes, with high intrafamilial variability in some cases. Mild phenotypes could mostly be explained by a less deleterious effect of variants on the protein. Detection of inter-individual variability and atypical phenotype-genotype associations is essential for precision medicine, patient care, and to progress in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of myopathies