696 research outputs found

    The Behaviour Of Transmission Lines Under High Winds

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    The behaviour of transmission lines under severe winds is examined.;Firstly, the effect of scale of turbulence on the response of a line-like structure (cable model) is investigated through wind tunnel tests, and the experimental results are successfully compared with theoretical predictions made through the statistical method using influence lines. Consistency with theory allows for the development of a new modelling approach to conductor systems using a distorted horizontal (spanwise) scale to accommodate these systems in the wind tunnel. Cables with different characteristics are simulated and tested at transverse and oblique wind incidences.;The model cables are successful in reproducing full-scale behaviour of transmission lines. The results obtained demonstrate the effect of turbulence in the dynamic response. Resonant response can be important in the total response depending on the characteristics of the structure and of the wind flow. Aerodynamic damping plays an important role in the dynamic behaviour of the cables. Correlation and coherence between cable forces were found to diminish with increasing separation between cables.;Secondly, using a theoretical approach, the design procedure for the establishment of wind loading on transmission towers is reviewed and current procedures, such as Davenport\u27s Gust Response Factor (GRF), are compared with the statistical method using influence lines (SIL), which is considered more realistic.;Peak loads calculated using SIL were larger than peak loads given by the GRF and by a typical Utility Company method by about 20% to 30%. It is found that the dynamic response of transmission structures is strongly dependent on the turbulence intensity level and is sensitive to the structures\u27 design parameters. For members in which there is reversal in the member forces depending on the load position, the resonant response in the second mode of vibration was bigger, even by four to five times, than the corresponding one in the first mode. This may lead to fatigue problems

    The People of God In the Old Testament: The View of Eichrodt and Gutierrez as Evaluated by Confessional Lutheran Hermeneutics

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    This dissertation is about the concept of People of God in the Old Testament in late Academic Theology and in Liberation Theology as evaluated by Lutheran Hermeneutics

    Soil quality of a cropland and adjacent natural grassland in an arid region

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    Maintaining and improving the quality of soils are vital to provide the food and fiber demands of increasing human population and support the sustainability of the ecosystem services. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of land use change on soil quality and related functions of natural grassland and adjacent cropland which has been used as grassland till 2008. Rotation of forage crops including rye, triticale, barley and second crop silage corn has been applied in the cropland after the conversion from rangeland. Manure (50 ton ha-1) was applied to all croplands at the beginning of the crop production. A total of 200 surface soil samples (0-20 cm) were collected in June 2012, 68 of which were from cropland and 132 from natural grassland. Soil samples were analyzed for bulk density, aggregate stability, available water content, water-filled pore space, total organic carbon, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio, plant available phosphorus and extractable potassium concentrations to determine the soil quality index using Soil Management Assessment Framework method. Nutrient cycle, water relations, physical stability and support, filtration and storage, and resilience and resistance sub-functions were examined under the soil quality. Indicators defining the soil functions were determined using expert opinion and principal component analysis (PCA), and weights for each indicator were assigned by using simple additive and weighted additive methods. The aggregate stability included in the data set with the expert opinion was removed from the data set by the PCA approach. Total organic carbon, sodium adsorption ratio and EC were the most frequently used indicators to define soil functions in the study area. Soil quality assessment determined by PCA and expert opinion methods produced significantly different results. The mean sodium adsorption ratio values of cropland and natural grassland were 4.30 and 7.19, and the EC values were 2.48 and 3.66 dS m-1, respectively. High sodium adsorption ratio decreased the soil quality in both lands. In addition, lower total organic carbon and higher EC values in natural grassland were other causes of low soil quality. Manure addition, crop rotation and irrigation in cropland increased the total organic carbon and decreased the sodium adsorption ratio and EC values compared to the natural grassland. Therefore, contrary to the expectations that converting rangelands into the croplands leads to negative changes in soil functions, conversion of natural grassland to cropland in study area, improved the soil quality. The simplicity and quantitative flexibility of soil management assessment framework allowed to compare and assess the effects of rangeland conversion into cropland. © 2020 Earth and Environmental Team, Romania

    Causas e soluções para a evasão escolar

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    Orientadora : Ires Aparecida FalcadeMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Especialização em Educação, Pobreza e Desigualdade SocialInclui referênciasResumo : Neste estudo pretende-se abordar causas, consequências e reflexões sobre evasão escolar, bem como analisar estratégias para solucionar os problemas de evasões escolares em escolas públicas municipais. Sabemos que atualmente a Evasão Escolar vem sendo um problema muito discutido por pesquisadores/as, devido ao número elevado de crianças, adolescentes e jovens fora das salas de aulas, são muitos os motivos que levam os/as estudantes a se distanciar dos estudos, existem diversas políticas públicas e programas para assistir estes menores, porém se não existir uma parceria entre a escola e a família a probabilidade deste estudante evadir-se da comunidade escolar é muito grande. Esta pesquisa se caracteriza como uma pesquisa bibliográfica com estudo de caso nas quatro Escolas Municipais de Paulo Frontin - PR que juntas atendem 648 estudantes com idade entre 0 a 16 anos, apresentando as alternativas aplicadas e as parcerias estabelecidas para combater a evasão escolar municipal

    UHE Belo Monte: el estudio de impacto ambiental y sus contradicciones

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    Este número da Revista Brasileira de Iniciação Científica publica os artigos com os resultados das pesquisas de Iniciação Científica 2016/17 da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA). A UNILA é uma das novas universidades federais brasileiras, iniciando suas atividades em 2010. Já em 2011, começa a funcionar seu Programa de Iniciação Científica (IC). A IC é uma das prioridades da política de pesquisa da UNILA. Seu aporte em bolsas de IC é superior ao de fontes externas como CNPq e Fundação Araucária. Em seus seis anos de existência, o Programa de IC tem promovido a difusão da cultura científica entre os estudantes, contribuído com sua formação e os estimulado ao ingresso na pós-graduação.Analisando o planejamento e execução do projeto UHE Belo Monte, o artigo compara as normas que regem o licenciamento de empreendimentos hidrelétricos com a sua controvertida implementação prática. complexidade do processo de licenciamento ambiental como mecanismo de proteção do meio ambiente dos possíveis impactos das atividades humanas é cotejada com o histórico de exploração de recursos naturais da região Amazônica, além do contexto das políticas econômicas desenvolvimentistas.Analyzing the planning and execution of the Belo Monte HPP project, the article aims to compare the environmental law framework valid in Brazil with their controversial enforcement. The environmental impact assessment as a mechanism to protect the environment from the possible impacts of human activities is studied, along with the historical perspective of Amazon natural resources exploitation and the context of Brazilian’s economic development policies.Analizando el planeamiento y la ejecución del proyecto UHE Belo Monte, el artículo compara las normas que rigen el licenciamiento de emprendimientos hidroeléctricos con su controvertida implantación práctica. La complejidad del proceso de licenciamiento ambiental como mecanismo de protección del medio ambiente de los posibles impactos de las actividades humanas es cotejada con el histórico de explotación de recursos naturales de la región Amazónica y el contexto de las políticas económicas del desarrollismo

    Produção de energia a partir dos rios: estudo dos impactos ambientais da geração de hidroeletricidade

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    Anais do VI Encontro de Iniciação Científica e II Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2017 - 04 a 06 de outubro de 2017 - temática Ciências Sociais AplicadasNão é novidade que a hidroeletricidade é preponderante na matriz energética brasileira e que a água doce é uma das questões ambientais mais candentes da atualidade. Um dos objetivos do projeto de pesquisa de iniciação científica é trazer à lume toda a complexidade em torno do processo de planejamento e instalação de uma usina hidrelétrica, em cotejo com as normas que regulamentam a proteção do meio ambiente. O empreendimento hidrelétrico escolhido para o estudo foi a Usina Hidrelétrica - UHE Belo Monte por ilustrar um fenômeno atual: as informações sobre os estudos de impacto ambiental resultam em decisões governamentais contraditórias com as normas que regem a instalação daquele tipo de empreendimento energético. No âmbito do projeto de pesquisa, buscou-se levantar informações sobre o contexto de exploração dos recursos naturais da região Amazônica; sobre as normas existentes para controlar os impactos ambientais dos empreendimentos hidrelétricos; e sobre a realidade das análises de impactos ambientais, conforme as decisões implementadas pelos órgãos competentes. Buscou-se investigar se houve, no caso estudado, respeito às normas que regem os estudos de impacto ambiental da UHE Belo MonteUniversidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação Araucária; Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (PTI) e Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (SANEPAR

    Considerações metodológicas para avaliaçao de aprendizado num sistema de educação a distancia

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação

    Land suitability assessment for wheat production using analytical hierarchy process in a semi-arid region of Central Anatolia

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    Rational planning of soil resources based on their capabilities are needed for the sustainable use of agricultural lands. Land suitability classification is an important evaluation tool for the management of soil resources. This study aimed to evaluate the land suitability for wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivation using an approach that integrates multi-criteria decision making (MCDA) analysis and geographic information systems (GIS). The study area cover 21146 ha land and is located within the land consolidation area in the Çumra Plain, located in Central Anatolia of Turkey, The physical, chemical and fertility properties of the soil samples collected from 342 points in the study area were used as parameters in the wheat suitability assessment. The relative weight values of the soil parameters were determined by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Literature and expert opinion were used in the creation of the AHP matrices and the determination of the sub-criteria. The criteria with the highest weight values or which have the highest impact on wheat growth were soil texture (0.30) and pH (0.16), while the lowest weight values were given for micro elements (0.02). Land Suitability Assessment was applied to the maps of soil variables using weighted overlay analysis in the GIS environment by using the relative weights. Thus, the suitability of the study area for wheat cultivation was mapped. The results revealed that 74% of the study area was highly suitable (S1) and 24% was moderately suitable (S2) for wheat cultivation. The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.81, which indicated a successful prediction of the GIS-MCDA hybrid approach for wheat suitability assessment. Integration of land suitability analyzes specific to plant variety in land consolidation projects can provide a more detailed perspective on the land in the design of planning studies. © 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group


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    RESUMO: Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar um anúncio publicitário do Banco do Brasil para mostrar que as imagens que o fiador constrói no processo de incorporação resultam do jogo dialógico e heterogêneo que emerge do interdiscurso. Assim, o ethos pode ser analisado não apenas na dimensão discursiva estrita, mas na perspectiva da alteridade, do não-dito, no interdiscurso que se instaura e sustenta as imagens do enunciador na cenografia enunciativa. ABSTRACT: This paper aims to analyze an advertisement of Banco do Brasil to show that the images constructed by the sponsor in the incorporation process are a result of the dialogic and heterogeneous game emerged from the interdiscourse. Thus, the ethos can be evaluated not only in the discursive dimension, but also in the perspective of alterity, of what has not been said, in the interdiscoursivity established which supports the images enunciated