1,535 research outputs found

    Turbulence and Particle Heating in Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows

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    We extend and reconcile recent work on turbulence and particle heating in advection-dominated accretion flows. For approximately equipartition magnetic fields, the turbulence primarily heats the electrons. For weaker magnetic fields, the protons are primarily heated. The division between electron and proton heating occurs between β∼5\beta \sim 5 and β∼100\beta \sim 100 (where β\beta is the ratio of the gas to the magnetic pressure), depending on unknown details of how Alfv\'en waves are converted into whistlers on scales of the proton Larmor radius. We also discuss the possibility that magnetic reconnection could be a significant source of electron heating.Comment: 17 pages (Latex), incl. 2 Figures; submitted to Ap

    Cosmic-ray energy spectrum and composition up to the ankle - the case for a second Galactic component

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    We have carried out a detailed study to understand the observed energy spectrum and composition of cosmic rays with energies up to ~10^18 eV. Our study shows that a single Galactic component with subsequent energy cut-offs in the individual spectra of different elements, optimised to explain the observed spectra below ~10^14 eV and the knee in the all-particle spectrum, cannot explain the observed all-particle spectrum above ~2x10^16 eV. We discuss two approaches for a second component of Galactic cosmic rays -- re-acceleration at a Galactic wind termination shock, and supernova explosions of Wolf-Rayet stars, and show that the latter scenario can explain almost all observed features in the all-particle spectrum and the composition up to ~10^18 eV, when combined with a canonical extra-galactic spectrum expected from strong radio galaxies or a source population with similar cosmological evolution. In this two-component Galactic model, the knee at ~ 3x10^15 eV and the second knee at ~10^17 eV in the all-particle spectrum are due to the cut-offs in the first and second components, respectively. We also discuss several variations of the extra-galactic component, from a minimal contribution to scenarios with a significant component below the ankle (at ~4x10^18 eV), and find that extra-galactic contributions in excess of regular source evolution are neither indicated nor in conflict with the existing data. Our main result is that the second Galactic component predicts a composition of Galactic cosmic rays at and above the second knee that largely consists of helium or a mixture of helium and CNO nuclei, with a weak or essentially vanishing iron fraction, in contrast to most common assumptions. This prediction is in agreement with new measurements from LOFAR and the Pierre Auger Observatory which indicate a strong light component and a rather low iron fraction between ~10^17 and 10^18 eV.Comment: Added Table 4; Published in A&A, 595 (2016) A33 (Highlight paper

    Seasonal Variability of Saturn's Tropospheric Temperatures, Winds and Para-H2_2 from Cassini Far-IR Spectroscopy

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    Far-IR 16-1000 μ\mum spectra of Saturn's hydrogen-helium continuum measured by Cassini's Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) are inverted to construct a near-continuous record of upper tropospheric (70-700 mbar) temperatures and para-H2_2 fraction as a function of latitude, pressure and time for a third of a Saturnian year (2004-2014, from northern winter to northern spring). The thermal field reveals evidence of reversing summertime asymmetries superimposed onto the belt/zone structure. The temperature structure that is almost symmetric about the equator by 2014, with seasonal lag times that increase with depth and are qualitatively consistent with radiative climate models. Localised heating of the tropospheric hazes (100-250 mbar) create a distinct perturbation to the temperature profile that shifts in magnitude and location, declining in the autumn hemisphere and growing in the spring. Changes in the para-H2_2 (fpf_p) distribution are subtle, with a 0.02-0.03 rise over the spring hemisphere (200-500 mbar) perturbed by (i) low-fpf_p air advected by both the springtime storm of 2010 and equatorial upwelling; and (ii) subsidence of high-fpf_p air at northern high latitudes, responsible for a developing north-south asymmetry in fpf_p. Conversely, the shifting asymmetry in the para-H2_2 disequilibrium primarily reflects the changing temperature structure (and the equilibrium distribution of fpf_p), rather than actual changes in fpf_p induced by chemical conversion or transport. CIRS results interpolated to the same point in the seasonal cycle as re-analysed Voyager-1 observations show qualitative consistency, with the exception of the tropical tropopause near the equatorial zones and belts, where downward propagation of a cool temperature anomaly associated with Saturn's stratospheric oscillation could potentially perturb tropopause temperatures, para-H2_2 and winds. [ABRIDGED]Comment: Preprint accepted for publication in Icarus, 29 pages, 18 figure

    Relativistic AGN jets III. Synthesis of synchrotron emission from Double-Double Radio Galaxies

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    The class of Double-Double Radio Galaxies (DDRGs) relates to episodic jet outbursts. How various regions and components add to the total intensity in radio images is less well known. In this paper we synthesize synchrotron images for DDRGs based on special relativistic hydrodynamic simulations, making advanced approximations for the magnetic fields. We study the synchrotron images for: Three different radial jet profiles; Ordered, entangled or mixed magnetic fields; Spectral ageing from synchrotron cooling; The contribution from different jet components; The viewing angle and Doppler (de-)boosting; The various epochs of the evolution of the DDRG. To link our results to observational data, we adopt to J1835+6204 as a reference source. In all cases the synthesized synchrotron images show two clear pairs of hotspots, in the inner and outer lobes. The best resemblance is obtained for the piecewise isochoric jet model, for a viewing angle of approximately ϑ∼−71∘\vartheta \sim -71^{\circ}, i.e. inclined with the lower jet towards the observer, with predominantly entangled (≳70\gtrsim 70 per cent of the magnetic pressure) in turbulent, rather than ordered fields. The effects of spectral ageing become significant when the ratio of observation frequencies and cut-off frequency νobs/ν∞,0≳10−3\nu_{\rm obs}/\nu_{\infty,0} \gtrsim 10^{-3}, corresponding to ∼3⋅102\sim 3 \cdot 10^2 MHz. For viewing angles ϑ≲−30∘\vartheta \lesssim -30^{\circ}, a DDRG morphology can no longer be recognized. The second jets must be injected within ≲\lesssim 4 per cent of the lifetime of the first jets for a DDRG structure to emerge, which is relevant for Active Galactic Nuclei feedback constraints.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Characterization of a Time-Domain Dual Lifetime Referencing pCO2 Optode and Deployment as a High-Resolution Underway Sensor across the High Latitude North Atlantic Ocean

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    The ocean is a major sink for anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), with the CO2 uptake causing changes to ocean chemistry. To monitor these changes and provide a chemical background for biological and biogeochemical studies, high quality partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) sensors are required, with suitable accuracy and precision for ocean measurements. Optodes have the potential to measure in situ pCO2 without the need for wet chemicals or bulky gas equilibration chambers that are typically used in pCO2 systems. However, optodes are still in an early developmental stage compared to more established equilibrator-based pCO2 systems. In this study, we performed a laboratory-based characterization of a time-domain dual lifetime referencing pCO2 optode system. The pCO2 optode spot was illuminated with low intensity light (0.2mA, 0.72 mW) to minimize spot photobleaching. The spot was calibrated using an experimental gas calibration rig prior to deployment, with a determined response time (t63) of 50 s at 25◦C. The pCO2 optode was deployed as an autonomous shipboard underway system across the high latitude North Atlantic Ocean with a resolution of ca.10 measurements per hour. The optode data was validated with a secondary shipboard equilibrator-based infrared pCO2 instrument, and pCO2 calculated fromdiscrete samples of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity. Further verification of the pCO2 optode data was achieved using complimentary variables such as nutrients and dissolved oxygen. The shipboard precision of the pCO2 sensor was 9.5μatmdetermined both from repeat measurements of certified reference materials and from the standard deviation of seawater measurements while on station. Finally, the optode deployment data was used to evaluate the physical and biogeochemical controls on pCO2

    Fermi gamma-ray `bubbles' from stochastic acceleration of electrons

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    Gamma-ray data from Fermi-LAT reveal a bi-lobular structure extending up to 50 degrees above and below the galactic centre, which presumably originated in some form of energy release there less than a few million years ago. It has been argued that the gamma-rays arise from hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic rays which are advected out by a strong wind, or from inverse-Compton scattering of relativistic electrons accelerated at plasma shocks present in the bubbles. We explore the alternative possibility that the relativistic electrons are undergoing stochastic 2nd-order Fermi acceleration by plasma wave turbulence through the entire volume of the bubbles. The observed gamma-ray spectral shape is then explained naturally by the resulting hard electron spectrum and inverse Compton losses. Rather than a constant volume emissivity as in other models, we predict a nearly constant surface brightness, and reproduce the observed sharp edges of the bubbles.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; REVTeX4-1; discussion amended and one figure added; to appear in PR

    On the Structure and Scale of Cosmic Ray Modified Shocks

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    Strong astrophysical shocks, diffusively accelerating cosmic rays (CR) ought to develop CR precursors. The length of such precursor LpL_{p} is believed to be set by the ratio of the CR mean free path λ\lambda to the shock speed, i.e., Lp∼cλ/Vsh∼crg/VshL_{p}\sim c\lambda/V_{sh}\sim cr_{g}/V_{sh}, which is formally independent of the CR pressure PcP_{c}. However, the X-ray observations of supernova remnant shocks suggest that the precursor scale may be significantly shorter than LpL_{p} which would question the above estimate unless the magnetic field is strongly amplified and the gyroradius rgr_{g} is strongly reduced over a short (unresolved) spatial scale. We argue that while the CR pressure builds up ahead of the shock, the acceleration enters into a strongly nonlinear phase in which an acoustic instability, driven by the CR pressure gradient, dominates other instabilities (at least in the case of low β\beta plasma). In this regime the precursor steepens into a strongly nonlinear front whose size scales with \emph{the CR pressure}as Lf∼Lp⋅(Ls/Lp)2(Pc/Pg)2L_{f}\sim L_{p}\cdot(L_{s}/L_{p})^{2}(P_{c}/P_{g})^{2}, where LsL_{s} is the scale of the developed acoustic turbulence, and Pc/PgP_{c}/P_{g} is the ratio of CR to gas pressure. Since Ls≪LpL_{s}\ll L_{p}, the precursor scale reduction may be strong in the case of even a moderate gas heating by the CRs through the acoustic and (possibly also) the other instabilities driven by the CRs.Comment: EPS 2010 paper, to appear in PPC
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