1,093 research outputs found


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    Dinamika kehidupan manusia selalu terdikotomi oleh berbagai permasalahan yang melingkupinya. Salah satu permasalahan yang sering muncul dalam kehidupan manusia yaitu berkaitan dengan kebendaan atau kekayaan, karena kebendaan atau kekayaan merupakan kebutuhan yang fundamental demi kelangsungan hidup manusia. Perselisihan yang menyangkut harta benda kerapkali terjadi ketika masing-masing pihak merasa berhak memiliki dan ingin menguasai atas benda dan kekayaan tersebut. Permasalahan yang akan diteliti dalam penulisan ini adalah faktor apa yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya peralihan harta waris yang berasal dari golongan non pribumi Tionghoa menjadi harta waris Islam dan apa akibat hukum terhadap beralihnya harta waris yang berasal dari golongan non pribumi Tionghoa menjadi warisan harta waris Islam. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan peneliti adalah library research (yurudis normatif). Yaitu suatu pendekatan alternatif yang menganalisa bahan-bahan pustaka di bidang hukum yang norma- normanya tertulis dan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptis analitis, yaitu dengan menggunakan metode dan teori ilmu-ilmu sosial tentang hukum untuk membantu peneliti dalam melakukan analisis. Hasil kesimpulan yang diambil dalam penelitian ini yaitu : beralihnya harta waris disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain: karena hubungan darah, ikatan perkawinan, dan karena kesamaan Iman antara pewaris dengan ahli waris. Dalam hadits dinyatakan bahwa ahli waris yang berbeda agama tidak mendapatkan warisan, akan tetapi keadaan tersebut bisa dianulir dengan wasiat wajibah. Akibat hukum terhadap perpindahan agama dan Penetapan Pengadilan berdampak terhadap prosentase pembagian harta warisan. Dengan demikian, hak kepemilikan yang diterima oleh ahli waris atas harta warisan terbagi secara tidak merata antara ahli waris yang satu dengan yang lainnya

    Mengenal Dialek-dialek Bahasa Arab

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    Bahasa Arab Fushha, yang dipengaruhi oleh dialek Bahasa Arab Qureisy, adalah bahasa lingua franca tidak saja bagi para sasterawan dari berbagai kabilah Arab sebagai media untuk menuangkan karya sastra yang berupa syair-syair, tetapi juga bagi masyarakat umum untuk menyampaikan pesan formal dalam khutbah dan pidato. Sementara dalam komunikasi rutinitas keseharian, kabilah-kabilah Arab menggunakan berbagai dialek yang jumlahnya tidak kurang 14 dialek, yakni: Istintha', Taltalah, Syansyanah, Thamthamaniyyah, 'Aj'ajah, 'An'anah, Fahfahah, Qith'ah, Kaskasah, Kasykasyah, Lakhlakhaaniyyah, Watam, Wakam, dan Waham. Dua dialek terakhir, Wakam, dan waham, dipandang dan diterima sebagai bagian dari bahasa Arab Fushha

    Analisis Unjuk Kerja Integrasi MLE (Mobile Learning Engine) Dengan SMS Gateway

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    Belajar dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja. Hal ini dapat dilakukan karena perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Pertumbuhan pengguna ponsel juga memiliki peran dalam mengubah gaya belajar siswa dari berbasis desktop ke berbasis ponsel. Teknologi e-learning yang ada bersifat pasif karena hanya menunggu sampai siswa atau guru untuk login. Desain notifikasi pada Mobile Learning Enging (MLE) ini ditujukan untuk memberikan pemberitahuan kepada pengguna bila ada penambahan, update, dan penghapusan mateil dalam bentuk kursus, forum, chat, wiki atau bahan lainnya. Pemberitahuan akan dikirim dalam bentuk Short Message Service (SMS) ke pengguna. Rancangan sistem ini akan menggunakan teknologi webservice sederhana untuk membuat komunikasi antara server LMS di web hosting dengan server SMS yang berada pada komputer lokal. Pada tugas akhir ini akan dianalisis unjuk kerja jaringan dan pengiriman SM


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    The aim of this research to determine the effect of the solvency (DER), liquidity (CR), profitability (ROA), and firm size either simultaneously or partially on the stock prices in the pharmaceutical industry sector. Method used in this research is descriptive verification. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results indicate that the ROA, DER, and CR partially have not significant effect on stock prices. Firm size partially has significant effect on stock prices. The ROA, DER, CR, and total assets simultaneously have significant effect on stock prices.Keywords : solvency, liquidity, profitability, firm size, stock price

    Model Tatakelola Badan dan Lembaga Amil Zakat sebagai Upaya untuk Meningkatkan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat (Studi pada Badan/Lembaga Amil Zakat di Kota Malang)

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    Model Tatakelola Badan dan Lembaga Amil Zakat sebagai Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat (Studi pada Badan/Lembaga Amil Zakat di Kota Malang)Achmad Syaiful Hidayat AnwarStaf Pengajar Jurusan Akutansi, Fakultas EkonomiUniversitas Muhammadiyah MalangEmail: [email protected] study aimed to design a governance model of BAZ and LAZ institutions more effective to enhance the economic empowerment of the people, especially in the city of Malang. Implementation research is divided into two stages. The first phase of research focused on developing models of governance and the second phase focused on analysis and review implementation of the model.Based on the results of the analysis can be concluded that in general models of governance BAZ and LAZ has held up well. This can be evidenced from the structured organization and separation of duties and responsibilities. In addition, determination and prospective mustahiq and muzakki through a rigorous selection process and supported the survey results to prospective mustahiq conducted by the BAZ and LAZ. Thus, targeting accuracy, the precision of the amount, timeliness, and use can be achieved. Utilization of IT, legal sanctions, and the delivery of social activities need to be carried out continuously to improve understanding and awareness of the charity in relation to the economic empowerment of communities in the future.Keywords: zakat, good governance, economic empowermen

    Evaluasi terhadap Sekolah Khusus Olahragawan Smp/sma Ragunan Jakarta

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    An Evaluation of Special Schools for Athletes (SMP/SMA Ragunan Jakarta). This evaluation study aims to obtain information about the implementation of the training program by the special schools for athletes (SMP/SMA Ragu- nan), academic and sports achievements, recruitment, motivation, social system, communication, information, and services for the students. The sample consisted of 121 students, specially recruited by the Ministry of Youths and Sports, and 16 coaches/assistants randomly selected. The data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and documents, and were analyzed using the descriptive technique. The results show that the school is still needed in accordance with the needs for the sports development in the country, it has not possessed a clear institutional management system, and it is necessary to make new agreements in the form of MOU to regulate the school management by involving relevant institutions

    Economics of Regulatory Compliance in the Fisheries of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines

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    This study examines non compliance behaviour of fishers with a zoning regulation under a condition of limited enforcement in the fisheries of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Rational utility theory is used as a framework for explaining compliance behaviour. A stratified random sample of 568 fishers from Pekalongan and Juwana in Indonesia, Kuala Kedah, Kedah in Malaysia and Conception, Ilo-ilo City, Roxas City and Tigbauan in the Philippines are used in the analysis. Fishing effort and fish landings from the various gears in the three countries were standardised using the geometric index approach. Economic models of non compliance behaviour using Logit, Probit and Tobit techniques were estimated. The results indicated that economic, morality and social influence factors determined the violation decision of individual fishers to fish in the prohibited area. Some of the legitimacy variables failed to influence the violation decision of respondents in the study. The legitimacy variables were not as important as the moral development variable in explaining the compliance behaviour. This result is consistent with the findings of Paternoster et. al. (1984) that morality has a stronger influence on law breaking behaviour and compliance rather than legitimacy. Nevertheless, the reliability test for the 12 legitimacy variables were good with overall Cronbach' s alpha of 73.7%. In general the findings of the study were consistent with the theoretical model of compliance behaviour developed in Chapter IV and the related literature reviewed in Chapter III. In practice, probability of detection were low and violation rates were high especially for Indonesia and the Philippines given their limited resources for enforcement and a large geographical area to monitor. In theory, the level of compliance can be improved by increasing the probability of detection and conviction or penalties rate. This can be done by either improving the enforcement process and! or its intensity. However, it is not very practical because of large financial requirements. To improve fishers' compliance in the study area there is a need to use other determinants of compliance such as morality and social influence factors. In Indonesia and the Philippines, enforcement institutions are not as well established as in Malaysia. Therefore, institutions of enforcement should be given priority in Indonesia and the Philippines. In Malaysia a fairly well developed enforcement institutions exist, thus in this case there is a need to enhance the scheme and implement enforcement more effectively. To improve compliance, fisheries management authorities should also explore alternative approaches for managing fisheries. One such approach is the co-management approach