66 research outputs found

    Une barbacane de la fin du Moyen Âge à Chartres (Eure-et-Loir)

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    En 2010, la ville de Chartres a pris la décision de reconstruire la porte Guillaume détruite en 1944 par l’armée allemande (fig. 1). Fig. 1. Chartres. Vue générale de la barbacane et de la porte Guillaume depuis le sud (cl. V. Acheré). Cette décision a nécessité la mise en œuvre préalable de fouilles archéologiques préventives. Effectuées par le service municipal d’archéologie de Chartres, ces fouilles se sont limitées à l’emplacement de la barbacane. Les campagnes qui se sont succédé entre ..

    Does maternal environmental condition during reproductive development induce genotypic selection in Picea abies ?

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    In forest trees, environmental conditions during reproduction can greatly influence progeny performance. This phenomenon probably results from adaptive phenotypic plasticity but also may be associated with genotypic selection. In order to determine whether selective effects during the reproduction are environment specific, single pair-crosses of Norway spruce were studied in two contrasted maternal environments (warm and cold conditions). One family expressed large and the other small phenotypic differences between these crossing environments. The inheritance of genetic polymorphism was analysed at the seed stage. Four parental genetic maps covering 66 to 78% of the genome were constructed using 190 to 200 loci. After correcting for multiple testing, there is no evidence of locus under strong and repeatable selection. The maternal environment could thus only induce limited genotypic-selection effects during reproductive steps, and performance of progenies may be mainly affected by a long-lasting epigenetic memory regulated by temperature and photoperiod prevailing during seed productio

    Do maternal environmental conditions during reproductive development induce genotypic selection in Picea abies?

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    In forest trees, environmental conditions during reproduction can greatly influence progeny performance. This phenomenon probably results from adaptive phenotypic plasticity but also may be associated with genotypic selection. In order to determine whether selective effects during the reproduction are environment specific, single pair-crosses of Norway spruce were studied in two contrasted maternal environments (warm and cold conditions). One family expressed large and the other small phenotypic differences between these crossing environments. The inheritance of genetic polymorphism was analysed at the seed stage. Four parental genetic maps covering 66 to 78% of the genome were constructed using 190 to 200 loci. After correcting for multiple testing, there is no evidence of locus under strong and repeatable selection. The maternal environment could thus only induce limited genotypic-selection effects during reproductive steps, and performance of progenies may be mainly affected by a long-lasting epigenetic memory regulated by temperature and photoperiod prevailing during seed production.L'environnement maternel induit-il une sélection génotypique durant les différents stades de reproduction chez Picea abies ?. Chez les arbres forestiers, les conditions environnementales durant la reproduction peuvent influencer les performances des descendants. Ce phénomène reflète probablement la plasticité phénotypique, mais également il pourrait être associé à une sélection génotypique. Afin de déterminer si des effets sélectifs durant la reproduction sont spécifiques d'un environnement donné, deux familles d'épicéa commun non apparentées ont été obtenues par croisements dirigés dans deux environnements maternels contrastés (conditions chaude et froide). La première famille exprimait de larges différences phénotypiques entre les deux environnements tandis que la seconde ne montrait pas de différence significative. La transmission des polymorphismes génétiques a été étudiée au stade de la graine. Quatre cartes génétiques parentales couvrant 66 à 78 % du génome ont été construites. Aucun effet de sélection n'a été mis en évidence aux différents locus étudiés. L'environnement maternel n'induirait donc que des effets de sélection génotypique relativement faibles durant les stades de la reproduction. Les performances des descendants seraient principalement affectées par une mémoire épigénétique durable régulée par la température et la photopériode régnant durant la production des graines

    Scanning the genome for gene single nucleotide polymorphisms involved in adaptive population differentiation in white spruce

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    Conifers are characterized by a large genome size and a rapid decay of linkage disequilibrium, most often within gene limits. Genome scans based on noncoding markers are less likely to detect molecular adaptation linked to genes in these species. In this study, we assessed the effectiveness of a genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) scan focused on expressed genes in detecting local adaptation in a conifer species. Samples were collected from six natural populations of white spruce (Picea glauca) moderately differentiated for several quantitative characters. A total of 534 SNPs representing 345 expressed genes were analysed. Genes potentially under natural selection were identified by estimating the differentiation in SNP frequencies among populations (FST) and identifying outliers, and by estimating local differentiation using a Bayesian approach. Both average expected heterozygosity and population differentiation estimates (HE = 0.270 and FST = 0.006) were comparable to those obtained with other genetic markers. Of all genes, 5.5% were identified as outliers with FST at the 95% confidence level, while 14% were identified as candidates for local adaptation with the Bayesian method. There was some overlap between the two gene sets. More than half of the candidate genes for local adaptation were specific to the warmest population, about 20% to the most arid population, and 15% to the coldest and most humid higher altitude population. These adaptive trends were consistent with the genes’ putative functions and the divergence in quantitative traits noted among the populations. The results suggest that an approach separating the locus and population effects is useful to identify genes potentially under selection. These candidates are worth exploring in more details at the physiological and ecological levels

    Molecular Evolution of Regulatory Genes in Spruces from Different Species and Continents: Heterogeneous Patterns of Linkage Disequilibrium and Selection but Correlated Recent Demographic Changes

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    Genes involved in transcription regulation may represent valuable targets in association genetics studies because of their key roles in plant development and potential selection at the molecular level. Selection and demographic signatures at the sequence level were investigated for five regulatory genes belonging to the knox-I family (KN1, KN2, KN3, KN4) and the HD-Zip III family (HB-3) in three Picea species affected by post-glacial recolonization in North America and Europe. To disentangle neutral and selective forces and estimate linkage disequilibrium (LD) on a gene basis, complete or nearly complete gene sequences were analysed. Nucleotide variation within species, haplotype structure, LD, and neutrality tests, in addition to coalescent simulations based on Tajima’s D and Fay and Wu’s H, were estimated. Nucleotide diversity was generally low in all species (average π = 0.002–0.003) and much heterogeneity was seen in LD and selection signatures among genes and species. Most of the genes harboured an excess of both rare and frequent alleles in the three species. Simulations showed that this excess was significantly higher than that expected under neutrality and a bottleneck during the Last Glacial Maximum followed by population expansion at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary or shortly after best explains the correlated sequence patterns. These results indicate that despite recent large demographic changes in the three boreal species from two continents, species-specific selection signatures could still be detected from the analysis of nearly complete regulatory gene sequences. Such different signatures indicate differential subfunctionalization of gene family members in the three congeneric species

    Chartres (Eure-et-Loir). Porte Guillaume

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    Dans le cadre du projet de reconstruction de la porte Guillaume, des fouilles ont été prescrites par l’État (2010-2012). Les premières opérations concernent la barbacane de la porte Guillaume. L’étude de cet ouvrage avancé associe un dépouillement des archives (municipales, départementales et nationales), la fouille et une étude du bâti. L’objectif est de retracer l’histoire de cet espace avant, pendant et après la construction de la barbacane et d’étudier l’architecture de cet ouvrage fortif..

    Chartres (Eure-et-Loir). Porte Guillaume

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    Dans le cadre de la reconstruction de la porte Guillaume, une fouille programmée pluri-annuelle a été prescrite. Elle concerne la porte, sa barbacane et les fossés. Pour la première campagne en 2010, la partie sud de la barbacane a été étudiée. En venant de Paris, on accédait à cet ouvrage avancé par le sud. Il fallait alors franchir un fossé en empruntant un pont dont la nature n’est pour l’instant pas définie. Au-delà du fossé, s’étendait une plateforme de 7,25 m de long sur 1,5 m de profon..