401 research outputs found

    Device-independent tests of classical and quantum dimensions

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    We address the problem of testing the dimensionality of classical and quantum systems in a `black-box' scenario. We develop a general formalism for tackling this problem. This allows us to derive lower bounds on the classical dimension necessary to reproduce given measurement data. Furthermore, we generalise the concept of quantum dimension witnesses to arbitrary quantum systems, allowing one to place a lower bound on the Hilbert space dimension necessary to reproduce certain data. Illustrating these ideas, we provide simple examples of classical and quantum dimension witnesses.Comment: To appear in PR

    Two-setting Bell Inequalities for Graph States

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    We present Bell inequalities for graph states with high violation of local realism. In particular, we show that there is a two-setting Bell inequality for every nontrivial graph state which is violated by the state at least by a factor of two. These inequalities are facets of the convex polytope containing the many-body correlations consistent with local hidden variable models. We first present a method which assigns a Bell inequality for each graph vertex. Then for some families of graph states composite Bell inequalities can be constructed with a violation of local realism increasing exponentially with the number of qubits. We also suggest a systematic way for obtaining Bell inequalities with a high violation of local realism for arbitrary graphs.Comment: 8 pages including 2 figures, revtex4; minor change

    Multipartite entanglement percolation

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    We present percolation strategies based on multipartite measurements to propagate entanglement in quantum networks. We consider networks spanned on regular lattices whose bonds correspond to pure but non-maximally entangled pairs of qubits, with any quantum operation allowed at the nodes. Despite significant effort in the past, improvements over naive (classical) percolation strategies have been found for only few lattices, often with restrictions on the initial amount of entanglement in the bonds. In contrast, multipartite entanglement percolation outperform the classical percolation protocols, as well as all previously known quantum ones, over the entire range of initial entanglement and for every lattice that we considered.Comment: revtex4, 4 page

    Grothendieck's constant and local models for noisy entangled quantum states

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    We relate the nonlocal properties of noisy entangled states to Grothendieck's constant, a mathematical constant appearing in Banach space theory. For two-qubit Werner states \rho^W_p=p \proj{\psi^-}+(1-p){\one}/{4}, we show that there is a local model for projective measurements if and only if p1/KG(3)p \le 1/K_G(3), where KG(3)K_G(3) is Grothendieck's constant of order 3. Known bounds on KG(3)K_G(3) prove the existence of this model at least for p0.66p \lesssim 0.66, quite close to the current region of Bell violation, p0.71p \sim 0.71. We generalize this result to arbitrary quantum states.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    All quantum states useful for teleportation are nonlocal resources

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    Understanding the relation between the different forms of inseparability in quantum mechanics is a longstanding problem in the foundations of quantum theory and has implications for quantum information processing. Here we make progress in this direction by establishing a direct link between quantum teleportation and Bell nonlocality. In particular, we show that all entangled states which are useful for teleportation are nonlocal resources, i.e. lead to deterministic violation of Bell's inequality. Our result exploits the phenomenon of super-activation of quantum nonlocality, recently proved by Palazuelos, and suggests that the latter might in fact be generic.Comment: 4 pages. v2: Title and abstract changed, presentation improved, references updated, same result

    From Bell's Theorem to Secure Quantum Key Distribution

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    Any Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocol consists first of sequences of measurements that produce some correlation between classical data. We show that these correlation data must violate some Bell inequality in order to contain distillable secrecy, if not they could be produced by quantum measurements performed on a separable state of larger dimension. We introduce a new QKD protocol and prove its security against any individual attack by an adversary only limited by the no-signaling condition.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, REVTEX

    Multipartite fully-nonlocal quantum states

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    We present a general method to characterize the quantum correlations obtained after local measurements on multipartite systems. Sufficient conditions for a quantum system to be fully-nonlocal according to a given partition, as well as being (genuinely) multipartite fully-nonlocal, are derived. These conditions allow us to identify all completely-connected graph states as multipartite fully-nonlocal quantum states. Moreover, we show that this feature can also be observed in mixed states: the tensor product of five copies of the Smolin state, a biseparable and bound entangled state, is multipartite fully-nonlocal.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Version published in PRA. Note that it does not contain all the results from the previous version; these will be included in a later, more general, pape

    The landscape of quantum transitions driven by single-qubit unitary transformations with implications for entanglement

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    This paper considers the control landscape of quantum transitions in multi-qubit systems driven by unitary transformations with single-qubit interaction terms. The two-qubit case is fully analyzed to reveal the features of the landscape including the nature of the absolute maximum and minimum, the saddle points and the absence of traps. The results permit calculating the Schmidt state starting from an arbitrary two-qubit state following the local gradient flow. The analysis of multi-qubit systems is more challenging, but the generalized Schmidt states may also be located by following the local gradient flow. Finally, we show the relation between the generalized Schmidt states and the entanglement measure based on the Bures distance

    Unbounded randomness certification using sequences of measurements

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    Unpredictability, or randomness, of the outcomes of measurements made on an entangled state can be certified provided that the statistics violate a Bell inequality. In the standard Bell scenario where each party performs a single measurement on its share of the system, only a finite amount of randomness, of at most 4log2d4 log_2 d bits, can be certified from a pair of entangled particles of dimension dd. Our work shows that this fundamental limitation can be overcome using sequences of (nonprojective) measurements on the same system. More precisely, we prove that one can certify any amount of random bits from a pair of qubits in a pure state as the resource, even if it is arbitrarily weakly entangled. In addition, this certification is achieved by near-maximal violation of a particular Bell inequality for each measurement in the sequence.Comment: 4 + 5 pages (1 + 3 images), published versio