92 research outputs found

    The Role of Organizational Humanistic Social Support in Decreasing the Interference of Work Problems on Employees’ Family Conflict

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    Despite an increased interest in humanistic touch in global organizational support, the nature of helping processes rendered by supervisor and coworkers is still vague. The study was performed to examine the relationship between organizational humanistic social support and work interference with family conflict using 100 usable questionnaires gathered from academic staff in a Malaysian public institution of higher learning in Borneo. The findings of SmartPLS path model indicated that humanistic touch in term of supervisory support significantly correlated with work interference with family conflict. Similarly, humanistic touch of coworker support significantly correlated with work interference with family conflict. This result shows that the readiness of supervisors and coworkers to amply offer material and moral support in performing task have reduced the intrusion of work problems in employees’ family affairs and enriched their skills to decrease family conflicts. In addition, discussion, implications and conclusion are elaborated. &nbsp

    Amalan Taksiran Zakat Pertanian Dalam Kalangan Usahawan Padi Di Kawasan Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu (Kada), Kelantan

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    Di Malaysia hanya hasil tanaman padi diwajibkan zakat. Menurut Manual Pengurusan Pengiraan Zakat yang diterbitkan oleh Jabatan Wakaf, Zakat dan Haji (JAWHAR), zakat padi dikenakan pada kadar sepuluh peratus daripada hasil bersih apabila cukup nisab iaitu lima awsuq. Kaedah taksiran zakat padi berdasarkan hasil kasar dikatakan tidak menjamin keadilan sosial dalam kalangan usahawan padi kerana kos yang tinggi diperlukan bagi penanaman padi secara komersial. Situasi di Kelantan, Mesyuarat Jemaah Ulama’ Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Kelantan (MAIK) memutuskan zakat padi yang diusahakan oleh agensi kerajaan secara estet ditaksir berasaskan hasil bersih setelah ditolak semua kos tanaman yang terlibat. Sebaliknya zakat padi yang diusahakan secara individu ditaksir berasaskan hasil kasar tanpa ditolak kos tanaman. Mengapakah berlakunya perbezaan tersebut? Oleh itu, kajian ini secara khususnya mempunyai tiga objektif. Pertama; mengenal pasti dan menganalisis kaedah taksiran zakat padi yang diamalkan oleh semua negeri di Malaysia. Kedua; menganalisis kaedah taksiran zakat padi dalam kalangan usahawan padi di kawasan Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu (KADA) terhadap kos tanaman dan kos sara hidup. Ketiga; mencadangkan kaedah alternatif taksiran zakat padi yang diusahakan secara komersial oleh usahawan padi khususnya di Kelantan. In Malaysia, only the paddy crop is compulsory for zakat. According to the Manual of Management and Calculation of Zakat published by the Department of Wakaf, Zakat and Hajj (JAWHAR), zakat is levied at the rate of ten per cent of net revenues after meeting the minimun five awsuq. Conventional methods of paddy zakat estimation that is based on Gross revenue does not guarantee social justice among paddy planter due to the high cost needed for commercial paddy cultivation. For Kelantan, Committee Meeting of Jemaah Ulama’ Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Kelantan (MAIK) decided that zakat of paddy planted by goverment agencies in the estate form is assessed based on the net revenue after deducting all the costs involved. On the other hand, the zakat of paddy plantes by individual farmers is assessed based on the gross revenue without deduction for the cost of planting. Why are the differences? Therefore, this study has three objectives. First, to identify and analyze the assessment methods for zakat of paddy practiced by the states in Malaysia. Second to analyze the assessment methods for zakat of paddy among paddy planter in Kemubu Agricultural Development Authority (KADA) on the cost of planting and the cost of living. Third, to propose alternative methods of assessment of zakat for paddy planted by commercial entrepreneurs, especially in Kelantan

    Cognitive Factors Affecting Suicidal Ideation : A Preliminary Study

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    Suicidal ideation or suicidal thought is troubling but yet common. Suicidal ideation is basically thought about and planning suicide. This paper examined cognitive factors affecting suicidal ideation and attempted to put forward a model of suicidal ideation. The findings indicated that cognitive distortion, hopelessness, problem solving, and psychache are the common cognitive factors contributing to the development of suicidal ideation. However, the findings among previous studies are inconsistent. Other studies showed that rumination is the additional antecedent for suicidal thought. Preliminary results indicated a revised version of suicidal ideation model in understanding the nature of suicidal ideation, which includes cognitive distortion, hopelessness, problem solving, psychache, and rumination. This paper also disc future study

    Evaluating Cognitive Distortion Scale Using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis

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    Despite being used extensively in suicide research, the psychometric properties of Cognitive Distortion Scale have not been examined in Malaysia. This study aimed to study the reliability and validity of this scale. A study was performed on 414 university students. Participants had to respond for each item based on the scale of 1 (never) to 7 (all the time). The reliability and validity of the instrument were analysed with the Cronbach’s Alpha and Exploratory Factor Analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 25. Finding from the reliability analysis suggested high reliability index value with the overall score was 0.94. Further, the result for instrument validity based on the exploratory factor analysis suggested three (3) main constructs with eigenvalue more than 1 which explained 61.36%of variance. The factor loading values for each criterion ranged from 0.47 to 0.86. Overall, finding obtained from this study has shown that Cognitive Distortion Scale has high reliability and validity, and suggested to load ten cognitive patterns into three patterns

    Exploring Education Gini on a Smaller Scale: How Education Inequality Differs among Districts

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    Decentralization creates a need to discuss education inequality on a smaller scale to formulate a better development policy. This study aims to give insights on how education inequality can vary across districts depending on the characteristics attributed to the said region. By calculating education Gini indices, we found that regencies and agricultural districts tend to experience worse education inequality than municipalities and non-agricultural districts. Adding to that, using panel data regressions, we also found that the data shows the opposite of education Kuznets curves, contradicting some of the previous studies. This study contributes to the literature by highlighting the importance of measuring education inequality in a smaller scale to improve the accuracy of development policies

    Cognitive Factors Affecting Suicidal Ideation: A Preliminary Study

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    Suicidal ideation or suicidal thought is troubling but yet common. Suicidal ideation is basically thought about and planning suicide. This paper examined cognitive factors affecting suicidal ideation and attempted to put forward a model of suicidal ideation. The findings indicated that cognitive distortion, hopelessness, problem solving, and psychache are the common cognitive factors contributing to the development of suicidal ideation. However, the findings among previous studies are inconsistent. Other studies showed that rumination is the additional antecedent for suicidal thought. Preliminary results indicated a revised version of suicidal ideation model in understanding the nature of suicidal ideation, which includes cognitive distortion, hopelessness, problem solving, psychache, and rumination. This paper also discussed the limitation and recommendation for future study

    Relationship between Suicidal Ideation and Cognitive Distortion Among Undergraduates

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    Suicide has become a debilitating issue. Although it is a preventable condition but failure to understand the thinking pattern could significantly dampen the effort to avert it. Despite being an important issue, there is still a lack of study centralising into the thinking pattern when suicidal thoughts are mooted in. Due to this gap, this study was set to examine the relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal ideation. Using purposive sampling 414 students whose were seeking career advice were recruited to participate in this study. Results indicated that there was a significant relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal ideation. Using multiple regression, the finding showed that out of 10 thinking patterns, overgeneralisation contributes the most to the suicidal thoughts. These findings will help professionals to understand better the nature of suicidal ideation and assist them in providing better services and alleviating its symptoms. This study also discussed the limitations and the directions for future research

    The Aesthetic Of Tenun Pahang Patterns

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    This paper will discuss the aesthetic of patterns used in Tenun Pahang (TP). This study also aims to describe the patterns found in TP, both basic and contemporary modern patterns. This handicraft product originates from Keladi Island, Pahang. TP is said to be originated from Sulawesi which was brought to Malaya almost 200 years ago. Based on observations, there are various designs used by weavers as the background of this product. In the field study conducted, 2 (two) informants were interviewed and they are from the Royal Pahang Institute of Weaving Skills, Pahang State Crafts and the eleventh (11) generation of Karaeng Aji descendants who are said to have brought this weaving skill to Keladi Island. The results of the analysis found that the pattern used as a background on this TP product was inspired by the high creativity of the weavers as well as the beauty of the production of the TP pattern which is close to the culture of life of the Pahang people themselves. This study is important for the overall understanding as well as a clearer translation of the patterns found in TP

    What happens when a person has suicidal thoughts? An exploration on the thinking pattern of suicidal ideation.

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    Suicide has become a debilitating issue. Although it is a preventable condition but failure to understand the thinking pattern could significantly dampen the effort to avert it. Despite being an important issue, there is still a lack of study centralising into the thinking pattern when suicidal thoughts are mooted in. Due to this gap, this study was set to examine the relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal ideation. Using purposive sampling 414 students whose were seeking career advice were recruited to participate in this study. Results indicated that there was a significant relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal ideation. Using multiple regression, the finding showed that out of 10 thinking patterns, Overgeneralisation contributes the most to the suicidal thoughts. These findings will help professionals to understand better the nature of suicidal ideation and assist them in providing better services and alleviating its symptoms. This study also discussed the limitations and the directions for future research

    Proactive behaviour as a mediator of the relationship between career management and career satisfaction

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    This study aims to quantify the relationship between career management, proactive behaviour and career satisfaction. A survey method was employed to gather self-report questionnaires from employees who work at a state Islamic agency in Peninsular Malaysia. The outcomes of the SmartPLS path model analysis showed two important findings. First, the relationship between job autonomy and proactive behaviour was positively and significantly correlated with career satisfaction. Second, the relationship between transformational leadership and proactive behaviour was positively and significantly correlated with career satisfaction. This finding confirms that proactive behaviour does act as an effective mediating variable in the relationship between career management and career satisfaction in the organizational sample. Further, this study provides discussion, implications, limitations and suggestions for future studies