3,793 research outputs found

    An empirical analysis of Brazilian courts law documents using learning techniques

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    This paper describes a survey on investigating judicial data to find patterns and relations between crime attributes and corresponding decisions made by courts, aiming to find import directions that interpretation of the law might be taking. We have developed an initial methodology and experimentation to look for behaviour patterns to build judicial sentences in the scope of Brazilian criminal courts and achieved results related to important trends in decision making. Neural networks-based techniques were applied for classification and pattern recognition, based on Multi-Layer Perceptron and Radial-basis Functions, associated with data organisation techniques and behavioral modalities extractio

    Variedade dialetal madeirense : análise acústica das vogais tónicas orais

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    Mestrado em Ciências da Fala e da AudiçãoIntrodução: Os dialetos insulares portugueses, onde se inclui a variedade dialetal madeirense, têm sido descritos essencialmente com base na perceção do ouvinte, sendo escassos os estudos acústicos. A análise acústica permite complementar a avaliação percetiva, pois possibilita o estudo quantitativo de vários aspetos do sinal de fala. Objetivos: Este estudo tem como principal objetivo caraterizar acusticamente as vogais da variedade dialetal madeirense, com base em dados obtidos em duas localidades distintas, comparando-a com os dados de falantes do padrão do Português Europeu (PE) e outros dialetos portugueses, como o de Porto Santo. Metodologia: A amostra utilizada inclui 14 indivíduos do género masculino com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 26 anos (7 do Porto da Cruz e 7 do Estreito de Câmara de Lobos). O corpus foi composto por pseudo-palavras com as vogais-alvo em posição tónica, inseridas numa frase de suporte. As gravações foram anotadas manualmente no software Praat e realizou-se, no mesmo programa, uma extração semiautomática para cada um dos parâmetros em estudo. Resultados: A análise estatística não permitiu diferenciar as duas localidades estudadas, o que não confirma a existência de subdialetos. Na Madeira há uma grande proximidade entre as vogais [i] e [e]. A vogal [o] ocupa a posição mais posterior no triângulo das vogais. A comparação dos dados com os do padrão do PE, evidencia uma notória aproximação da vogal [i] à vogal [e], uma velarização da vogal [a] e uma centralização da vogal [u]. Estas caraterísticas podem ser identificadas noutros dialetos portugueses, nomeadamente em dialetos açorianos e em dialetos do centro-sul do continente. Em relação às vogais produzidas pelos falantes do Porto Santo, as vogais na Madeira são mais altas e mais recuadas. Ambas as ilhas apresentam pontos em comum, como a posição muito aproximada das vogais [i] e [e]. Conclusão: Os dados obtidos indicam diferenças acústicas nas vogais orais em posição tónica dos falantes da Madeira em comparação com o padrão do PE. Por outro lado, é possível identificar traços comuns entre a variedade dialetal madeirense e as variedades de Porto Santo, Açores e centro-sul do continente português.Background: Portuguese insular dialects, in which group the Madeiran dialectal variety is included, have mostly been analysed based on the listener’s perception, and acoustic studies are missing. The acoustic analysis complements the perceptual assessment, because it allows the quantitative study of many speech signal aspects. Objectives: The main objective of this study is to define acoustically the vowels of Madeiran dialectal variety, based on data from two different places. Data collected were compared with data from speakers of standard European Portuguese (EP) and other portuguese dialects, like Porto Santo dialect. Methodology: The sample is composed of 14 male subjects aged between 18 and 26 years old (7 from Porto da Cruz and 7 from Estreito de Câmara de Lobos). The corpus is built from nonsense words with the target vowels on a stressed position, inserted in a support sentence. The recordings were annotated manually using software Praat and a semi-automatic extraction was used for every studied parameter. Results: The statistical analysis did not allow to differentiate the two studied locations, which does not confirm the existence of subdialects. In Madeira there is a low level of distinction between the vowels [i] and [e]. The vowel [o] has the most back position in the space of vowels. The comparison of data with the standard EP shows a clear proximity of the vowels [i] and [e], a velarization of the vowel [a] and a centralization of the vowel [u]. These features can be found in other portuguese dialects, like Azores dialects and in the central-southern part of mainland. The comparison with the Porto Santo speakers indicate that, in Madeira, vowels have a more high and back position. Both islands share some features like the close position between the vowels [i] and [e]. Conclusion: The results reveal acoustic differences in vowels on stressed position between Madeira and the standard EP speakers. On the other hand, there are common features between the Madeiran dialectal variety and varieties of Porto Santo, Azores and central-southern Portugal mainland

    The Infancy of the Esports Industry as a Risk to its Sponsors

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    In less than 10 years, esports have turned into a global phenomenon with a large following that rivals the audience size of popular established sports. This has resulted in a massive influx of esports sponsors. However, because it appeared and evolved so rapidly, sponsors have no idea of what esports really are nor of what risks they may face. Ergo, this research aimed to determine what issues are being caused by the infancy of the esports industry that is threatening sponsors. Hence, this exploratory research used a convergent-parallel mixed method with equal status. Empirical data was obtained through interviews with 22 experts in esports sponsoring and the application of a survey to 5,638 esports fans. Quantitative data was analysed with SPSS 25 and qualitative data with NVIVO 10. The results showed that the majority of experts considered that the problems associated with the infancy of the esports industry are a risk to esports sponsors and almost all esports fans reckon that the competitive gaming market has infancy-related issues to solve. Esports are not like general sports, so sponsors must holistically study this industry to mitigate the dangers of suffering from the problems of this new and unknown market

    Efeito de um jogo de futebol sobre o equilíbrio dinâmico e as capacidades funcionais de um jogador

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em FisioterapiaObjetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito de um jogo de futebol sobre as capacidades funcionais e o equilíbrio dinâmico dos atletas. Métodos: Foram analisados 10 jogadores de futebol, avaliando as capacidades funcionais e o equilíbrio dinâmico dos membros inferiores (dominante e não dominante) usando YBT-QL e o Hop test, antes e após um jogo de futebol de 90 minutos. Resultados: Na comparação entre membro dominante e não dominante foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas, antes do jogo no YBT-QL póstero medial p=0.006 e após o jogo no YBT-QL póstero-medial p=0.008, single hop p=0.027 e timed hop p=0.035. Na análise do lado dominante verificou-se uma diferença significativa no cross over test p=0.008 e no YBT-QL póstero-lateral p=0.049. Enquanto no não dominante no single hop p=0.035 e timed hop p=0.024. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo demostram uma diminuição das capacidades funcionais e do equilíbrio dinâmico após um jogo de futebol.Goal: The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of a soccer game on the functional capacity and dynamic balance of the athletes. Methods: We analyzed 10 soccer player by evaluating a functional capacity and dynamic balance of their lower limbs (dominant e non-dominant) using YBT-QL and Hop test, before and after 90 minutes of soccer game. Results: While comparing the dominant and non-dominant members were found statistically significant differences before the game in the YBT-QL postero-medial p=0.006 and after the game in the YBT-QL posteromedial p=0.008, single hop p=0.027 and timed hop p=0.035. In the analysis of the dominant member there was significant difference in the cross-over hop p=0.049 and YBT-QL postero lateral p=0.008. While the non- dominant in single hop P=0.035 and timed hop. Conclusion: The results of this study show a decrease of functional capacity and dynamic balance after a soccer game

    Arquitectura de terra nos espaços domésticos pré-históricos do sul de Portugal : sítios, estruturas, tecnologias e materiais

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    Tese de doutoramento, História (Pré-História), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2011Analisam-se vestígios arquitectónicos existentes em povoados pré-históricos do Sul do actual território português, sobretudo numa perspectiva tipológica e tecnológica. Tendo em conta os dados disponíveis, são apresentadas algumas leituras sobre as arquitecturas domésticas, com o objectivo de contribuir para a interpretação e reconstituição desses espaços, mediante a formulação de novas hipóteses de trabalho. Partindo da análise das estruturas de cariz doméstico existentes no conjunto dos sítios considerados, procurou-se, ao longo desta tese, caracterizá-las, tendo em conta aspectos como a forma, a tipologia, os sistemas construtivos e os materiais empregues. A identificação de traços comuns entre arquitecturas de diferentes sítios, sem, contudo, ignorar os aspectos “particulares”, permitiu, ainda que com reservas, relacionar algumas formas e tecnologias com determinados contextos cronológicos. Por sua vez, os casos de estudo proporcionaram uma noção mais aproximada de alguns dos modos de construir, contribuindo também para a interpretação e reconstituição das estruturas analisadas. Outros factores, que não o meio e as necessidades funcionais básicas, parecem ter contribuído para a morfologia e a organização dos espaços domésticos. Da análise integrando sítios, arquitecturas, tecnologias e materiais, pareceu resultar um todo coerente, decorrente não só das limitações tecnológicas e dos condicionalismos do meio, mas também de aspectos aparentemente relacionados com o pensamento do homem pré-histórico.Architectural traces from pre-historic settlements of South Portugal current territory are analyzed, mostly in a typological and technological perspective. Based on available data, some readings about domestic architectures are presented, with the aim of contributing to interpretation and reconstitution of those spaces, by formulating some new working hypotheses. The analysis of structure traces that existed in the considered set of archaeological sites allowed characterizing pre-historic domestic architectures, attending to aspects like shape, typology, construction techniques and building materials. Identifying similar features between different settlements, without, however, ignoring particular aspects, allowed to relate some morphologies and technologies with certain chronological contexts. On its turn, case studies provided deepen knowledge about some building techniques, contributing to the interpretation and reconstitution of the analyzed structures. Other factors, beyond environment conditionings and immediate functional needs, seem to contribute to domestic space morphology and organization. From the integrated analysis of settlements, architectures, technologies and building materials, it seemed to result a coherent whole, due not only to technological limitations and natural conditionings, but also from aspects apparently related with pre-historic man way of thinking

    Consumer perception and acceptability of lupin-derived products: a systematic review

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    The addition of lupin into other foods can enhance their nutritional value and may be an acceptable approach to introducing lupin into the food supply, particularly as an ingredient. Lupin could be used in many food products (bakery products, pasta, beverages, meat products and dairy products) to improve their protein content and possible nutraceutical effects. The main aim of this study is to summarise the recent formulation trends with lupin as an ingredient of new food products based on consumer perception and acceptability. The present systematic literature review was conducted through the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The eligibility criteria for the articles to be considered were: (a) the manufacturing of a food product with lupin as a formulation ingredient; (b) the food product developed was tested by a sensorial panel. A total of 33 studies filled the inclusion criteria and were incorporated into the qualitative synthesis. The sensory analysis of each product was notoriously different based on the jury evaluators and measurement scales used but revealed high acceptability rates for possible future consumers. The high protein and fibre contents of lupin were the most cited reason associated with the importance of nutrient-rich food products for consumers. More research on foods with high nutrition profiles and well-established sustainability parameters is crucial to promote healthier food environments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio