44 research outputs found


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    ANALISIS KETERSEDIAAN JALUR EVAKUASI BENCANA TSUNAMI KOTA BANDA ACEH(STUDI KASUS JEULINGKE, TIBANG, DEAH RAYA)Oleh :Abrar AkbarNIM. 1209200060029Komisi Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Ir. M. Isya, MT2. Dr. Ir. Eldina Fatimah, M.ScABSTRAKWilayah Kota Banda Aceh sebagian besar terletak di sepanjang bibir pantai. Menyikapi hal tersebut, Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh menyiapkan jalur evakuasi bencana dengan membuka sebanyak 10 titik median jalan utama di Kota Banda Aceh untuk dijadikan jalur evakuasi bencana. Jalur yang dibuka ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan warga dalam mengakses jalan menjauhi pinggir pantai/laut saat terjadi bencana. Kondisi jalan gampong yang beragam mempengaruhi proses evakuasi pada saat terjadinya bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi jalan Gampong Jeulingke, Tibang dan Deah Raya yang digunakan sebagai jalur evakuasi, mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terhadap efektivitas jalur evakuasi yang tersedia, dan analisis tingkat efektivitas penggunaan jalan desa sebagai jalur evakuasi pada saat terjadi bencana. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan melakukan pengamatan, pengukuran secara langsung di lokasi tinjauan dan membagikan quesioner untuk mengetahui persepsi responden. Data diolah dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lebar dan kondisi jalan Gampong Jeulingke, Tibang dan Deah Raya yang diteliti memenuhi kriteria sebagai jalur evakuasi sebagaimana disyaratkan oleh SDC (Sea Defense Consultant) dan penelitian Slamet Sulaeman. Berdasarkan analisis perhitungan waktu tempuh untuk melakukan evakuasi dengan asumsi kecepatan 30 km/jam, 35 km/jam dan 40 km/jam untuk masing-masing gampong masih dalam kategori aman yaitu berkisar di bawah 10 menit. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disarankan antara lain perlu diadakan sosialisasi mengenai pentingnya melakukan evakuasi pada saat terjadi gempa bumi dan pengenalan kepada masyarakat mengenai jalan gampong yang efektif untuk digunakan sebagai jalur evakuasi.Kata Kunci : jalur evakuasi, gempa bumi dan tsunami, deskriptif kualitatif

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Perawat tentang Lima Momen Kebersihan Tangan

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    Hand hygiene is one of the most important steps to prevent infection in health services and the nurses have a big role in preventing infection because they interact with patients for 24 hours. One of the factors that influence the application of the five moments of hand hygiene is the knowledge of nurses. The objective of this research was to determine the level of knowledge of nurses about five moments of hand hygiene. The research design was quantitative using descriptive method. The samples in this research were 35 nurses which were taken through total sampling technique. The measuring instrument was a questionnaire which consisted of 20 questions. The results of the research showed that the respondents who had knowledge of the five moments of hand hygiene in the high category was 16 respondents (45.7%), the range of age of 26-35 years was 16 respondents (45.7%), female sex was 27 respondents (77.1%), Associate degree of Nursing program was 30 respondents (85.7%) with a length of work for 1-5 years was 15 respondents (42.9%). It can be concluded that respondents who have knowledge about five moments of hand hygiene is in the high category. From the results of this research, it is expected that respondents can continue to improve their knowledge and compliance in carrying out the five moments of hand hygiene, especially in the second and fifth moments through training

    Anaerobic Degradation of Long Chain Phenylalkane Carboxylates by the Phototrophic Bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris

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    Anaerobic bacteria typically degrade many types of aromatic monomers through conversion to benzoyl-CoA which is further degraded by ring reduction, ring cleavage and β-oxidation reactions. Rhodopseudomonas palustris has the ability to grow on different side-chain length aromatic compounds ranging from 3-phenylpropanoic acid to 8-phenyloctanoic acid. A β-oxidation or non β-oxidation metabolic pathway could be responsible for degradation of these compounds. To study the pathways and genes involved, a full cellular proteome analysis using mass spectrometry was carried out and the expression patterns for selected genes were measured by qRT-PCR. Two putative feruloyl-CoA synthetases, Fcs1 and Fcs2, in addition to a long chain fatty acid CoA-ligase (RPA1766) were overexpressed in E. coli as recombinant proteins and the purified enzymes were able to catalyse the formation of CoA thioesters of phenylcarboxylates with different chain lengths. The kinetic properties of Fcs1 enzyme showed a high kcat/Km value for 7-phenyl heptanoic acid. Activity was also recorded with 5-phenyl valeric acid, 6- phenyl hexanoic acid and 8- phenyl octanoic acid, but with lower kcat/Km values, while in contrast Fcs2 only utilised 3-phenyl propionic acid and the related hydroxycinnamic acid. RPA1766 was able to utilize only 8-phenyloctanoic acid with low affinity. These data along with protein structure modelling support the idea that Fcs1 catalyses the first step in a β-oxidation pathway for long chain phenylalkane carboxylates in R. palustris. However, other CoA ligases can contribute, as mutants lacking Fcs1 and Fcs2 genes were able to grow on long chain phenylalkane carboxylic acids. Evidence was obtained that the solute binding proteins of an ABC-transporter previously associated with pimelic acid and long chain fatty acid transportation (RPA3718-RPA3725) could bind certain phenylalkane carboxylates with a Kd value of 1.29 µM for RPA3723 with 7-phenylheptanoic acid


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    Objective:- To assess the level of knowledge regarding hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV among attendants of patients visiting OPD of a tertiary care hospital. Study design: - Cross-sectional study. Setting: -Outpatient departments of Nishtar Medical University, Multan. Subjects and methods: - Three hundred and eight attendants of patients coming to the OPDs of Nishtar Hospital Multan were included and interviewed in this cross-sectional study. Non-probability convenient sampling technique was used. All the data was entered and analyzed by SPSS version 20. Results: - Three hundred and eight subjects were interviewed. The age of subjects varied from 15-70 years. The mean age was 37.06 years ±15.59 years Two hundred and twenty three (72.4 %) were familiar with hepatitis B, 196 (63.6%) with hepatitis C and 146 (47.4%) with HIV and 133 (43.2%) were familiar with all three viruses while 81 (26.5%) were unfamiliar with these viruses. Most of the subjects 93 (30.2%) knew about the transmission through injection by un-sterilized syringes, 90 (29.2%) were knowing that infected blood is important source of spread while 87 (28.2%) of the subjects were knowing that these are spread through infected razors. 84 (27.2%) were knowing unsafe sex as a mode of transmission. Sharing objects can be the source of spread was known to very less number of people, 9 (2.9%) were aware that these can spread through sharing infected tooth brushes, 7 (2.3%) with sharing infected “Miswaks” and only 3 (1%) were aware that these can spread through infected combs. Electronic media was the major source of knowledge 82 (26.6%), interpersonal communication 69 (22.4%) and newspapers in only 1 (0.3%). Conclusion: - knowledge about hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV is low in our study population. The results of the study have shown that many people still think that HIV is the only virus which is transmitted through sexual contacts and hepatitis B and C through contaminated blood. The knowledge about the modes of transmission is lower in the rural and un-educated community. General public has very little knowledge that infected combs, infected toothbrushes and infected “Miswaks” can also lead to transmission of hepatitis B and C. Electronic media particularly television & radio and newspapers are the main source of knowledge and awareness for the urban population while in rural population it is not the case. Effective health awareness campaigns are needed to be started among rural population Keywords: - Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV

    Composition and Properties of Camel Milk

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    Camel is considered as one of the most important and ecologically harmless domesticated animals in the dry region of Asia and Africa. Camels have considerable economic importance not only as a draught animal, but also for their milk and its by-products. They can produce a significant amount of milk from poor feed as compared to any other dairy species. This characteristic, in addition to the growing recognition of the economic value, and health benefits of camel milk make it a center of attention for people, particularly in arid- and semi-arid areas. Moreover, camel milk is a highly nutritious medium permissive for the growth of many diverse bacterial species. These bacterial populations are mainly grouped into pathogenic, spoilage, and technologically relevant bacteria. This chapter reviews the existing knowledge on the composition, nutritional value, health-promoting properties, and economic value of camel milk and its by-products. Furthermore, the relevant studies describing the microbiota of camel milk are included

    Peran Takmir Dalam Meningkatkan Kapasitas Keislaman Masyarakat Pidie (Studi Kasus Di Masjid Jamik Al-Falah, Kota Sigli)

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    Takmir Mesjid memiliki peranan penting dalam melaksanakan kegiatan keagamaan bagi masyarakat. Begitu juga Takmir yang terdapat di Mesjid Al-Falah Kota Sigli yang telah banya memberikan kontribusi dalam meningkatkan kegiatan keagamaan kepada masyarakat. Namun sebagian para Takmir dalam menjalankan peranannya masih kurang memiliki kompetensi yang baik, sehingga menggakibatkan munculnya kendala dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya. Penelitian yang berjudul “Peran Tahmir Dalam Meningkatkan Kapasitas Keislaman Masyarakat Pidie (Studi Kasus Mesjid Jamik Al-Falah, Kota Sigli)”, bertujuan untuk mengetahui kompetensi da’i pada masyarakat Desa Ujung Padang, mengetahui harapan mad’u terhadap kompetensi da’i di Desa Ujung Padang dan untuk mengetahui peran Takmir dalam meningkatkan kapasitas keislaman masyarakat Pidie di Mesjid Jamik Al-Falah, Kota Sigli Kabupaten Pidie, kegiatan keislaman yang terdapat di Mesjid Jamik AlFalah, Kota Sigli Kabupaten Pidie dan untuk mengetahui kendala Takmir dalam meningkatkan kapasitas keislaman masyarakat Pidie di Mesjid Jamik Al-Falah, Kota Sigli Kabupaten Pidie. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif bersifat deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari panitia Badan Kemakmuran Mesjid Jamik, imam besar masjid, tokoh masyarakat sekitaran mesjid, bilal dan masyarakat. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa peran Takmir dalam meningkatkan kapasitas keislaman masyarakat di Mesjid Jamik Al-Falah dengan pembinaan keagamaan seperti pengajian ritin setiap minggu dan saat memasuki bulan Ramadhan. Peran takmir lainnya juga dengan melengkapi berbagai keperluan jama’ah seperti menyediakan Al-Qur’an dan kitab-kitab. Kegiatan keislaman yang dilaksanakan oleh Takmir di Mesjid Jamik AlFalah, Kota Sigli Kabupaten Pidie berupa penyelenggaraan ibadah shalat fardhu dan shalat jum’at, pemberdayaan anak yatim dan fakir miskin, menyelenggarakan kegiatan pendidikan TPA dan Madrasah, menyelenggarakan kegiatan sosial keagamaan seperti pelaksanaan kurban dan pelaksanaan akad nikah dan menyelenggarakan hari besar islam seperti maulid nabi, isra’ mi’raj dan sebagainya. Kendala Takmir dalam meningkatkan kapasitas keislaman masyarakat di Mesjid Jamik Al-Falah karena keterbatasan dana, kurangnya sumber daya manusia

    Hypomagnesaemia in Acute Exacerbation Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease; Association with Anthonisen’s Levels of Exacerbation

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    Background: COPD is major public health issue causing morbidity and mortality. Lower serum magnesium levels are seen in patients with acute exacerbations compared to stable COPD patients. This study aims at identifying hypomagnesemia as predictor of COPD exacerbations that may help reduce the burden of readmissions and mortality. Material and Methods: The Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted –removed for blind review---from 16 July 2016 to 15 Jan 2017 after the ethical approval and informed consent. The indoor adult (>18years) diagnosed cases of COPD exacerbation were included by consecutive sampling. Patients with malignancy, pregnancy and receiving magnesium supplements were excluded.  Demographic details documented and after complete clinical evaluation, serum Magnesium levels of were assessed. Serum Magnesium < 1.80 mg/dl labeled hypomagnesaemia.  Data was analyzed by SPSS with significant p< 0.05. Results: Amongst 176 patients; there were 93(52.8%) males and 83(47.2%) females. Mean age was 56+7 years. Mean duration of COPD was 6.56 + 5.24 years (2-10 years).  Mean height in the study was 181 +12 cm and mean weight was 56.06 + 7.08 kg. The mean serum magnesium level was 1.5 + .49mg/dl. Low serum magnesium (<1.8 mg/dl) observed in 103(58.5%), gender wasn’t associated with hypomagnesaemia (p=0.294). Hypomagnesaemia in accordance to types of Anthonisen’s criteria was observed in 19(44.2%) with Type I, 37(57.8%) with Type II and 47(68.1%) with Type III COPD exacerbation. Hypomagnesaemia had significant association with Anthinosen’s levels of exacerbation (p=0.043). The mean age in patients with hypomagnesaemia was 56.61+6.78 Vs.  55.30+7.47 in patients without hypomagnesaemia (p=0.228). Conclusion: The study concludes mean serum magnesium levels are significantly lower in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD (58.5%), particularly in type II and III. Magnesium levels should be performed in all COPD exacerbations irrespective of gender and age. Replacement of magnesium may be helpful in alleviating symptoms and reducing frequency of exacerbations. KEYWORDS:   COPD.   Acute exacerbation.  Serum Magnesium levels. Hypomagnesaemia

    Hypomagnesaemia in Acute Exacerbation Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease; Association with Anthonisen’s Levels of Exacerbation

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    Background: COPD is major public health issue causing morbidity and mortality. Lower serum magnesium levels are seen in patients with acute exacerbations compared to stable COPD patients. This study aims at identifying hypomagnesemia as predictor of COPD exacerbations that may help reduce the burden of readmissions and mortality. Material and Methods: The Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted –removed for blind review---from 16 July 2016 to 15 Jan 2017 after the ethical approval and informed consent. The indoor adult (>18years) diagnosed cases of COPD exacerbation were included by consecutive sampling. Patients with malignancy, pregnancy and receiving magnesium supplements were excluded.  Demographic details documented and after complete clinical evaluation, serum Magnesium levels of were assessed. Serum Magnesium < 1.80 mg/dl labeled hypomagnesaemia.  Data was analyzed by SPSS with significant p< 0.05. Results: Amongst 176 patients; there were 93(52.8%) males and 83(47.2%) females. Mean age was 56+7 years. Mean duration of COPD was 6.56 + 5.24 years (2-10 years).  Mean height in the study was 181 +12 cm and mean weight was 56.06 + 7.08 kg. The mean serum magnesium level was 1.5 + .49mg/dl. Low serum magnesium (<1.8 mg/dl) observed in 103(58.5%), gender wasn’t associated with hypomagnesaemia (p=0.294). Hypomagnesaemia in accordance to types of Anthonisen’s criteria was observed in 19(44.2%) with Type I, 37(57.8%) with Type II and 47(68.1%) with Type III COPD exacerbation. Hypomagnesaemia had significant association with Anthinosen’s levels of exacerbation (p=0.043). The mean age in patients with hypomagnesaemia was 56.61+6.78 Vs.  55.30+7.47 in patients without hypomagnesaemia (p=0.228). Conclusion: The study concludes mean serum magnesium levels are significantly lower in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD (58.5%), particularly in type II and III. Magnesium levels should be performed in all COPD exacerbations irrespective of gender and age. Replacement of magnesium may be helpful in alleviating symptoms and reducing frequency of exacerbations. KEYWORDS:   COPD.   Acute exacerbation.  Serum Magnesium levels. Hypomagnesaemia


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    This study will develop and execute control of DC motors and servo motors on a 4WD robot controlled by a keypad and equipped with grippers and a USB webcam to broadcast video so that the gripper robot vehicle can view items in front of it. Control actions were implemented using Python-based user defined programming on a Raspberry Pi 4 with motor driver controller. The challenge described in this article is how to optimize a tool design utilizing a driver loaded directly on an SBC. The goal of this study is to create technical ideas in the area of electric motor control and mechatronics in the form of applications. The design, production, and testing stages are followed utilizing the Raspberry Pi, RPi Motor Driver Board, and Python as the major components. The study's findings include a prototype wheeled robot with a camera for image capture and an actuator in the form of a servo motor with a gripper/clamp as an attachment. The study's conclusion is that the design outcomes of electric motor control utilizing Raspberry Pi-based can perform more efficiently.This study will develop and execute control of DC motors and servo motors on a 4WD robot controlled by a keypad and equipped with grippers and a USB webcam to broadcast video so that the gripper robot vehicle can view items in front of it. Control actions were implemented using Python-based user defined programming on a Raspberry Pi 4 with motor driver controller. The challenge described in this article is how to optimize a tool design utilizing a driver loaded directly on an SBC. The goal of this study is to create technical ideas in the area of electric motor control and mechatronics in the form of applications. The design, production, and testing stages are followed utilizing the Raspberry Pi, RPi Motor Driver Board, and Python as the major components. The study's findings include a prototype wheeled robot with a camera for image capture and an actuator in the form of a servo motor with a gripper/clamp as an attachment. The study's conclusion is that the design outcomes of electric motor control utilizing Raspberry Pi-based can perform more efficiently