83 research outputs found

    Era preciso redescobrir o Brasil

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    As expedições geográficas do IBGE foram implementadas em 1941. Método de pesquisa utilizado nos estudos geográficos, essas expedições possibilitavam identificar aspectos da realidade brasileira até então desconhecidos; permitiam construir um corpo de conhecimentos geográficos sobre o Brasil; e subsidiavam os projetos do governo federal para reconhecimento do território brasileiro. No final dos anos 1960 ocorre uma mudança nos procedimentos metodológicos e as expedições deixam de ser referência nas pesquisas geográficas.The IBGE’s geographic expeditions were implemented in 1941. Used as a research method for geographic studies, these expeditions identified some aspects of Brazilian reality that were unknown at the time. The expeditions also allowed the accumulation of a body of geographical knowledge about Brazil, as well as subsidized the government projects to learn more about Brazilian territory. Because of a change of methodological procedures at the end of the 1960’s, the expeditions were no longer a reference for geographical research.Las expediciones geográficas del IBGE se implementaron en el año 1941. En tanto método de investigación utilizado en los estudios geográficos, estas expediciones han posibilitado identificar aspectos hasta entonces desconocidos de la realidad brasilera, permitieron construir un cuerpo de conocimientos geográficos sobre Brasil y dieron apoyo a los proyectos nacionales cuyo objetivo era el reconocimiento del territorio brasilero. A finales de 1960 se produce un cambio en los procedimientos metodológicos y las expediciones dejan de ser un referente de las investigaciones geográficas.Les expéditions géographiques IBGE ont été mises en œuvre en 1941. Une méthode de recherche utilisée dans les études géographiques, ces expéditions ont permis d'identifier les aspects jusqu’alors inconnu de la réalité brésilienne. Elles sont à l’origine de la réalisation d’un corpus de connaissances géographiques au Brésil et elles ont subventionné des projets du gouvernement fédéral pour la reconnaissance du territoire brésilien. À la fin des années 1960 un changement s’est produit quand les méthodes et les expéditions méthodologiques ont cessé d’être des références pour la recherche en géographique

    Comportamento do betão de cal hidráulica aditivado com metacaulino

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    Mestrado em Engenharia CivilActualmente o betão é um dos materiais mais utilizados na construção, da sua produção e dos seus constituintes resultam uma série de processos que contribuem para a degradação ambiental. A crescente consciencialização para a necessidade de amenizar a deterioração ambiental leva a um aumento da procura de materiais cujo impacto ambiental seja o menor possível. A cal hidráulica tem um impacto ambiental significativamente inferior ao evidenciado pelo cimento Portland, uma vez que na produção deste material a quantidade de CO2 emitido é muito inferior à originada na produção de cimento Portland. O betão de cal hidráulica pode ser um material com interesse comercial para aplicações onde as exigências estruturais não sejam muito elevadas. A utilização de metacaulino como adição pozolânica tem o propósito de potencializar a capacidade resistente do betão de cal hidráulica com o intuito de aumentar a sua viabilidade e consequente empregabilidade em obra. Este trabalho tem como principal objectivo a avaliação do comportamento do betão de cal hidráulica aditivado com metacaulino português. O betão foi submetido a diversos ensaios com a finalidade de analisar determinadas propriedades, tendo sido alvo de análise a trabalhabilidade, o módulo de elasticidade, a resistência à compressão, a resistência à carbonatação e a resistência à penetração de cloretos. Os ensaios foram realizados em provetes de diferentes idades com o intuito de avaliar a evolução destas propriedades ao longo do tempo. Os resultados obtidos vão de encontro aos resultados já apresentados em estudos anteriores, apresentando o betão com substituição parcial de cal hidráulica em 20% por metacaulino o melhor desempenho relativamente à rigidez, à resistência mecânica e à resistência de carbonatação. Todas estas propriedades apresentam uma melhoria com o aumento de idade do betão, sendo esta melhoria mais evidente nos provetes com adição de metacaulino. Relativamente à resistência à penetração de cloretos, a partir dos resultados aos 28 dias, pode-se concluir que no betão de cal hidráulica a adição de metacaulino tem um efeito benéfico na diminuição da difusão de iões cloreto, indo estes resultados de encontro aos já apresentados na literatura existente relativa ao betão de cimento.Presently concrete is one of the main materials used in construction, resulting from its production and its constituents a series of processes that contribute to environmental degradation. The increasing awareness of the need to mitigate environmental degradation, leads to an increasing demand on materials with a lower environmental impact. The environmental impact of hydraulic lime is significantly lower than that evidenced by the portland cement, since the CO2 emissions in lime production process is lower than that originated in Portland cement production. Concrete with a hydraulic lime binder could have commercial interest in constructions with lower structural strength demands. In order to increase mechanical strength, metakaolin is used as a pozzolanic addition, with the intention to increase its viability and consequent employability in construction.. The main goal of this work is to evaluate the behaviour of the hydraulic lime concrete with the addition of Portuguese metakaolin. The concrete was submitted to several tests in order to analyse certain properties, such as: the analysis of workability, modulus of elasticity, compressive strength, resistance to carbonation and to chloride penetration. Tests were carried out on specimens of different ages in order to assess the evolution of these properties over time. Obtained results meet other results already presented in previous studies, the concrete with partial substitution of hydraulic lime by 20% metakaolin had the best performance relative to stiffness, mechanical strength and resistance to carbonation. All these properties show an improvement over time, presenting the specimens with metakaolin addition the most evident improvements. From the results at 28 days, regarding the resistance to chloride penetration, it may be concluded that in hydraulic lime concrete the addition of metakaolin has a beneficial effect in reducing the diffusion of chloride ions. These results meet the results already presented in the literature related to cement concrete


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    Resumo: O trabalho infantil não é causa única do abandono escolar, mas é, sem dúvida, um dos mais antigos e desumanos fatores que afastam a criança da escola. O presente artigo faz um breve histórico sobre trabalho, reúne e comenta leis e documentos oficiais que tratam do direito à educação e da proteção da criança contra o trabalho precoce. Discute o trabalho infantil como fator motivador da evasão escolar e aponta consequências (individuais e sociais) trazidas por ela. Para ilustrar o estudo, traz para a discussão a obra Serafina e a criança que trabalha, de Cristina Porto, uma metáfora representativa e denunciadora da situação da criança trabalhadora no Brasil

    O papel das redes sociais na orientação clínica em estudantes de licenciatura

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    O ensino clínico e os papéis dos diversos intervenientes constituem um elemento primordial na formação dos alunos, promovendo a sua aprendizagem e consequentemente o seu futuro como profissionais. Este trabalho, visa à identificação e compreensão de determinadas competências e momentos que são valorizados para o sucesso do aluno estagiário de um curso superior, que emergem de conhecimento obtido a partir de redes sociais informais, bem como o nível das expetativas que os atores sociais apresentam em relação à capacidade e desenvolvimento dos mesmos no futuro

    Internship supervisors' perception of the radiography students in clinical environment

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    The main goal of this research was to identify and describe the perception of internship supervisors of the radiography students in clinical environment about their competencies, skills and characteristics


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    Os autores deste estudo, que é resultado de pesquisas desenvolvidas no âmbito do Projeto OBEDUC/CAPES “Implicações do Ambiente no processo de Ensino Aprendizagem”, da UNISUAM, compartilham do entendimento de que os novos padrões de produtividade e competitividade, impostos pelo avanço tecnológico obrigam a pensar a educação como componente essencial de desenvolvimento. Neste quadro, a capacidade de leitura (onde se inclui a capacidade de compreender o que se lê) é fundamental, por se tratar de uma habilidade essencial ao desenvolvimento de outras. Neste sentido, a discussão acerca de algumas políticas públicas e de iniciativas privadas que visam a fomentar a leitura nas escolas e na sociedade em geral, objetivos do presente trabalho, pode fornecer um quadro dos esforços no sentido de minorar a precária situação da leitura no Brasil, evidenciadas pelas avaliações oficiais

    Occurrence of pesticide residues in indoor dust of farmworker households across Europe and Argentina.

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    Pesticides are widely used as plant protection products (PPPs) in farming systems to preserve crops against pests, weeds, and fungal diseases. Indoor dust can act as a chemical repository revealing occurrence of pesticides in the indoor environment at the time of sampling and the (recent) past. This in turn provides information on the exposure of humans to pesticides in their homes. In the present study, part of the Horizon 2020 funded SPRINT project, the presence of 198 pesticide residues was assessed in 128 indoor dust samples from both conventional and organic farmworker households across Europe, and in Argentina. Mixtures of pesticide residues were found in all dust samples (25-121, min-max; 75, median). Concentrations varied in a wide range (<0.01 ng/g-206 μg/g), with glyphosate and its degradation product AMPA, permethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide found in highest levels. Regarding the type of pesticides, insecticides showed significantly higher levels than herbicides and fungicides. Indoor dust samples related to organic farms showed a significantly lower number of residues, total and individual concentrations than those related to conventional farms. Some pesticides found in indoor dust were no longer approved ones (29 %), with acute/chronic hazards to human health (32 %) and with environmental toxicity (21 %)

    Dynamics of coral reef benthic assemblages of the Abrolhos Bank, Eastern Brazil: inferences on natural and anthropogenic drivers

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    The Abrolhos Bank (eastern Brazil) encompasses the largest and richest coral reefs of the South Atlantic. Coral reef benthic assemblages of the region were monitored from 2003 to 2008. Two habitats (pinnacles’ tops and walls) were sampled per site with 3–10 sites sampled within different reef areas. Different methodologies were applied in two distinct sampling periods: 2003–2005 and 2006–2008. Spatial coverage and taxonomic resolution were lower in the former than in the latter period. Benthic assemblages differed markedly in the smallest spatial scale, with greater differences recorded between habitats. Management regimes and biomass of fish functional groups (roving and territorial herbivores) had minor influences on benthic assemblages. These results suggest that local environmental factors such as light, depth and substrate inclination exert a stronger influence on the structure of benthic assemblages than protection from fishing. Reef walls of unprotected coastal reefs showed highest coral cover values, with a major contribution of Montastraea cavernosa (a sediment resistant species that may benefit from low light levels). An overall negative relationship between fleshy macroalgae and slow-growing reef-building organisms (i.e. scleractinians and crustose calcareous algae) was recorded, suggesting competition between these organisms. The opposite trend (i.e. positive relationships) was recorded for turf algae and the two reef-building organisms, suggesting beneficial interactions and/or co-occurrence mediated by unexplored factors. Turf algae cover increased across the region between 2006 and 2008, while scleractinian cover showed no change. The need of a continued and standardized monitoring program, aimed at understanding drivers of change in community patterns, as well as to subsidize sound adaptive conservation and management measures, is highlighted.Ronaldo B. Francini-Filho, Ericka O. C. Coni, Pedro M. Meirelles, Gilberto M. Amado-Filho, Fabiano L. Thompson, Guilherme H. Pereira-Filho, Alex C. Bastos, Douglas P. Abrantes, Camilo M. Ferreira, Fernando Z. Gibran, Arthur Z. Gu, th, Paulo Y. G. Sumida, Nara L. Oliveira, Les Kaufman, Carolina V. Minte-Vera, Rodrigo L. Mour

    Pesticide residues with hazard classifications relevant to non-target species including humans are omnipresent in the environment and farmer residences

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    Intensive and widespread use of pesticides raises serious environmental and human health concerns. The presence and levels of 209 pesticide residues (active substances and transformation products) in 625 environmental samples (201 soil, 193 crop, 20 outdoor air, 115 indoor dust, 58 surface water, and 38 sediment samples) have been studied. The samples were collected during the 2021 growing season, across 10 study sites, covering the main European crops, and conventional and organic farming systems. We profiled the pesticide residues found in the different matrices using existing hazard classifications towards non-target organisms and humans. Combining monitoring data and hazard information, we developed an indicator for the prioritization of pesticides, which can support policy decisions and sustainable pesticide use transitions. Eighty-six percent of the samples had at least one residue above the respective limit of detection. One hundred residues were found in soil, 112 in water, 99 in sediments, 78 in crops, 76 in outdoor air, and 197 in indoor dust. The number, levels, and profile of residues varied between farming systems. Our results show that non-approved compounds still represent a significant part of environmental cocktails and should be accounted for in monitoring programs and risk assessments. The hazard profiles analysis confirms the dominance of compounds of low-moderate hazard and underscores the high hazard of some approved compounds and recurring “no data available” situations. Overall, our results support the idea that risk should be assessed in a mixture context, taking environmentally relevant mixtures into consideration. We have uncovered uncertainties and data gaps that should be addressed, as well as the policy implications at the EU approval status level. Our newly introduced indicator can help identify research priority areas, and act as a reference for targeted scenarios set forth in the Farm to Fork pesticide reduction goals

    Social partners going digital: using digital tools and adapting social dialogue processes

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    La xarxa de corresponsals d'Eurofound ha contribuït a aquest informe i en concret l'Alejandro Godino com així s'expressa a l'Annex 3: Network of Eurofound CorrespondentsDigital transformation is changing the world of work. This report looks at how social partners - the actors involved in the regulation of employment relationships - are increasingly adopting technological solutions to improve the services that they provide to their members and facilitate collective bargaining processes. Technological tools offer social partners the opportunity to enhance consultation, engage with their members through digitised processes, improve services and increase networking activities, as well as addressing the issue of membership decline. The findings of this report show that the extent to which the social partners use digital technologies varies greatly across the EU Member States, Norway and the United Kingdom. Provisions in collective agreements on several aspects of digitalisation have been identified in about half of the countries. Through these provisions, social partners encourage their members to boost training on digital skills, ensure fair and safe working conditions and take account of data protection and employee monitoring practices. The European social partners' autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation has provided inspiration to national-level organisations, and follow-up actions in this regard have the potential to greatly benefit their members