452 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation of elastic mode control on a model of a transport aircraft

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    A 4.5 percent DC-10 derivative flexible model with active controls is fabricated, developed, and tested to investigate the ability to suppress flutter and reduce gust loads with active controlled surfaces. The model is analyzed and tested in both semispan and complete model configuration. Analytical methods are refined and control laws are developed and successfully tested on both versions of the model. A 15 to 25 percent increase in flutter speed due to the active system is demonstrated. The capability of an active control system to significantly reduce wing bending moments due to turbulence is demonstrated. Good correlation is obtained between test and analytical prediction

    Double-Slit Interferometry with a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    A Bose-Einstein "double-slit" interferometer has been recently realized experimentally by (Y. Shin et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 50405 (2004)). We analyze the interferometric steps by solving numerically the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevski equation in three-dimensional space. We focus on the adiabaticity time scales of the problem and on the creation of spurious collective excitations as a possible source of the strong dephasing observed experimentally. The role of quantum fluctuations is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Transport in Nanotubes: Effect of Remote Impurity Scattering

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    Theory of the remote Coulomb impurity scattering in single--wall carbon nanotubes is developed within one--electron approximation. Boltzmann equation is solved within drift--diffusion model to obtain the tube conductivity. The conductivity depends on the type of the nanotube bandstructure (metal or semiconductor) and on the electron Fermi level. We found exponential dependence of the conductivity on the Fermi energy due to the Coulomb scattering rate has a strong dependence on the momentum transfer. We calculate intra-- and inter--subband scattering rates and present general expressions for the conductivity. Numerical results, as well as obtained analytical expressions, show that the degenerately doped semiconductor tubes may have very high mobility unless the doping level becomes too high and the inter--subband transitions impede the electron transport.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Combinatorics and Boson normal ordering: A gentle introduction

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    We discuss a general combinatorial framework for operator ordering problems by applying it to the normal ordering of the powers and exponential of the boson number operator. The solution of the problem is given in terms of Bell and Stirling numbers enumerating partitions of a set. This framework reveals several inherent relations between ordering problems and combinatorial objects, and displays the analytical background to Wick's theorem. The methodology can be straightforwardly generalized from the simple example given herein to a wide class of operators.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Exact results for the optical absorption of strongly correlated electrons in a half-filled Peierls-distorted chain

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    In this second of three articles on the optical absorption of electrons in a half-filled Peierls-distorted chain we present exact results for strongly correlated tight-binding electrons. In the limit of a strong on-site interaction UU we map the Hubbard model onto the Harris-Lange model which can be solved exactly in one dimension in terms of spinless fermions for the charge excitations. The exact solution allows for an interpretation of the charge dynamics in terms of parallel Hubbard bands with a free-electron dispersion of band-width WW, separated by the Hubbard interaction UU. The spin degrees of freedom enter the expressions for the optical absorption only via a momentum dependent but static ground state expectation value. The remaining spin problem can be traced out exactly since the eigenstates of the Harris-Lange model are spin-degenerate. This corresponds to the Hubbard model at temperatures large compared to the spin exchange energy. Explicit results are given for the optical absorption in the presence of a lattice distortion δ\delta and a nearest-neighbor interaction VV. We find that the optical absorption for V=0V=0 is dominated by a peak at ω=U\omega=U and broad but weak absorption bands for ωUW| \omega -U | \leq W. For an appreciable nearest-neighbor interaction, V>W/2V>W/2, almost all spectral weight is transferred to Simpson's exciton band which is eventually Peierls-split.Comment: 50 pages REVTEX 3.0, 6 postscript figures; hardcopy versions before May 96 are obsolete; accepted for publication in The Philosophical Magazine

    Analytical model for electromagnetic cascades in rotating electric field

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    Electromagnetic cascades attract a lot of attention as an important QED effect that will reveal itself in various electromagnetic field configurations at ultrahigh intensities. We study cascade dynamics in rotating electric field analytically and numerically. The kinetic equations for the electron-positron plasma and gamma-quanta are formulated. The scaling laws are derived and analyzed. For the cascades arising far above the threshold the dependence of the cascade parameters on the field frequency is derived. The spectra of high-energy cascade particles are calculated. The analytical results are verified by numerical simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Intrinsic ripples in graphene

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    The stability of two-dimensional (2D) layers and membranes is subject of a long standing theoretical debate. According to the so called Mermin-Wagner theorem, long wavelength fluctuations destroy the long-range order for 2D crystals. Similarly, 2D membranes embedded in a 3D space have a tendency to be crumpled. These dangerous fluctuations can, however, be suppressed by anharmonic coupling between bending and stretching modes making that a two-dimensional membrane can exist but should present strong height fluctuations. The discovery of graphene, the first truly 2D crystal and the recent experimental observation of ripples in freely hanging graphene makes these issues especially important. Beside the academic interest, understanding the mechanisms of stability of graphene is crucial for understanding electronic transport in this material that is attracting so much interest for its unusual Dirac spectrum and electronic properties. Here we address the nature of these height fluctuations by means of straightforward atomistic Monte Carlo simulations based on a very accurate many-body interatomic potential for carbon. We find that ripples spontaneously appear due to thermal fluctuations with a size distribution peaked around 70 \AA which is compatible with experimental findings (50-100 \AA) but not with the current understanding of stability of flexible membranes. This unexpected result seems to be due to the multiplicity of chemical bonding in carbon.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    An efficient Fredholm method for calculation of highly excited states of billiards

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    A numerically efficient Fredholm formulation of the billiard problem is presented. The standard solution in the framework of the boundary integral method in terms of a search for roots of a secular determinant is reviewed first. We next reformulate the singularity condition in terms of a flow in the space of an auxiliary one-parameter family of eigenproblems and argue that the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are analytic functions within a certain domain. Based on this analytic behavior we present a numerical algorithm to compute a range of billiard eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors by only two diagonalizations.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures; included systematic study of accuracy with 2 new figures, movie to Fig. 4, http://www.quantumchaos.de/Media/0703030media.av

    Lyapunov exponents and anomalous diffusion of a Lorentz gas with infinite horizon using approximate zeta functions

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    We compute the Lyapunov exponent, generalized Lyapunov exponents and the diffusion constant for a Lorentz gas on a square lattice, thus having infinite horizon. Approximate zeta functions, written in terms of probabilities rather than periodic orbits, a re used in order to avoid the convergence problems of cycle expansions. The emphasis is on the relation between the analytic structure of the zeta function, where a branch cut plays an important role, and the asymptotic dynamics of the system. We find a diverging diffusion constant D(t)logtD(t) \sim \log t and a phase transition for the generalized Lyapunov exponents.Comment: 14 pages LaTeX, figs 2-3 on .uu file, fig 1 available from autho

    Analytic Continuation of Liouville Theory

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    Correlation functions in Liouville theory are meromorphic functions of the Liouville momenta, as is shown explicitly by the DOZZ formula for the three-point function on the sphere. In a certain physical region, where a real classical solution exists, the semiclassical limit of the DOZZ formula is known to agree with what one would expect from the action of the classical solution. In this paper, we ask what happens outside of this physical region. Perhaps surprisingly we find that, while in some range of the Liouville momenta the semiclassical limit is associated to complex saddle points, in general Liouville's equations do not have enough complex-valued solutions to account for the semiclassical behavior. For a full picture, we either must include "solutions" of Liouville's equations in which the Liouville field is multivalued (as well as being complex-valued), or else we can reformulate Liouville theory as a Chern-Simons theory in three dimensions, in which the requisite solutions exist in a more conventional sense. We also study the case of "timelike" Liouville theory, where we show that a proposal of Al. B. Zamolodchikov for the exact three-point function on the sphere can be computed by the original Liouville path integral evaluated on a new integration cycle.Comment: 86 pages plus appendices, 9 figures, minor typos fixed, references added, more discussion of the literature adde