6 research outputs found

    Designing a New Model for Organizational Websites Evaluation

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    The current web evaluation models are mainly based on the technical evaluation of the site and its appearance and usability from user's perspective. In other words, the site is evaluated as an independent entity from the underlying organization that it represents. The focus of this study is on evaluation of organizations' websites based on the quality management concepts. In this way, the measured performance indicators will be used to find the deficiencies of the websites and recommend corrections. For evaluating the organization’s success in its website function, the concept of quality management is used and since evaluation and improvement are the center of attention in this model, the model is called Ev-Imp, which Ev stands for evaluation and Imp stands for improvement. Model includes four main components consist of objectives, processes, criteria and feedback. With the use of feedback tools such as quantitative and qualitative questionnaire for groups of stakeholders and service providers ,the website’s weaknesses and strengths would be identified and with analyzing the website’s weaknesses required improvement would be determined and corrective action would be don

    Comparing the Resulted Strategies from the SWOT and the SPACE (Electricity Company as Case Study)

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    Abstract The present study was aimed to compare the implementation of two models in terms of strategic planning. In order to this, firstly, several field studies have been done in terms of the SWOT and the SPACE analysis. In the next step, a team of the meddle and senior managers that have studied in terms of SWOT analysis seek to identify the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and then develop their related strategies. They also develop and indicate the SPACE questionnaire. Based on the results of this questionnaire and determining the organization’s strategic position, they strive to develop the appropriate strategies. Finally, the strategies that have been derived from these models were compared to each other and their strengths and weaknesses were analyzed

    Identificação de Indicadores de Medição de Conhecimento de Membros do Corpo Docente das Universidades do Irã

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    Identifying and controlling knowledge assets is essential for any organization, and proper utilization of this capital, in the presence of appropriate criteria and indicators, will affect the performance and not merely a qualitative assessment. Therefore, the researchers seek to identify the indicators of knowledge measurement of faculty members in Iran's universities. The present research, based on the objective, is a fundamental research component, based on the nature is the descriptive research component and based on the type of argument, is a component of qualitative research. The data collection method is library resources and questionnaires and the technique used is Fuzzy Delphi method. The Delphi panel was established with 17 faculty members who were selected by a judiciary. The results of the research showed that among 61 indicators extracted from theoretical literature, two index such as: guidance the undergraduate theses and the ratio of postgraduate students to total students, do not affect the knowledge measurement of human resources at universities in Iran, and there are consensus about other indicators.Identificar y controlar los activos de conocimiento es esencial para cualquier organización, y la utilización adecuada de este capital, en presencia de criterios e indicadores apropiados, afectará el rendimiento y no meramente una evaluación cualitativa. Por lo tanto, los investigadores buscan identificar los indicadores de medición del conocimiento de los miembros de la facultad en las universidades de Irán. La presente investigación, basada en el objetivo, es un componente de investigación fundamental, basado en la naturaleza es el componente de investigación descriptiva y en función del tipo de argumento, es un componente de la investigación cualitativa. El método de recolección de datos son los recursos de la biblioteca y los cuestionarios, y la técnica utilizada es el método Fuzzy Delphi. El panel de Delphi se estableció con 17 miembros de la facultad que fueron seleccionados por un poder judicial. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron que entre 61 indicadores extraídos de la literatura teórica, dos índices tales como: orientación de las tesis de pregrado y la proporción de estudiantes de postgrado a estudiantes totales, no afectan la medición del conocimiento de los recursos humanos en las universidades de Irán, y hay consenso sobre otros indicadores.Identificar e gerenciar ativos de conhecimento é essencial para qualquer organização e utilização adequada desta capital, na presença de critérios e indicadores apropriados, irá afetar o desempenho e não apenas uma avaliação qualitativa. Portanto, os pesquisadores buscam identificar indicadores de medição de conhecimento dos membros do corpo docente nas universidades iranianas. Esta pesquisa, com base no objetivo, é um componente da investigação fundamental, com base na natureza do componente é pesquisa descritiva e, dependendo do tipo de argumento, é um componente da pesquisa qualitativa. O método de coleta de dados são os recursos da biblioteca e os questionários, e a técnica utilizada é o método Delphi Difuso. O painel Delphi foi estabelecido com 17 membros do corpo docente que foram selecionados por um judiciário. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que entre 61 indicadores extraídos da literatura teórica, dois índices, como a orientação de teses de graduação e a proporção de estudantes de pós- graduação para o total de alunos não afetar a medição de conhecimento de recursos humanos em universidades no Irã, e há consenso sobre outros indicadores

    Isolated Congenital Absence of Right Lower Lateral Cartilage and Reconstruction with Septal Cartilage: A Case Report and Review of Literature

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    Congenital anomalies of the nose are rare but may be associated with syndromes affecting craniofacial structures. Herein, we report a case of a congenital absence of lower lateral cartilage seen during an open rhinoplasty in a 23-yr-old lady with no underlying health conditions. Medical and surgical history were unremarkable and there were no evidences conducted of any previous traumatic facial injuries. During physical examination, a significant nostril asymmetry was noted to be present. In addition, cotton test showed no evidence of obstruction. The absence of lower lateral cartilage on the right side was noted during the degloving stage of the open rhinoplasty. Absence of lower lateral cartilage poses a technical challenge in surgery and in order to reconstruct this structure, cartilage can be harvested from concha, lower lateral cartilage, septum and cartilaginous dorsal hump during an open approach rhinoplasty

    Evaluation of the Strategy Management Implementation in Project- Oriented Service Organizations

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    Although developing strategic and operational plans is a difficult and complicated process, their successful implementation is much more difficult. Many organizations fail in the full implementation of their strategies. This is not due to the partial definition of strategies and organization‘s operational plan, but this is likely due to the lack of strong framework for creating alignment between employees and operational process and the organizational goals. To implement strategies effectively and to develop a comprehensive management system and to improve the performance, Robert Kaplan and David Norton introduced a modern management system which is Balanced ScoreCard. Likewise they introduced five main criteria: leadership, translation, alignment, every day process and ongoing process for a strategy oriented organization. This paper is intended to offer a systematic approach for measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the strategic plan performance. For this study the questionnaire was distributed in a project- orientated service organization and after collection, by the use of statistical. Analysis especially factor analysis the grouping of sub-criteria under the five main criteria was confirmed. The statistical analysis showed that, two criteria of alignment and every day work had the lowest scores in terms of both implementation and effectiveness in the organization‘s senior and executive manager‘s point of view. With deep interview, studying of scorecards and meeting of the strategic committee of the studied organization, the two dimension of alignment and every day work were further examined and after identifying upgradeable areas, some suggestions for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the studied organization were presented