Designing a New Model for Organizational Websites Evaluation


The current web evaluation models are mainly based on the technical evaluation of the site and its appearance and usability from user's perspective. In other words, the site is evaluated as an independent entity from the underlying organization that it represents. The focus of this study is on evaluation of organizations' websites based on the quality management concepts. In this way, the measured performance indicators will be used to find the deficiencies of the websites and recommend corrections. For evaluating the organization’s success in its website function, the concept of quality management is used and since evaluation and improvement are the center of attention in this model, the model is called Ev-Imp, which Ev stands for evaluation and Imp stands for improvement. Model includes four main components consist of objectives, processes, criteria and feedback. With the use of feedback tools such as quantitative and qualitative questionnaire for groups of stakeholders and service providers ,the website’s weaknesses and strengths would be identified and with analyzing the website’s weaknesses required improvement would be determined and corrective action would be don

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