921 research outputs found

    Geodesics in nilpotent Lie groups

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    We study the geodesics problem in Heisenberg group H (case SR and riemannian). The sheaf of infinitesimal automorphisms of the (2n,2n+1) distribution D over H is an infinite, transitive Lie algebra sheaf.Comment: to appear in Proceeding of GAP 2007, Geometry and Physic Conference, Dakar (SN

    Differential equations and moving frames

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    The purpose of the paper is to study the relationship between differential equations, Pfaffian systems and geometric structures, via the method of moving frames of E.Cartan. We show a local structure theorem. The Lie algebra aspects differential equations is studied too.Comment: 21 page

    Equivalence for Differential Equations

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    We shall study the equivalence problem for ordinary differential equations with respect to the affine transformations group.Comment: 14 page

    Land-Related Tensions and Womens Empowerment in Rural Senegal

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    Being numbered among the Less Developed Countries LDCs Senegal is a State populated by several ethnic groups among whom the Sereer the Peulh and the Diola Still deeply rooted in their traditional values the mentioned groups home-grow traditional rules that lessen ordinary people s opportunity particularly women who in term of land ownership come to grip with serious customary and traditional obstacles that hinder their emancipation process In this paper the targeted objectives consist in highlighting traditional barriers that bedevill women s horizon to enlightment and empowerment in Senegal Flings of reforms which under the pump have gone through up and down in the corridor of political will will be underlined to arouse a crib of solutions that may be efficient to bail women out of their below social positio


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    There has been a tremendous proliferation in plastic production in the last five decades due to its low cost and versatile applications. Plastic debris dominates the marine litter globally and has been found in the most pristine environment including the abysmal region of the ocean. Studies show that over 8 million tons of plastics are dumped in the ocean annually. Plastics are persistent in the environment and take several decades to degrade especially in the ocean. Large plastic debris can destroy the coral reefs and may cause entanglement, choking, blockage of digestive tracts when ingested by turtles, whales, sharks etc, causing several thousand deaths annually among these organisms. Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that seldom originate from fragmentation of large plastic debris or are produced to serve some specific purposes. Microplastics pose greater threats as they can be mistaken for food by filter-feeders and planktivorous fish, and can also adsorb large quantities of recalcitrant organic pollutants (OPs) which biomagnify up the marine food web, hence, explains the need for their investigation. In the first phase of this study, the spatial and temporal distribution of microplastics was investigated in sediments and seawater respectively. Eight beaches across Qatar and four sea surface stations were surveyed between the months of December 2014 and March 2015. Microplastics were discovered in all samples and their abundance varied both in intertidal sandy beaches and sea surface. Since plastic debris are hydrophobic and easily adsorb organic pollutants the second phase of this study was targeted at investigating the concentration of PCBs and PAHs adsorbed on macroplastics in situ. Results showed that approximately all macroplastics analyzed were contaminated with PCBs and PAHs. Large piece-to-piece variations of contamination up to two orders of magnitude were discovered within sites (2 to 1,005 ng/g), although there was no significant difference in contaminant concentration among all sites for PCBs and PAHs respectively. Lastly, a field adsorption/desorption experiment was performed to investigate how pellets of different polymers and contaminated with POPs behave when placed in ambient seawater. Pellets were deployed and later retrieved at 48h, 96 h, 192 h, and 312 h respectively. The pellets were analyzed for PCBs and PAHs and undeployed pellets were also analyzed at time 0. Adsorbed PCBs and PAHs concentration showed a steady decrease with time, suggesting that contaminated pellets ending in the marine environment release their adsorbed contaminants in less contaminated seawaters revealing a complex OPs dynamic between plastics an seawater as a function of differential concentrations of pollutants. This study is the first of its kind in Qatar and seemingly in the entire Arabian Gulf region. Marine pollution is a growing concern in Qatar coastal and offshore environment. Marine debris is of major concern due to the fact that plastic can take several decades to be fully degraded. Results from this study indicate that microplastics are ubiquitous and the fact that they are easily mistaken for food and ingested by zooplankton and smaller fishes makes them a serious threat to the marine food web. Hence, a study on the spatiotemporal distribution of microplastics is crucial in investigating the size and polymeric properties of marine debris to give policy makers an insight of the sources of the debris and proffer suggestions on how to tackle the menace using a holistic approach


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    ABSTRAK Abib El Pagunsie.(1403956).“Pengaruh Konformitas Teman Sebaya dan Disonansi Kognitif terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Berbelanja Fashion pada Mahasiswa/i Angkatan 2018 di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia”. Skripsi Departemen Psikologi, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung (2019). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konformitas teman sebaya dan disonansi kognitif terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Berbelanja Fashion pada Mahasiswa/i Angkatan 2019 di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif dengan subjek 300 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu skala konformitas teman sebaya dari Myers (2002) yang diadaptasi oleh Widyaningrat (2011), skala disonansi kognitif dari Swoutar & Sweeney yang diadaptasi oleh Qodariah (2016), dan skala perilaku konsumtif dari Sumartono yang diadaptasi oleh Rengganingrum (2015). Semua skala tersebut kemudian dikembangkan kembali oleh peneliti dengan menyesuaikan dengan keadaan dari partisipan dalam penelitian ini. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis linier sederhana dengan hasil X1 terhdap Y (0,000 0,05) yang artinya tidak ada pengaruh antara disonansi kognitif terhadap perilaku konsumtif berbelanja Fashion pada mahasiswa/i angkatan 2018 di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Kata kunci : konformitas teman sebaya, disonansi kognitif, perilaku konsumtif, berbelanja, konsumen Abstrak Abib El Pagunsie. (1403956) "The Influence of Peer Friend's Conformity and Cognitive Disonance on Fashion Shopping Consumptive Behavior in Class 2018 Students at the Indonesian University of Education". Essay Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Indonesian Education University, Bandung (2019). This study aims to determine the effect of peer conformity and cognitive dissonance on Fashion Shopping Consumptive Behavior in Students of 2019 at the Indonesian University of Education. The method used is a quantitative method with a subject of 300 people. The instruments used were the scale of peer conformity from Myers (2002) adapted by Widyaningrat (2011), the cognitive dissonance scale from Swoutar & Sweeney adapted by Qodariah (2016), and the consumptive behavior scale from Sumartono adapted by Rengganingrum (2015). All of these scales were then redeveloped by researchers to adjust to the circumstances of the participants in this study. The analysis technique used is simple linear analysis with the results of X1 on Y (0,000 0.05), which means there is no influence between cognitive dissonance towards consumptive behavior of fashion shopping for students of class 2018 at the Indonesian University of Education. Keywords: peer conformity, cognitive dissonance, consumptive behavior, shopping, consumer


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    Rusa Bawean (Axis kuhli) merupakan salah satu dari empat spesies rusa yang ada di Indonesia. Salah satu penangkaran Rusa Bawean yang ada di Jawa Timur adalah Maharani zoo dan Goa Lamongan (Mazola). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi umum populasi dan aktivitas sosial Rusa Bawean (Axis kuhli) betina di Kawasan Maharani Zoo dan Goa Lamongan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan time sampling yang merupakan pengamatan dengan menunjukkan kekerapan suatu perilaku dari rusa bawean. Populasi kelompok rusa bawean diketahui berdasarkan pengamatan langsung dan wawancara berjumlah lima belas individu, dengan struktur umur dari populasi Rusa Bawean di Kawasan Kebun Binatang Maharani Zoo dan Goa Lamongan secara keseluruhan diketahui terdiri dari lima ekor rusa jantan dewasa, empat ekor rusa betina dewasa, tiga ekor rusa remaja dan tiga ekor anakan. Komposisi jenis kelamin populasi rusa bawean secara keseluruhan yang di dominasi oleh betina dewasa dengan jumlah empat ekor dan diketahui paling sedikit yaitu terdiri dari tiga ekor anakan dan tiga ekor rusa remaja. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa aktivitas sosial rusa bawean (Axis kuhli) betina dewasa yaitu menggerombol, berkelahi untuk merebutkan makanan, dan juga menyusui anakannya. Sedangkan rusa bawean betina remaja bersifat agresif ketika berinteraksi dengan manusia, dan perilaku sosial rusa bawean betina yang anakan menunjukan perilaku merumput (grazing)

    Evaluasi Kualitas Hasil Produksi Urea Diperusahaan Pupuk Menggunakan Metode Kansai Engineering

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    Pupuk urea merupakan jenis pupuk yang paling sering dicari dipasaran karena banyak digunakan dalam dunia pertanian, sehingga PT PUSRI Palembang memproduksi pupuk urea dalam jumlah besar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk nasional. Dalam penelitian ini adapun metode yang  digunakan adalah  metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Kansai Engineering. Pengumpulan data didapatkan dari data primer dan sekunder ,kemudian diolah menjadi angket yang disebarkan kepada karyawan yang terlibat dalam proses produksi.  Kemudian didapatkan hasil dari pengolahan angket tersebut kemudian disimpulkan peningkatan terdapat pada peningkatan kualitas produk setelah dilakukannya penambahan injeksi cairan formal dehyde. Peningkatan terjadi dapat dilihat dari  kualitas pupuk yang mana nilai nya mencapai 79% responden menyatakan bahwa peningkatan terjadi dari kondisi pupuk dan menurut lab departemen tehnik proses  peningkatan Crungshing Strenght tertinggi didapat dari variabel HCHO 0,235% dari 17,88 ke 19,24 kg/Cm2. Dan peningkatan terjadi juga dalam aspek lingkungan dimana terjadi pengurangan debu urea pada area produksi, berdasarkan jawaban responden yang mencapai 75%. &nbsp


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) yang dilaksanakan di SD Negeri Tegalpanggungberlangsungmulai tanggal 10 Agustus sampai dengan 12 September 2015. Dengan adanya kegiatan PPL diharapkandapat memberikan pengalaman bagi mahasiswa, terutama dalam hal pengalaman mengajar, mempraktikkan ilmu, mengembangkan keterampilan, meningkatkan kedisiplinan, kemandirian, dan rasa tanggungjawab. Secara umum, pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL berjalan baik sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan. Bentuk pelaksanaan kegiatanPPL terdiri dari tiga jenis, yaitu praktik mengajar terbimbing, praktik mengajar mandiri, dan ujian praktik mengajar. Praktik mengajar terbimbing dilakukan empat kali, praktik mengajar mandiri dilakukan satu kali, dan ujian praktik mengajar dilakukan atu kali. Masing-masing jenis praktik mengajar dilakukan di kelas rendah dan kelas tinggi. Dari pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL di SD Negeri Tegalpanggung maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan PPL dapat memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam pengembangan kompetensi di bidang pendidikan, memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan ilmu, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang telah dipelajari kedalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah, serta dapat meningkatkan hubungan kemitraan yang baik antara UNY dengan sekolah yang terkait