748 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi Pada PT. Sekar Bumi Alam Lestari Kecamatan Tapung Hilir Kabupaten Kampar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan kerja terhadap Kepuasan kerja karyawan bagian Produksi pada PT. Sekar Bumi Alam Lestari. Dalam penelitian ini 57 Karyawan telah di ambil sebagai Sampel dari 136 Populasi dan dipilih secara Random Sampling kemudian diwawancarai sebagai Responden. Analisis Validitas dan Reliabilitas telah dilakukan sebagai alat ukur pada 57 Responden. Hasil dari pengujian alat ukur tersebut menyatakan bahwa data yang di ukur Valid dan Reliabel. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Deskriptif dan teknik Analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Kuantitatif. Setelah di uji dengan uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas selanjutnya data di Analisis menggunakan Analisis Statistik Regresi Linear Sederhana, Uji Koefisien Determinasi (R²), dan Uji t dengan menggunakan bantuan SPSS 17. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa diketahui t hitung (6.868) > t tabel (2,005) dan Sig. (0,000) < 0,05. Artinya Hipotesa dapat diterima dan menyatakan bahwa lingkungan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kepuasan kerja Karyawan. Kata kunci : Lingkungan Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja, Karyawan Bagian Produksi Pada PT. Sekar Bumi Alam Lestar

    A uniform structure for topological spaces

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    Conditionally complete and conditionally orthogonally complete rings

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    Minimal Information About Sample Preparation for Phosphoproteomics

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    This guideline describes parameters and conditions involved in phosphopeptide sample preparation. It covers from the description and preparation of the cells and tissues to the fractionation and specific enrichment of phosphopeptides for MS analysis. The guideline is prepared in order to easily cope with many of the experimental designs used in phosphoproteomic studies. &#xd;&#xa; &#xd;&#xa;The document is subdivided as follows:&#xd;&#xa;1. General features&#xd;&#xa;2. Sample processing&#xd;&#xa;3. Protein Purification/Fractionation&#xd;&#xa;4. Peptide Purification/Fractionation&#xd;&#xa;5. Phosphopeptide enrichment&#xd;&#xa

    Partition of nondenumerable closed sets of reals

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    Hurwitz' theorem implies Rouché's theorem

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    AbstractIt is well known that Hurwitz's theorem is easily proved from Rouché's theorem. We show that conversely, Rouché's theorem is readily proved from Hurwitz' theorem. Since Hurwitz' theorem is easily proved from the formula giving the number of roots of an analytic function, our result thus gives also a simple proof of Rouché's theorem

    Dynamic tax revenue buoyancy estimates for a panel of OECD countries. ESRI WP592, March 2018

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    In this paper we provide short- and long-run tax buoyancy estimates for a panel of OECD countries. Our results indicate that total tax revenue estimates are not different from unity, corporate income tax buoyancies exceed unity both in the long- and the short-run, while personal income tax buoyancies are smaller than unity; these results are robust to controlling for changes in the respective tax rates. Moreover, after taking into account the fluctuations of the business cycle, we observe that CIT estimates are larger during periods of contraction rather than periods of economic expansion; these results hold both for the whole panel and the Irish economy. Moreover, we examine the effects of using GNP instead of GDP as a base of economic activity for the Irish economy. Although the results are qualitatively the same, the differences need to be taken into account, especially form an economic policy point of view

    Definning an helicopter emergency medical services

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    Helicopter Emergency Medical Services are complementary services to the emergency medical service of developed countries that allow to give medical assistance to remote areas and assist patients who are in a critical situation to be transferred to the hospital as soon as possible providing them with medicalised care on board. This thesis will explain the existing services in Catalonia that have helicopters for the transport of critically ill patient. Subsequently, the existing services in Catalonia will be compared with other services of a different geographic and population scope than the Catalan services, to establish a comparison and understand how to plan this type of service. In addition, the fleet of aircraft that each medical service needs to be able to make the transfer and take the patient to the hospital will also be analysed. Therefore, each medical emergency considers the best type of helicopter that suits its need considering the type of region in which it operates, the population that lives there and the type of operation that it will perform. All these will be explained below, analysing the helicopters belonging to each of those services, the technical characteristics of each of them, the missions that each helicopter can perform, the configurations of each helicopter and a comparison will be made between all the helicopters belonging to the services. Finally, the heliports where this type of service operates will be analysed, as to transport the patient to the hospital, this hospital needs to have a heliport at the top or next to the building. Therefore, it also explains the characteristics that heliports must have, depending on whether they are located on the surface or elevated, the types of heliports that exist and then the analysis of the proposals for the different types of services for improve the network of rescue heliports

    Pengembangan Sistem Penilaian Siswa Berbasis Mobile Exam Pada Mata Pelajaran Teknik Dasar Otomotif di SMK Negeri 1 Gombong

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui dan mengembangkan model aplikasi yang tepat untuk membantu guru dalam melakukan sistem penilaian hasil belajar siswa berbasis Mobile Exam pada mata pelajaran Teknik Dasar Otomotif di sekolah kejuruan, (2) Mendapatkan informasi kelayakan sistem penilaian siswa berbasis Mobile Exam pada mata pelajaran Teknik Dasar Otomotif di sekolah kejuruan, (3) Mendapatkan informasi tentang keefektifan sistem penilaian siswa berbasis Mobile Exam pada mata pelajaran Teknik Dasar Otomotif di sekolah kejuruan.Metode penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&amp;D) berdasarkan model penelitian dan pengembangan 4D. Tahapan yang dilakukan yaitu tahap pendefinisian (define), tahap perencanaan (design), tahap pengembangan (develop), dan tahap penyebaran (disseminate). Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Hasil penelitian ini diukur berdasarkan aspek fungsional, aspek kelayakan, aspek keefektifan yang di validasi oleh para ahli dan di uji cobakan pada siswa. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tersebut diperoleh: (1) Pada aspek fungsional, sistem penilaian ini telah memenuhi standar karena fungsi berjalan 100% dan masing-masing subkarakteristik memiliki nilai X = 1, (2) Pada aspek kelayakan sistem penilaian ini telah memenuhi standar dengan skor inter pretasi 83,29%, (3) Pada aspek keefektifan, sistem penilaian ini telah memenuhi standar dengan nilai page speed 97% menempati garde A serta nilai Yslow sebesar 89% menempati grade B atau Good

    Compact partially ordered sets and compactification of partially ordered sets

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