29 research outputs found

    The paralogue of the intrinsically disordered nuclear protein 1 has a nuclear localization sequence that binds to human importin a3

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    Numerous carrier proteins intervene in protein transport from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in eukaryotic cells. One of those is importin a, with several human isoforms; among them, importin a3 (Impa3) features a particularly high flexibility. The protein NUPR1L is an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP), evolved as a paralogue of nuclear protein 1 (NUPR1), which is involved in chromatin remodeling and DNA repair. It is predicted that NUPR1L has a nuclear localization sequence (NLS) from residues Arg51 to Gln74, in order to allow for nuclear translocation. We studied in this work the ability of intact NUPR1L to bind Impa3 and its depleted species, ¿Impa3, without the importin binding domain (IBB), using fluorescence, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), circular dichroism (CD), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and molecular docking techniques. Furthermore, the binding of the peptide matching the isolated NLS region of NUPR1L (NLS-NUPR1L) was also studied using the same methods. Our results show that NUPR1L was bound to Imp a3 with a low micromolar affinity (~5 µM). Furthermore, a similar affinity value was observed for the binding of NLS-NUPR1L. These findings indicate that the NLS region, which was unfolded in isolation in solution, was essentially responsible for the binding of NUPR1L to both importin species. This result was also confirmed by our in silico modeling. The binding reaction of NLS-NUPR1L to ¿Impa3 showed a larger affinity (i.e., lower dissociation constant) compared with that of Impa3, confirming that the IBB could act as an auto-inhibition region of Impa3. Taken together, our findings pinpoint the theoretical predictions of the NLS region in NUPR1L and, more importantly, suggest that this IDP relies on an importin for its nuclear translocation

    Human enzyme PADI4 binds to the nuclear carrier Importin a3

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    PADI4 is a peptidyl-arginine deiminase (PADI) involved in the conversion of arginine to citrulline. PADI4 is present in macrophages, monocytes, granulocytes, and several cancer cells. It is the only PADI family member observed within both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. PADI4 has a predicted nuclear localization sequence (NLS) comprising residues Pro56 to Ser83, to allow for nuclear translocation. Recent predictors also suggest that the region Arg495 to Ile526 is a possible NLS. To understand how PADI4 is involved in cancer, we studied the ability of intact PADI4 to bind importin a3 (Impa3), a nuclear transport factor that plays tumor-promoting roles in several cancers, and its truncated species (¿Impa3) without the importin-binding domain (IBB), by using fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD), and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). Furthermore, the binding of two peptides, encompassing the first and the second NLS regions, was also studied using the same methods and molecular docking simulations. PADI4 interacted with both importin species, with affinity constants of ~1–5 µM. The isolated peptides also interacted with both importins. The molecular simulations predict that the anchoring of both peptides takes place in the major binding site of Impa3 for the NLS of cargo proteins. These findings suggest that both NLS regions were essentially responsible for the binding of PADI4 to the two importin species. Our data are discussed within the framework of a cell mechanism of nuclear transport that is crucial in cancer

    A phosphorylation-induced switch in the nuclear localization sequence of the intrinsically disordered nupr1 hampers binding to importin

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    Several carrier proteins are involved in protein transport from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in eukaryotic cells. One of those is importin a, of which there are several human isoforms; among them, importin a3 (Impa3) has a high flexibility. The protein NUPR1, a nuclear protein involved in the cell-stress response and cell cycle regulation, is an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) that has a nuclear localization sequence (NLS) to allow for nuclear translocation. NUPR1 does localize through the whole cell. In this work, we studied the affinity of the isolated wild-type NLS region (residues 54–74) of NUPR1 towards Impa3 and several mutants of the NLS region by using several biophysical techniques and molecular docking approaches. The NLS region of NUPR1 interacted with Impa3, opening the way to model the nuclear translocation of disordered proteins. All the isolated NLS peptides were disordered. They bound to Impa3 with low micromolar affinity (1.7–27 µM). Binding was hampered by removal of either Lys65 or Lys69 residues, indicating that positive charges were important; furthermore, binding decreased when Thr68 was phosphorylated. The peptide phosphorylated at Thr68, as well as four phospho-mimetic peptides (all containing the Thr68Glu mutation), showed the presence of a sequential NN(i, i + 1) nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) in the 2D-1H-NMR (two-dimensional–proton NMR) spectra, indicating the presence of turn-like conformations. Thus, the phosphorylation of Thr68 modulates the binding of NUPR1 to Impa3 by a conformational, entropy-driven switch from a random-coil conformation to a turn-like structure

    Identification of a Drug Targeting an Intrinsically Disordered Protein Involved in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

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    Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are prevalent in eukaryotes, performing signaling and regulatory functions. Often associated with human diseases, they constitute drug-development targets. NUPR1 is a multifunctional IDP, over-expressed and involved in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) development. By screening 1120 FDA-approved compounds, fifteen candidates were selected, and their interactions with NUPR1 were characterized by experimental and simulation techniques. The protein remained disordered upon binding to all fifteen candidates. These compounds were tested in PDAC-derived cell-based assays, and all induced cell-growth arrest and senescence, reduced cell migration, and decreased chemoresistance, mimicking NUPR1-deficiency. The most effective compound completely arrested tumor development in vivo on xenografted PDAC-derived cells in mice. Besides reporting the discovery of a compound targeting an intact IDP and specifically active against PDAC, our study proves the possibility to target the ''fuzzy'' interface of a protein that remains disordered upon binding to its natural biological partners or to selected drugs

    Targeting the Stress-Induced Protein NUPR1 to Treat Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

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    Cancer cells activate stress-response mechanisms to adapt themselves to a variety of stressful conditions. Among these protective mechanisms, those controlled by the stress-induced nuclear protein 1 (NUPR1 ) belong to the most conserved ones. NUPR1 is an 82-residue-long, monomeric, basic and intrinsically disordered protein (IDP), which was found to be invariably overexpressed in some, if not all, cancer tissues. Remarkably, we and others have previously showed that genetic inactivation of the Nupr1 gene antagonizes the growth of pancreatic cancer as well as several other tumors. With the use of a multidisciplinary strategy by combining biophysical, biochemical, bioinformatic, and biological approaches, a trifluoperazine-derived compound, named ZZW-115, has been identified as an inhibitor of the NUPR1 functions. The anticancer activity of the ZZW-115 was first validated on a large panel of cancer cells. Furthermore, ZZW-115 produced a dose-dependent tumor regression of the tumor size in xenografted mice. Mechanistically, we have demonstrated that NUPR1 binds to several importins. Because ZZW-115 binds NUPR1 through the region around the amino acid Thr68, which is located into the nuclear location signal (NLS) region of the protein, we demonstrated that treatment with ZZW-115 inhibits completely the translocation of NUPR1 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus by competing with importins

    ZZW-115-dependent inhibition of NUPR1 nuclear translocation sensitizes cancer cells to genotoxic agents

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    Establishing the interactome of the cancer-associated stress protein Nuclear Protein 1 (NUPR1), we found that it binds to several hundreds of proteins, including proteins involved in nuclear translocation, DNA repair, and key factors of the SUMO pathway. We demonstrated that the NUPR1 inhibitor ZZW-115, an organic synthetic molecule, competes with importins for the binding to the NLS region of NUPR1, thereby inhibiting its nuclear translocation. We hypothesized, and then proved, that inhibition of NUPR1 by ZZW-115 sensitizes cancer cells to DNA damage induced by several genotoxic agents. Strikingly, we found that treatment with ZZW-115 reduced SUMOylation of several proteins involved in DNA damage response (DDR). We further report that the presence of recombinant NUPR1 improved the SUMOylation in a cell-free system, indicating that NUPR1 directly stimulates the SUMOylation machinery. We propose that ZZW-115 sensitizes cancer cells to genotoxic agents by inhibiting the nuclear translocation of NUPR1 and thereby decreasing the SUMOylation-dependent functions of key proteins involved in the DDR

    PIASγ Is Required for Faithful Chromosome Segregation in Human Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The precision of the metaphase-anaphase transition ensures stable genetic inheritance. The spindle checkpoint blocks anaphase onset until the last chromosome biorients at metaphase plate, then the bonds between sister chromatids are removed and disjoined chromatids segregate to the spindle poles. But, how sister separation is triggered is not fully understood. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We identify PIASγ as a human E3 sumo ligase required for timely and efficient sister chromatid separation. In cells lacking PIASγ, normal metaphase plates form, but the spindle checkpoint is activated, leading to a prolonged metaphase block. Sister chromatids remain cohered even if cohesin is removed by depletion of hSgo1, because DNA catenations persist at centromeres. PIASγ-depleted cells cannot properly localize Topoisomerase II at centromeres or in the cores of mitotic chromosomes, providing a functional link between PIASγ and Topoisomerase II. CONCLUSIONS: PIASγ directs Topoisomerase II to specific chromosome regions that require efficient removal of DNA catenations prior to anaphase. The lack of this activity activates the spindle checkpoint, protecting cells from non-disjunction. Because DNA catenations persist without PIASγ in the absence of cohesin, removal of catenations and cohesin rings must be regulated in parallel

    Analysis of Dehydration and Strength in Elite Badminton Players

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    Background: The negative effects of dehydration on aerobic activities are well established. However, it is unknown how dehydration affects intermittent sports performance. The purpose of this study was to identify the level of dehydration in elite badminton players and its relation to muscle strength and power production. Methodology: Seventy matches from the National Spanish badminton championship were analyzed (46 men?s singles and 24 women?s singles). Before and after each match, jump height and power production were determined during a countermovement jump on a force platform. Participants? body weight and a urine sample were also obtained before and after each match. The amount of liquid that the players drank during the match was also calculated by weighing their individual drinking bottles. Results and Discussion: Sweat rate during the game was 1.1460.46 l/h in men and 1.0260.64 l/h in women. The players rehydrated at a rate of 1.1060.55 l/h and 1.0160.44 l/h in the male and female groups respectively. Thus, the dehydration attained during the game was only 0.3760.50% in men and 0.3260.83% in women. No differences were found in any of the parameters analyzed during the vertical jump (men: from 31.8265.29 to 32.9064.49 W/kg; p.0.05, women: from 26.3664.73 to 27.2564.44 W/kg; p.0.05). Post-exercise urine samples revealed proteinuria (60.9% of cases in men and 66.7% in women), leukocyturia (men = 43.5% and women = 50.0%) and erythrocyturia (men = 50.0% and women = 21.7%). Conclusions: Despite a moderate sweat rate, badminton players adequately hydrated during a game and thus the dehydration attained was low. The badminton match did not cause muscle fatigue but it significantly increased the prevalence of proteinuria, leukocyturia and erythrocyturia

    Crystal structures of taxane-tubulin complexes: Implications for the mechanism of microtubule stabilization by Taxol

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    30 p.-9 fig.-1 tab.Paclitaxel (Taxol®) is a first-line chemotherapeutic drug that promotes the curved-to-straight conformational transition of tubulin, an activation step that is necessary for microtubule formation. Crystallization of Taxol bound to tubulin has been long elusive. We found that baccatin III, the core structure of paclitaxel which lacks the C13 side chain, readily co-crystallizes with curved tubulin. Tailor-made taxanes with alternative side chains also co-crystallized, allowing us to investigate their binding modes. Interestingly, these Taxol derived compounds lost their microtubule stabilizing activity and cytotoxicity but kept their full microtubule binding affinity, and all induced lattice expansion upon binding. Additional nuclear magnetic resonance studies propose that Taxol binds to a small fraction of straight tubulin present in solution. Our results suggest a mode of action of Taxol, where the core structure is responsible for the interacting energy while the bulky hydrophobic C13 side chain enables binding selectively to straight tubulin and promotes stabilization.N

    Rationally Designed Interfacial Peptides Are Efficient In Vitro Inhibitors of HIV-1 Capsid Assembly with Antiviral Activity

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    Virus capsid assembly constitutes an attractive target for the development of antiviral therapies; a few experimental inhibitors of this process for HIV-1 and other viruses have been identified by screening compounds or by selection from chemical libraries. As a different, novel approach we have undertaken the rational design of peptides that could act as competitive assembly inhibitors by mimicking capsid structural elements involved in intersubunit interfaces. Several discrete interfaces involved in formation of the mature HIV-1 capsid through polymerization of the capsid protein CA were targeted. We had previously designed a peptide, CAC1, that represents CA helix 9 (a major part of the dimerization interface) and binds the CA C-terminal domain in solution. Here we have mapped the binding site of CAC1, and shown that it substantially overlaps with the CA dimerization interface. We have also rationally modified CAC1 to increase its solubility and CA-binding affinity, and designed four additional peptides that represent CA helical segments involved in other CA interfaces. We found that peptides CAC1, its derivative CAC1M, and H8 (representing CA helix 8) were able to efficiently inhibit the in vitro assembly of the mature HIV-1 capsid. Cocktails of several peptides, including CAC1 or CAC1M plus H8 or CAI (a previously discovered inhibitor of CA polymerization), or CAC1M+H8+CAI, also abolished capsid assembly, even when every peptide was used at lower, sub-inhibitory doses. To provide a preliminary proof that these designed capsid assembly inhibitors could eventually serve as lead compounds for development of anti-HIV-1 agents, they were transported into cultured cells using a cell-penetrating peptide, and tested for antiviral activity. Peptide cocktails that drastically inhibited capsid assembly in vitro were also able to efficiently inhibit HIV-1 infection ex vivo. This study validates a novel, entirely rational approach for the design of capsid assembly interfacial inhibitors that show antiviral activity