159 research outputs found

    Informative gene selection using Adaptive Analytic Hierarchy Process (A2HP)

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    Gene expression dataset derived from microarray experiments are marked by large number of genes, which contains the gene expression values at different sample conditions/time-points. Selection of informative genes from these large datasets is an issue of major concern for various researchers and biologists. In this study, we propose a gene selection and dimensionality reduction method called Adaptive Analytic Hierarchy Process (A2HP). Traditional analytic hierarchy process is a multiple-criteria based decision analysis method whose result depends upon the expert knowledge or decision makers. It is mainly used to solve the decision problems in different fields. On the other hand, A2HP is a fused method that combines the outcomes of five individual gene selection ranking methods t-test, chi-square variance test, z-test, wilcoxon test and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). At first, the preprocessing of gene expression dataset is done and then the reduced number of genes obtained, will be fed as input for A2HP. A2HP utilizes both quantitative and qualitative factors to select the informative genes. Results demonstrate that A2HP selects efficient number of genes as compared to the individual gene selection methods. The percentage of deduction in number of genes and time complexity are taken as the performance measure for the proposed method. And it is shown that A2HP outperforms individual gene selection methods


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    Objective: The aim of the study is to evaluate the analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of the ethanolic extract of Punica granatum L. (EEPG) on experimental animal models. Methods: Tail-flick method was used to test the central analgesic activity, using Pethidine as standard drug. The tail flick latencies or the basal reaction time of the animals were assessed using an analgesiometer. Glacial acetic acid induced writhing response was used to test the peripheral analgesic activity, using Aspirin as standard drug. Number of writhing responses was counted for 20 min in each group and the percentage protection was calculated. And Carrageenan induced rat paw edema method was used to test anti-inflammatory activity of EEPG against acute inflammation, using Aspirin as standard drug. The inhibition of rat paw edema was calculated in percentage. Results: In central analgesic activity, the extract and pethidine showed significant increase in the reaction time. In peripheral analgesic activity, the extract and aspirin significantly reduced the number of writhes induced by acetic acid. And in anti-inflammatory activity, the extract produced significant reduction of the carrageenan induced paw edema. Conclusion: The EEPG has demonstrated significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity

    Radiographic evaluation of knee joint space width using fixed flexion view in knees of Indian adults

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    Background: The objective of this study is to evaluate the tibiofemoral joint space width in the medial and lateral compartments of the knee using digital radiograph. The measurement of knee joint space width (JSW), in between the femur and the tibia is a way of evaluating the tibio-femoral cartilage thickness. This study is aimed at establishing normal references of joint space width for use in diagnosis and follows up of knee cartilage diseases.Methods: This study is prospective and carried on 50 subjects at SAMC & PGI, Indore, M.P. One patient refused to sign the consent and was excluded. All subjects were healthy adults with sedentary lifestyle. All subjects underwent x-ray of bilateral knee joints. The joint space width of both medial and lateral compartments of each knee was measured using the scale in the computerized software.Results: The average age in the study group was 44.59 years with male preponderance.The mean left medial and lateral joint space width was 5.34 mm±1.26 mm and 5.21 mm±1.04 mm and on right side was 5.26±1.11 mm and 5.57±1.57 mm, respectively. No statistically significant difference was found between right and left knee joint space width compartments.Conclusions: The values obtained after observing the radiographic references showed no significant gender variation in knee joint space width. But, it is seen that there is a decrease in joint space width with increasing age, which progresses towards osteoarthritis of knee

    Evaluation of Epley’s manoeuvre efficacy in posterior semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

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    Background: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most prevalent cause of peripheral vertigo in the outpatient department. Methods: After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 53 patients out of 96 who visited the outpatient department were included in this study. To rule out other disorders, pure tone audiometry, computed tomography etc were performed if needed. Epley's manoeuvre was performed, and the patient's response was noted. The manoeuvre was performed during weekly appointments, and the number of visits necessary by each patient was recorded. The patients were followed up for four months. Results: Mean age of the patients was 48 years. In this study, out of 53, there were 31 females (58.49%) and 22 males (41.50%). The female to male ratio was 1.4:1. All patients experienced positional vertigo, which was accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The right side was found to be more involved in our study than the left. Out of 53 patients, 23 patients (43.39 %) recovered in the first visit, 15 patients (28.30 %) recovered in second visit, 8 patients (15.09 %) recovered in the third visit and remaining 7 patients (13.20 %) recovered in fourth visit. All the patients recovered eventually. In 5 out of 53 cases, that is, in 9.43%, recurrence was seen with return of the BPPV symptoms. Conclusions: We concluded that majority of patients for whom Epley’s manoeuvre was done recovered after the first visit itself. Patients presenting with recurrence were less probably due to the shorter period of follow up

    Characterization of <em>Allium</em> germplasms for conservation and sustainable management using SSR markers

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    193-199Allium species are very important due to their medicinal values. Quercetin and allicin are medicinally important compound of onion and garlic, respectively which are proved useful to treat various diseases. However, highly heterozygous nature, self-incompatibility and long gestation period limits genetic improvement of Allium species. Further, the existing germplasms in Indian subcontinents are largely cultivated ones with poor genetic characterization, which limits the germplasm conservation and future management. A total of thirty polymorphic Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) were utilized for characterisation of popular onion germplasms and their cross-transferability revealed relatedness with fifteen garlic and wild relatives. Average number of alleles per SSR locus, PIC and heterozygosity was found to be 3.9, 0.51 and 0.57,respectively.Overall genetic diversity recorded was higher in wild relative compared to cultivated A. cepa, possibly because most of the A. cepa variety is derived by domestication but wild relatives are open pollinated and undergoes extensive gene pool shuffling leading to higher heterogeneity. In this study, SSR markers were successfully utilized to assess genetic variations in popular Indian A. cepa, A. sativum and establish genetic relationships with wild Allium species. These markers can be harnessed for molecular breeding, varietal identification and planning germplasm conservation strategies in future

    Fatigue and Structural Analysis of Azimuth Thruster Assembly

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    Composite is stated as constituent of two or more materials which retain their own physical and chemical property during the time of application, but produce a component which inherent the properties of its constituent materials and makes it better for the real time USAge. There are varieties of processing techniques for fabricating composite parts or structures such as: (1) Resin Transfer Moulding, (2) Pultrusion, (3) Filament Winding, (4) Autoclave Moulding. Among all these technique of exercising composite materials, the filament winding technique is the most appropriate because it avails the user with the ease of USAge, as well as gives wide range of degree of freedom for fabricating or manufacturing objects. In the paper we basically reveal the maximum approach made to study basic theory related to the filament winding technique or method, which provides initial platform for the new learner

    Effect of Long-Term Exposure to Lower Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Beginning Early in Life on the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease A Mendelian Randomization Analysis

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    ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to estimate the effect of long-term exposure to lower plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) on the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).BackgroundLDL-C is causally related to the risk of CHD. However, the association between long-term exposure to lower LDL-C beginning early in life and the risk of CHD has not been reliably quantified.MethodsWe conducted a series of meta-analyses to estimate the effect of long-term exposure to lower LDL-C on the risk of CHD mediated by 9 polymorphisms in 6 different genes. We then combined these Mendelian randomization studies in a meta-analysis to obtain a more precise estimate of the effect of long-term exposure to lower LDL-C and compared it with the clinical benefit associated with the same magnitude of LDL-C reduction during treatment with a statin.ResultsAll 9 polymorphisms were associated with a highly consistent reduction in the risk of CHD per unit lower LDL-C, with no evidence of heterogeneity of effect (I2 = 0.0%). In a meta-analysis combining nonoverlapping data from 312,321 participants, naturally random allocation to long-term exposure to lower LDL-C was associated with a 54.5% (95% confidence interval: 48.8% to 59.5%) reduction in the risk of CHD for each mmol/l (38.7 mg/dl) lower LDL-C. This represents a 3-fold greater reduction in the risk of CHD per unit lower LDL-C than that observed during treatment with a statin started later in life (p = 8.43 × 10−19).ConclusionsProlonged exposure to lower LDL-C beginning early in life is associated with a substantially greater reduction in the risk of CHD than the current practice of lowering LDL-C beginning later in life