1,057 research outputs found

    Dissostichus eleginoides species profile

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    Research plan for the Spanish exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2: preliminary results of stage 1 (2012/13 season)

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    During the 2012/13 season Spain started the approved multi-year research survey in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 in order to obtain information to better understand the population dynamics of both species of Dissostichus in areas off the Antarctic continent close to the Ross Sea and Banzare Bank, and to implement the use both local depletion and tag-recapture methods in areas described so as to estimate local abundance. The research plan, as it was stated in the proposal, takes several years to be completed. It has started in the SSRUs closest to the Ross Sea, 58.4.1H and G, during the 2012/13 season. In order to fix the protocols and ascertain the viability and suitability of the study, it was establish the return to the same areas the two-three subsequent years along with the movement to new places and westwards to SSRUs 58.4.1D, C, B and 58.4.2E is expected. The vessel Tronio has started the research plan after the exploratory fishing season in the Subarea 88.1, using the Spanish bottom longline system. A total of 42 research sets were performed within the SSRUs 58.4.1H and 58.4.1G. Two depletion experiments were completed and three prospecting-phase clusters of sets did not reach the established threshold to start the depletion. A prospective estimation of the local biomass (BLOC) of the two localized areas where the depletion experiments were performed is done and regarding the maximal and minimal biomass for the SSRUs (BSSRU) considering areas with high and low densities. This study will be reviewed and completed the upcoming years with the new data obtained revisiting the same areas as well as with the tag-recapture data in order to estimate the local abundance using two different approaches, depletion and tag-recapture methods. A summary of the activities and results from the survey is also presented related to the sampling scheme, collected samples and species

    Research plan for the exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 in 2013/14

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    The Spanish vessel Tronio started the research plan in the 2012/13 season using the Spanish bottom longline system. One depletion experiments was completed in each of the SSRU surveyed (58.4.1H and 58.4.1G). Three prospecting-phase clusters of sets did not reach the established threshold to start the depletion. A prospective estimation of the local biomass (BLOC) of the two localized areas where the depletion experiments were performed is done as well as an estimation of the biomass of the SSRUs (BSSRU), maximal and minimal, considering areas with high and low densities. A summary of the activities and results from the survey is also presented related to the sampling scheme, collected samples and species involved

    Results of the Spanish exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 in the 2013/14 season.

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    Following the Spanish research plan approved by the SC-CCAMLR XXXII, during the second year of the multi-year research survey in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2, the F/V Tronio has returned to the same places surveyed in the 2012/13 season, as well as expanded the experience westwards to the 58.4.1D and 58.4.1C SSRUs. A prospective estimation of the local biomass (BLOC) of one localized area that was visited for the commercial Spanish fleet along five seasons in the SSRU 58.4.1C is made, together with the estimation of the total Biomass in the entire SSRU using a depletion model. There have been some Antarctic toothfish recaptured that would allow, in successive years, to estimate the local abundance by tag-recapture models. The IEO is starting the process of reading otoliths with ageing purposes, data to be added in order to carry out a robust assessment of Dissotichus eleginoides stock in these divisions. Results of other data collected such as fish bycatch, incidental catch of benthic taxa or otoliths collection for ageing purposes are also presented

    Quantum Conductance Steps in Solutions of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We have prepared solutions of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in Aroclor 1254, a mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls. The solutions are stable at room temperature. Transport measurements were performed using a scanning--tunneling probe on a sample prepared by spin--coating of the solution on gold substrates. Conductance steps were clearly seen. An histogram of a high number of traces shows maximum peaks at integer values of the conductance quantum G0=2e2/hG_0 = 2e^2/h, demonstrating ballistic transport at room temperature along the carbon nanotube over distances longer than 1.4μm1.4\mu m.Comment: 4 pages and 2 figure

    Perceptive training of youth volleyball blockers

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    Este estudio analiza la eficacia de un programa de entrenamiento perceptivo basado en la orientación de la atención para la mejora de la toma de decisiones y el rendimiento en la acción de bloqueo de voleibol. 16 jugadoras juveniles fueron distribuidas en tres grupos: vídeo (n=6), que recibió ocho sesiones de entrenamiento en vídeo; mixto (n=5), que recibió 4 sesiones en vídeo y 4 sesiones de práctica en campo; y control (n=5), que completó las pruebas de evaluación. Los resultados muestran cómo el programa de entrenamiento mejoró la toma de decisiones de las jugadoras, ya que redujeron su tiempo de reacción (F(1,13)=9,237, p=0,009, ηp 2=0,415) manteniendo el mismo porcentaje de aciertos. Sin embargo, es necesaria la práctica en campo para lograr transferir dichos aprendizajes al juego real, ya que sólo el grupo mixto mejora el porcentaje de aciertos en el test de rendimiento en campo (F(2,13)=8,608, p=0,004, ηp2=0,570; t(4) =-6,216, p=0,003)This study examines the effectiveness of a training program based on perceptual orientation of attention for improving decision-making and performance in the blocking action of volleyball. 16 youth players were divided into three groups: video (n=6), which received eight perceptual training sessions by video; mixed (n=5), which received only half of the sessions by video, combined with practical training in the field; and control (n=5), which just completed pre-test and post-test tests. Results show how orientation of attention to relevant areas of information improved decision-making of the youth volleyball players because they reduced their reaction time (F(1,13)=9,237, p=0,009, ηp2=0,415) maintaining the same percentage of success. However, the practice on the field is necessary to achieve transfer those learning to the real game, because only mixed group improves the percentage of success in the field performance test (F(2,13)=8,608, p=0,004, ηp2=0,570; t(4)=-6,216, p=0,003

    Interception of a corner kick in football: A task analysis

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    Debido a la inexistencia de estudios previos, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis de la tarea, que es atrapar un balón procedente de un lanzamiento de córner. Para ello se analizó el rendimiento, el comportamiento motor y los movimientos oculares de jóvenes porteros cuando realizaban esta tarea. Además se compararon las variables en función de los aciertos o fallos durante el blocaje. Los resultados muestran que los fallos en el blocaje se deben a que los porteros iniciaron su carrera demasiado pronto y además utilizaron un patrón inadecuado del movimiento de sus manos y salto. El análisis de los movimientos oculares muestra que el balón es la zona informativa más importante, pero no se obtienen diferencias entre los aciertos y los fallos en el blocajeDue to the inexistence of previous studies, the present research is aimed at performing an analysis of the task of intercepting a ball coming from a corner kick. With that objective in mind, the motor behaviour and eye movements of young goalkeepers were analysed when performing the aforementioned task. Also, variables dependent on the number of right and wrong movements during the interception were compared. Results show that errors in blocking are due to the fact that goalkeepers began their run too early and also used an inadequate pattern of hand movement and jump. The analysis of eye movements shows that the ball is the most important informational zone, but no differences were found between hits and misses in the interception.La presente investigación se llevo a cabo mientras el primer autor disfrutaba de una beca FPU (Formación del Profesorado Universitario) otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de Españ

    The interception of a corner kick from the contraints-led perspective

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    El comportamiento motor surge de la continua interacción entre tres limitadores (organismo, entorno y tarea), que nunca actúan de forma aislada. Este artículo estudia su efecto en el rendimiento, comportamiento motor y comportamiento visual de porteros de fútbol durante el lanzamiento de córner. 31 participantes, divididos en tres grupos en función del nivel de juego, intentaron atrapar el balón procedente del lanzamiento de córner en dos situaciones (estática y dinámica), mientras que se registraron sus movimientos oculares. Entre los resultados se observa que los expertos tienen un rendimiento más estable, mientras que los otros grupos rinden peor en la situación más difícil; que los expertos realizan un inicio más tardío de la carrera hacia el balón y un patrón motor más rápido para atraparlo; y que la información contenida en los jugadores implicados no es relevante, ya que los porteros dedican valores cercanos al 0% del tiempo total a su fijaciónMotor behavior arises from the continuous interaction between three constraints (organism, environment and task), which never act in isolation. This paper studies the effect of the constraints on the performance, motor behavior and visual search behavior of soccer goalkeepers during the corner kick. 31 participants, divided into three groups depending on the level of play, tried to catch the ball out of a corner kick in two situations (static and dynamic), while their eye movements were recorded. Among the results it is observed that the experts have a more stable performance, while the other groups perform worse in the most difficult situation; that the experts make a later start of their run up towards the ball and a faster motor pattern to catch it; and that the that the information of the players involved is not relevant, goalkeepers dedicate values close to 0% of their visual total time to themLa presente investigación se llevó a cabo mientras el primer autor y la segunda autora disfrutaban de una beca FPU (Formación del Profesorado Universitario) otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España

    Adaptive control optimization in micro-milling of hardened steels-evaluation of optimization approaches

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    Nowadays, the miniaturization of many consumer products is extending the use of micro-milling operations with high-quality requirements. However, the impacts of cutting-tool wear on part dimensions, form and surface integrity are not negligible and part quality assurance for a minimum production cost is a challenging task. In fact, industrial practices usually set conservative cutting parameters and early cutting replacement policies in order to minimize the impact of cutting-tool wear on part quality. Although these practices may ensure part integrity, the production cost is far away to be minimized, especially in highly tool-consuming operations like mold and die micro-manufacturing. In this paper, an adaptive control optimization (ACO) system is proposed to estimate cutting-tool wear in terms of part quality and adapt the cutting conditions accordingly in order to minimize the production cost, ensuring quality specifications in hardened steel micro-parts. The ACO system is based on: (1) a monitoring sensor system composed of a dynamometer, (2) an estimation module with Artificial Neural Networks models, (3) an optimization module with evolutionary optimization algorithms, and (4) a CNC interface module. In order to operate in a nearly real-time basis and facilitate the implementation of the ACO system, different evolutionary optimization algorithms are evaluated such as particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic algorithms (GA), and simulated annealing (SA) in terms of accuracy, precision, and robustness. The results for a given micro-milling operation showed that PSO algorithm performs better than GA and SA algorithms under computing time constraints. Furthermore, the implementation of the final ACO system reported a decrease in the production cost of 12.3 and 29 % in comparison with conservative and high-production strategies, respectively