171 research outputs found

    Natural Radioactivity Levels in Some Milk Samples available in Local Markets in Babylon Governorate

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          ان نشاط اليورانيوم  (238U)والثوريوم (232Th)   والبوتاسيوم  (40K) المقاسة بوحدات (Bq/kg) لعشرة نماذج من الحليب المتوفر في الاسواق العراقية. بينت تلك النماذج اشعة طيف كاما مع كاشف  NaI(Tl)  المستخدم لقياس النشاط الاشعاعي، كذلك تم حساب خطر الاشعاع الذي يشير الى النشاط المكافئ للراديوم (النشاط المكافئ الراديوم وعلامة التبويب مؤشر الخطر الداخلي) وفعالية الجرعة لجميع العينات. وتراوحت نسبة النشاط المحدد في عينات الحليب بين  (7.851±0.877) بكسل / كغم إلى (0.274±0.158)   بكسل / كغم وللثوريوم 232Th واليورانيوم 238U بين (266.558±5.018)  بكسل / كغم و وللبوتاسيوم 40K تتراوح بين (266.558±5.018)  الى (485.740±7.197) بكسل / كغم، كما وجد أن نشاط مكافئ الراديوم ومؤشر الخطر الداخلي لعينة الحليب تراوح بين (27.341) الى (48.035)على التوالي. لذلك بلغت جرعة  فعالية الانبعاث التي تتراوح بين (0.07867) الى .(0.14720) وكان البحث يهدف الى ان النشاط الإشعاعي للمخاطر الطبيعية والإشعاعية للمراجع الإشعاعية وجرعة الابتلاع الفعالة كان أقل من حفظها باستثناء بعض من قيم البوتاسيوم.       The Uranium (238U), Thorium (232Th) and Potassium (40K) activity of specific in (Bq/kg) are measured (10) differentness types of milk which are available in market-place of Iraqi. Aspectrometry gamma ray of methodic with a NaI(Tl) detector its using for radiometric measurements. Also calculates the hazard of radiation indicates (radium equivalent activity and internally hazardous index tab) and effectiveness of Ingestion dose every sampler. The activity of specifics in a sampler of milk was varied between from (0.274±0.158) Bq/kg to (7.851±0.877) Bq/kg, for 238U, For 232Th between from (0.821±0.273) Bq/kg in (3.067±0.569) Bq/kg and for 40K between (266.558±5.018) Bq/kg to (485.740±7.197) Bq/kg. In addition to, it is found that radium equivalent activity and internally hazard indexing to the sampler of milk ranged between (27.341) Bq/kg to (48.035) Bq/kg and from (0.07867) to (0.14720) respectively. So, the range summations ingestive effectiveness dose was variedly between (4.861×10-5) Sv/y to (1.541× 10-4) Sv/y. This search proves that the radioactivity of natural, hazard of radiation references and dose of effective ingestion was lower than the safekeeping, except some value of potassium

    Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery of the GastroIntestinal Tract

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    Research Focus - NOTES is a new technique that faces numerous challenges. Current technology, training and research activities are conducted to make it a safe and effective minimal access technique

    Using Google Classroom as a Tool for Teaching and Learning from Perspectives of EFL Teachers and Students in Iraq

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     شهد العالم في السنوات الأخيرة ظهور ابتكارات تكنولوجية حديثة أثرت بشكل كبير على البشرية في العديد من المجالات، بما في ذلك المجال التعليمي الذي يعد من أهم المجالات التي أصبحت ملزمة لمواكبة التكنولوجيا واستخدامها في العملية التعليمية. يعد صف كوكل الدراسي أحد تلك الابتكارات التي يمكن أن تسهل الاتصال بين المعلمين والطلاب خاصة في عملية التدريس والتعلم. هدفت الدراسة إلى التحقيق في استخدام صف كوكل الدراسي أداة للتدريس والتعلم من منظور معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية وطلابها بوصفها لغة أجنبية. اعتمد الباحثون طريقة المنهج المختلط، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة أُعِدّ استبيانين ومقابلة للمدرسين وجهاً لوجه. تأكد فيه صدق أدوات الدراسة وثباتها. تكونت العينة الأولى من الدراسة من (100) طالباً وطالبة في قسم اللغة الإنجليزية/ كلية التربية الأساسية في الجامعة المستنصرية، بينما تكونت العينة الثانية من 18 مدرسا" للغة الإنجليزية بوصفها لغة أجنبية. تتألف كلا الاستبيانين من 16 فقرة لتحديد تصورات معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية والطلاب تجاه استخدام صف كوكل الدراسي في التدريس والتعلم. كشفت نتائج الدراسة أن لدى طلاب اللغة الإنجليزية بوصفها لغة أجنبية تصورات إيجابية تجاه التعلم عبر صف كوكل الدراسي، في حين أن لدى مدرسي اللغة الإنجليزية تصورات سلبية تجاه التدريس عبر منصة كوكل كلاسروم. واستُخلصت الاستنتاجات والتوصيات, بالإضافة إلى المقترحات للدراسات المستقبلية.In recent years, the world is witnessing the emergence of modern technological innovations that have widely affected people in many fields, including the educational field which is one of the most important areas that have become binding to keep up with the technology and use it in the educational process. Google Classroom is one of those innovations that could facilitate the connection between teachers and students especially in the teaching and learning process. The study aimed to investigate using Google Classroom as a tool for teaching and learning from perspectives of EFL teachers and students. The researchers adopted a mixed method approach, and in order to achieve the aims of the study, two questionnaires and face to face interview were prepared. Their validity and reliability were confirmed. The first sample of the study consisted of (100) EFL students in English Language Department/College of Basic Education in Mustansiriyah University, whereas the second sample consisted of 18 EFL teachers. Both of the questionnaires consisted of 16 items to identify EFL teachers' and students' perceptions towards using Google classroom in teaching and learning. The results of the study revealed that EFL students have positive perceptions towards learning through Google classroom, whereas EFL teachers have negative perceptions towards teaching through Google classroom platform. Conclusion and Recommendations for further studies have also been drawn

    Studies Between Clarke Transformation And Symmetrical Components For Fault Analysis Of Power Distribution System Using PSCAD

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    Fault analysis studies are essential analytic tool for designing and planning of power systems. They are considered the most important and complicated matter in power engineering. Customarily, analyzing of power systems under fault conditions is restricted to using of Symmetrical Components method although there is another useful method such as Clarke Transformation. This research presents performing theoretical and simulation fault analysis studies for low voltage distribution system using both Symmetrical Components and modified Clarke Transformation methods, comparing between both techniques, and highlighting the interrelation between them. This research gives a general derivations of equivalent circuits for various operating conditions in power system based on modified Clarke Transformation. A comprehensive theoretical fault analysis for 3-PH, 3-PH-G, S-L-G, L-T-L, and D-L-G fault conditions in power distribution system have been implemented based on Symmetrical Components and modified Clarke Transformation. Moreover, simulation fault analysis studies using PSCAD/EMTDC Software are presented in this research for performing the fault conditions using both methods. The findings of this research show some advantages for using Clarke Transformation method in fault analysis compared to using Symmetrical Components. Analysis results show that Clarke Transformation provides easier solution and equivalent circuits for most of fault conditions. Furthermore, simulation results show that fault conditioning provided by Clarke Transformation is clearer and simpler than thus provided by Symmetrical Components

    Optimization Procedure to Identify Blockages in Pipeline Networks via non-invasive Technique based on Genetic Algorithms

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    The existence of blockages in pipeline networks leads to serious issues that affect the efficiency of the infrastructure, losses of services and environmental risks. To these regards, this study proposes a technique to identify the pipes that are blocked within pipeline or a complex pipe network. This thesis focuses on detecting blockages by using a technique based on a few measurements that are usually gathered from normal operational conditions of the pipeline system. The same approach can be implemented in different fields of engineering to identify the damage, which it is the object of recent interest and development. Such technique can provide significant economic benefits especially for the gas and oil industries (i.e., this pipe blockage detection method leads to time and monetary savings compared to traditional inspection techniques which are more expensive). Long term blockages have the potential to cause permanent damage inside the pipes. To this respect, an optimization procedure that relies upon non-invasive measurements of the flow rate and pressure head, is used to assess the system functionality through Genetic Algorithms (GAs) that aim to solve this problem and perform the optimization procedure. The framework of this technique relies on both a Finite Element-like simulator and GAs to perform the optimization procedure. More investigations have been done experimentally and numerically in this study to determine the occlusions that occur inside looped or branched pipeline networks. The main contribution of the following study explores the validity, sensitivity and accuracy of such methodology by considering different blockage scenarios through two major parts: Part 1 (Experimental work) - A series of experiments were designed and performed by our team, involving myself and 7 more students from the civil and mechanical engineering departments under my supervision, in the span of 12 weeks to validate the robustness of the proposed technique empirically. The study was proven numerically by some researchers with real cases [Marzani et al., 2013 and Bocchini et al., 2014], while there has not been any research publicly available to validate this technique experimentally. For the first time, a comprehensive empirical study has examined the capability of this technique to identify the presence of blockages within different pipeline networks (evaluate the accuracy and the sensitivity). Several looped and branched networks by utilizing PVC pipes were tested throughout this study. The experimental data (flow in pipes and nodal pressure heads) acquired from the testing were analyzed and used to validate the proposed technique. Based on empirical data, it is evident that the technique could successfully identify the location of blockages inside the pipes with a reasonable degree of accuracy. More importantly, the proposed technique can cope even with missing measurements. Such technique is still a valid option for detecting the blockage in pipeline system, but with limitation in the accuracy based on several parameters (i.e., the structure of the network itself, the selected objective function and boundary conditions). Results, errors and conclusions are presented thereafter. Part 2 (Theoretical work) – Several numerical tests have been conducted to improve the technique by considering parametric studies. The theoretical work is focused on assessing the accuracy, robustness, computational efficiency and limits of applicability of the methodology. Many parameters are taken into consideration, such as friction factor (��), objective function (� (�)) and other design criteria (i.e., the input data) to observe its effect on the technique’s sensitivity. As a part of this study, strategies to improve the technique are investigated and summarized. Then, real cases are considered to evaluate the overall performance of the suggested technique. The results of blockage identification, advantages and disadvantages of the procedure for practical implementation are presented

    Improve Performance or Corruption Motivation in Beyond Budget Implementation, Survey in Public Sector Organizations

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    This paper aims to determine possibility beyond budget implementation in public sector organization which submissive to federal government budget instructions, this budget as an act should be followed, by those organizations committed by financial ministry planning. We have discussed tow thinking groups. First, a group that performs the use of the budget as a tool for financial control, they criticize the use of beyond budget, (Horngren et al., 2004). second, group ague adoption of the budget in the control is method has become useless, beyond budget provide better utilization resource and best regarding with market opportunities and problems (Hope and Fraser, 2003), (Hansen et al., 2003). We interviewed accounting managers, auditing managers, and their assistance in research sample organizations which owned by government.  Interviews were conducted from a managerial viewpoint with the accounting managers and their assistants, as well as from a control viewpoint with auditing managers, in order to distinguish between areas of corruption and financial performance motivation.  Interview has done in December 2020 to February 2021, in public sector organization in Al-Najaf city in Iraq. We found public sector organization possible to implement beyond budget. However research sample organizations need to improve their level of controlling and efficiency for employees otherwise ignore traditional budgets, will cause corruption and authority misusing. Implementation beyond budgeting helps them to provide solutions the problems facing activities which unexpected. Keywords: beyond budgeting, performance improving, reduce corruption, controlling DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/12-6-04 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Semi-Normed Difference Operator Triple Sequence Spaces Defined by a Double Orlicz-Functions

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    الهدف الرئيسي من هذا البحث هو انتاج فضاء شبه معياري مؤثر لاختلاف فضاءات المتتابعات الثلاثية باستخدام دالة اورليسز المضاعفة, وندرس بعض الخصائص المختلفة مثل الكمال , الصلابة , الرتابة, التناظر وغيرها .In this paper we introduce semi-normed difference operator triple sequence spaces by using a double Orlicz-functions, so we study their different properties like completeness, solidity, monotonicity, symmetricity etc

    The geometry of the plan of order seventeen and its application to error-correcting codes

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    The aim of the thesis is to classify certain geometric structures, called arcs, in a particular setting, namely the projective plane of order seventeen. The main computing tool is the mathematical programming language GAP. First, subsets of the line PG(1; 17) are classiffied. The results on the line PG(1; 17) classify sets of points on the conic on PG(2; 17), since there is a one-to-one correspondence between a set of points on PG(1; 17) and a set of the same size on a conic in PG(2; 17). In the plane PG(2; 17) the important arcs are called complete and are those that cannot be increased to a larger arc. So far, all arcs up to and including size eight have been classiffied, as have complete 10-arcs, 11-arcs, 12-arcs, 13-arcs and 14-arcs. In the plane of order seventeen, the maximum size is eighteen. Each of these arcs gives rise to an error-correcting code that corrects the maximum possible number of errors for its length. Cubic curves and the related (k; 3)-arcs in PG(2; 17) are also considered. A classiffication of both complete and incomplete curves is determined

    Improvement of Heat Transfer Coefficient for A Cross Flow Heat Exchanger by Using the High Integral Finned Tube

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    يقدم هذه البحث دراسة عملية لانتقال الحرارة لمبادلات حرارية متقاطعة الجريان مبردة بالهواء ذو ثمان ممرات (انبوب أملس وذي زعانف متكاملة مرتفعة) وتأثير ارتفاع الزعانف في تحسين انتقال الحرارة. تم تصميم وتصنيع المبادلات من معدن النحاس النقي تركب هذه المبادلات داخل مقطع الاختبار. مقطع الاختبار مصنوع من البايركس بأبعاد (١٢٠٠، ٢٥٠، ٥٠٠) ملم طول، عرض وارتفاع على التوالي. المسافة من مركز انبوب واخر هي (55) ملم. القطر الداخلي وجذر الزعنفة للأنابيب هو (١٩، ٢١) ملم لكلا المبادلين. المبادل الاول ذو انبوب أملس بقطر خارجي (٢٤) ملم، المبادل الثاني ذو زعانف متكاملة مرتفعة بأبعاد (٣٣.٤ ،٦.٢، ٢.٦، ١) ملم و (٣٨٤) زعنفة. كل ممر بطول (٢٥٠) ملم داخل مجرى الهواء. ظروف للعمل المعتمدة لسرع الهواء خلال مقطع الاختبار (١، ١.٧، ٢.٣) متر/ثا، معدلات تدفق الماء (٢-٦) لتر/دقيقة، درجة حرارة دخول الماء (٥٠، ٦٠، ٧٠) درجة مئوية. النتائج العملیة اظهرت ان معامل انتقال الحرارة في جانب الهواء عند استخدام الانابيب المزعنفة تكون اعلى من الانبوب الاملس وأفضل تحسين عند الانبوب المزعنف المرتفع. نسبة التحسين في انتقال الحرارة عند استخدام الانبوب المزعنف المرتفع (329.9%) والتحسين في معامل انتقال الحرارة لجانب الهواء (291%). تم ايجاد معادلات تجريبية لعدد نسلت في جانب الهواء لنماذج المبادلات.This study investigated experimentally of the heat transfer and the effect of fins in improving heat transfer for the cross flow heat exchangers with eight passes (smooth and high integral finned tubes) and that are cooled by air. Two models of heat exchangers are designed and manufactured for testing from pure copper metal. They were designed for comparison under different test conditions. The water flow rate in the inner tubes with (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) L/min with inlet temperatures of (50, 60, 70)oC. The air was passed outer the tubes with speeds (1, 1.7 and 2.3) m/s. This study resulted that the high integral finned tube was more improvement the heat transfer than the smooth tube. The enhancement of (Q) was (329.9%) for high integral finned tube and The enhancment factor (291%)

    Portal vein gas in emergency surgery

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