3,367 research outputs found

    The Application Degree of Administrative Accountability and Organizational Governance, and the Relationship between them in the Directorates of Education in Jordan from the VieWpoint of its Administrative Leaders

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    This study aimed to identify the application degree of administrative accountability and organizational governance, and the relationship between them in the directorates of education in Jordan from the viewpoint of its adm nistrative leaders. The researchers used descriptive statistics- correlation through two tools. A survey for administrative accountability and consisted of -20- items, while the second survey was for organizational governance, it consisted of 40 items concerned with five areas, which are: Revelation and transparency, effective participation, control and administrative responsibility, justice and integrity, and efficiency and effectiveness. The sample consisted of 272 educational leaders from 6 directorates. This represents 14% of the sample community. The results showed that the application degree of administrative accountability and organizational governance in the directorates of education in Jordan was moderate. The results also indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between the application degree of administrative accountability and the application of administrative governance in the directorates of education

    Comparative Analysis of Predictive Performance in Nonparametric Functional Regression: A Case Study of Spectrometric Fat Content Prediction

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    Objective: This research aims to compare two nonparametric functional regression models, the Kernel Model and the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Model, with a focus on predicting scalar responses from functional covariates. Two semi-metrics, one based on second derivatives and the other on Functional Principle Component Analysis, are employed for prediction. The study assesses the accuracy of these models by computing Mean Square Errors (MSE) and provides practical applications for illustration. Method: The study delves into the realm of nonparametric functional regression, where the response variable (Y) is scalar, and the covariate variable (x) is a function. The Kernel Model, known as funopare.kernel.cv, and the KNN Model, termed funopare.knn.gcv, are used for prediction. The Kernel Model employs automatic bandwidth selection via Cross-Validation, while the KNN Model employs a global smoothing parameter. The performance of both models is evaluated using MSE, considering two different semi-metrics. Results: The results indicate that the KNN Model outperforms the Kernel Model in terms of prediction accuracy, as supported by the computed MSE. The choice of semi-metric, whether based on second derivatives or Functional Principle Component Analysis, impacts the model's performance. Two real-world applications, Spectrometric Data for predicting fat content and Canadian Weather Station data for predicting precipitation, demonstrate the practicality and utility of the models. Conclusion: This research provides valuable insights into nonparametric functional regression methods for predicting scalar responses from functional covariates. The KNN Model, when compared to the Kernel Model, offers superior predictive performance. The selection of an appropriate semi-metric is essential for model accuracy. Future research may explore the extension of these models to cases involving multivariate responses and consider interactions between response components

    An automated text summarization methodology

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    Most of the information is embedded in a long text documents.Having a summarizer that can produce a summary from the texts automatically is very desirable.This paper presents an introduction of an automated text summarization system by addressing the history of summarization and its existing application tools, and proposes a methodology for an automated text summarization.The proposed methodology utilized possibility and probability theory in the sentence extraction and sentence abstraction.The possibility and probability are also utilized in identifying relevant words and term occurrences techniques

    Pattern of birth defects at a university teaching hospital in Northern Nigeria: Retrospective review over a decade

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    Background: Major birth defects are common causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality which have become a global phenomenon. Its occurrence in the developing nations like Nigeria requires due consideration most especially to its pattern and risk factors.Objectives: This review was conducted to determine the pattern of birth defects and investigate the factors associated with birth defects and its outcome at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH), Kano.Methods: This was a 10‑year retrospective study conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Department of Paediatrics (Special Care Baby Unit) of AKTH, Kano, between April 2007 and March 2017. Data retrieved from patients’ file were collected using a purpose‑designed proforma to obtain information on the required parameters and analyzed using IBM SPSS version 20, 2009 software. Frequencies and percentages were calculated and the results were presented in tabular forms.Results: There were 6990 deliveries within the study period, out of which 305 babies had birth defects, giving a prevalence of 4.4%. Among women who delivered baby with birth defects, maternal age ranged from 16 to 45 years with a mean age of 30 ± 5 years. The highest incidence (48%) of birth defects occurred among the 26–35 years age group. Anomalies that affected single system are significantly higher than anomalies that affected multiple systems. A higher percentage (52.5%) of birth defects occurred in male neonates. The gastrointestinal system was the most commonly affected (32.5%), while musculoskeletal system was the least (3.75%) affected system. Drug intake among 120 mothers who delivered neonates with birth defects when considered as a risk factor was found to constitute 81% of traditional concoction/herbs; while 12.5% were orthodox and intake of social drug was found to be only 6.5%. Hypertension was found to be the highest chronic medical disorder, while chorioamnionitis following premature rupture of membrane was recorded as the most commonly occurring maternal infection. Sixty percent of these neonates with birth defects were managed conservatively, surgical treatment was given in 23.5%, while 16.5% underwent medical treatment. Discharge rate was 82.5%; 9% left against medical advice, while neonatal mortality rate was about 8.5% and a majority (91.8%) of the death occurred among the neonates with multiple birth defects.Conclusion: The prevalence of birth defect in AKTH was 4.4% of the total deliveries over the study period. Gastrointestinal system was found to be the most commonly affected system. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and ingestion of traditional herbs were found to be the most common medical disorder and drug intake, respectively, among the mothers who delivered neonates with birth defects. Although the outcome of the management was good, and the study could not establish direct causation, there is need to counsel  mothers on the inherent dangers of traditional herbs ingestion and the need to pay adequate attention to medical conditions in pregnancy.Keywords: Anomaly; birth defect; morbidity; neonate; prevalence rat

    The Experimentally Studying of Solid Desiccant Wheel Performance Combined with the System of Air Conditioning

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى دراسة أداء نظام إزالة الرطوبة المجففة الصلب لتقليل الحمل الكامن على ملف التبريد لنظام تكييف الهواء وتحسين الراحة الحرارية، وبالتالي تقليل استهلاك الطاقة. تحتوي العجلة الدوارة المجففة على هلام السيليكا كما تم استخدام مادة صلبة ماصة للرطوبة في هذه الدراسة. العجلة قطرها 550 مم وسمكها 200 ملم. تنقسم مساحة المقطع العرضي للعجلة إلى جزئين في نسبة العرض إلى الارتفاع. الجزء الكبير يمثل عملية إزالة الرطوبة أو الامتصاص، في هذا القسم تتم إزالة الرطوبة من الهواء الرطب بواسطة هلام السيليكا. بينما يمثل الجزء الآخر عملية الامتصاص أو التجديد في هذا القسم تم امتصاص الرطوبة من الهواء الرطب بواسطة هلام السيليكا في العملية الأولى سيتم إزالتها منه. أظهرت النتائج التجريبية أن استخدام عجلة التجفيف سيقلل بشكل كبير الحمل الحراري على ملف التبريد عن طريق تقليل الحمل الكامن للهواء الرطب الذي يمر عبر العجلة ولفائف التبريد.The aim of this study was to study the performance of the system of solid desiccant dehumidification to decrease the latent load on cooling coil for the system of air-conditioning and advance the thermal comfort, thus reduce the energy consumption. Rotary desiccant wheel contains a silica gel as a solid moisture absorbent material has been utilized in this study. The wheel was a diameter of 55 cm and a thickness of 20 cm. The wheel cross sectional area is divided into two parts in aspect ratio. The large part represent dehumidification or absorption process, in this section moisture is removed from the humid air by the silica gel. While the other part represent desorption or regeneration process in this section moisture was absorbed from the humid air by the gel of silica in the first process will be removed from it. The experimental results demonstrates that the utilizing of the desiccant wheel will reduce significantly the thermal load on the cooling coil by reducing the latent load of the passing of humid air respectively via the wheel and the cooling coi

    Economic Diversification and the Urban Image; Changing the Narrative on Street Vending

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    Street vending is a dynamic phenomenon of network of events, socio-economic and cultural factors while remaining a narration of place. At the metropolitan level, the narrative is negatively skewed towards street vending and its aesthetic reality, contemporaneously exploring hostile environmental interventions within the informal sector. This paper attempted to explore a counter-narrative asking; based on aesthetic experience, can the “desired” urban image be achieved by allowing street vendors proliferate in public spaces? This question was asked within the scope of the political-economy of diversification in Nigeria. Mapping over google satellite images over critical periods leading to demolitions and/or developments, this paper documented the spatial distribution of vendors to determine the urban centres that are hostile to vending activities and those that were not. The paper argued that, around public spaces such as parks and sidewalks, the precarious nature of vending activities lead to their diffidence in upgrades to stalls, tables and kiosks. With pictures from spaces that appear to approve of street vending tacitly, a pattern of upgrades in vending apparatus and kiosks were established. This paper proposes an integrative model of passive, active and tacit support that is required to influence the discourse of vending activities within the context of urban images produced in Nigerian. In conclusion and using sing Gouverneur (2014) concepts of receptors and transformers, this paper revealed that potential existing parks within a dense urban area could serve as transformers, creating an urban image that defies that “out of place” narrative associated with vendors

    Isolation and characterisation of microorganisms contaminating herbal infusion sold in Minna, Nigeria

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    The microbiological assessment of ten herbal infusion samples from ten different locations in Minna, Niger State was investigated. The assessment of the microbial contamination on the herbal products was carried out, using standard methods. Pour plate method was used to cultivate serially diluted portions of the medicinal plant infusion samples. The results revealed that all the herbal preparations had the presence of microbial contaminants. The total heterotrophic counts of the different herbal samples ranged from 0 cfu/mL to 25.0 × 108cfu/mL while the total fungal counts ranged from 3.0×106cfu/mL to 3.5×108cfu/mL. The total viable bacteria counts showed that the highest counts of 25.0 × 108cfu/mL was recorded in the sample from Bosso and the least counts of 0 cfu/mL from Kasuwan-Gwari while the total fungal counts showed that the highest count of 3.5×108cfu/mL was found in the sample obtained from FUT campus and the least counts of 3.0×106cfu/mL in the sample from Mai-Kunkele. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that there was significant difference (p<0.05) in the microbial load of the herbal infusions from each location. The microbial isolates identified were E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella sp, Klebsiella sp, Pseudomonas sp, Micrococcus sp, Salmonella sp, Aspergillus sp, Penicillium sp and Saccharomyces cerevisaie. Members of the genus Aspergillus were found to be predominant. This suggests that the herbal infusion harbors microorganisms that could be hazardous to human health and hence producers should maintain the highest possible level of hygiene during the processing and packaging of the products in order to ensure safety of the products


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    The study was assessed relationship between coaches’ required leadership style and athletes’ motivation in selected team sports in Adamawa State Sports Council, Nigeria. Correlational design was used for the study. The population for the study comprised all the male and female programme athletes in team sports of basketball, football, handball and volleyball in Adamawa State Sports Council, Nigeria. One hundred and eight copies of questionnaires were administered but only one hundred and four copies of questionnaires were well completed making 96.3% return rate. Purposive sampling technique was used to select one hundred and eight athletes that make the first and second teams of each of the four sports of basketball, football, handball and volleyball in Adamawa State Sports Council, Nigeria. Two instruments were adopted, modified and used for the study. The first was the Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS) used to determine coaches’ leadership styles. The second was the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) utilized to measure athletes’ motivation in team sports. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentage) was used to analyze the demographic information of the respondents and research questions while inferential statistics (Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient) was utilized to test the research hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study revealed that coaches’ required leadership style is significant to athletes’ motivation in team sports of basketball, football, handball and volleyball in Adamawa State Sports Council, Nigeria. Therefore, the following recommended that coaches should be mindful of situational consideration and type of leadership style they employ or use to coach their teams.  Article visualizations

    GC- MS Analysis of Essential Oil Extract from Leaves and Stems of Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the phytochemical diversity of essential oil of leaves and stems of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) with main functional components, essential oils extracted by hydro-distillation using Clevenger apparatus and the phytochemical compound screened by GC-MS instrument. Forty bioactive phytochemical compounds were identified in the essential oil of (Artemisia dracunculus L.). The detection of phytochemical compounds is based on the peak area, retention time, molecular weight, molecular formula, chemical structure, MS Fragment ions and pharmacological actions. GC-MS analysis of (Artemisia dracunculus L.) revealed to  the existence of the α-pinene, Camphene, β-Thujene, L-β-Pinene, 3-Octanone, β.-Myrcene, dl-5-Hydroxylysine,N,N,o-tris(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-,tert-butyldimethylsilylester, α-Terpinene, m-Cymene, Eucalyptol,  γ-Terpinene, cis-Sabinene hydrate,  (+)-4-Carene,β-Methylisoallylbenzene  , Linalool, Chrysanthenone, Camphor, Evonine, Carbamic acid, [2-[[1-(diphenoxyphosphinyl)-2-phenylethyl]amino]-2-oxo-1-, (-)-Borneol , (-)-terpinen-4-ol (3-Cyclohexen-1-ol,4-methyl-1-(1-methylethyl)-,(R)-), Phenol,2-ethyl-4,5-dimethyl-, α-Terpineol (3-Cyclohexene-1-methanol,.alpha.,.alpha.,4-trimethyl-,(S)-), Borneol, cis-Verbenone,cis-Carveol, (-)-cis-Myrtanol, Dihydrocarveol (Cyclohexanol,2-methyl-5-(1-methylethenyl)-), p-Benzoquinone,2-(3-hydroxy-3,7,11,15,19,23,27-heptamethyl-6,10,14,18,22,26-oct, Methyl nerolate ( 3,6-Octadienoicacid,3,7-dimethyl-,methylester,(Z)-), Isopiperitenone (2-Cyclohexen-1-one,3-methyl-6-(1-methylethenyl)-,(S)-), bornyl ester, 2-Methylbicyclo[4.3.0]non-1(6)-ene, Piperitenone, Cyclopentane,1-acetoxymethyl-3-isopropenyl-2-methyl-, 3,5-Heptadienal,2-ethylidene-6-methyl-, Caryophyllene, 1,4,7,-Cycloundecatriene,1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-,Z,Z,Z-, Caryophylleneoxide, 1-Oxaspiro[2.5]octane,5,5-dimethyl-4-(3-methyl-1,3-butadienyl)-, The analysis of Artemisia dracunculus L. leaves and stems showed the presence of Alkenes, Aliphatic fluoro compounds, Alcohols, Ethers, Carboxylic acids, Esters, Nitro compounds, Alkanes, Aldehydes, Ketones compounds. These founding confirm that beside the uses of Tarragon as seasoning due to containing a wide range of essential oil diversity, it can be also useful for various herbal therapy, as anti-inflammatory, cardiac tonic analgesic, antipyretic, antiepileptic, laxative, antispasmodic, carminative remedy and anti-asthmatic. Keywords:  GC-MS Analysis, Essential oils, Tarragon, Medicinal plants, Health benefits