154 research outputs found

    The influence of Islamic banking products’ features on customer satisfaction in Nigeria

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    Islamic banking is important in today’s competitive banking markets. Research in Islamic banking worldwide is largely focused on how distinct is Islamic banking from the conventional banking. Attaining customer satisfaction becomes the target of every organisation but the way to achieving customer satisfaction seems too difficult or not possible as a result of many overarching factors. This research investigates the effect of Islamic bank products features on customer satisfaction using the Kano theory of customer satisfaction. The objectives of the study are to identify the Islamic banking products’ as they relate to customer satisfaction. To determine the level of customer satisfaction on Islamic banking products’ features, and to investigate the influence of the products’ features on customer satisfaction in Nigeria. Three research questions and four hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The methodology employed was a quantitative approach using a questionnaire as an instrument for data collection. The target population for this study is the customers of Ja’iz bank Nigeria Plc the only Islamic bank in Nigeria. A convenient sampling method was adopted to draw the respondents from the customers of the Ja’iz bank Plc. in Northern Nigeria. Hence selfadministered questionnaire was used to gather the data. The survey findings were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 and Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM-3). The findings show that the constructs (Perceived quality, Cost, Convenience and Compliance) of Wadi’ah product were strong in determining the satisfaction of customers as they produced R 2 of 0.28, while Murabahah shows R 2 of 0.41, Mudarabah shows R 2 of 0.30 and Ijarah 2 shows R of 0.35 which means the constructs were moderate in determining customer satisfaction. Overall, the research found that customer satisfaction was affected by the products quality features as the model shown 46.8 per cent (R =0.468) of the variance. Thus, customers were moderately satisfied by the cost, perceived quality, convenience, and compliance with these products (Wadi’ah, Murabahah, Mudarabah, and Ijarah)

    Effect of Compensation on Employee Commitment in Hormuud Telecom Mogadishu, Somalia

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    Purpose: Any businesses are experimenting with more flexible compensation packages that include components of variable pay according to job performance, competence, skill development, desired team, and leadership characteristics. Reward systems may need to be adaptable if businesses require a high level of flexibility Performance-based compensation inspires employees to achieve the HR function's strategic goals by aligning personal interests with company goals. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of compensation on employee commitment in Mogadishu, Somalia.     Design/Methodology/Approach: The approach as mixed. To achieve the objectives of this study data was collected through close ended questionnaire and interview from a sample of 68 staff and 3 managers of the Homuud telecom mogadishu somalia, and the design was cress sectional in order to get different respondents at one time, these respondents were selected using simple random sampling and census inquiry techniques, Data collected from the questionnaire and interview guide were analyzed using descriptive and linear regression analysis and  content analysis in order to obtain findings according to study objectives.   Findings: The finding indicated that there is  a positive and significant effect compensation on employee commitment in Hormuud Telecom Mogadishu, Somali. Furthermore, this implied that compensation was positively correlated with employee commitment in Hormuud Telecom. This meant that the good level of employee commitment increased with good compensation packages. It found that if employees were satisfied with how the organization operates and communicates its compensation policies, they would remain committed to the organization. Either, the organization’s reward system is more likely to affect the performance of the employees and their desire to remain employed and perform well in the organization.   Research Limitation Implication: The practical implications the research study enables us to explore the employee training on employee commitment in hormuud telecom mogadishu -somalia the limitations faced by the study included time constraints and limited resources taken to complete the study.   Originality/Value: This investigation differs from previous researches explores as it examines the effect of compensation on employee commitment in Hormuud Telecom Mogadishu, Somalia. Furthermore, this study is specifically based on the Mogadishu Somalia

    Ramadan tafsir of the glorious Qur’an goes virtual during Covid-19 lockdown in Nigeria

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    The researchers were motivated by the adoption of digital communication applications and social media platforms by some Islamic scholars in Nigeria to conduct annual Tafsir of the glorious Qur’an in Ramadan 2020 in the midst of coronavirus lockdown. The paper adopted Lull’s Gratification Theory for theoretical explanation of virtual interaction between the scholars who conducted the Tafsir from an isolated places and the audience who watched or listened from their homes in adherence to safety measures to stop the spread of the disease. Methodologically, the study adopted a cross-sectional research design and purposive sampling technique to elicit secondary data from the target participants. The study found that there is usage of digital medium of communication and interaction between Islamic clerics and their followers. This explains the flexibility of Islam to embrace development, adopt and adapt it in conformity with Islamic rules and regulations. The findings also show that Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram are the most common internet based interactive platforms which Islamic scholars explored and disseminated their Tafsir virtual to the audience. The paper concludes that internet has enabled people not only to interact virtual but Tafsir and other forms of Islamic preaching can be conducted without co-presence of the preachers and the audience. The option of live streaming video on Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram which consume a lot amount of data has enabled Muslim users to followed the Ramadan Tafsir from distant places

    Central poststroke pain : its profile among stroke survivors in Kano, Nigeria

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    Background. Central poststroke pain (CPSP) caused by sensory dysfunction of central origin is a disabling condition that significantly affects the quality of life of stroke patients. Aim. The aim of this study is to determine the clinical profiles and pattern of CPSP among stroke patients in Kano, Nigeria. Methods. The study was a cross-sectional design involving stroke survivors who were >= 18 years old and with no significant cognitive impairment approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital. Participants were assessed using diagnostic criteria form, the douleur neuropathique 4 questions (DN4 questionnaire), and Leeds assessment of neuropathic symptoms and signs (LANNS). Results. A total of 120 stroke patients participated in the study, in which 6 (5%) were diagnosed with CPSP occurring within the first 3 months in 50% of the participants. The pain characteristics were mainly moderate (83.3%), burning (62.5%), and continuously experienced (66.7%). The frequently affected parts were extremities or occurring as hemisyndrome. Conclusion. Prevalence of CPSP following stroke is low. The clinical features are variable and can occur at a varied time and different intensities and locations. However, it majorly occurs within the first few months post stroke

    Effect of Varying Concentrations of Auxin (2,4-D) on In vitro Callus Initiation Using Leaf of Artemisia annua (L)

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    Study was carried out to determine the effect of varying concentrations of auxin on callus initiation using the leaves Artemisia annua as explants which were sterilized and inoculated into Murashig and Skoog basal medium supplemented with varying concentrations of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) and incubated in the growth chamber for 4 weeks at 27ºc. Best results were obtained with 1.0 μm/l and 1.5 μm/l concentrations. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated significant difference among all the treatments (P<0.05) on the parameters studied compared with the control. Consequently, 1.0 μm/l and 1.5 μm/l concentrations of 2,4-D are ideal for callus initiation in A. annua. This provides the means to mass propagation of A. annua through callus initiation and subsequent provision of raw materials required for artemisinin extraction.Keywords: Artemisia annua, Callus, Auxin, In vitro, 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D

    Bio-ethanol production from cassava (manihot esculenta) waste peels using acid hydrolysis and fermentation process

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    In this research study, cassava peel waste was used as a sole carbon source for ethanol production using the process of fermentation and co-culture techniques. Production of Bio-ethanol from cassava peels was examined using co-culture of Aspergillus niger and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sulfuric acid solution with concentration of 2 %, 6 % and 10 %, was used to hydrolyze the substrates. Aspergillus niger and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were further used to ferment the substrates at 28 oC for 4 days. The fermented liquid was distilled at 78 oC and quantity of ethanol produced was determined. These findings proved that 10 % H2SO4 concentrated acid pretreated sample resulted into maximum ethanol yield (37.35 g/ml), pH 4.55, sugar content (15.5 %) and alcohol content (8.5 %) after 4 days. This study further revealed that bio-ethanol can be produced from cassava peels with maximum yield obtained using 10 % H2S04 acid for hydrolysis and Aspergillus niger and Saccharomyces cerevisiae for fermentation

    Obstructive urolithiasis in ouda-yankasa ram: case report

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    Obstructive urolithiasis is the retention of urine subsequent to the lodgement of calculi inthe urinary tract from the kidney up to the urethral orifice. This report describes the postmortem findings and chemical analysis findings of the calculi in an 18-month old Ouda-Yankasa cross ram presented at the Large Animal Clinic of the Veterinary TeachingHospital, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. The patient was presented on 20th ofMarch, 2013 with reports of anorexia, disinclination to drink water and anuria thatdeveloped four days before presentation at the clinic. On clinical examination, urethralblockage and mild ascites were observed. Cystocentesis was performed to relieve thepatient and plain radiograph taken but was not diagnostic. The patient died beforedefinitive diagnosis was made for rational treatment. The post mortem findings includefrothy exudate in the trachea and bronchial airways, congestion of the lungs,hydroperitoneum with recovered fluid measuring 2,350 ml, splenomegaly,hydronephrosis, distended urinary bladder, severe haemorrhagic cystitis, urinary calculiin the bladder and throughout the urethral length and urethral stricture. The urinarycalculi recovered were white, friable and amorphous, ranging from small particles to 5mm in diameter. Histopathologic section of the kidney showed atrophied glomeruli. Itcan thus be concluded that the atrophied glomeruli in turn impaired glomerular filtrationthat invariably pre-disposed the patient to uraemia leading to its death. The chemicalanalysis of the calculi showed that the calculi was either oxalate, phosphate or silicate, orany of these mixtures.Keywords: Ouda-Yankasa ram, Obstructive urolithiasis, Calculi, Urethral blockage, Ascites, Uraemi

    Views and experiences of discharged COVID-19 patients in Kano, Nigeria : a qualitative study

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    Introduction: COVID-19 has spread globally, thereby contributing to substantial hospitalisation rates and morbidity. However, little or no information is available on the experiences of patients with COVID-19 in an African-setting. The study aimed to explore the experiences of patients with COVID-19. Methods: semi-structured interviews were conducted via telephone with eleven individuals who were managed and discharged due to COVID-19. A descriptive phenomenological approach to qualitative research was employed and participants were mainly asked about their experiences before, during and after hospitalisation for COVID-19. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: patients' viewpoints were suggestive of community and secondary transmission of COIVD-19 in the study area. A few participants experienced severe symptoms. Most participants tend to resign their condition to fate; while some displayed unfounded conspiracy theories. Nevertheless, precautionary measures to prevent infection were largely observed. COVID-19 also negatively affected activities of daily living of the participants. Furthermore, the participants were generally satisfied with quality of care provided. However, areas of patients' education, isolation centre set-up and caregiver-patient interaction needed further improvements. Lastly, experience of fear and stigma during post-hospitalisation were common. Conclusion: COVID-19 impacted negatively on the lives of the studied population. However, their experience during hospitalisation was generally positive

    An Investigative Study on Impact of Frequency Dynamics in Load Modeling

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    Load modeling plays a significant impact in assessing power system stability margin, control, and protection. Frequency in the power system is desired to be kept constant, but in a real sense, it is not constant as loads continually change with time. In much literature, frequency dynamics are ignored in the formulation of load models for the basic assumption that it does not affect the models.  In this paper, the composite load model was formulated with Voltage-Frequency Dependency (V-FD) on real and reactive powers and applied to estimate the load model. 2- Area network 4- machines Kundur test network was used for testing the developed model.  The model was trained with measurements from a low voltage distribution network supplying the Electrical Engineering department at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Both training and testing data were captured under normal system operation (dynamics). To evaluate the V-FD model performance, Voltage-Dependent (VD) model was examined on the same measured data. The work makes use of the Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) as a nonlinear estimator. Results obtained indicate that including frequency dynamics in modeling active power reduces the accuracy of the model. While in modeling reactive power the model performance improves. Hence, it can be said that including frequency dynamics in load modeling depends on the intended application of the model

    Analysis of Human Capital Development Index in Kano State

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    The study focuses on the analysis of human capital development index domesticated in Kano state, Nigeria. The main objective of this study is design human capital index and explores the contributors and inhibitors to the development and deployment of a healthy, educated and productive labour force in the state. The study covers the 44 local government areas and 122 wards of the State. Four key indicators were used for the design of human capital index in Kano State which are; level of education, health and wellness, workforce and employment and enabling environment. These indicators were analyzed using standardization method of ranking. From the index, some regions of the states have impressive and fair human capital index which are Northern Central, Eastern and North Western regions while some regions have poor ranking of human capital index in the State especially Far South, Western and Southern regions were most of the index were negative as per the defined indicators as captured by the level of education, health and wellness, workforce and employment and enabling environment. In view of these findings and low public sector resource availability, the study recommends that government should overhaul the financial management system in health and education towards attaining higher value for money in expenditure spent and enhance the ease of access for private providers of health and education services towards complementing that provided by the public sector and strengthen regulatory framework for effect supervision and quality standardization. Keywords: Human Capital Development Index, Kano State, Health, Educatio
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