229 research outputs found

    Study the Efficiency of Some Antibiotics on Staph. aureus Isolated from different Clinical Origins

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    For the period from April to October 2022, (56) isolates of bacteria infected with Staphylococcus aureus were diagnosed, distributed among 5 isolates of aureus infection, out of a total of (23) isolates (41%) and (33) isolates of burn injuries. Of the total (56) isolates, the diagnosis is confirmed using the API STAPH system. Allergy testing was studied using (14) antibiotic tablets. He was an opponent of imipenem, Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. All isolates were sensitive at (100%), and the highest resistance to ciprofloxacin was at (100%), cefotaxime, imipenem, Tetracycline, ceftazidime, as they showed high resistance to the mentioned antibiotics and the reason for this was due to the bacteria\u27s ability to produce beta-lactam enzymes. Also (50) isolates were detected out of a total of (56) isolates, and the results were that (89%) of the isolates were producing wide-spectrum beta-lactamase enzymes

    The Metaphorical Character in the Poetry of Abdullah Al-Bardouni: A Semiotic Study

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    تقف هذه الدراسة على مدونة الشاعر عبد الله البردوني الشعرية عبر زاوية محددة، تنظر إلى تجربته وواقعه الذي جسده في النص على أسس إنسانية يستمدها من استعارة الشاعر للشخصيات الإنسانية؛ والشاعر حين يقيم نصه على أسس إنسانية لا يختلقها من العدم، وإنما هو يستمدها من تجربته الإنسانية ومن واقعه بوصفه مصدرا يستدعي منه مادته الإنسانية والاستدعاء ليس غاية في ذاته، والشاعر حين يستدعي شخصية من التراث مثلا لا يستهدف مجرد الاستدعاء؛ فالاستدعاء هنا يكون بمثابة تغيير للسياق حيث ينقل الشاعر الشخصية من سياقها السابق لسياق جديد مستهدفا تخصيب دلالة جديدة تنضاف إلى الدلالة القائمة في السياق السابق.  الشخصيات المستعارة شخصيات جاهزة الوجود فالشاعر لم يبتكرها الشاعر من العدم، وإنما هي شخصيات حققت وجودها في الواقع واستقرت في الذهن الجمعي لذا فالشاعر ليس في حاجة  إلى تعريفها أو تقديم بطاقة تعريف بها إذ هو يستعيرها من منطقة الشهرة، وجاهزية الشخصية سلاح ذو حدين، فليست هي المجهولة التي يتشوق المتلقي لمعرفتها، وهو ما يحسب للمتلقي، وإنما هي المعروفة التي قد تجعل المتلقي يحجم عن معرفتها فاقدا التشوق لما يطرحه الشاعر لها من سمات فنية تجعلها في صورة قابلة للتشوق، أي إن الشاعر يقاوم  جاهزية الشخصية بتقديم جاهزية جديدة. ولكون الإنسان موضوعاً للخطاب الأدبي، وكونه منتجاً للخطاب بوظيفته الجمالية التي يؤديها وتوظيفها عبر آلية محددة تتقدم هذه الدراسة لتحقيق أهدافها في ثلاث خطوات أساسية: الكشف عن مفهوم الاستعارة وكيف تحققت لدى الشاعر. أنماط الشخصيات المستعارة، واختيار ثلاث شخصيات تبيانا لمساحة ظهورها. الوقوف على أربعة وظائف حققتها استعارة الشخصية: اللغوية، البلاغية، السردية، الدلالية.    This study deals with the poetic blog of the poet Abdullah Al Bardony from a certain perspective. It deals with his experience and the reality he embodied in the text based on human bases which the poet extracts from recalling previous human characters. Upon doing that, the poet does not create these human bases from the beginning but he extracts them from his human experience and from his reality which he considers a source from which he recalls his human material. Recalling that is not an end. The poet does not intend only such recall such as when he recalls a character from heritage. The recall here is a change of context where the poet removes the character from a context to another with the intention to target the enrichment of a new meaning to be added to the outstanding meaning in the previous context. Recalling previous characters is like borrowing characters that were ready in existence. The poet did not create them from nothing. They are characters that were realized in reality and felt by the minds of the people. The poet does not need to define such characters or to identify them to the society. He borrows these characters as they are famous everywhere. The preparation of characters is a double-edged weapon. They are not unknown so that recipients are eager to know them but they are already known so that recipients may be reluctant to know them as they are losing passion to what artistic features the poet may cover them with to make these characters appear appalling. In short, the poet resists the preparedness of characters with the presentation of a new preparedness. Since man is the main theme of the art work, and since man is producing the dialogue through its whole function that he may perform and employ through a certain mechanism, this study aims at achieving its objectives through three main steps: Defining the term of borrowing (recalling previous characters) and how did the poet realize it. Types of recalled (borrowed) characters and choosing three of them to identify the size of their presence. Identifying four functions realized by recalling (borrowing) characters: linguistic, rhetoric, narrative and semantic functions. &nbsp

    Assessment of Knowledge Among the Physicians Regarding Dental Screening Prior to Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

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    Objective: To evaluate the physicians\u27 knowledge regarding the referral for dental screening prior to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Material and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study using simple random sampling among 468 physicians from various specialties with diverse experience levels from different regions in Saudi Arabia. A self-reporting questionnaire was distributed among the physicians, which consisted of questions assessing the physicians\u27 knowledge about oral health and complications in patients prior to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Statistical analysis was done after the data was collected employing SPSS, and p<0.05 was taken as significant. Results: Residents were more as expected (39.3%), followed by specialists (2.31%). The majority had a practice experience for more than five years (67.8%). The scores for the knowledge assessment showed that 51.3%, nearly half of the participants, had lower scores. The scores were statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: General physicians and specialists should be aware of the dental complications and associated diseases in patients with malignancies and those undergoing chemo and radiotherapy. It is proposed that more awareness should be raised among physicians to rectify this lapse

    Covering Materials Incorporating Radiation-Preventing Techniques to Meet Greenhouse Cooling Challenges in Arid Regions: A Review

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    Cooling greenhouses is essential to provide a suitable environment for plant growth in arid regions characterized by brackish water resources. However, using conventional cooling methods are facing many challenges. Filtering out near infra-red radiation (NIR) at the greenhouse cover can significantly reduce the heating load and can solve the overheating problem of the greenhouse air. This paper is to review (i) the problems of using conventional cooling methods and (ii) the advantages of greenhouse covers that incorporate NIR reflectors. This survey focuses on how the cover type affects the transmittance of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), the reflectance or absorptance of NIR and the greenhouse air temperature. NIR-reflecting plastic films seem to be the most suitable, low cost and simple cover for greenhouses under arid conditions. Therefore, this review discusses how various additives should be incorporated in plastic film to increase its mechanical properties, durability and ability to stand up to extremely harsh weather. Presently, NIR-reflecting covers are able to reduce greenhouse air temperature by no more than 5°C. This reduction is not enough in regions where the ambient temperature may exceed 45°C in summer. There is a need to develop improved NIR-reflecting plastic film covers

    Zerumbone-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers: preparation, characterization, and antileukemic effect

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    Zerumbone, a natural dietary lipophilic compound with low water solubility (1.296 mg/L at 25°C) was used in this investigation. The zerumbone was loaded into nanostructured lipid carriers using a hot, high-pressure homogenization technique. The physicochemical properties of the zerumbone-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (ZER-NLC) were determined. The ZER-NLC particles had an average size of 52.68 ± 0.1 nm and a polydispersity index of 0.29 ± 0.004 μm. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the particles were spherical in shape. The zeta potential of the ZER-NLC was −25.03 ± 1.24 mV, entrapment efficiency was 99.03%, and drug loading was 7.92%. In vitro drug release of zerumbone from ZER-NLC was 46.7%, and for a pure zerumbone dispersion was 90.5% over 48 hours, following a zero equation. Using the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay in human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Jurkat) cells, the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of ZER-NLC was 5.64 ± 0.38 μg/mL, and for free zerumbone was 5.39 ± 0.43 μg/mL after 72 hours of treatment. This study strongly suggests that ZER-NLC have potential as a sustained-release drug carrier system for the treatment of leukemia

    Portal Vein Thrombosis in a Patient with Type 1 Diabetes Presenting as Acute Pyelonephritis

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    Background: Few cases have been reported with respect to portal vein thrombosis in non-cirrhotic patients. Asymptomatic or non-specific symptoms of portal vein thrombosis may lead to misdiagnosis or may delay the diagnosis until complications develop. We report a case of portal vein thrombosis in a patient with type 1 diabetes presenting as acute pyelonephritis. Case description: An 18-year-old female with type 1 diabetes on an insulin pump presented with epigastric abdominal pain for 3 days associated with nausea and vomiting. She was a conscious, alert, young female who appeared to be in pain. Vital signs were stable with a random blood sugar (RBS) level of 179 mg/dl. Abdominal examination revealed a soft and lax abdomen with tenderness in the epigastric area and right renal angle, as well as no sign of rigidity or rebound tenderness. No signs of ascites, splenomegaly or hepatomegaly were noted. Investigations showed a WBC count of 10.2, neutrophils at 65%, urine microsopy analysis revealed WBCs between 30–50 per high power field, with culture showing >105 CFU/ml. All parameters of a thrombophilic screen were within normal values. Computed tomography (CT) revealed reduced enhancement of the right kidney, likely indicating acute pyelonephritis, and left portal vein oedema with complete occlusion. Local factors and prothrombotic disorders were ruled out. The patient was managed with ciprofloxacin, enoxaparin and warfarin. Follow-up imaging revealed complete resolution of thrombosis. Conclusions:Portal vein thrombosis is an uncommon condition in the absence of liver disease. Few case reports exhibit sepsis and portal vein thrombosis. Sepsis can create a predisposed environment for hypercoagulability. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of pyelonephritis with portal vein thrombosis

    A new model for enhancing student portal usage in Saudi Arabia universities

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    Portals are gateways that provide users with the information they need from different sources and display it on a single page. It is important to see that universities utilize the resources and services provided by their student portals. With the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia aims to develop and improve student portals by providing high-quality teaching services through the university portal systems. This paper discusses the importance of student portal usage in Saudi Arabian universities and investigates the factors that influence the utilization of student portals as perceived by the students of the Saudi universities. Based on these factors, a model is proposed which identifies students’ expectations about the Saudi university portals. A quantitative methodology was employed to develop the model. The results revealed that 8 out of 10 factors of the model are significant and positively affect student portal usage. The enhancement of student portals based on the identified significant factors will assist the universities to increase their utilization and their provided services

    The Role of Family Physicians in Mental Health Care: Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

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    amily physicians play a pivotal role in the early detection, diagnosis, and management of mental health disorders within the community. This review article delves into the multifaceted responsibilities of family physicians in the realm of mental health care. Emphasizing the importance of primary care settings as the first point of contact for many patients, the article underscores the need for effective screening tools and methodologies tailored for these environments. The diagnostic precision of family physicians, often challenged by the broad spectrum of mental health symptoms, is explored alongside the potential implications of misdiagnoses. Furthermore, the article evaluates various treatment options, from pharmacological interventions to psychotherapy, and their applicability in primary care settings. The integration of technological advancements, such as electronic health records and telemedicine, is also discussed in the context of enhancing patient care. The review concludes by highlighting the importance of educating primary care physicians to not only pay close attention to the mental health of their patients, but also to be able to accurately screen and diagnose mental health issues using various diagnostic tools. Moreover, it is critical to develop more useful tools that can be used in the context of primary care settings