10 research outputs found

    Forecasting Analysis of Production and Price of Red Chili (Capsicum annum L) in Southeast Sulawesi Province.

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    Red chili is a horticultural commodity that has high economic value and attractive market prospects for farmers but the production and price of chili peppers continue to fluctuate. The purpose of this research is to: Analyze Forecasting the production and price of red chili (Capsicum Annum L.) in Southeast Sulawesi in 2022-2026 using the Double Exponential Smoothing method. The method of determining the research area used is purposively where the production and price of red chili in Southeast Sulawesi Province fluctuates and the data used is secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Southeast Sulawesi Province from 2012 to 2021. The data analysis technique used in this research is Double Exponential Smoothing. The highest predicted red chili production forecasting results are in 2022 amounting to 16,683 Quintals and the lowest is in 2026 amounting to 16,002 Quintals. The results of the analysis of forecasting the production and price of red chili in 2022-2026, namely the production of red chili in Southeast Sulawesi Province has decreased production every year while the price of red chili has increased in price every year.Cabai merah merupakan salah satu komoditas hortikultura yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi serta prospek pasar yang menarik bagi petani akan tetapi produksi dan Harga cabai yang terus mengalami fluktuasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: Menganalisis Forecasting (meramalkan) produksi dan harga cabai merah (Capsicum Annum L.) di Sulawesi Tenggara tahun 2022-2026 dengan menggunakan metode Double Exponential Smoothing. Metode penentuan daerah penelitian yang digunakan adalah secara purposive dimana produksi dan harga cabai merah di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara mengalami fluktuasi dan data yang digunakan berupa data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara tahun 2012 hingga tahun 2021. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Double Exponential Smoothing. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Forecasting produksi dan harga cabai menggunakan parameter α=0,5. Hasil MAPE produksi cabai merah sebesar 4%, produksi cabai merah pada tahun 2022-2026 cenderung mengalami penurunan. Hasil peramalan produksi cabai merah diprediksi tertinggi yaitu tahun 2022 sebesar 16.683 Kuintal dan terendah yaitu tahun 2026 sebesar 16.002 Kuintal. Hasil MAPE harga cabai merah sebesar 0%, harga cabai merah pada tahun 2022-2026 cenderung mengalami kenaikan. Hasil peramalan harga cabai merah diprediksi  tertinggi yaitu tahun tahun 2026  sebesar Rp 3.408.180/ Kuintal atau sebesar Rp 34.081,80/Kg, harga terendah berada pada tahun pertama peramalan yaitu pada tahun 2022 sebesar 2.678.630/Kuintal atau Rp 26.786,30/Kg.&nbsp


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    The absence of information regarding business learning styles and behavior of small entrepreneurs in the agribusiness field in Kendari city can lead to less precise determination of creative economic policy in the Kendari city. This study aims to: determine the type of business learning style and behavior of small entrepreneurs in the agribusiness field in Kendari city. Analysis of learning styles performed by calculating the level of rank (from left to right) was made by the respondents to the questionnaire that has been provided based on the level of compatibility with the learning behavior of respondents. Analysis of the entrepreneurs’s behavior carried out by observing the dominance of respondents’s answering on the questionnaire (19 questions) that have been provided. The results showed that learning style of the small entrepreneurs in the agribusiness field in Kendari city spread into 4 (four) types of learning styles, in the following order: 38.89% assimilator type, 27.78% converger type, 16.67% respectively for acomodator and diverger type. Business behavior of small entrepreneurs in the agribusiness field in Kendari city clustered on the behavior of III (100%), nomely the ethical business behavior (clean businness). Among that entrepreneurs who behave 100% clean business behavior, there were 38.89% of entrepreneurs who conduct very strong (high) clean business and 61.11% who conduct rather low clean business.Keywords: Learning Styles, Business Behavior, Small Entrepreneur, Agribusines

    Peningkatan Keterampilan bagi Pengelola dan Anggota Badan Usaha Milik Desa di Desa Amokuni, Kecamatan Ranomeeto Barat, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara

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    The objective of this community service activity are to increase knowledge and skills to managers and members of Amokuni Village Owned Enterprise (Bumdes Amokuni) regarding business management, added value, determining the cost of goods manufactured (HPP), and creative marketing strategies. Activities carried out include socialization, extention, training and mentoring. The result of this service activity was that the knowledge and skills of the managers and members of Bumdes Amokuni have increased. Increased knowledge was meant in terms of business management, increasing the added value of freshwater resources, HPP determining and creative marketing strategies for freshwater fish products to be produced. Improved skills were in the form of skills in making business management concepts, processing pomfret and tilapia into shredded fish and fishbone sticks with 5 flavors (original taste, BBQ, spicy sweet, balado, and roasted corn), HPP determining, and marketing diversified products freshwater fish online and offline.This community service program was intended to improve the quality of Amokuni Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes of Amokuni) through the use of freshwater fish resources. The activities carried out include counseling, training, assistance in terms of improving business management, increasing product added value, determining the cost of production (HPP), implementing creative marketing strategies, and improving the health quality of rural communities and their families. The results of the program were The an increase in the quality of Amonuni Bumdes through increasing the empowerment of Amokuni Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes of Amokuni) as seen from improving the the quality of executing management, the production of processed freshwater fish products in the form of shredded fish and fish bone sticks, the implementation of creative marketing strategies through online marketing and participation in exhibitions, and empowerment in public health

    Affirmation of the Trade Performance between Islands as Shield of Indonesia Confront MEA

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    AbstractIndonesia is a maritime country with many unutilize resources but high in experiences in the world trade pass through ocean. However, in this era, the ocean and the fishery sector of Indonesia confront the new challenge called Asian Economy Society (MEA). The Policy of accelerating the Ocean and the fishery industrialization is one of the strategic step to face MEA. It must be sinergistic with the increase of the trade performance between islands. The increase of the trade performance between islands could be done by constructing new harbor through the approachment of “Tol Laut” and the change of consumer behavior. It will affect in : (1) The increase of market share in the ocean and the fishery comodity in Global Market ; (2) The Acceleration of the Ocean and the fishery industrialization ; (3) The increase of value of the ocean and the fishery comodity ; (4) The increase of The state’s income ; (5) The increase of fhiserman and fish farmer prosperity ; (6) The Defense of The Unity of the Republic of Indonesia.Key Word : MEA, trade between Islands, performance, Industrializatio


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    Abstract.The objective of this study were to describe types and form of local wisdom in meeting of local food and its implementation compare with the condition of 30 years ago. Populations of this study were farmers who have farming experience more than 30 years. Qualitative analysis was be used in this study. The study results showed that there were some types of farmer’s local wisdoms, consist of land opening, land preparing, cultivation, harvesting, and processing of farm products. Types of local wisdom such as agriculture systems, and ritual ceremonies. An agriculture system in land preparing was slash and burn system, in the procedure of planting and maintenance of plants in the form of a system of rotation and intercropping, while the processing of agricultural product is done by prescription obtained hereditary. Ritual ceremonial among others; Kasalasa, Kaago-ago, and Kasambuwite. Local wisdom that are still maintained in land preparing by slash and burn system, in cultivation with rotation and intercropping system, and in processing of agricultural product into comestible durable. Traditional rituals began experiencing fading due to the times and increased demands of life.Keyword: local wisdom, farmers, local foo


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    AbstractBusiness of aren sugar processing intends to providing alternative sweetener source to fulfill sugar demand for community. Nonetheless, every business has a risk particularly agricultural product in general, including aren sugar processing business in which the raw resources were obtained from aren.The purpose of this research was to analyze the type and stage of risk related to aren sugar processing business in Kolaka District. Simple random sampling method was used to decide sample on this research. Quantitative descriptive analysis and coefficient of variance was used to analyze types and stages of risk in aren sugar processing business. The result of the research showed that there are six type risks on the extraction process, five type risks on aren cooking process, and one type risk on marketing. Risk types which have quantification value is analyzed for its risk stages, including raw material risk, production risk and price risk. Raw material risk had the highest stage of risk among other risks. Authority for endorsing continuity and development of aren sugar processing business was a based-risk development strategy, especially for raw material risk, as well as mentoring of production risk and marketing management.Keywords. risk, profit, aren sugar processing busines


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    Bambu memiliki banyak kegunaan untuk berbagai kebutuhan, seperti bangunan rumah, perabotan, alat pertanian, kerajinan, alat musik, dan makanan. Bambu merupakan sumberdaya alam yang dapat diperbaharui sehingga budidaya bambu penting dilakukan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat. Potensi budidaya bambu cukup besar di Sulawesi Tenggara karena banyaknya jenis dan sebaran bambu yang dapat menjadi sumber bibit. Dengan demikian identifikasi bambu sebagai sumber bibit dan lokasi persebarannya penting dilakukan. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat 13 jenis bambu sumber bibit, yaitu Gigantochloa apus, Bambusa arundinacea wild, Bambusa blumeana, Dendrocalamusasper Schult. F. Backer, Bambusa atralindl, Bambusa vulgaris vittata, Melocana baccifera, Asparagus cochinchinensis, Bambusa multiplex, Bambusa vulgaris, Dinochlo amalayana, Gigantochloa atter, Schizostachyum mosum. Jenis bambu sumber bibit paling banyak persebarannya adalah Gigantochloa apus (Bambu Apus) dan yang paling sedikit adalah Dinochloa malayana hanya terdapat di Kabupaten Kolaka Timur dan Schizostachyum mosum, Gigantochloa atter yang hanya terdapat di Kabupaten Muna


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    The phenomenon of a gold mine brings a lot of changes in people's daily life in the Bombana District. This study aims to: (a) Aware of the social and cultural changes in society before and after the gold mining business, and (b) Knowing the changes in people's income before and after the gold mining business. The study population is the people who are in the gold mining sites.  This study result, namely: (a)  Gold  mining  have  negative impact  on social, economic, and cultural of communities around the gold mining area. Social, economic, and cultural societies tend to be in better shape before the gold mining. Average income communities after the gold mining increase by Rp 755.392 per month. (c) Gold mining do not increase the welfare of society, especially for farmers. The implication of this study is the government should strictly supervise and tighten even a moratorium against IUP, and gold mining companies should have corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the form of incentives to the affected communities of the businesses under their management in the fields of education, health, agriculture, economics, and culture as well as other aspects relating to the welfare of society

    Penyuluhan Pelatihan Dan Pendampingan Pengendalian Hama Dan Penyakit Tanaman Kakao Menggunakan Pestisida Nabati

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    Tunas Mekar Farmer Group in Tumbudadio Village, Tirawuta District, East Kolaka Regency. Located in the east, bordering Konawe Regency. Its location in the highlands (750 meters above sea level) has good potential for cultivating cocoa plantations. One of the obstacles often faced by farmer groups is the presence of plant pests (OPT). Until now, cocoa farmers usually use chemical pesticides that are sold on the market. Halu Oleo University Thematic KKN 2023 students provide another alternative to cocoa farmers, namely the use of plant-based pesticides that are more environmentally friendly, by providing training to the community regarding the manufacture of plant-based pesticides. The methods used are counseling, training and application. The result of this service is increased knowledge and skills about the benefits and methods of making botanical pesticides made from wild plants. Self-made vegetable pesticides can reduce production costs and have the potential to become a home industry.Kelompok Tani Tunas Mekar di Desa Tumbudadio, Kecamatan Tirawuta, Kabupaten Kolaka Timur. Terletak di Sebelah timur berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Konawe. Letaknya yang berada di dataran tinggi (750 mdpl) memiliki potensi yang baik untuk budidaya tanaman perkebunan tanaman kakao.  Salah satu kendala yang sering dihadapi oleh kelompok tani yaitu adanya organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT). Pengendalian yang biasa dilakukan petani kakao hingga saat ini dengan menggunakan pestisida kimia yang di jual di pasaran. Mahasiswa KKN Tematik Universitas Halu Oleo 2023 memberikan alternatif lain kepada petani kakao yaitu penggunaan pestisida nabati yang lebih ramah lingkungan, dengan memberikan pelatihan kepada masyarakat mengenai pembuatan pestisida nabati. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu penyuluhan, pelatihan dan aplikasi. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang manfaat dan cara pembuatan pestisida nabati yang terbuat dari tanaman liar. Pestisida nabati yang dibuat sendiri dapat mengurangi biaya produksi dan berpotensi sebagai industri rumah tangga. &nbsp