146 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Sugarcane Bagasse as Lost Circulation Materials

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    Sincere goes to Mr. Jasmi Abd Talib UTP supervisor that have encourage, support and have spent time to discussing some matters regarding to my final year project. He also supported me and encouraged me to complete this task so that I will not procrastinate in doing it. As my project all about the drilling fluids which evaluates the greenery material as drilling fluid additives in water based system. Lost circulation is defined as the total loss of drilling fluid into the formation. This project is mainly focus on how to prevent unwanted issues by evaluating the lost circulation materials (LCM) in water based mud system which based on green LCM - environmental friendly and has a lower cost than contemporary LCM. Contemporary LCM made from, mica, raw cotton, nut shell, wood fibre, corn cobs and etc. Several of this material can be toxic to environment or take long time to dispose if the drilling company decides to dumb the mud into the sea or the mud lost in to formation. The project involves several experiments such as rheology, permeability plugging test and fluid loss to determine the properties and performance of green LCM. The experiments require several lab equipment such as Fann 35 viscometer, API Filtration Loss, and etc. Hopefully, the green LCM which based on sugarcane can achieve the target successfully

    Rancang Bangun Access Point pada Teknologi Visible Light Communication di Laboratorium Sistem Komunikasi Optik Fakultas Ilmu Terapan

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    Visible Light Communication (VLC) merupakan suatu teknologi sistem komunikasi yang dapat memungkinkan suatu proses penyampaian informasi menggunakan cahaya tampak. VLC menyediakan efisiensi dalam sistem komunikasi nirkabel karena menawarkan bandwidth yang baru dan belum digunakan dalam komunikasi nirkabel, serta memiliki potensi perkembangan yang bagus. Pemanfaatan cahaya tampak dalam komunikasi nirkabel dapat menjadi solusi dalam masalah penghematan energi dan keterbatasan frekuensi radio dalam pengembangan komunikasi nirkabel. Dalam proyek akhir ini, akan dilakukan perancangan alat komunikasi VLC pada bagian access point memanfaatkan transmisi cahaya tampak. Alat komunikasi yang dirancang merupakan komunikasi Half-Duplex dengan terdapat access point sebagai blok transmiter di masing-masing bagian. Data yang ditransmisikan berupa teks yang diolah menggunakan software VLC Half-Duplex Communication yang ter-install di salah satu PC di Lab. Sistem Komunikasi Optik FIT. Access point diuji dengan mengirimkan teks ke terminal equipment yang dilakukan di ruangan Lab. SKO (G9). Didapatkan hasil kecepatan pengiriman 40 bit per detik, jarak jangkauan maksimal 270cm, jarak optimal 100cm, dan jumlah karakter maksimum yang dapat dikirim adalah 7 karakter (56bit)

    Competing nuclear weapon development in South Asia: India and Pakistan

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    This study is an attempt to explore the main factors that influence competing nuclear weapons development in South Asia. There are only two countries who possessed nuclear weapon in South Asia. Both Pakistan and India’s relation in economy are good especially in trade activities. However, the relation is different when it comes to security aspect. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the factors that led them to weaponize their nuclear power in South Asia with particular focus on India and Pakistan with special emphasis on the development of nuclear weapon in both states. Finally, this study will recognize the implications on relationship between India and Pakistan in terms of nuclear weapon development

    Evaluation of Sugarcane Bagasse as Lost Circulation Materials

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    Sincere goes to Mr. Jasmi Abd Talib UTP supervisor that have encourage, support and have spent time to discussing some matters regarding to my final year project. He also supported me and encouraged me to complete this task so that I will not procrastinate in doing it. As my project all about the drilling fluids which evaluates the greenery material as drilling fluid additives in water based system. Lost circulation is defined as the total loss of drilling fluid into the formation. This project is mainly focus on how to prevent unwanted issues by evaluating the lost circulation materials (LCM) in water based mud system which based on green LCM - environmental friendly and has a lower cost than contemporary LCM. Contemporary LCM made from, mica, raw cotton, nut shell, wood fibre, corn cobs and etc. Several of this material can be toxic to environment or take long time to dispose if the drilling company decides to dumb the mud into the sea or the mud lost in to formation. The project involves several experiments such as rheology, permeability plugging test and fluid loss to determine the properties and performance of green LCM. The experiments require several lab equipment such as Fann 35 viscometer, API Filtration Loss, and etc. Hopefully, the green LCM which based on sugarcane can achieve the target successfully

    The influence of financial literacy on student spending habit at UiTM Malacca City Campus / Mohamad Faiz Syafiq Abdullah

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    The objective of the study is to identify the relationship between financial literacy on student spending habits. There are three thing can be influence financial literacy on student spending habits which is financial attitude, financial knowledge and family influence. The study was conducted at UiTM Malacca Campus City and the researcher used questionnaire as the tools to find out the result from the respondent at UiTM Malacca Campus City. The respondents are student International Business from Faculty Business Management. Besides that, the researcher had explained about what is the relationship between financial literacy and student spending habit. moreover, the researcher explained factor of financial literacy that influences student spending habits in UiTM Malacca. Meanwhile, the researcher defined the level of spending habit among higher education student

    The awareness and understanding of Islamic economy among accountancy students in UiTM Puncak Alam / Muhammad Nor Syafiq Abdullah

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    Islam is a universal, integrity, and comprehensive life system that had set a perfect journey for human life. As a way of life, Islam touches all matters pertaining to life, from the simplest to the most complex of affairs. Both in the political, economic, educational, artistic, social, cultural, and another aspects. Islam is the perfect religion, governing economic matters. When the economy of a country or national economy that applies the basis of the Qur'an and Hadith is used as the ultimate guide, surely the economy of a country will go well and avoid the contradictory things of syarak. The fact is not all Islamic countries in the world are implementing sharia-compliant economic policies in their economic systems. But, some countries still practice conventional economic systems that have many advantages but bring harm to Muslims. So, people nowadays must know about economic system in our country. They also can choose to use the system that is proper for them to apply in their economy system. They generate national income through conventional economic system which they have practiced since time immemorial. This is quite difficult for them to continue to use the Islamic economic system if not given understanding exactly about the advantages contained in the economic system of Islam when they use it

    Flood Warning and Monitoring System Utilizing Internet of Things Technology

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    Flooding is one of the major disasters occurring in various parts of the world including Malaysia. To reduce the effect of the disaster, a flood warning and monitoring are needed to give an early warning to the victims at certain place with high prone to flood. By implementing Internet of Thing technology into the system, it could help the victim to get an accurate status of flood in real-time condition. This paper is develop a real-time flood monitoring and early warning system using wireless sensor node at a high prone area of flood. This system is based on NodeMCU based technology integrated using Blynk application. The wireless sensor node can help the victims by detecting the water levels and rain intensity while giving an early warning when a flood or heavy rain occurs. Basically, the sensor node consists of ultrasonic sensor and rain sensor controlled by NodeMCU as the microcontroller of the system which placed at the identified flood area. Buzzer and LED started to trigger and alert the victim when the flood had reached certain level of hazard. Data detected from the sensors are sent to the Blynk application via wireless connection. Victim will get to know the current status of flood and rain by viewing the interface and receiving push notification that available in Blynk application via IOS or Android smartphones. The flood level’s data sent to the email could help various organizations for further improvement of the system and flood forecasting purposes. After a test had been conducted, it was found that this prototype can monitor, detect and give warning with notification to the victim earlier before the occurrence of floods


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    Retinopati Diabetik merupakan salah satu penyakit pada retina mata yang disebabkan oleh adanya komplikasi pada penyakit diabetes di mana terdapat kerusakan pembuluh darah pada retina sehingga mengalami penumpukan cairan (eksudat) serta pendarahan pada retina. Pemeriksaan medis untuk mendeteksi penyakit retinopati diabetik membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lama karena dilakukan secara manual oleh dokter dengan mengamati citra fundus dari retina pasien, namun citra fundus retina tidak dapat memberikan informasi secara jelas. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan perancangan sistem Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) menggunakan model EfficientNet untuk melakukan klasifikasi dengan waktu yang efektif dan efisien. Dataset yang digunakan adalah APTOS 2019 Blindness Detection berisi 3662 citra RGB yang terbagi dalam 5 kelas, yaitu No DR, mild NPDR, moderate NPDR, severe NPDR, dan proliferate DR. Hasil akhir menunjukkan model terbaik menggunakan optimizer AdaMax, learning rate 0.001, dan batch size 32 dengan akurasi sebesar 82.096%, nilai presisi sebesar 67.6%, nilai recall sebesar 63.4%, dan f-1 score sebesar 64.6%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kinerja sistem menunjukkan bahwa model yang dibuat dapat dijadikan sistem deteksi dini serta mengurangi waktu pemeriksaan medis pada pasien penyakit Retinopati Diabetik

    Determinants Factor of Technical Efficiency in Machinery Manufacturing Industry in Malaysia

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    Machinery manufacturing industry has been introduced since the beginning of the industrial era from European countries and developed until today. However, major challenges in machinery industry still driven by traditional production factors such as capital and labour that caused the industry still left out. Thus, the objective of the study are to analyse the level of TE and identifying determinant factors influenced to technical efficiency in the machinery manufacturing industry in Malaysia. The study was conducted by using the method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) two stages. The first stage involves the calculation a score of efficiency through the DEA by using firm’s data while the second stage Regression Tobit Analysis used to identify significant factors influencing to technical efficiency in machinery industrial. This firm’s data are categorized into 3 sub-industry 3-digit according to the Malaysian Standard Industrial Classifications which are consists of Manufacture Of General Purpose Machinery, Manufacture Of Special Purpose Machinery and Manufacture Of Installation Machinery Industrial And Equipment. A total of 636 machinery industry firms were involved in this study. Results showed the average efficiency score is at the medium level while the determinant factors were significant are wage rates, the standard of education and research and development (RD). The implications of this study shows that the machinery industry should focus their attention to the significant factors to improve the level of technical efficiency of the machinery industry

    Fabrikasi GPS antena menggunakan bahan zink aluminat berstruktur nano didopkan dengan kobalt

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    Kaedah sol gel digunakan untuk menghasilkan filem nipis CoxZn(1-x)Al2O4 berstruktur nano pada suhu 600°C. Corak pembelauan XRD menunjukkan pembentukan struktur tunggal spinel ZnAl2O4 dan CoAl2O4. Saiz hablur dan ketumpatan bahan berkurangan apabila kepekatan bahan dopan Co bertambah, iaitu masing-masing daripada 19.52 kepada 10.39 nm dan 4.609 kepada 4.585 g/cm3. Parameter kekisi pula meningkat daripada 8.085 kepada 8.098 Å apabila Co meningkat. Analisis FTIR menunjukkan ikatan ZnO, Co dan Al-O berlaku antara 487 hingga 550 cm-1, manakala ikatan spinel bagi ZnAl2O4 dan CoAl2O4 pula terbentuk pada 655 cm-1. Imej AFM menunjukkan kekasaran permukaan menurun apabila Co bertambah iaitu daripada 30.21 nm (×=0.00) kepada 14.83 nm (×=0.30). Nilai pemalar dielektrik (εr) menunjukkan penurunan secara linear apabila Co meningkat iaitu daripada 8.53 kepada 7.31. Seterusnya, GPS antena difabrikasi menggunakan sampel CoxZn(1-x)Al2O4. Prestasi dan frekuensi operasi GPS antena diukur menggunakan penganalisis rangkaian siri PNA pada frekuensi kenaan 1-2 GHz. Analisis mendapati antena beroperasi pada frekuensi 1.570 Ghz dengan kerungian pulangan -15.6 hingga -21.2 dB dan lebar jalurnya pula adalah 80 hingga 315 MHz. Kesemua antena yang telah difabrikasi memenuhi keperluan minimum antena untuk beroperasi pada aplikasi GPS
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