150 research outputs found

    Strengths And Challenges In Station Rotation Gamification

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    Gamification is a pedagogical strategy for improving the learning environment for students. It has been positioned as a remedy for issues with student engagement, learning, and retention that are prevalent in higher education.Although students are only considered to be the consumers of gamification, current implementations of gamification in education place a greater emphasis on the function of game aspects in promoting lower-order learning goals like understanding and remembering. One of the problems with current gamification is the unstructured approach used in game design elements that lead to ineffective outcomes(Sailer, Hense, Mayr, & Mandl, 2017). To overcome the problem, researchers have introduced an innovative approach gamification technique called Station Rotation Gamification (SRG) that has been implemented in 10 weeks of learning in one of the public colleges in Malaysia.Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the strengths and challenges of implementing Station Rotation Gamification (SRG). Ten students and two lecturers participated in the semi-structured interview for the study. Surveys on strengths and challenges were also quantitatively administered to the 35 students to support the findings. The interview's findings are categorised into themes and subthemes. The students' challenges in implementingStation Rotation Gamification (SRG) at a public college included increased participation, struggling in finding the answer, longer periods, demonstrating enthusiasm, and completing assignments on time. Moreover, the strengths under the theme of students' motivation are looking excited, consistent effort, eagerness to learn more, and self-regulation.These strengths and challenges were revealed through data analysis using opencoding, axial coding, and selective coding. Quantitative data are assessed and displayed in a table and graph

    Afghan EFL Lecturers’ Assessment Practices in the Classroom

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    The current study is conducted with the aim to explore the practices and perceptions of Afghan EFL lecturers toward assessment. A second aim of the study is to explore the challenges the lecturers encounter in the implementation of formative assessments in their classes. To serve these basic objectives, a qualitative case study method design was employed with three English language lectures as the participants. Semi-structured interviews were used as the main instrument to collect data. The findings of the study indicated that all three lecturers maintained positive perceptions toward formative assessment and favored it over summative assessment. However, the study also discovered that the lecturers practice summative assessments more than formative assessments in their classrooms. This, as indicated by the lecturers, was due to the fact that their choices of employing certain assessment practices were dictated in terms of certain challenges such as university rules and policies, large classes, and time constraints. Lastly, some suggestions are made that may prove useful to effectively apply formative assessment in Afghan EFL context

    Kota Darulnaim / Shafie Abdullah

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    Rancangan untuk membina komplek kerajaan ini akan menambahkan lagi satu cabang kemajuan bagi negeri Kelantan, Ujudnya ia adajah selaras dengan perkembangan- perkembangan penting di dalam pertumbuhan politik tanah air„ Pengabungan parti-, parti politik untuk membentuk sebuah kerajaan perpewakilan penoh akan dapat menggerabelingkan semua kepakaran yang ada dalam usaha untuk mengujudkan perkhidmatan yang lengkap bagi Negeri Kelantan. Demonstrasi kerukunan ini dapat di lihat melalui penglibatan terus oleh pemimpin- pemimpin, Dengan itu komplek Kota Darulmain akan menjadi satu pusat taraf perancangan yang berkesan dan perlaksana pembangunan padu, berlandaskan garis- garis hadapan.Bukan sahaja untuk masa hadapan yang boleh diramalkan, bahkan untuk jenerasi-jenerasi yang akan dating. Adalah menjadi harapan dan keyakinan bahawa bangunan komplek baru ini akan menjadi eatu lambang gemilang sebagai inspirasi rakyat.Masyarakat yang demokrasi merabolehkan kemajuan masa depan yang lebih cerah berdasarkah kepada keamanan, harmoni, displin dan peraturan awam

    Solitary skull metastasis as initial manifestation of hepatocellular carcinoma – a case report

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    Metastatic spread of tumors to the skull is quite unusual and often represents diagnostic and therapeutic issues. Skull involvement can be observed in various neoplasms of epithelial origin and are most often due to lung, breast, thyroid, kidney and prostate cancers. However, skull metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have been rarely reported. The prognosis for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma is so poor that treatment of such distant metastatic lesion cannot be achieved before death occurs due to the primary malignancy. Therefore, the clinical manifestations of cranial metastasis prior to that of primary hepatocellular carcinoma have rarely been reported. This case illustrates a rare case of skull metastasis as an initial manifestation of hepatocellular carcinoma. Although a solitary skull metastasis prior to the diagnosis of HCC demonstrates rare metastatic behavior for HCC, especially in Asia, skull metastases from HCC should be included in the differential diagnosis of skull tumors, even if the patient is asymptomatic of liver cirrhosis

    Prediction and correlation of computed tomography findings with first clinical presentation in patients diagnosed primary brain tumour

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    Prediction and correlation of cotnputed tomography findings with first clinical presentations in patients diagnosed primary brain tumour. The brain twnour is increasing in incidence nowadays probably with presence of new high technoloy facilities such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and angiogarphy. There is a wide spectrum of presentation of patients in term age and clinical presentations. An early detection of the twnours will give a good outcome currently with the availability of neurosurgeons and neuroimaging facilities. Neuroimaging play an important role in detecting the lesion, hence to reduce tile morbidity and mortality

    The critical flaw in the implementation of GPS tracking system in express bus industry

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    Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) in Malaysia has made it mandatory that GPS tracking systems installed in every express buses since 2008 so that the speed can be monitored and recorded based on real-time. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of the system is under question when Malaysia was startled by a series of bus accidents each killed close to 10 lives while several others were seriously injured. This study is undertaken to identify the critical flaw in the implementation of the GPS monitoring system and propose a way to improve the existing monitoring system. Result from the interview session on top management of three express bus companies has found that the real-time record-keeping, which is a corrective measure, have been carried out instead of real-time monitoring, a preventive measure. Therefore, the existing model of speed management needs to be remodeled to alert the bus driver and the passengers who really concern about their own safety. A device and its main features which exploit the real-time monitoring ability of GPS are proposed for effective and systematic implementation of this new model

    Specific distribution of overexpressed aurora B kinase in interphase normal epithelial cells

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    BACKGROUND: It is known that aurora B, a chromosomal passenger protein responsible for the proper progression of mitosis and cytokinesis, is overexpressed throughout the cell cycle in cancer cells. Overexpression of aurora B produced multinuclearity and induced aggressive metastasis, suggesting that overexpressed aurora B has multiple functions in cancer development. However, the detailed dynamics and functions of overexpressed aurora B are poorly understood. RESULTS: We overexpressed GFP fused aurora B kinase in normal rat kidney epithelial cells. Using spinning disk confocal microscopy, we found that overexpressed aurora B-GFP was predominantly localized in the nucleus and along the cortex as a dot-like or short filamentous structure during interphase. Time-lapse imaging revealed that a cytoplasmic fraction of overexpressed aurora B-GFP was incorporated into the nucleus after cell division. Immunofluorescence studies showed that the nuclear fraction of overexpressed aurora B did not induce ectopic phosphorylation of histone H3 after cell division. The cytoplasmic fraction of overexpressed aurora B-GFP was mainly associated with cortical actin filaments but not stress fibers. Myosin II regulatory light chain, one of the possible targets for aurora B, did not colocalize with cortical aurora B-GFP, suggesting that overexpressed aurora B did not promote phosphorylation of myosin II regulatory light chain in interphase cells. CONCLUSION: We conclude that overexpressed aurora B has a specific localization pattern in interphase cells. Based on our findings, we propose that overexpressed aurora B targets the nuclear and cortical proteins during interphase, which may contribute to cancer development and tumor metastasis

    Bilateral congenatal renal arteriovenous malformation: a rare entity with uncommon presentation

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    Renal arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a rare congenital anomaly of the urinary system. We present a patient with bilateral renal AVMs who presented with back pain and microscopic hematuria. This case highlights the importance of careful diagnostic work-up in the evaluation of upper tract hematuria

    Design and development of plasma antenna for wi-fi application

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    The term plasma is often referred to as the fourth state of matter. When sufficient ionized, plasma can be a conductor element. Plasma antenna is a type of radio antenna that represents the use of ionized gas as a conducting medium instead of metal conductors. The main objective in this research is to design plasma antenna at 2.4 GHz by using commercial fluorescent tube. In this work the commercial fluorescent lamp was chosen because it was low cost to produce plasma element. The plasma antenna in this research was made from fluorescent lamp that functioned as a radiating element with target frequency at 2.4 GHz for Wi-Fi application. The commercial fluorescent lamp consisted of argon gas and mercury vapor with a diameter of 28 mm and a length 589.8 mm. The result showed that a fluorescent tube, can be used to work as a plasma antenna for Wi-Fi application.Keywords: plasma antenna; plasma element; coupling sleeve; Wi-fi applicatio

    Bbahul dan Hubungannya dengan Kepercayaan Bbiruhui Etnik Rungus

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    Bbahulialah sejenis puisi tradisional etnik Rungus yang tinggal di daerah Kudat, Sabah.Puisi tersebutsangat popular dandituturkan dalam kalangan etnik Rungus pada tahun-tahun sebelum 1980-an namun tidak lagi pada masa ini. Bbiruhuipula ialah kepercayaan turun-temurun etnik Rungus yang berkonsepkan Minamangun sebagai Pencipta Yang Esa, diikuti olehpelbagai semangat baik dan semangat jahat yang dipercayai berada di alam ghaib. Kajian ini merupakankerja lapangan dan penulis merakamkandan mendokumentasikanbhahul lisan dan maklumat berkenaan kepercayaan Bbiruhuidaripada sumberetnik Rungus. Pada peringkat awal kerja lapangan, beberapa orang sumbermemaklumkan bahawa sesetengah bbahul akan disampaikan oleh bbobbollizan (pakar upacara) dalam upacara Moginumbagi mengubati beberapa jenis penyakit. Hal sedemikian menunjukkan bbahul mempunyaikaitan rapat dengan kepercayaan turun-temurun etnik Rungus. Dalam artikelini, kepercayaan Bbiruhuisebagai sejeniskepercayaan rakyat akan diketengahkan. Pendapat sesetengah pengkaji yang beranggapan bahawa etnik Rungus ialah paganjugaturut disanggah. Seterusnya, sejumlah bbahul terpilih yang berkait dengan kepercayaan Bbiruhuiakan dianalisis bagi mendalami unsur-unsur kepercayaan yangterkandung di dalamnya. Dengan berbuat demikian, hubungan antara bbahul dengan kepercayaan Bbiruhuiakan didalami