15 research outputs found

    Revolusi Industri

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    Terhasilnya buku ini adalah atas hasrat untuk berkongsi sedikit pengetahuan mengenai revolusi industri terkini yang pesat berkembang mengikut peredaran masa. Sejajar dengan kehendak pendidikan abad 21, atas kesedaran bahawa masih ramai lagi antara kita masih kurang cakna tentang proses yang sedang pesat berlangsung ini. Dengan adanya transformasi sebegini, proses pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi lebih kuat dan menghasilkan tahap produksi lebih tinggi. Penggunaan teknologi yang semakin berkembang pesat ke serata dunia termasuklah di Malaysia dan telah mempengaruhi manusia setiap hari hingga tidak boleh dibayangkan bagaimana dunia hari ini tanpa penggunaan teknologi dalam kehidupan seharian. Dalam melahirkan modal insan yang berdaya saing menghadapi revolusi industri, pihak universiti dan syarikat antarabangsa sentiasa menjalin kerjasama yang baik. Dengan adanya platform yang canggih sebagai contoh dalam teknologi IoT ini, keupayaan berkomunikasi dengan efisyen secara lisan dan bertulis menjadi sangat kritikal pada masa kini. Pada hari ini, sesi perbincangan boleh dilakukan di mana-mana sahaja tanpa mengira sempadan. Oleh itu, jika bahasa dan seni komunikasi tidak dijaga dengan baik, ia boleh menimbulkan konflik antara komunikasi, salah faham dan kerja berpasukan yang kurang berkesan. Penggunaan teknologi-teknologi yang canggih menjadi semakin meluas mengikut peredaran zaman. Setiap individu perlulah meningkatkan potensi diri selaras dengan pembangunan negara agar kita tidak jauh ketinggalan. Dengan berkembangnya pembangunan negara yang begitu pesat ini juga, setiap individu perlu memberi sokongan yang padu agar negara kita menjadi negara yang setanding dengan negara maju yang lain serta menjadi negara yang kompetitif. Ternyata revolusi industri ini mempunyai banyak kesan baik dan memberi manfaatnya kepada orang ramai tetapi jika ia tidak ditangani dengan baik akan menyebabkan kesan buruk kepada negara

    A concept of augmented reality module for electronic subject

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    Augmented reality is a popular technology used extensively in various fields and is also used in education. At the present time in the process of teaching and learning, there are a number of changes in terms of infrastructure and instructional materials. Today, the use of Augmented Reality applications is widely practiced in education because it does not require sophisticated and expensive hardware. However, its effectiveness is still not clearly visible, especially for Electrical and Electronics subjects. Hence, the aim of this study is to develop the Electronic module using the Augmented Reality application as one of the teaching aid tools. The expectations of the study is the Electronic module to be developed will attract students, especially those who enroll Electronic Subject. The study is also expected to be help student in understanding the basic concept of electronic topics such as semiconductors, transistors and diodes. At the same time it is expected to be able to assist students pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Vocational Education (Electrical and Electronics) in particular to understand more deeply about the difficult topics in Electronic subject and to make improvements to optimize the effectiveness of the Electronic module using the Augmented Reality application

    Development energy monitoring system ising Internet of Things (IoT)

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    IoT is a term that symbolizes the relationship between objects or equipment using the internet. This study aims to develop an energy consumption monitoring system using the Internet of Things (IoT). The system development process in this study is an adaptation of the Waterfall model which contains five phases namely requirement, design, implementation, verification and maintenance phase. The findings of this study show that there are several problems that have been identified that are difficult to know the amount of energy used by a load, no facilities to monitor energy consumption remotely, data collected by kwj meters are not specific or detailed and methods of measuring electricity consumption are complicated and takes a long time. In conclusion, the energy consumption monitoring system using this IoT has successfully achieved the objectives set by the researchers. While the estimated cost for this system is also Rm200 which is an affordable price per user. With this system, researchers want to implement efficient energy usage while at the same time facilitating the use of consumers who want to do data analysis on energy usage. In addition, the researcher also hopes that future research can solve the problem and facilitate the user's business is doing something based on the suggestions and comments provided

    Himpunan Modul TMK Untuk Sekolah Siri 2

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    Buku Himpunan Modul Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK) Untuk Sekolah merupakan himpunan beberapa modul yang boleh membantu guru­ guru dalam membangunkan bahan-bahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran .Modul-modul yang terkandung dalam buku ini adalah (1) Pembangunan Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembalajaran: Prezi; (2) Pembangunan Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran: Powtoon; (3) Pembangunan Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran: Smartboard; (4) Suntingan Gambar Foto; (5) Suntingan Video dan Gambar: Jing; (6) Pengurusan Pembelajaran: Edmodo. Pembangunan modul siri duo bertujuan membantu para guru dalam aspek pembangunan dan pengurusan bahan pengajaran bagi menghasilkan bahan-bahan pengajaran untuk kegunaan di sekolah. lni bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam kalangan guru untuk membina bahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran melalui penggunaan aplikasi TMK yang terkini. Dalam aspek pengurusan pula modul ini menggunakan salah satu Sistem Pengurusan Pembelajaran (Learning Management System) sedia ada bagi membantu guru dan pengajar dalam pengurusan bilik darjah secara atas talian. Buku ini menerangkan langkah demi langkah dalam setiap tajuk yang dinyatakan. Bagi memudahkan guru memahami proses yang berkaitan beberapa tips diberikan bagi memudahkan penggunaan modul ini

    Game Application as Teaching Tool to Assist Mastering Installation of Three-Phase Motor Control Topic: Expert Perception

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    The learning and teaching process using conventional methods might cause students to be unable to highlight their true potential. Besides, it can be more difficult for teachers to choose the types of games that suit the curriculum and students' needs. Hence, this study aims to develop a game application as a teaching assistant tool for a three-phase direct online starter topic in Electrical Technology Malaysian Vocational Certificate subject for Vocational College students using the Android platform. Learning materials and games are developed using multimedia and interactive elements to attract students to be active in using the learning medium based on game applications as 21st-century learning tools. The development purpose of the game application is to give early exposure to students to the installation of three-phase motor control before going through the laboratory session. The behaviorism learning theory and Game development Life Cycle (GDLC) model, were implemented in the game application development in this research. The researcher used Unity 3D software is online software such as Canva and Microsoft PowerPoint design tools interactively to make a game-based learning application for the three-phase motor control installation subject. Based on the analysis of the findings, the experts agreed that the functionality of this three-phase Motor Control game application can be used well and is suitable to be used as a teaching aid. In addition, these research results can be used by teachers to increase students' interest and further make the learning process more interesting to improve student understanding

    Himpunan Modul TMK Untuk Sekolah Siri 1

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    Compilation of ICT Modules for School

    The role of knowledge, emotion, and intention in influencing students’ behaviors during COVID-19 pandemic

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    This study aims to investigate the influence of students’ knowledge, attitude, and behavioral intention on their behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey study was designed using an online questionnaire involving 653 respondents from the first to final-year students at a Malaysian university. A CACQ-COV instrument was designed based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) model, comprising 67 items in four constructs: students’ knowledge of the current pandemic, emotional engagement, behavioral intention, and behavioral action. The results show that the students learn most about the COVID-19 pandemic from the media and the internet platform; more than 50% of the students rated the television broadcast as the most trusted media. The mean scores of the students’ knowledge about COVID-19 facts and symptoms; emotion, intention, and action are at high levels. In addition, knowledge, emotion, and behavioral intention have significantly influenced the students’ behaviors and actions; it is noted that emotion has the greatest influence compared with knowledge and behavioral intention. The implication is that television broadcast should be the primary choice of media for carrying out future mass campaigns, in preference to social media, especially for announcing urgent matters and disseminating information related to the current issues

    Understanding the factors that inhibit the success of indigenous entrepreneurs in Malaysia

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    This study aims to identify the factors that inhibit the success of indigenous entrepreneurs. The instrument in this quantitative study was a questionnaire that consisted of 54 items with Likert Scale 5. The respondents of this study were 377 indigenous youth entrepreneurs, who were selected by random sampling. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program version 21 used to analyze data based on frequency, percentage, and linear regression. The results show that there are nine (9) main factors that inhibit the success of indigenous entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Factors that inhibit indigenous from becoming successful entrepreneurs include being lacking financial capital, experience, knowledge in information technology and business strategy, entrepreneurial information, management skills, networking skills, difficulty in finding skilled workers, and complicated financial loan bureaucracy. Factors that inhibit the success of indigenous entrepreneurs classify into two categories. The findings of this study showed that the intrinsic and extrinsic factors had a significant influence on the motivation of Malaysian indigenous youth in entrepreneurship development. Therefore, entrepreneurship and information technology courses are necessary to improve the knowledge and skills of indigenous in Malaysia. However, on the whole, it was found that the bureaucracy of complicated financial lending had become the dominant factor that inhibits the success of indigenous entrepreneurs in Malaysia

    Pembangunan e-Modul Augmented Reality bagi Subjek Semiconductor Devices untuk Guru TVET

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    Abstract: Augmented Reality is now widely used in everyday life, one of which is in education. Currently, AR applications can be integrated to improve the standards of the curriculum used, such as text, graphics, video, and audio that can be coated with students’ environments in real-time so that they can learn better. AR can produce additional information to students displayed in multimedia. Therefore, this study is aimed to develop an e-Module for Semiconductor Devices topics using Augmented Reality for technical and vocational teachers (TVET). ZapWorks software and Zappar applications have been used to generate this e-module. This study involved five technology experts from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia and five polytechnic lecturers. Assessment covers four aspects that need to be assessed after the product is presented and tested. The e-module was evaluated for the design, technical, multimedia and interactive aspects. Evaluation was analysed using Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 using frequency analysis. The findings show that the majority of items assessed from these four aspects get more than 60 percent approval. From the analysis, it is necessary to improve the design, technical and multimedia aspects of the item. This is because there are three items that get equal or more than 30 percent. The items will be reviewed and improvements will be made to improve the quality and quality of the e-Modules in line with the current TVET education system.   Abstrak: Augmented Reality (AR) kini digunakan secara meluas dalam kehidupan seharian, salah satunya adalah dalam bidang pendidikan. Pada masa kini, aplikasi AR dapat diintegrasikan untuk meningkatkan standard kurikulum yang digunakan, seperti teks, grafik, video, dan audio yang boleh dilapisi dengan persekitaran pelajar secara real-time supaya mereka dapat belajar dengan lebih baik. AR, dapat menghasilkan maklumat tambahan kepada pelajar yang dipaparkan dalam multimedia. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini adalah untuk membangunkan e-Modul Semiconductor Devices menggunakan Augmented Reality untuk guru-guru teknikal dan vokasional (TVET). Perisian ZapWorks dan aplikasi Zappar telah digunakan bagi menghasilkan e-modul ini. Kajian ini melibatkan lima orang pakar teknologi dari Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia dan lima orang pensyarah politeknik. Penilaian meliputi empat aspek yang perlu dinilai setelah produk dipersembahkan dan diuji. Produk dinilai merangkumi aspek reka bentuk, teknikal, multimedia dan interaktif. Penilaian telah dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 22 menggunakan analisis frekuensi. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan majoriti item yang dinilai dari empat aspek tersebut mendapat persetujuan lebih daripada 60 peratus. Daripada hasil analisis mendapati perlunya penambahbaikkan bagi item pada aspek reka bentuk, teknikal dan multimedia. Hal ini kerana terdapat tiga item yang mendapat sama atau lebih dari 30 peratus. Item tersebut akan dikaji dan penambahbaikkan akan dilakukan bagi meningkatkan mutu dan kualiti e-Modul sejajar dengan sistem pendidikan TVET pada masa kini

    Aplikasi pembelajaran berasaskan permainan bagi kursus kawalan motor elektrik

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    Pembelajaran berasaskan permainan dalam pendidikan adalah satu kaedah penyelesaian masalah digunakan oleh pelajar dalam meningkatkan motivasi semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mereka bentuk, membangun dan menguji kebolehfungsian aplikasi permainan bagi kursus Kawalan Motor Elektrik di Kolej Vokasional. Pembangunan e-game ini berdasarkan model Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) yang disokong oleh teori behaviorisme. Model GDLC ini dipilih kerana mempunyai pendekatan yang khusus untuk mengatasi masalah kebanyakan pembangun permainan dan juga telah memberi panduan kepada pembangun untuk membangunkan permainan dari awal hingga selesai. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian produk, reka bentuk, teknikal, multimedia dan interaktif yang dijalankan mendapati hampir kesemua item penilaian dipersetujui oleh pakar. E-game for Electrical Motor Control ini masih boleh diperbaiki di masa depan dengan memperluas kepraktisan dan skopnya. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa e-game ini wajar dijadikan sebagai salah satu alat bahan bantu mengajar dengan menambahkan pelbagai amali pendawaian. Corak permainan interaktif ini memberikan pengalaman belajar secara individu, terutamanya dalam era teknologi yang berkembang pesat