75 research outputs found

    The relationship between effectiveness of job training and job satisfaction among academic staff at UiTM Pahang branch, Jengka Campus / Nur Izzati Abdullah

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    This project paper was conducted to fulfill the requirement needed by the Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA. The researcher had selected a topic entitled "The Relationship Betwen Effectiveness of Job Training and Job Satisfaction Among Academic Staff at UiTM Pahang Branch, Jengka Campus". This study was focused on the Kirkpatrick's model by Donal Kirkpatrick (1970) which is to measure of effectiveness of job training give as the independent variable and the Affect Theory from Locke (1976) for the job satisfaction as the dependent variable. This research focuses only on permanent staff and the overall respondents were 130. To identifiy the sampling size, the researcher used Krejcie and Morgan Table and the researcher used convenience random sampling technique to distribute the questionnaires. Job satisfaction had a significant effect on the reults based on the findings and results of analysis, the reseacher concluded that effectiveness job training from the perspective of the academic staff also know that the level of effectiveness of job training and job satisfaction are high among the academic staff

    Effects of Problem Based Learning on Mathematics Performance, Instructional Efficiency and Affective Attributes In Secondary Schools, Port Dickson, Malaysia

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    Problem Based Learning (PBL) is an engaging instructional strategy in which students are given ‘triggers’ or realistic, simulated problems that are puzzling, vague or ambiguous before they experience any instruction in a specific content area. Previous research had discovered that students are trained to develop critical thinking, are adaptable to change, able to work independently, demonstrate effective communication skills and become continual learners through PBL. A quasi experimental study with non-equivalent control group posttest only design was conducted to investigate the effects of PBL on Form Four Malaysian students’ mathematics performance and instructional efficiency. The experiment was carried out for six weeks involving 53 Form Four students randomly selected from the district of Port Dickson. The experimental group (n=29) were exposed to the to the PBL instruction whereas the control group (n=24) were taught conventionally. There were five instruments used in this study namely, a posttest, Paas Mental Effort Rating Scale, learning assessments during the acquisition phase, a questionnaire on perception towards group work, interest in mathematics and perception towards mathematics learning experience and a rubric evaluating students’ effective use of Polya’s problem solving procedures, mathematical communication and teamwork. The results indicated that there was no significance difference in the mean scores of the overall mathematics performance (F =1.46, p > .05) between the PBL group (M=67.38, SD=19.75) and the CT group (M=60.58, SD=17.90). On the other hand, there was a significance difference in mean mental effort per test problem for the PBL group (M=5.02, SD=1.60), and the CT group (M=3.90, SD=1.38; t (51) =2.70, p < .05). An independent sample t-test conducted on the mean relative condition efficiency index showed that there was no significant difference (t (51) = -1.70, p < .05) between the PBL group (M= - 0.26, SD=1.26) and the CT group (M = 0.32, SD=1.22). The findings of the study showed that the PBL group used the Polya’s problem solving procedures more effectively, displayed better mathematical communication skills and showed stronger teamwork compared to the CT group. However, minimal differential effect on mathematics performance and instructional efficiency was obtained between the PBL and CT group. Hence, this indicated that the efficacy of PBL has yet to be explored in enhancing mathematical performance and to develop problem solving skills, critical thinking and communication skills among learners. Overall, the PBL instructional strategy has promising implications in teaching and learning of Form Four mathematics specifically in enhancing thinking and communication skills among learners in order to develop critical, creative and competent human capital with first-class mentality who are able to face and overcome the challenges of globalisation in Malaysia

    Disease suppression in Ganoderma-infected oil palm seedlings treated with Trichoderma harzianum

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    Disease suppression in Ganoderma-infected oil palm seedlings treated with a conidial suspension of Trichoderma harzianum FA 1132 was tested in plant house conditions to determine the effectiveness of the fungus as a biocontrol agent. The highest efficacy of control was achieved by treatment right after artificial infection; the total number of infected plants was reduced to give the lowest disease severity index (DSI) value of 5.0%, compared to the infected and non-treated control that had the highest DSI of 70.0%. After conidia suspension of FA 1132 was applied, the colony forming ability by Trichoderma in the soil was dramatically increased, but decreased after some time. Results of the present study are a useful reference basis for further tests in the field and large scale production trials

    The Effects of Problem Based Learning on Mathematics Performance and Affective Attributes in Learning Statistics at Form Four Secondary Level

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    AbstractThe challenge of globalisation today requires students to acquire problem solving and communication skills besides good procedural and conceptual knowledge of mathematics. This study was conducted to explore the effects of Problem Based Learning (PBL) as an alternative instructional strategy in the teaching and learning of mathematics effectively in Malaysian secondary schools. Previous research had discovered that that PBL enhances student's team work, problem solving skills and communication skills. In addition, interest in the subject significantly improved. A quasi experimental study with non-equivalent control group posttest only design was conducted to investigate the effects of PBL on form four Malaysian student's mathematics performance, instructional efficiency and affective attributes. The experiment was carried out for six weeks involving 53 Form Four students randomly selected from the district of Port Dickson. The experimental (PBL) group (n=29) were exposed to the PBL instruction whereas the control (CT) group (n=24) were taught conventionally. There were five instruments used in this study namely, mathematical learning worksheets, a posttest, Paas Mental Effort Rating Scale, a questionnaire on perception towards group work, interest in mathematics and perception towards mathematics learning experience and a rubric evaluating student's effective use of Polya's problem solving procedures, mathematical communication and teamwork. The data were analysed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and independent t-test. student's response to the questionnaire and researcher's observations based on the rubric were described using means, standard deviations and percentages. The findings of the study indicated that PBL is just as efficient as the conventional teaching strategy in enhancing Form Four student's mathematics performance. Even though both groups of students showed positive perception towards group work, interest in mathematics and perception towards the learning experience they went through, the PBL group used the Polya's problem solving procedures more effectively, displayed better mathematical communication skills and showed stronger teamwork compared to the CT group


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    Iklan Khidmat Masyarakat (IKM) adalah suatu pengumuman atau pemberitahuan yang bersifat non komersial yang mempromosikan program-program, kegiatan, perkhidmatan kerajaan, perkhidmatan  organisasi bukan perniagaan dan pemberitahuan-pemberitahuan lainnya tentang keperluan perkhidmatan masyarakat dan pemberitahuan yang bersifat komersial (Crompton dan Lamb, 1986).  Iklan Khidmat Masyarakat merupakan projek video multimedia yang merangkumi kepelbagaian modaliti seperti elemen grafik, teks, audio dan video. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti mod linguistik yang digunakan dalam menghasilkan IKM selain keberkesanan paparan visual. Data diperoleh daripada rakaman video iklan raya Petronas kerana iklan ini merupakan iklan tahunan yang disiarkan di televisyen. Kerangka konsepsi kajian ini didirikan berdasarkan gabungan Teori Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional (TLSF) dan Teori Multimodaliti (TM). Gabungan kedua teori ini dipercayai dapat membantu menghasilkan IKM yang menepati tema yang dihasratkan oleh pengiklan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa teks bahasa merupakan mod linguistik yang bertindak sebagai elemen multimodal yang berkesan dan menjadi pelengkap kepada mod visual. Dengan kata lain, fungsi teks bahasa adalah untuk  menyediakan konteks dalam iklan dengan menambah maklumat supaya penonton dapat memahami mesej yang ditonjolkan

    A Behavioral Study on the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) in a Semi-wild Environment at Bukit Merah Orang Utan Island, Perak

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    Although orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) is one of Malaysian iconic species, however when compared to other great apes this species is not well studied. Several good articles regarding this species in captivity are relatively limited. Due to this reason, a behavioral study of this orangutan (P. pygmaeus) was conducted at Orang Utan Island, Bukit Merah, Perak. The main objectives of this study were to understand the ethology of orangutan in a semi-wild condition and the space utilization of the orangutans that would help in giving picture of the animal’s arboreal and terrestrial nature. Preliminary observations were carried out for five days in January 2016 and intensive observations was carried out for a month in February 2016. The observation method used was focal sampling with continuous reading. The observations were done by focusing on one individual subject for every one hour from 09:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. and from 14:00 p.m. to 17:00 p.m. The behavioral profile of the orangutans in semi-wild environment showed that resting, feeding, and playing are the three major daily activities of the orangutans on the island. In accordance with the purpose of this study, the result of the behavioral activities of orangutan can be used for the management and well-being of the orangutan in the study site. It is much hoped with the provided information this will help to increase our understanding of orangutans’ behavior in a semi-wild condition

    Prinsip transformasi drama Dekon Keranamu Azizah dalam kepengarangan Marzuki Ali

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    Marzuki Ali cenderung menghasilkan karya dengan kaedah menyerap teks dari sumber lain bagi menghasilkan drama beliau. Sehubungan itu, prinsip transformasi yang dipelopori oleh Julia Kristeva dari teori interteks diaplikasi bagi mengenalpasti prinsip transformasi yang dilakukan oleh Marzuki Ali dalam drama Dekon Keranamu Azizah (2015). Drama ini seolah-olah membayangkan latar sejarah penglibatan P.Ramlee dalam dunia seni tanahair. Cuma nama watak utama Dekon Keranamu Azizah adalah Remy. Secara automatik pembaca terdorong untuk membayangkan P.Ramlee apabila membaca skrip dekon Marzuki Ali ini. Sehubungan itu dengan rekabentuk kajian kualitatif dengan kajian perpustakaan sebagai instrumen utama, penelitian dilaksanakan untuk mengkaji transfomasi yang dilakukan oleh pengarang dalam menghasilkan karyanya. Bahan kajian utama adalah buku biografi P.Ramlee: The Bright Star dan dokumentari P.Ramlee yang diterbitkan oleh Pesona Picture Sdn. Bhd. Dapatan dalam artikel ini adalah, pengarang telah menyalin secara terus peristiwa dari karya yang dirujuk tetapi perubahan telah dilakukan terhadap penceritaan hipoteks. Pengarang telah menyusun semula kronologi cerita dalam menghasilkan drama dekon Keranamu Azizah. Pengarang juga mentransformasikan watak dan perwatakan dalam karyanya supaya pembaca masih dapat membayangkan tokoh yang dimaksudkan oleh pengarang. Pengarang turut mengekalkan latar tempat dengan menyalin semula tahun dan peristiwa-peristiwa penting yang dilalui oleh watak protagonis dramanya. Hal ini membuktikan bahawa pengarang telah melakukan transformasi secara terus dari hipoteksnya

    Elemen multimodaliti dalam karya kartun menerusi mod linguistik dan mod visual

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    Dalam kartun, makna dan mesej dihasilkan sama ada melalui dua mod semiotik, iaitu lisan dan visual atau semata-mata melalui mod visual. &nbsp;Interaksi antara bahasa dan imej kartun sering dianggap sebagai cara yang langsung dan mudah diproses untuk menyampaikan mesej. Kajian ini bermatlamat untuk menunjukkan bahawa makna dan mesej kartun tidak selalu mudah untuk difahami sepenuhnya, oleh sebab itu pembaca harus memerhatikan maklumat bahasa dan visual bagi setiap kartun. &nbsp;Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti mod linguistik dan mod visual yang terdapat dalam kartun bagi menyampaikan makna serta mesej yang tersurat mahu pun yang &nbsp;tersirat. &nbsp;Untuk tujuan ini, dua teori digunapakai; teori Sistemik Fungsional Linguistik oleh Halliday (1994) bagi menganalisis mod linguistik dan pendekatan multimodal oleh Kress dan Van Leeuwen (1996, 2006) bagi menganalisis mod visual atau imej dalam kartun. Data kajian diperoleh daripada buku kartun Usik-Usik (Koleksi Sinikal Dunia Pendidikan). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa teks bahasa merupakan mod linguistik yang bertindak sebagai elemen multimodal yang berkesan dan menjadi pelengkap kepada mod visual yang terdapat pada karya kartun.&nbsp; Seterusnya, dapatan kajian ini juga menunjukkan bahawa peranan mod &nbsp;linguistik adalah untuk menyediakan konteks dalam karya kartun sebagai maklumat tambahan &nbsp;supaya pembaca dapat memahami mesej yang hendak disampaikan dengan lebih jelas

    Predictive modelling of marine fish landings in Malaysia

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    The fisheries sector plays an important role in the economy as a major source of food, employment and income in Malaysia. In this study, the future number of marine fish landings in Malaysia will be predicted. The monthly data from January 2005 until December 2014 were taken from Department of Fisheries Malaysia, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Malaysia. The aims of this study are to predict the landing of marine fish in Malaysia by using Box-Jenkins and HoltWinters and to make a comparison between two models in order to find the better model for prediction of marine fish landings in Malaysia. Data for the number of marine fish landings is a trend pattern. Box-Jenkins and Holt-Winters approach will be applied to the number of marine fish landings. In this study, the forecast accuracy of Box-Jenkins and Holt-Winters approach has been compared by using the mean square error (MSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). The better model obtained from Box-Jenkins approach was SARIMA(2, 1, 0)(0, 1, 1)12. For Holt-Winters, additive model is chosen since the MSE and MAPE values are lower. After comparing the Box-Jenkins approach and additive Holt-Winters, it is found that additive Holt-Winters is a better method with a lower value of MSE and MAPE and could be used by fisheries managers and scientists to decide on sustainable management issues

    The rights and responsibilities of a non-custodial parent in Malaysia: an analysis / Anis Amira Abdullah Patoni … [et al.]

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    This project paper would be focusing on the right and responsibilities of the non-custodial parent in Malaysia post-divorce. This is because a parent, even does not has the custody of the child, would still has rights and responsibilities over the child. Most of the people might aware the right and responsibility of a parent towards his or her child. However, the question arises would be what are the differences between rights and responsibilities? What would be the effect of such terms if they are applied as a law? This project paper would also study the applicability of such concept in local law. This is because this concept is practiced by Scotland and Australia and is said to be one of promising method in matter relating to custody of a child. Even if it is well applied in both of the foreign countries, could it be applied in Malaysia in the same way and have the same effect as what is currently practiced in Scotland and Australia to solve the custodial issues after the divorce? In Malaysia, the current position of law with regard to the custody of the child is that in determining the order for custody of the child, the paramount consideration that should be taken into account by the court is welfare of the children. The wishes of the parent would be a secondary matter to be considered by the court. Again, a question would arise as to the extent that what is meant by welfare of the child or how welfare of the child is determined by the court? Does the law in Scotland and Australia could provide a better definition of welfare of the children? This project paper would discuss the relevant law in comparison with the position of the law in Scotland and Australia. This is important because if the law could be improvised, then it would give a better protection for the children from their parents during and after the divorce proceeding as the paramount consideration is the welfare of the child. This research would be conducted based on article and journals from scholars, case law analysis and also interview with selected respondents