140 research outputs found

    Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Based Security System in Realizing Electronic Government in Makassar City

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    The current trend of using technology in public organizations must be addressed. The electronic government initiative in Indonesia was introduced through Presidential Instruction Number 6 of 2001 on April 24, 2001, concerning Telematics (Telecommunication, Media, and Informatics), which states that government officials must use telematics technology to support good governance and speed up the democratic process. This research was conducted in Makassar City. The number of people with vehicles in Makassar City, as well as staff employees or CCTV operators who work in 3 (agencies), namely the Communication and Information Service, the Transportation Service and the Makassar Big City Resort Police are huge, but due to the efficiency of time and energy, the author took The sample used non-probability sampling with an accidental sampling technique for people with the number of vehicles in Makassar City and with a purposive sampling technique for employee staff and CCTV operators from the three agencies so that 139 Respondents were obtained, where the author then distributed questionnaires to respondents directly. The research results state that the Informational Disposition states that the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) based security system in Makassar City has fulfilled the first quadrant category of the e-government initiative framework by Nour et al (2008), namely informational disposition. Transactional disposition states that respondents agree that the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)-based security system in Makassar City meets the second quadrant category of the e-government initiative framework by Nour et al. (2008), namely transactional disposition. The consultation disposition states that the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)-based security system in Makassar City has fulfilled the third quadrant category of the e-government initiative framework by Nour et al. (2008), namely the consultation disposition. The participatory disposition states that respondents strongly agree that there is equity and that there is democratic Responsiveness, Public Accountability, efficiency/economy, and effectiveness/ quality of service in the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) based security system in Makassar City. Therefore, the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) based security system in Makassar City has fulfilled the fourth quadrant category of the e-government initiative framework by Nour et al. (2008), namely a participatory disposition


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    Latar Belakang : Mechanical neck pain merupakan nyeri leher yang tidak beradiasi ke lengan atau upper extremitas, dimana nyeri tejadi pada area leher, occipital, dan punggung bagian atas. Sesuai dengan namanya “mechanical” maka kondisi ini sangat berhubungan dengan mekanik gerakan.Sumber utama dari non-spesific neck pain adalah sendi intervertebral yang dinamakan dengan facet joint sehingga secara khas nyerimeningkat pada gerakan-gerakan tertentu. Metode : Penelitian pra-eksperimen dengan desain one group pretest – post test, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui melihat pengaruh Deep Friction dan Muscle Energy Technique terhadap peningkatan ROM Cervical pada penderita Mechanical Neck Pain. Hasil : Uji paired t sampel pada kelompok perlakuanyaitu nilai p= <0,05 yang berarti bahwa intervensi Deep Friction dan Muscle Energy Technique dapat memberikan peningkatan ROM Cervical pada penderita Mechanical Neck Pain. Kesimpulan :terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari intervensi Deep Friction dan Muscle Energy Technique terhadap terhadap peningkatan ROM pada penderita Mechanical Neck Pain.Kata kunci : Deep Friction, Muscle Energy Technique, Range Of Motion, Mechanical Neck Pain

    Apparatus Resource Development Strategy at the Merauke Regency Regional Civil Service Agency

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    This study aims to (1) describe and analyze the condition of existing apparatus resources in the Merauke Regency Regional Personnel Agency; and (2) describe and analyze the apparatus development strategy in the Merauke Regency Regional Personnel Agency. This research applies a qualitative approach. The informants involved included: (1) Head of the Regional Civil Service Agency; (2) Subdivision of the Strategy of the Regional Civil Service Agency Resources; and (3) a number of training alumni employees. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, study of literature and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out through data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results showed that the implementation of education and training, especially in the Merauke Regency Regional Personnel Agency, had been effective, although there were still some improvements that needed to be made so that the results of the training could be maximized as expected. Employees are the most important resource in a public organization. Good employees who meet the qualification standards can only be obtained through effective recruitment efforts. The implementation of education and training in the Merauke Regency Regional Personnel Agency is good because based on the results it shows starting from training materials, good and effective delivery methods in the training process, facilities and infrastructure to support training activities, skilled presenters, learning process according to standard procedures, proportion of time and the method of implementation was working well and effectively

    Factors Affecting Service Performance at the One Stop Integrated Service Investment Office of Jeneponto Regency

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    The policy of fostering and implementing integrated licensing services in Jeneponto Regency is basically an effort to continuously improve the quality of services to the community. There are still many complaints about licensing services at the One Stop Integrated Service Investment Office of Jeneponto Regency, indicating that there are still factors that hinder the performance of services at the Service. This study will examine the factors that influence organizational performance in providing services at the One Stop Integrated Service Investment Office of Jeneponto Regency. This research uses a qualitative research type. Primary data is obtained by interview and observation, while secondary data is sourced from internal documents and other relevant documents. Qualitative data analysis through Data Reduction, Data Presentation, Drawing Conclusions/Verification. The results of this study found that the management of human resources, in general at DPMPTPS Jeneponto Regency, is guided by the applicable regulations. Good performance is directly proportional to compensation, rewards and promotions and vice versa so that awareness and individual motivation are needed to improve their performance which will have an impact on organizational performance. To carry out the main tasks and functions in the field of licensing and licensing services, one must proactively follow and update dynamic and changing regulations so that more technical guidance is needed and optimization of budget utilization is needed to increase human resources. Competency test needs to be applied every year or every semester for better results

    The Performance of the Regional People’s Representative Council in Implementing the Legislative and Budgeting Functions in Bone Regency

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    The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the performance of the Regional People’s Representatives Council (DPRD) of Bone Regency in implementing the legislative and budgeting functions. The type of research used is a mixed methodology that combines qualitative methods and quantitative methods. The data source of this research is members of the Bone Regency DPRD 2014-2019 membership period. The results showed that the legislative function was in the medium category, the budgeting function was in the medium category. For this reason, efforts should be made to improve the performance of the DPRD by improving the quality of the human resources of DPRD members and following comprehensive training, especially in the field of legislation and budgeting. Overall the performance of the DPRD Bone Regency 2014-2019 membership period in the implementation of the supervisory function shows a fairly good performance

    Regional Government Strategy Design in Tanjung Bira Tourism Development in Bulukumba Regency

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    This study aims to explain the Strategic Design of the Regional Government in Tanjung Bira tourism development in Bulukumba Regency. This research method is qualitative with the type is a case study. Data collection in this study was carried out directly through observation and interviews. Data analysis was carried out through data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results show that the government's strategic design in tourism development can still be less than optimal, which lies in the ineffective Tanjung Bira Tourism Development Planning and the unavailability of development land. Planners need to be extra careful about how they participate in strategic planning activities. This is based on the fact that not all approaches have the same use. Strategic design with land availability indicators is very necessary to arrange land zoning for the designation of new tourism development

    Evaluasi Program Bantuan Ekonomi Pada Masa Pandemi: Studi Kasus Kartu Prakerja di Makassar

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    penelitian kualitatif dan adapun Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keberhasilan program Kartu Prakerja di Kota Makassar sudah cukup efektif, namun masih terdapat beberapa kelemahan dalam pelaksanaannya melihat: (1) Ketepatan sasaran penerima manfaat program Kartu Prakerja masih kurang tepat dikarenakan belum adanya basis data pekerja nasional yang mencakup seluruh angkatan kerja; (2) Perubahan nyata yang dialami oleh penerima manfaat program Kartu Prakerja masih kurang dirasakan karena tidak ada jaminan jangka panjang untuk para penerima; (3) Pemahaman masyarakat mengenai program Kartu Prakerja dapat dikatakan sangat baik; (4) Ketepatan waktu pencairan insentif program Kartu Prakerja kepada penerima manfaat sudah sangat baik karena cair lebih dulu dari jadwal yang sudah ditentukan; (5) Tujuan dari Program Kartu Prakerja telah tercapai dilihat dari banyaknya penerima manfaat yang telah merasakan  manfaat dari pelatihan dan insentif yang diterim

    Development of Health Services Based on Service Dominant Logic at Tamalanrea Community Health Centre in Makassar City

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    The complexity of health service delivery requires government agencies to provide a service framework that is effective, sustainable and oriented towards beneficiary satisfaction, especially at community health centre level, which is a level one service provider, considering that providing health services is a crucial issue in national development. Therefore, the development of service frameworks is a necessity for government agencies. This study seeks to analyse and explain how the development of health services based on service-dominant logic is applied to health services in community health centre. This research uses a qualitative approach with data analysis techniques, including data condensation, data presentation and conclusions. This study found that implementing health services still needs some improvements to overcome several problems, such as service inaction, disintegration of the service system, and increased participation of beneficiaries. The results of this study conclude that the development of service-dominant logic-based health services is very relevant as a strategic alternative in improving the effectiveness and sustainability of the health service system framework in Tamalanrea Community Health Centre, Makassar City

    Learning Innovation in Elementary School to Welcome the New Normal in Makassar City

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    The application of policy adaptive to the implementation of policies in the world of education will result in a control. The existence of a policy adaptive policy that is applied can measure 70% of the output generated from the policy. Therefore, policy adaptive makes policy implementation in the world of education more active to contribute in achieving the required tasks. This study aims to (1) describe and analyze educational policy settings. (2) Describe the design and implementation of education policies. (3) Knowing policy monitoring on the implementation of education policies. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach through case studies. Collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, verification, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study found that policy adaptation in the implementation of education policies in the Covid 19 Era was applied with 3 indicators, namely (1) policy settings through 6 important points whose implementation was in accordance with the ability of the school. (2) the design and implementation of education policies is carried out through 9 points, namely SOP, School Task Force, Curriculum Design, Design of technical guidance and special training for educators, PTM scenarios for online learning, and coordination of schools with supervisors, task forces, health centers and the Committee for Policy Implementation Government. (3) policy monitoring on the implementation of education policies carried out through 6 stages

    Enhanced anti-inflammatory effects of nanoencapsulated diclofenac

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    This study was conducted to compare the anti-inflammatory efficacy of nanoencapsulated and free-form diclofenac in rat. Diclofenac-loaded liposomes were prepared using the proliposome method. The anti-inflammatory effects of nanoencapsulated and free diclofenac were evaluated using the carrageenan-induced paw edema, formalin-induced paw licking and cotton-pellet-induced granuloma tests in vivo. For carrageenan-induced paw edema, 2 and 20 mg/kg liposome-encapsulated diclofenac showed significant paw volume reduction compared to free form diclofenac of equivalent dosage groups. In the formalin test, significant reduction in paw-licking time was observed in late phase for both liposome-encapsulated and free-form diclofenac (2 and 20 mg/kg) with the percentage of inhibition of 28.62, 60.17% for free-form diclofenac and 31.45, 78.84% for liposome-encapsulated diclofenac, respectively. In cotton-pellet-induced granuloma test 20 mg/kg free-form diclofenac showed significant reduction in the size of granuloma in both transudative and granuloma weight with percentage of inhibition of 42.93 and 49.26%, respectively, when compared to controls. Interestingly, 20 mg/kg nanoencapsulated diclofenac showed a larger reduction of the parameter with percentage of inhibition of 48.43 and 63.55%, respectively. Collectively, these results indicated that nanoencapsulated diclofenac exhibited statistically higher efficacy than free-form diclofenac when orally administered. Hence, clinical dosage may be reduced thereby reducing the drug's adverse effects