912 research outputs found

    Monitoring of air ducting using mechanical robot for indoor air quality (IAQ) improvement

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    Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has become public concern recently. Air ducting is used in Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning (MVAC) system to deliver air to the building occupants. Without proper maintenance of the ducting system, it will affect the IAQ of overall building. Monitoring air ducting is the preliminary step to get real view inside the ducting. This study focused on the development of the Mechanical Ducting Robot (MerDuct) to monitor the ducting and data collection at real time (in�situ). The developments of the MerDuct have been performed in three phases. MerDuct were controlled wirelessly, and equipped with lamp and camera to get real visual inside the ducting. Case studies were visually performed suing MerDuct in three different scenarios namely full operation ducting, second is seldom operation ducting and third is abandoned ducting. Three case studies had been conducted in Block A4 Academic Office Building UTHM, Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) at Thermal Environmental Laboratory UTHM, and Building Services Laboratory Block E6, Faculty of Engineering Technology UTHM respectively. MerDuct was designed to be able travel to the various ranges along the ducting and using analog joystick to make it user friendly .The seldom operation of ducting was clearly shows clean ducting without any trapped dust and web since the LEV was only used once a week and it is only less than 1 year old. The other two scenarios clearly showed trapped dust and web from photo captured by MerDuct. From the experimental data, MerDuct was successfully performed as monitoring robot to detect Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) problem source. The image taken by MerDuct could help building owner to predict necessary time to perform the duct cleaning to improve the IAQ based on occupational safety and health for sustainable development

    Islamic revivalism, religious freedom and the non-Muslims in Malaysia: a preliminary discussion

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    The non-Muslims' responses towards the Islamization policy of the government and Islamic revivalism in Malaysia and their major organisation aims regarding non-Muslims affairs have many things in common. From the questionnaires and interviews, it is possible to summarise the responses of the non-Muslims in Malaysia. Although the Malaysian constitution guarantees the non-Muslims religious freedom and rights, what matters are the actual practices of the Malaysian government and civil servants in implementing the constitutional provisions. The non-Muslims are not convinced about their constitutional rights. Generally, their fear are based on the lack of a clear and open discussion. The non-Muslims sense of insecurity will be increased as long as their rights are denied or neglected. Attempts to Islamize Malaysia will further intensify the non-Muslim's feeling of disadvantage and they will react to fight for their rights

    Experimental Study of Micro-Explosion Phenomena of Emulsified Fuel

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    Water in diesel emulsion contributes to a better alternative fuel to reduce pollutant due to the secondary atomization of the diesel fuel droplets during combustion which is known as micro-explosion. It is significant to know the variables that affect the stability of the emulsified fuel and also the parameters that influence the development of micro-explosion. This study is to experimentally determine the onset of micro-explosion on various water in diesel blends and to establish the parameters influencing the development of micro-explosion. Several emulsified fuel been prepared with different percentage of water and different dosage of surfactant used. These variables are used to collect data about the stability of each emulsified fuel produced and also to observe the progression and behavior of micro-explosion for every emulsified fuel. Each of the water in diesel blends have different stability where the level of stability is observed from the amount of sedimentation produced at the bottle of each emulsions. After a period of time, emulsion with surfactant‟s Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance (HLB) value closer to 5 shows more stability compared to emulsion with higher surfactant‟s HLB value. Furthermore, emulsion with higher dosage amount of surfactant and higher percentage of water has a thicker sedimentation formed at the bottom of each bottles. The experiments result shows that each emulsion has different progression and behavior of micro-explosion where the time taken for micro-explosion to occur and the temperature at which micro-explosion occur differ for every emulsion. Emulsion with a higher dosage of surfactant has a shorter time taken for micro-explosion to occur and a higher micro-explosion temperature compared to emulsion with a lower dosage of surfactant. Apart from that, more water in an emulsion would increase the time taken for micro-explosion to occur. The phase changes throughout the experiment are observed to study the progression and also the colour changes from the beginning of the experiment until micro-explosion occurs. Several emulsions show no micro-explosion while most of the emulsions have micro-explosion phenomena

    Islamic Tourism: The Characteristics, Concept and Principles

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    The Islamic economic sector has grown rapidly in Malaysia and Islamic businesses can be found in a wide range of sectors including culinary, Islamic finance, Islamic takaful (insurance and mortgage) industries, fashion, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, entertainment, and tourism industries. Islamic tourism, in particular, offers a new means of developing the tourism industry in Malaysia whilst maintaining the ethics, culture and values of Islam. Islamic tourism is not defined as a visit to the mosque alone, but the visit is closely related to nature, culture, or creativity that integrates with Islamic values. Currently, the concept of adherence to Islam (which has been called as Shariah-compliant) has gained traction across the globe. In response to this new lifestyle trend, many countries (including those such as Korea, Japan, Australia, Thailand, and New Zealand which do not have a domestic Muslim majority) are beginning to introduce tourism products related to the halal concept or Islamic orientation. The definition of Islamic tourism is still unclear and encompasses various terms such as Halal Tourism, Halal Friendly Travel Destinations, Halal Travel, Islamic Travel Destinations, and Halal Lifestyle. Even in Malaysia, a leader in this sector, the concept of Islamic tourism is still liminal. However it offers huge potential, both for the country’s tourism sector and the country’s Islamic population, contributing to the preservation and appreciation of Islamic culture in Malaysia. Islamic tourism is not only related to religious values ​​but also must be in line with every way of life that is not contrary to Islam. Not many companies and agencies organize halal tourism packages because they think it is not a necessity and a profit. Many companies are more focused on routine Islamic tourism such as Umrah and Hajj. This paper considers in detail the characteristics, concept and principles of Islamic tourism

    Towards holictic concept of leadership in Islam for sustainable development community

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    Leadership has been connected with power, strategic planning, administration and management, controls, communication, influence, monitoring and evaluation. Identifying an effective leader is not an easy job. With regards to Islam, the concept of leadership is discussed extensively vis a vis within the purpose of the creation of man and his role as the vicegerent of Allah. The basis of Islamic political philosophy is the belief in the unity (tawhid) and sovereignty of Allah. It is only Allah who has the right to absolute loyalty. Loyalty to a leader, chief, nation or a monarch must be subordinated to this dominant factor. It is possible to be loyal to a leader and to Allah at the same time provided that loyalty to the former does not cause the abandon of Islamic teachings. Sustainable development needs a good leadership in order to achieve its goals effectively. Yet, there are other requirements; any decision must be made through agreement as a result of muzakarah (two way discussion) among committees in the organisation [Surah al-Shura (42): 38]. Consensus of opinion, understanding and unity of opinion (wahdat al-fikr) must be constructed in problem solving and issues. The decision which would be made should be based on what shura comes out with

    Utilizing usability evaluating model in applying CMM to improve.

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    Maintenance plays an important role in the life cycle of a software product. It is estimated that there are more than 100 billion lines of code in production in the world. As much as 80% of it is unstructured, patched and not well documented. Maintenance can alleviate these problems. The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) to improve the quality of software maintenance process (SMP). The architecture of the CMM model has been retained almost as is while its content, which was specific to the development process, has been either modified or extende d to take into account the characteristics specified to the maintenance function, these characteristics were th en organized into key process areas (KPAs) of CMM model. This paper applied the definition of (ISO 9241-1 1, 1998) that examines effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. The emphasis will be given to the SMP activitie

    Towards integrating information of service level agreement and resources as a services (RaaS) for cloud computing environment

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    Cloud computing describes services and applications that are extended to be accessible through the Internet. Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contractual agreement that has been established between the members of Cloud Service Provider (CSP) that consists of the service provider and its recipient for a specific application of services based on its allocating and sharing Resources as a Service (RaaS). In this context, there are many parties who are very concerning about it, but unfortunately there is lack of a common mapping of SLA information and RaaS of best practice as a guideline that can be used by CSP in making decision for the future purposes in engaging with services in the cloud computing environment. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to integrate information of SLA and RaaS in order to ensure everybody who are providing and receiving the services in the cloud particularly will be satisfied and getting the best maximum Return Of the Investment (ROI) in allocating and sharing resources among the providers and recipients in cloud computing environment. As a result, some attributes such as reliability, readability and standardization of Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) are found to be high

    Pelaksanaan Program Tahsin dan Tahfidz Al-Qur’an dalam Pembentukan Karakter Peserta Didik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan program tahsin dan tahfidz Al-Qur’an, kontribusinya dalam pembentukan karakter, dan karakter yang terbentuk setelah pelaksanaan program tahsin dan tahfidz Al-Qur’an. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian ini di Lembaga Pembelajaran Terpadu Nurul Ilmi Banyuasin. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Setelah data-data penelitian diperoleh dilakukan uji keabsahan data dengan teknik triangulasi yang meliputi triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Kemudian analisis data yang digunakan adalah melakukan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil yang diperoleh: 1) Pelaksanaan program tahsin dan tahfidz Al-Qur’an di Lembaga Pendidikan Terpadu Nurul Ilmi Banyuasin diawali dari berdo’a, muraja’ah hafalan dengan menggunakan metode talqin, setoran hafalan yang dilakukan peserta didik menggunakan metode tasmi’, dan adanya evaluasi terhadap kemampuan hafalan peserta didik, metode dan pembelajaran yang digunakan guru dalam menghafal Al-Qur’an, dan pencapaian target peserta didik. 2) Pelaksanaan program tahsin dan tahfidz Al-Qur’an di Lembaga Pendidikan Terpadu Nurul Ilmi Banyuasin memberikan kontribusi dalam pembentukan karakter religius, kedisiplinan, dan sikap tanggung jawab peserta didik. 3) Karakter yang terbentuk pada peserta didik setelah mengikuti program tahsin dan tahfidz Al-Qur’an adalah religius terlihat dari peserta didik selalu berdoa, berwudhu sebelum belajar, shalat dhuha dan dzuhur berjamaah. Disiplin terlihat dari peserta didik datang tepat waktu dan disiplin dalam menghafal dan menyetorkan hafalannya. Tanggung jawab terlihat dari kesungguhan peserta didik dalam menghafal Al-Qur’an, menyetorkan dan mengulangi hafalannya. Namun, dalam mengerjakan tugas masih terdapat peserta didik yang lupa dalam mengerjakannya. &nbsp

    Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control: a study at construction site

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    Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is an Act to make further provisions for securing the safety, health and welfare of persons at work, for protecting others against risks to safety or health in connection with the activities of persons at work, to establish the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, and for matters connected therewith. This study focuses on infrastructure construction in Pagoh Education Hub. In present days, despite of knowledge in OSHA act, workers often proceed the work without considering any safety precaution or act at workplace as stated in OSHA Act. Due to ignorance of workers and employee on OSHA Act, workers are exposed to danger and hazard at their workplace causing them minor or worst fatal injury. The data collection was carried out through site investigation using Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA), HIRARC form and interview session with several workers in the constructio. The main objective of this study is to support the idea to coordinate and redefined the practice of occupational safety and health as workers discipline at their workplace based on existing potential hazard. This study was conducted to identify the hazard that occur at the workplace and analyse the safety precaution taken by the workers and employer to avoid accidents. As a result, this study listed several suggestions to improve the practice of occupational safety and health among workers in the workplace