3,120 research outputs found

    Dimensi Epistemologis-Metodologis Pendidikan Islam

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    Epistemologi adalah satu cabang pokok bahasan dalam wilayah filsafat yang memperbicangkan seluk-beluk "pengetahuan"

    Strategi Dakwah Dan Tajdid Muhammadiyah Memasuki Abad Kedua

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    Bagaimana menatap 100 tahun ke depan? Apakah Muhammadiyah akan mengulang sejarah kesuksesan 100 tahun silam? Jangan-jangan hadis Nabi yang sudah menjadi adagium dan sering disebut dan dikutip oleh para tokoh dan da'i-da'iyah Muhammadiyah bahwa “'ala kulli ra'si kulli mi'ah sanah mujaddidun” (Setiap melintasi seratus tahun usia jaman, akan datang seorang pembaharu) akan juga harus berlaku bagi Muhammadiyah? Atau tidak berlaku? Jika diandaikan berlaku dalam Muhammadiyah lalu seperti apa coraknya? Bagaimana mengantisipasinya? Apa implikasinya dalam konteks pendidkan Kemuhammadiyahan dan Keislaman di sekolah dan perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah? Jika diandaikan tidak ada, apakah jaman dan situasi dunia memang tidak berkembang dan berubah lewat hukum dinamika sejarahnya sendiri? Tulisan singkat ini mau berandai-andai—jika saja memang ada Perubahan dinamika sejarah dunia—lalu bagaimana Strategi Dakwah dan Tajdid Muhammadiyah menghadapinya dalam menapaki usianya yang seratus tahun kedua

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran IPS SMP/MTs Kelas VIII untuk Melatih Keterampilan Sosial Siswa

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    Many students put down Social Studies as boring class, because the learning model is less variable and poor of media. So that the development of learning media in the form of Student Textbooks (Buku Ajar Siswa) is made. The study design using type 4-D (define, design, develop, disseminate) development and research plan one group pretest-posttest design. The collection data method is observation, test, and quetionnaires. in trial of textbook difficulty level in category at very low or very easy to understand and can be regarded as  reliable instrument to measure feasibility RPP quality. Average score in each social skill including contributing ideas/opinions, being good listener, and respecting friend’s opinion was 89,69; 90,44; 90,03, which is on very high category. The student response toward components, newness, ease of understand, and practicing social skill of the device obtained percentage in a row was 72,92%, 79,69%, 79,69%, 65,63%, which shows the response of the student is very high. The study concludes that the learning device has high efecctiveness and quality to improve the study result and student’s social skill.  Based on this research, so that it can be used by social studies teachers in order to develop devices according to the nature of the material being taught to suit the learning objectives.Banyak siswa yang menganggap pelajaran IPS sangat membosankan, karena model pembelajaran yang kurang bervariasi dan miskin akan media. Sehingga dibuat pengembangan media pembelajaran berupa Buku Ajar Siswa. Desain penelitian menggunakan pengembangan tipe 4-D (define, design, develop, dessiminate) dan menggunakan rancangan penelitian one group pretest-posttest design. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, pemberian tes, dan penyebaran angket. Hasil uji coba tingkat kesulitan buku ajar berada pada kategori sangat rendah atau sangat mudah dipahami dan Instrument yang reliabel. Rata-rata keterampilan sosial yang meliputi menyumbang ide/pendapat, menjadi pendengar yang baik dan menghargai pendapat teman berada pada kategori sangat tinggi dengan nilai sebesar 89,69; 90,44; 90,03. Pada respon siswa terhadap perangkat pada komponen, kebaruan, kemudahan dalam pemahaman, dan dalam berlatih keterampilan sosial 72,92%, 79,69%, 79,69%, 65,63% yang menunjukkan respon siswa sangat tinggi. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat yang telah dibuat memiliki kualitas dan efektifitas yang tinggi dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar dan keterampilan sosial siswa. Berdasarkan penelitian ini agar bisa digunakan oleh para guru IPS agar bisa mengembangkan perangkat sesuai sifat materi yang diajarkan agar sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran

    Analysis of the Cultural Factors Impacts on the Development of Entrepreneurship the Case Study of Garut District

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    Entrepreneurship has been recognized as an important characteristics for the society toaccelerate the advancement of their quality of life. Various aspects were identified havesignificant impact on the development of entrepreneurship such as education, age,culture, etc .In rural area where the population has rather similar low education level,the research tends to focuses on the impact of the culturel aspects on theentrepreneurship will be more appropriate. The research was conducted in the Cilawuand Bayongbong areas which are located in Garut District. 24 respondents which areresidents of those areas were withdrawn to fullfill the distributed questionnaire. Theresearch applied Four of Hoffstede\u27s cultural dimensions to describe inter-culturallycomparable aspects, namely (1) individualism vs. collectivism;(2) masculinity vs.Femininit;(3) avoidance of uncertainty, and (4) life orientation on a long term. Researchresults indicate various differences in the dimensions of avoidance of uncertainty andorientation on a long term. The Cilawu respondents are stronger in avoidance ofuncertainty and weaker in long term orientation compared with the Bayongbongrespondents. The difference may be caused by natural conditions and number ofreligious school at each district, thinking pattern, motivation and life goals of bothcommunities. To enable continuous growth of entrepreneurship in both districts, the roleof the regional government of the Garut regency is needed to create a conducive socioculturalenvironment by observing the cultural aspects which have the potential ofcreating the trend of entrepreneurship in each district

    Emerging Wireless LAN Mobility Protocols

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    Wireless LANs have become the dominant device over the last few years. The initial goal was to remove cables from the network, but with the fast pace in technological development wireless networks became popular not only inside organizations, but also as hotspots throughout cities. Major governments are encouraging the institutes to deploy wireless LANs due to the increase in number of Internet users and online applications. Over the past few years, wireless LANs have grown tremendously from a small network to the enterprise level, installed across buildings and organizations to provide mobility. In addition, the mobility and convenience of wireless has been improved by the advanced throughput and range performance available in today’s products, extending the reach of wireless LANs to a broad array of applications. This has led researchers to work on protocols which provide smooth mobility to the mobile nodes. It has opened the door to develop protocols which can be used to provide mobility within an organization and between organizations. This paper discusses the existing mobility architecture and reviews some of the emerging wireless mobility protocols—specifically host-based and network-based mobility—with a focus on local and global mobility. It also serves as part of the ongoing research for the PhD program in the department of Computer Science at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

    Dactylogyrus Scrjabinensis (Monogenea: Dactylogyride): First Occurrence on The Gills of Capoeta Trutta From Iraq

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    The momogenean Dactylogyrus scrjabinensis Osmanov, 1958 was identified on the gills of the cyprinid fish Capoeta trutta (Heckel, 1843) from Sirwan river, southeast of Sulaimani governorate, Kurdistan region, during the period from April to August 2014, in the present study for the first time in Iraq. The full details of description and measurements of this parasite are given. The prevalence and intensity of infection were 3.94% and 3.66 respectively

    A Comparison between Ratio and Gradient Technique in Discriminating Cirrus Clouds from Tropospheric Aerosols over Water in MODIS Data

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    This study aims to compare between ratio technique (RT) and gradient technique (GT) to distinguish cirrus cloud from tropospheric aerosol over water in MODIS data. Both techniques make use of 1.375 µm and 1.240 µm band and are applied to five different scenes. The outcomes from both techniques are compared using an error matrix in which revealing that the GT has a very high agreement with RT in distinguishing cirrus cloud from tropospheric aerosol in MODIS data

    Euphotic Depth Zone Variation in Peninsular Malaysia Maritime

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    This study is conducted in Peninsular Malaysia maritime to investigate the euphotic zone depth (Zeu) variation and the possible suspended matter that may contribute to the variation. The Zeu data were acquired from the MODIS Aqua satellite from November 2002 to September 2013. The result shows that the Zeu along the Malaysia maritime are highly seasonal-dependent. The lowest Zeu values are observed during the northeast monsoon season (NEMS) in the east coast Peninsular Malaysia and during the southwest monsoon season (SWMS) for the west coast area. Chlorophyll- a (Chl-a) and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) are found to be the contributing factors for the coastal line and open water area. While, sediment only contributes to the area located along the coastal line where lower Zeu values are observed
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