135 research outputs found

    Requirements Model for Universiti Utara Malaysia Library Data Warehouse

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    Requirements play a very important role in system development project. It is because requirement forms the backbone of any successful project and provide the measure of success or failure of a certain project. Misinterpretation of the requirements would increase cost and hinder the system development to meet user’s expectation. Therefore, it is necessary to present the requirement in an understandable and meaningful way. This is achieved through requirement model. The model gives a complete view of certain system and represents idea without having to develop an actual system. This research aimed to create a requirement model for Universiti Utara Malaysia Library Data Warehouse. Snowflake model is used to model the requirement. A set of requirement list is produced in this research. Various reports were produced and validated by the users. Several recommendations for future research were discussed

    The Use of Bitumen Waste Oil to Coating Car Park

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    يتضمن البحث على أن استخدام مادة البيتومين (القير) أحد مخلفات التكرير النفطي، المصنوع من البلاستيك مع القطران، حيث يزيد استخدامه من القوة وفي الوقت نفسه يعطي ثباتية جيدة للخرسانة الإسفلتية في درجات الحرارة العالية، ويستخدم في الطلاءات الخاصة بمواقف السيارات. ان اعادة تدوير البتومين تؤدي الى التقليل في تكلفة مصافي النفط إلى إنتاج تكرير أكثر عمقًا، مما يؤدي إلى تدهور الخصائص الفيزيائية والكيميائية لقطران النفط، ونتيجة لذلك، يؤدي إلى انخفاض في جودة القار النفطي. اليوم، يمكن تحقيق توسيع قاعدة المواد الخام لإنتاج البيتومين على الطرق من خلال استخدام المنتجات الثانوية ونفايات البناء واعادة تدوير القار (البتومين).  The research indicates that the use of bitumen is one of the residues of oil refining, made of plastic with tar, which increases its use of power and at the same time gives good stability to the asphalt concrete at high temperatures, and is used in the coating of parking. The recycling of bitumen leads to a reduction in the cost of oil refineries to produce deeper refining, leading to deterioration of the physical and chemical properties of oil tar, and as a result, lead to a decrease in the quality of oil tar. Today, the expansion of raw materials for road bitumen production can be achieved through the use of by-products, construction waste, bitumen recycling

    Using a Fault Tree Technique to a System Safety Analysis

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    في هذا البحث تم استخدام تقنية شجرة الأخطاء كتحليل سلامة النظام ، وهي عبارة عن تحليل استنتاجي تنازلي منظم من حيث الأحداث بدلاً من المكونات. لتحليل نظام بوابات الأمان وباستخدام قواعد الجبر البولي والتي يتم تطبيقها لتحديد مجموعات القطع التي تمثل التحليل الكمي والنوعي مع أمثلة توضيحية . الاستنتاجات: 1- يحدد استخدام تقنية شجرة الفشل  مجموعات الحد الأدنى من مجاميع القطع للأنظمة والتي تكون مفيدة جدًا على المدى في خفض تكلفة الصيانة بهدف تحقيق السلامة لجعلها خالية من المخاطر. 2. يمكننا ايجاد موثوقية أي نظام وتحديد مجالات المخاطر لذلك النظام ومن خلالها يمكننا تحديد سلامة النظام. 3. من أهم أدوات تقييم موثوقية النظام طريقة شجرة الفشل ، والتي يمكن استخدامها لإيجاد وتحليل سلامة النظام لأنها تعطي نتائج أكثر دقة وموثوقية.In this paper a fault tree technique is used as a system safety analysis, it is a top-down deductive analysis structured in terms of events rather than components. For analysis system safety gates and rules of Boolean algebra are applied to determining cut sets which represents quantitative and qualitative analysis with illustrative examples. Conclusion: 1.The use of  FT technique determines the minimal cut sets of systems which in term is very useful in lowering the maintenance cost for the aim of the safety to make empty from hazards. We can find the reliability of any system and identify the risk areas for that system and through them we can determine the integrity of the system. The most important and commonly used tools of evaluating system reliability is the fault tree method, which can be used to find and analyze the integrity of the system as it gives more accurate and reliable results

    On New Types of Weakly Nano Open Functions

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    In this paper, we must utilize the ideas of a-open and a-open sets to characterize some new types of weakly nano open functions such as; a-open functions, a*-open functions, a**-open functions, a-open functions, a*-open functions and a**-open functions. Also, we must explain the relationships between these types of weakly nano open functions and the concepts of nano open functions. Furthermore, we must prove some theorems, properties and remarks. Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 54A05, 54B05. Keywords: a-open sets, a-open sets, a-open functions, a*-open functions, a**-open functions, a-open functions, a*-open functions and a**-open functions.

    Performance of Unsupervised Change Detection Method Based on PSO and K-means Clustering for SAR Images

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    This paper presents unsupervised change detection method to produce more accurate change map from imbalanced SAR images for the same land cover. This method is based on PSO algorithm for image segmentation to layers which classify by Gabor Wavelet filter and then K-means clustering to generate new change map. Tests are confirming the effectiveness and efficiency by comparison obtained results with the results of the other methods. Integration of PSO with Gabor filter and k-means will providing more and more accuracy to detect a least changing in objects and terrain of SAR image, as well as reduce the processing time

    Subalternity in Post-2003 Iraqi Novels: Sinan Antoon's The Eucharist

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    This article examines the postcolonial issue, the subaltern, in post-2003 Iraqi novels. The selected translated text is Sinan Antoon's novel (Ya Mariam) in 2010 which is translated into The Eucharist. As a postcolonial issue, the subaltern gives the idea about what is considered to be minor to the focus or center. It is related to those people who suffer from being undermined under the prevailing of other people's majority in a certain society. It is like the inferior to the elite. On the other hand, it is resembling the asylum seekers or the refugees in their host homes. Those individuals are, generally, neglected politically, socially and culturally. They, if in their colonial or postcolonial homeland, suffer the duality of being part and apart from their country. Such a controversial feeling is exemplified in the duality of the two main Christain Iraqi characters in the selected translated text The Eucharist in its English copy for Sinan Antoon 2012. Keywords: The subaltern, The Eucharist for Sinan Antoon, the dual affiliation and consciousnes

    Dual strongly Rickart modules

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    In this paper we introduce and study the concept of dual strongly Rickart modules as a stronger than of dual Rickart modules [8] and a dual concept of strongly Rickart modules. A module M is said to be dual strongly Rickart if the image of each single element in S = EndR(M) is generated by a left semicentral idempotent in S. If M is a dual strongly Rickart module, then every direct summand of M is a dual strongly Rickart. We give a counter example to show that direct sum of dual strongly Rickart module not necessary dual strongly Rickart. A ring R is dual strongly Rickart if and only if R is a strongly regular ring. The endomorphism ring of d-strongly Rickart module is strongly Rickart. Every d-strongly Rickart ring is strongly Rickart. Properties, results, characterizations are studied

    Multilayer Structure Technique for Improving Determination of Electromagnetic Properties of Radar Absorbers Based on Two-Layer Method and Flanged Rectangular Waveguide Probe

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    This paper presents further development of utilization of  two-layer method to perform nondestructive electromagnetic properties determination of planar radar absorbers using flanged  open-ended rectangular waveguide probe. A multilayer  structure  of three layers was proposed to improve the measured results of these parameters obtained using two-layer method. These layers were arranged  such  that the test  material is sandwiched between two known low  loss materials to provide the  needed  two independent reflection coefficients necessary to extract them  at different conditions of  testing. The proposed  structure was aimed  to decrease the effect  of direct backing of test material by metal plate, which influences measurement accuracy if  two-layer  method  is used.  The structure permits a suitable electric field interrogation  in test material and decreases the influences of both  radial and surface waves.  FDTD method  was adapted  for  modeling  the problem geometry  to calculate  the reflection coefficients  since a probe with finite flange size is used. Measurements were carried out using the proposed technique to determine complex permittivity and complex permeability of several radar absorbers over X-band  applications of  microwaves. In comparison with both single-layer and two-layer methods results, the measured   results of  these parameters  agreed  well with the published data. by companies and literatures

    On Blow-up Time and Rate Of The Numerical Solutions of The Semilinear Heat Equation with Reaction Term

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    In this paper, we study the numerical blow-up solutions and times of the semilinear heat equation with reaction term. We compute the blow-up growth rate in the numerical solutions of two numerical experiments, depending on the blow-up solutions and times, those have been computed using a finite difference method.&nbsp

    Strongly Rickart Modules

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    In this paper we introduce and study the concept of strongly Rickart modules and strongly CS-Rickart modules as a stronger than of  Rickart modules [8] and CS-Rickart modules[3] respectively. A module M is said to be strongly Rickart module if the right annihilators of each single element in S = EndR(M) is generated by a left semicentral idempotent in S. A module M is said to be strongly CS- Rickart if for any  ??S, rM(?) is an essential in fully invariant direct summand of M. Properties, results, characterizations and relation of these concepts with others known concepts of modules are studied