97 research outputs found


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    Kecerdasan ekologis (ecoliteracy) harus ditanamkan sedini mungkin kepada anak. Jenjang sekolah dasar merupakan salah satu jenjang yang tepat untuk menanamkan pendidikan ecoliteracy. Hal ini disebabkan karena dengan memahami ecoliteracy, siswa akan memahami, menyadari, serta melakukan tindakan yang memperhatikan kelestarian lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masalah kurangnya kesadaran siswa dalam peduli dan mencintai lingkungan. Beberapa masalah yang ditemukan adalah keadaan kelas dan lingkungan sekolah yang masih banyak terdapat sampah (sampah plastik), serta kurangnya pemanfaatan bahan bekas oleh siswa dalam menghias ruang kelas. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, peneliti menggunakan salah satu model pembelajaran yaitu model pembelajaran project based learning. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan ecoliteracy siswa dalam pemanfaatan sampah plastik melalui model pembelajaran project based learning. Metode penelitian menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan desain penelitian dari Kemmis dan Taggart yang terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Temuan penelitian dari tiga siklus yang dilaksanakan menunjukkan peningkatan ecoliteracy pada setiap aspeknya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pada siklus kesatu, setiap aspek dalam ecoliteracy memperoleh hasil sangat rendah yaitu dalam kategori cukup. Sedangkan pada siklus kedua, setiap aspek dalam ecoliteracy mengalami peningkatan yang sangat signifikan yaitu meningkat kekategori baik. Pada siklus ketiga, masing-masing aspek ecoliteracy mengalami peningkataan kekategori sangat baik. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model project based learning dapat meningkatkan ecoliteracy siswa dalam memanfaatkan sampah plastik. ---------- Ecoliteracy literacy has to instill as early as possible in children’s mind. Elementary school is one of the best grade to instill ecoliteracy education. This is because by understanding the ecoliteracy, the students are able to understand, aware, and do action that give attention to an environment sustainability. The research background is the lack of students’awareness and loving to the environment. Some problems which found are in the class and school environment still easy to find so many garbages (plastic garbages), and also the lack of utilizing the garbage in decorating the classroom by the students. To solve those problems, the researcher uses one of the learning model i.e. project based learning model. The aim of this research is to improve students’ecoliteracy in utilizing plastic garbages through project based learning model. The method of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) by Kemmis and Taggart design that consists of planning, action, observation and reflection. The finding from three cycles that held showed that the improvement of ecoliteracy in each aspect. Based on research result, in the first cycle, each aspect of ecoliteracy is in very low result, which in average category. Whereas, in second cycle, each aspect of ecoliteracy is having a significant increase which in good category. In the third cycle, each ecoliteracy aspect is increasing to very good category. The conclusion of this research is the learning which using project based learning can improve students’ ecoliteracy in utilizing plastic garbage

    The empirical link between export dispersion and export performance: a contingency-based approach

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    Practitioners and scholars point out that firms are increasingly dispersing their capabilities across organizational functions. However, it is not clear whether all forms of dispersion, of any function, result in the same consequences. This study initiates investigation into the link between the cross-functional dispersion of influence on export marketing decisions (export dispersion) and export performance. Drawing on data from a sample of 225 UK exporters, the findings support the argument that active participation of non-export functions in export-marketing decisions affects export success. However, those performance consequences are dependent on internal and external contingencies. Export dispersion is beneficial for export performance when the export customer environment is more turbulent and, simultaneously, the export technological environment is more stable and the firm has lower levels of export information sharing. In all other scenarios examined in this study, greater levels of concentration of export decision-making (i.e. lower levels of export dispersion) appear to be more beneficial for export performance. Our findings imply that the management of the firm’s level of export dispersion is a complex task, whereby the degree of export dispersion pursued needs to match external environmental and internal firm factors

    Bioremediation of maleic anhydride contaminated soil

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    This paper presents a bench-scale study of bioremediation of soil contaminated with maleic anhydride. A quantity of 300 kg of contaminated soil was collected from a petrochemical plant in Malaysia and divided into three portions in order to investigate the effects of nutrient addition as well as mechanical aeration on the biodegradation rate of the contaminants. Online parameters measured included moisture content, redox potential, temperature and pH. The highest first-order biodegradation rate constant was determined to be 6.658 day-1 for soil pile with addition of nutrients and mechanical aeration

    The AU/NEPAD Peace and Security Governance in Africa

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    Peace and security sustainability in Africa has become a vital tool for the developmental agenda of the Africa Union. Hence, the continent’s conflicting issues and fighting against various groups that emerged from militancy, insurgency and terrorism in Africa is the reason why the peace and security department of the African Union was established for the purpose of solving such problems in order to sustain a peaceful African environment. The main objective of the paper is to draw the role of the African Union (AU) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) in assisting the African countries in resolving the conflicts which could lead to a state of insecurity. The work made use of qualitative research design through the conduct of interviews as well as the use of other sources such as AU/NEPAD documents, internet sources and journals for the purpose of data collection. The findings revealed that, NEPAD works with the African countries at the country level through the provision of advisory and partnership role on peace and security governance. At the continental level, NEPAD report to the African Union on issues relating to peace and security sustainability which are handled by the AU’s department for Peace and Security.


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    This paper explains the investigation carried out to understand NDCDB data handling within GIS applications. The method used was a case study replicated to five established GIS applications from different agencies, namely eKadasOnline, SKiP, iPlan, TM SmartMap and DBKL Interactive Portal. The case study was propositioned to the statements of; i) “Such methods of applying NDCDB are because user understands its characteristics”, and ii) “such methods of applying NDCDB are because users know how to adopt it.” Cross-case comparison analysis was then conducted to identify rival findings and explanation building. Based on the evidence of the multi-case study, it was concluded that such methods of adopting NDCDB by the GIS applications administrators and developers were because most of them have a partial understanding of the NDCDB characteristics which led to NDCDB being adopted based on the method that they think were suitable. Recommendations are highlighted in this paper to rectify knowledge-based mistakes found in this study, that included; i) ensuring the NDCDB’s cut-off-date; ii) utilises all existing NDCDB layers; iii) ensure to use the map projection parameters are the authorised and official value; iv) understand that the NDCDB utilises the GDM2000 datum with ITRF2000 epoch 2006; v) False Easting and North Easting can be discarded for geocentric datum; vi) adopting the built-in Geocentric Cassini map projection of GIS software is not advisable; and vii) obtaining relevant additional NDCDB layers. With the recommendations emplace, it is hoped the full potential of NDCDB can be tapped especially for multipurpose cadastre implementation including to ease spatial analysis. Data replication, exhaustion of resources, and reduce risks or costly investments made by decision makers, policy makers, developers or individuals can be avoided when NDCDB is fully optimised for spatial analysis

    Formation and elastic properties of lithium chlorophosphate glasses

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    Two series of glasses, (Li2O)x(P2O5)1-x and (LiCl)y((Li2O)0.4(P2O5)0.6)1-y were prepared by ordinary melt-quench technique. The range of x is from 0.1 to 0.5 with interval of 0.05 and the range of y is from 0.1 to 0.5 with interval of 0.1. The ultrasonic velocities for both series of glasses were measured at room temperature by using pulse echo technique at 10 MHz. The velocity data have been used to estimate the elastic modulus and Debye temperature for each composition. The density of Li2O-P2O5 glasses increases with the addition of Li2O but LiCl-Li2O-P2O5 glasses shows the trend of decrement when the mole fraction of LiCl increases. The longitudinal, shear, bulk and Young’s modulus for lithium phosphate glasses are found to increase with the addition of Li2O whereas the elastic moduli for lithium chlorophosphate glasses are found to decrease with the concentration of LiCl; these kind of characteristics are due to the variation of ultrasonic waves in different glass structures

    Fundamentals of halal transportation

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    The purpose of this conceptual study is to determine the fundamental components of Halal transportation.This study managed to uncover a research gap in Halal transportation as no study ever address the fundamental components of Halal transportation.An archival research method is applied to review related published academic works and tries to identify the key components for Halal transportation.Data are gathered from online databases and results are filtered using keywords such as Halal, Halal logistics and Halal transportation.Therefore, five components are identified as key to Halal transportation.The components are Halal dedicated carrier, Halal-only equipment, Halal-only cargo, Halal-trained drivers and Halal tracking and control.Plus, it is hoped that this study can be used as a platform for many future academic or professional works in the future, and towards the end, future research agendas are proposed

    Partial discharge in medium and high voltage electrical devices

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    Partial discharges (PD) are small electrical sparks or pulses that occur within the insulation of medium and high voltage electrical devices. These pulses will partially bridge the gap between phase insulation to ground or phase to phase insulation. These discharges erode insulation and eventually result in insulation failure. There are three types of discharges for insulation that are internal discharges, corona and surface discharge

    The effect of Ni catalyst on the growth of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by PECVD method

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    In this paper, the effect of nickel (Ni) catalyst on the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was studied where the CNTs were vertically grown by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) method. The growth conditions were fixed at a temperature of 700°C with a pressure of 1000mTorr for 40 minutes with various thicknesses of sputtered Ni catalyst. Experimental results show that high density of CNTs was observed especially towards thicker catalyst layers where larger and taller nanotubes were formed. The growth rate increases by ~0.7 times with increasing catalyst thickness from 4nm to 10nm. The nucleation of the catalyst with various thicknesses was also studied as the absorption of the carbon feedstock is dependent on the initial size of the catalyst island. From the Raman results, we found that only slight variation in the intensity ratio of G-band over D-band as increasing catalyst thicknesses. The minor difference in G/D ratio indicates that the catalyst thickness does not significantly influence the quality of CNTs grown

    Performance evaluation of modified-hybrid radio tomographic imaging for human localization in outdoor environment

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    The accuracy is the main factor in developing the localization system. However, due to the environmental noise and interference, the accuracy of localization has been affected. Since Device-free Localization has a multipath problem, thus Radio Frequency Tomography (RTI) has been introduced. This approach is used to localize the human position. This approach offers great potential in monitoring activities especially in perimeter surveillance application. Conventionally, RTI uses Linear Back Projection algorithm (LBP) to reconstruct the tomographic image. However, this algorithm suffers with the ill-posed problem caused by back-projection and the smearing effect due to the overlapping image. This leads to a low-quality tomographic image projection. To improve the quality tomographic image, several regularization approaches has been introduced by other researchers. However, because the target occupies only a small amount of space compared to the entire area monitored, the resulting image is blurred with noise. Therefore, this paper proposed a Modified Hybrid Radio Tomographic Imaging (HRTI-M). Through this proposed method, the area smeared on the RTI image has been reduced. Moreover, the average error of the reconstruction area has been able to be reduced from more than 3% to less than 1%