11 research outputs found
Penerapan Metode Total Physical Response Dalam Mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris Materi Kosakata di MTsN Sorong
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kosakata siswa dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris melalui cara-cara yang menyenangkan dengan menggunakan metode Total Physical Response (TPR) yang dikembangkan oleh James J. Asher pada siswa kelas VII A MTsN Kota Sorong. Rumusan masalahnya adalah "Bagaimana Penerapan Metode Total Physical Response Dalam Mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kosakata Siswa Kelas VII A MTsN Kota Sorong?". Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dan penelitian ini terdiri dari dua siklus. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setelah penerapan metode TPR pada siswa kelas VII A MTsN Kota Sorong, kosakata siswa mengalami peningkatan, baik dari ranah kognitif juga efektif serta psikomotorik. Adapun rinciannya sebagai berikut: 1)Aspek kognitif, yaitu; pertama, skor rata-rata kemampuan awal siswa adalah 58,33 dalam kategori rendah, kemudian pada siklus I skor rata-rata tes kosakata siswa meningkat menjadi 69,44 berada pada kategori sedang, dan pada siklus II meningkat sebesar 77,78 dengan sangat tinggi kategori. Kedua, siswa mengalami peningkatan kosakata dari yang diharapkan yaitu 75,00%, 2)Aspek afektif, siswa mampu menerima (memperhatikan), merespons, menghargai dan mengatur segala yag berkaitan selama pembelajaran berlangsung, 3) Aspek psikomotor, siswa terlihat aktif dalam diskusi, mengajukan pertanyaan, merespons, berani memberikan pendapat dan membuat kesimpulan dari setiap diskusi. Ini berarti bahwa metode Total Physical Response (TPR) mampu meningkatkan kosakata dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas VII A MTsN Kota Sorong
The effect of budesonide and 5-azacytidine on the levels of methylation at the CpG islands of human choline kinase alpha (ckα) and beta (ckβ) promoter
Choline kinase (CK) is the first enzyme in the CDP-choline pathway for the synthesis of phosphotidylcholine, a major component of membrane phospholipid. In human, CK is encoded by ckα and ckβ genes which produce three protein isoforms known as CKα1, CKα2 and CKβ. CKα is involved in tumorigenesis while CKβ is associated with muscular dystrophy. DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mark in gene expression regulation. This study reports on the methylation status of human ckα and ckβ promoter CpG islands after treatment with epigenetic drugs (budesonide and 5-azacytidine). In silico analyses revealed multiple putative CpG islands on each ckα and ckβ promoter through MethPrimer and EMBOSS CpGPlot prediction tools and fifty-nine and sixty-two putative transcription factor binding sites on ckα and ckβ promoter CpG islands respectively through Mat Inspector and TFBIND prediction tools. The methylation status of predicted putative CpG islands were analysed through epigenetic drugs treatment on MCF-7 cell line. Seven regions of out fourteen regions of the promoter CpG islands were successfully amplified by producing PCR products at their expected sizes. These seven regions were targeted for further analysis. MCF-7 were cultured and divided into four groups, consisting of two treatment groups which were budesonide (methylating agent) treated group (70 μM; 24 hours) and 5-azacytidine (demethylating agent)group (1 μM; 96 hours) and two control groups, which were budesonide control group (1% DMSO; 24 hours) and 5-azacytidine control group (1%DMSO; 96 hours). Genomic DNA from all groups was extracted following their respective incubation time with the epigenetic drugs. Fragmentation of the genomic DNA for all groups revealed fragmented DNA ranging from 200 bp to 3000 bp. These fragmented DNAs were then subjected to IP procedure. Enrichment process of the IP was successfully proven through control DNA amplification and digestion by NcoI by comparing the band intensity before and after IP. Amplification of seven ck promoter CpG island regions after IP revealed most PCR products at expected sizes, but there were inconsistency in band intensity within CpG regions of similar group and among the groups. Out of these seven regions, ckα-2ndCpG-2, ckβ-3rdCpG-4 and ckα-4thCpG-7 regions showed higher level of methylation status after budesonide drug treatment, while ckβ-1stCpG-1 and ckβ-3rdCpG-4 regions showed lower level of methylation status after 5-azacytidine drug treatment. However, this analysis warrants further investigation, since only seven instead of fourteen CpG regions of ckα and ckβ promoter were analysed. Analysis of all fourteen ckα and ckβ promoter CpG island regions could give clearer information on both ckα and ckβ promoter CpG island methylation status after the treatment of epigenetic drugs
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui mutu pendidikan; (2) Mengetahui peran kepala madrasah; (3) Mengetahui penerapan tipe kepemimpinan kepala madrasah; (4) Mengetahui strategi kepemimpinan kepala madrasah. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga pendekatan yaitu fenomenologi, manajemen, dan studi multi kasus. Jenis sumber data penelitian ini ialah data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (a) Mutu pendidikan pada MTsN Gowa dan MTs Madani Alauddin sudah memenuhi 8 (delapan) Standar Nasional Pendidikan; (b) Peran kepala madrasah dalam mendukung peningkatan mutu pendidikan islam pada MTsN Gowa dan MTs Madani Alauddin; (c) Gaya kepemimpinan kepala madrasah MTsN Gowa dan MTs Madani Alauddin menggunakan gaya kepemimpinan bersifat demokratis; (d) Strategi kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan islam pada kedua madrasah tersebut telah diterapkan beberapa strategi yaitu program pengembangan SDM, kurikulum, profesionalisme guru, kesiswaan, sarana dan prasarana, humas, serta pengelolaan dana (keuangan).This research was conducted to: (1) Determine the quality of education in public and private MTs in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi; (2) Knowing the role of madrasa heads in supporting the improvement of the quality of Islamic education; (3) Knowing the application of the leadership type of madrasah principals in supporting the improvement of the quality of Islamic education; (4) Knowing the implementation of madrasah leadership in supporting the improvement of the quality of Islamic education. This study uses three approaches, phenomenology, management and multiple case studies. The types of data sources in this research consist of primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques consist of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique by data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this study indicate that: (a) the quality of education at public and private MTs has met 8 (eight) National Education Standards; (b) The role of the madrasa head in supporting the improvement of the quality of Islamic education in public and private MTs; (c) The leadership style of the head of the public and private MTs madrasah uses a democratic leadership style; (d) The strategy of the head of madrasa in improving the quality of Islamic education in the two madrasas has implemented several strategies, namely human resource development programs, curriculum, teacher professionalism, students, facilities and infrastructure, public relations, and fund management (finance)
The Crumbling Backbone of the Savannah Woman: Adjusting to the Declining Shea and Locust Tree Densities in Northern Ghana
Rural women in Northern Ghana depend largely on indigenous forest resources, particularly Shea and locust bean trees as a major source of livelihood support. The fruits of these trees, are so essential to rural livelihoods that their collection and processing, are subjects of intense competition among rural women. Recent studies, however suggest a significant degradation of agroforestry parklands, and the population densities of Shea and locust bean trees. Using a case study approach, and employing participatory tools such as focus group discussions, interviews and structured observations, the study sought to unpack the experiences of rural women on the decline in these tree species, and examine how this new reality affects their major livelihood assets. The study found that, the decline in Shea and locust bean trees, affects the social, human and economic capital of rural women. Exploitation of other environmental resources, the use of improved Shea processing methods, and vegetable farming, were identified as major adaptation strategies among rural women. The study also found evidence of deep-seated historical and socio-economic factors militating against the successful adaptation of rural women. Consequently, the study highlighted the need for micro credit accessibility programmes, and gendered land tenure arrangements to support rural women in Agriculture. Keywords: Agroforestry parklands, Shea trees, Locust trees, Livelihoods, Rural women, Response mechanisms. DOI: 10.7176/JCSD/54-05 Publication date: December 31st 201
طرق التعليم الفعال من خلال كفايات معلمي مادة التفسير
Tafsir is an important subject related to understanding the Qur’an. Therefore, the learning process in this subject should use an effective method, so that the learning process is in accordance with the situation of the students. Researchers have found in textbooks and previous research reports that many of the learning methods used in this field are traditional and modern. The researcher is interested in expressing Tafseer's learning method by considering the responsibility of the interpreter. To achieve this, the researchers examined Tafsir's teaching skills, the extent to which the need to have interpreting skills, and those related to personal, social and professional competencies. By using descriptive-analytic methods, this study found that learning of interpretation depends on three basic things: first, the best method used by teachers during interactive learning because it represents the practical side is the Blended Learning Method; second, learning methods that depend on positive and interactive learning outcomes between teachers and students together such as scientific presentations, dialogues, peer education and cooperative education; and third, ways that train students to take responsibility and respect each other, such as problem-solving, project methods, and programmed education methods that have been widely used in the field of education that are effective and consistent with the requirements of this age.من المعلوم أن مادة التفسير هي من إحدى المواد العلمية المهمة التي تتعلق بالقرآن الكريم، حيث إنها تلعب دوراً مهماً ومؤثراً في حياتنا المعاصرة. لذلك فإنه من المستحسن أن نتعلّمها ونعلّمها باستخدام طرق التعليم الفعّال التي قدمها العلماء والتربويون، لكي تتلائم عملية التعليم مع ظروف وأوضاع المتعلمين المعاصرة. وبعد أن تأمل الباحثون في الكتب التربوية والأبحاث العلمية وجدوا أن العديد من طرق التعليم المستخدمة في هذا المجال هي تقليدية وحديثة، ويسعى الباحثون إلى كشف طرق تعليم علم التفسير على امتداد العصور وتنوع الأساليب في التعليم وذلك مع مراعاة الكفاءة التي يتمتع بها معلمو التفسير. ولتحقيق ذلك سوف يقوم الباحثون بتوضيح المقصود بكفاية معلمي مادة التفسير، ومدى ضرورة تحقق الكفاية لدى المعلم، وتصنيف كفاية معلم التفسير المتعلقة بالكفاية الشخصية والاجتماعية والمهنية، ويعتمد تعليم التفسير على ثلاثة أمور أساسية: أولاً الطرق التي يستخدمها المعلم أثناء التعليم التفاعلي مثل ألقاء المحاضرة أو الدرس، وطريقة الأسوة الحسنة وهي تمثل الجانب التطبيقي، وطريقة التعليم المدمج ((Blended Learning Method، وثانياً طرق التعليم التي تعتمد في بناء الدرس بشكل إيجابي وتفاعلي بين المعلم والطلبة معاً للوصول إلى المعرفة المنشودة مثل العروض العلمية، والمناقشة والحوار، وتعليم الأقران والتعليم التعاوني، وثالثاً الطرق التي تهدف إلى تدريب الطلبة على تحمُّل المسؤولية والاحترام المتبادل فيما بينهم مثل طريقة حل المشكلات، وطريقة المشروع، وطريقة التعليم المبرمج التي شاع استخدامها في مجال التعليم الفاعل والمنسجم مع متطلبات هذا العصر. ويستخدم الباحثون في هذا البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي
This paper aims to offer a hypothesis that there shouhl be phenomenological development in learning. More specifically, this paper proposes phenomenological foundation for learning development The paper knot written hosed on a cerium thought;**"*£' is written for a pragmatic purpose: to develop learning process. Also, it proposes that teachers implement phenomenology metitod m their teaching activities and answers the two questions: why is it important to develop phenomenology method in learning? and how cm the method be implemented in learning? There are some notions stating the importance of phenomenology as a learning approach: (I) Learning is an interactive process between teacher and students, students and students, anil students & their learning environment; (2) Learning is a process in which students are not a party without knowledge at alL They already have experience, be it coming from themselves or outside their environment This also happens to teacher; (3) teaming is not simply an instructional process in which students are passive, but it is a analogical process between students and themselves, students and teacher, and students & their environment; (4) learning also needs to make students and teacher active in finding new meanings, so it becomes innovative, creative, effective, and fun. Some requirements are needed to implement phenomenology in learning development. One of them is that teachers need to build Learning Circle Context (LCC). Phenomenology development step starts from this, guided by a facilitator cum LCC participant
Management of Character Education at Al-Fityan Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Gowa and Al-Biruni Mandiri Makassar Integrated Islamic Elementary School: A Multi-Case Study
This study aims to determine, study and analyze character education management and its effectiveness at SDIT Al-Fityan School Gowa and SDIT Al-Biruni Mandiri Makassar. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The method of collecting data is through interviews with school principals, vice principals for curriculum affairs, students, homerooms and teachers. Other data sources are through observation and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed by data reduction steps, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that character education planning begins with establishing the school's vision, mission, goals and programs, as well as determining character values, designing a curriculum that integrates character values into an integrated syllabus and lesson plans based on Islamic education. The organization of character education is carried out by the principal through coordination between elements, division of tasks based on SOPs, controlling and evaluating. implementation. Implementation of character education through (1) integrating character values into Islamic values-based learning, (2) through apperception activities or morning briefings, (3) mentoring activities or Islamic Personal Development, (4) Al-Qur'an mentoring, outing class and outbound. Character education is also carried out through extracurricular activities, habituation of worship and Islamic etiquette, modeling and school culture. Supervision of character education from the principal, and homeroom supervision of students through mutaba'ah/scoring boards. The implementation of character education has formed students who are able to be religious, able to apply Islamic etiquette, very good in tolerance, speak politely, independently, help, socially care, honest, disciplined, confident, cooperative and responsible
Leadership in the pesantren environment has an interesting dynamic. This environmental base is generally religious with leadership that is patronized by religious leaders such as kyai, then stereotypes are built in people's understanding that the kyai is the sole leader in a pesantren, or it is common for every pesantren to be cared for and led by a kyai who makes the position of this leader the single colour of leadership. in the pesantren environment. This research is interactive qualitative research with descriptive quantitative analysis. Data retrieval used questionnaires, historical data that already exists. This study used data collection techniques using observation, questionnaire, interview, and documentation techniques. The validity of the research data was checked by using triangulation. The results show that the autocratic leadership model sees the organization as a mechanical tool and all decisions are in the hands of the leader, while the charismatic leadership model can include believing the truth from the leader, accepting what the leader says without asking, carrying out tasks based on the awareness and direction of the leader, encouraging employees in achieving the mission of the institution, encouraging employees to improve performance
Natural Regeneration of Indigenous Tree Species in Broussonetia papyrifera Invaded Sites in Pra -Anum Forest Reserve
Broussonetia papyrifera invasion poses a serious threat to indigenous tree species in Ghana. Many conservation scientists therefore emphasize the need to control, manage, and possibly eradicate the species. However, attempts at control and management require adequate knowledge of its ecology and impact on invaded ecosystems. Employing a complete randomized design with twenty-four (24) 20 m × 20 m plots, 12 each on invaded and uninvaded sites, this study assesses the indigenous species regeneration potential under Broussonetia papyrifera-invaded sites in the Pra-Anum forest reserve. The study provides evidence of the negative impact of Broussonetia on the regenerative capacity of the reserve, as 335 seedlings per 4800 m2 distributed over 43 species were recorded on the uninvaded site compared to 156 seedlings per 4800 m2 distributed over 31 species on the invaded site. The study, however, observed some level of resilience of species belonging to the Ulmaceae and Lecythidaceae families, as they appeared fairly represented on the invaded site. Floristic diversity was also observed to be negatively impacted by Broussonetia invasion as mean Shannon and Simpson index values of 2.39 ± 0.71 and 0.89 ± 0.08 and 1.39 ± 0.24 and 0.64 ± 0.08 were recorded on the uninvaded and invaded sites, respectively. Furthermore, the Broussonetia invasion compromised the productivity of the forest ecosystem as 4.9 ± 1.61 mean economic tree species per 400 m2 plot were recorded on the invaded site compared to 13.8 ± 1.28 per 400 m2 plot on the uninvaded site. The study, therefore, concludes that Broussonetia invasion poses a serious threat to the integrity and productivity of the Pra-Anum forest reserve. Consequently, the study recommends the control of the spread of the species to protect the integrity of the Pra-Anum forest reserve. Also, restoration efforts in invaded areas of the reserve could consider the use of native species belonging to the Ulmaceae and Lecythidaceae families as they appear to be resilient to Broussonetia invasion
A review: Tomography systems in medical and industrial processes
Conventional methods previously guided reading meter to monitor the process and steps must be taken to interpret the readings and what need to adjustment be implemented. With the use of the method tomography, imaging process that displays the contents of the flow in the pipe or vessel during the process of giving analysts in real time quickly. By so corrective action can be done at a fast rate. The image will be formed from the trajectory of the object or sensor plane passing through the tomographic system. Use tomography method can be adapted to the process or the materials to be monitored. This paper examines the use of tomography in medical and industrial sectors. For use in the medical field such as looking at the structure of tissue in the body, can be used to detect cancerous elements tomography method comprising the X-ray, optical coherence tomography (OCT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and ultrasound. The industrial sector consists of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT), optical Capacitance Tomography (ECT), and Tomography Ultrasonic (UT). This paper discusses the role, the use of concepts, basic design and development impact of the results of research conducted by previous researchers