396 research outputs found

    Registration Management System for Online Learning

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    As there are so many changes occurring in the current education system. If we see the last 2 years, most of the student community faced a lot of issues in attending classes. To overcome all those issues, all the educational organizations transformed their current manual teaching-learning system into an online learning system. Sudden transformation to an E-Learning system is creating issues like managing the students, schedules, communication, and other information. Keeping all this in mind, we want to manage all the student and teacher data with the help of automating the current manual system. To learn the courses online, educational institutes need to automate physical services. For doing this, a registration management system needs to be implemented. This registration system will be managing the data of students, teachers, course details, etc. For doing such operations the application will be categorizing the users into 3 types of students, teacher, and admin. The main objective of this application is to manage the student\u27s and teachers’ data. Students who want to learn need to register with the application and then they need to sign up. This will add security to the application and the student will be identified with the help of a username and password. All the personal information of students and teachers will be maintained, they will be given additional features like adding the details, updating the data, deleting the data, searching for the data, etc. Existing applications will not suit the requirements of our system, that is the reason a new application needs to be developed. As per the requirements of the application, the estimated project completion date is 12th December 2022

    Antimagic labeling of the union of subdivided stars

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    Enomoto et al. (1998) defined the concept of a super (a, 0)-edge-antimagic total labeling and proposed the conjecture that every tree is a super (a, 0)-edge-antimagic total labeling. In support of this conjecture, the present paper deals with different results on antimagicness of subdivided stars and their unions.Publisher's Versio

    Exploring revisit intention behaviour among tourists: empirical evidence from United Arab Emirates tourism industry / Abdul Raheem Jasim Mohamed

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    Tourism has become such an important sector of the economy that the Department of Tourism and Commerce (DTCM) of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) taking the lead to spearhead the promotion of the UAE as an attractive, competitive and memorable tourist destination. The total tourist experience which refers to a multi-faceted exposure during a tourist’s actual visitation to the UAE is argued to be a strong predictor of his or her revisit intention.As tourism image of the UAE is formed from different sources, it is plausible to suggest that a tourist is most likely to form a more complex image of the UAEas a result of either favourable or unfavourable experienc

    Psychographics of would be teachers: Are we fishing in the right pond?

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    Purpose of this paper: The objectives of this research paper are to identify the psychographics of would be teacher at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) and to determine whether student teachers at the various faculties have different psychographic profiles. Introduction: The analysis of consumer lifestyles, called psychographics, provides insights into consumer behavior. Psychographic delves into how consumers describe themselves. Psychographic is the practice of combining psychology, lifestyle, and demographics variables into the analysis. Psychographic analysis is a technique that investigates how people live, what interest them, and what they like. It is also called lifestyle analysis or AIO, because it relies on a number of statements about a person’s activities, interests, and opinions. According to the VALS™ system there are eight categories of psychographic profiles: Thinkers, Achievers, Experiencers, Believers, Strivers, Makers, Innovators and Survivors. Design/Methodology: A survey instrument, the VALS™ survey was used to gather information. The survey instrument consists of a 40-item questionnaire. Data was collected from 392 student teachers at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. ANOVA was used to determine if there are differences in psychographics profiles between students at the various faculties. Findings: Psychographic profiles of student teachers at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris fell into the three categories (Strivers, Experiencers, and Achievers) and there is a difference in psychographic profiles between student teachers at the various faculties. Research limitations/implications: There are methodological limitations and generalizability limitations which need some attention. Practical implications: Academics and administrators at teacher training institutions can use this information in training teachers and ensuring diversity of psychographic profiles of teachers. Value of paper/ what is original?: Profiling of student teachers according to their psychographics. Understanding the student teachers’ psychographic profiles is a key to maintaining a high-quality recruiting campaign to replenish and expand the profession. Teacher education institution should target their recruiting efforts towards the psychographic types that would be most successful in the teaching profession

    Lag and Attenuation Parameters for Routing Daily Flow Changes Through Large River Systems

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    The 2007 Senate Bill 3 (SB3) initiated the establishment of environmental flow standards and the incorporation of them in the Water Availability Modeling System (WAM) of Texas. This led to the creation of Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP) daily modeling capabilities. The effects of water use and management actions propagate downstream to other locations of interest in water availability modeling over periods ranging from several hours to several days. Hence unlike the WRAP Monthly Simulation Model (SIM), the Daily Simulation Model (SIMD) includes routing of the effects of flow change events to downstream control points. The previously developed six case study daily WAMs use routing parameters estimated through calibration using hydrographs at upstream and downstream ends of a river reach with computations performed with a genetic search algorithm. In this research, two new methods have been developed to estimate routing parameters. 1. Wave Travel Velocity Equation: Motivated by Manning’s equation and National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) lag time equation. This equation calculates lag time based on flow, slope, and length of the reach. 2. DFLOW program: This program calculates the lag time between upstream and downstream control points for different flow change events in a time series record, and provide statistical measures of the results. The wave travel velocity equation was applied to different reaches of the Brazos River and its tributaries and the DFLOW program was applied to the Neches, Brazos, and Trinity River Basins. Comparative analysis of different sets of routing parameters shows that lag times from the optimization-based parameters are unrealistically low for the Brazos and Neches River Basins. Lag times from DFLOW and the wave travel velocity equation are higher than optimization-based lag times and are more realistic when compared to typical average stream velocities. Simulation results using different simulation options and routing parameters were compared to gauge the sensitivity of simulation results to different routing and forecasting options. Simulation results are sensitive to different routing parameters and routing and forecasting options but do not vary dramatically for any of these options

    The level of imaginative thinking among the gifted students in the ninth and tenth grades at the excellence schools in Al-Tafila governorate as well as the relationship of that with self-efficacy among them

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    This study mainly aimed at identifying the nature of the relationship between imaginative thinking and self-efficacy among the gifted students at the excellence schools in Al-Tafila governorate as well as detecting the statistically significant differences between the level of imaginative thinking and self-efficacy among the gifted students at the excellence schools according to the variables of gender and grade. In order to achieve the study objectives, the researcher used the descriptive survey approach and the questionnaire was used as the main instrument for data collection. The study sample was chosen by using the method of total survey for the components of the study population that consisted of the ninth and tenth grades students attending regular education at the excellence schools in Al-Tafila governorate with a total of 87 male and female students . the methods of analytical and descriptive statistics were used in order to analyze the data. The study concluded that the overall degree for imaginative thinking among the gifted students in the study sample was high, where the mean for their estimations was ( 3.74 ). The results also showed that the overall degree for  self-efficacy among the gifted students in in the ninth and tenth grades at the excellence schools in Al-Tafila governorate was high, where the mean for their estimations was ( 3.78 ). The results revealed that there is a positive relationship between imaginative thinking and self-efficacy among the gifted students at the excellence schools in Al-Tafila governorate. In the light of the study results , the study recommended about the necessity of giving teachers the necessary training about using the methods of imaginative thinking in the educational process as well as providing the suitable school and classroom environment for using them

    Replacing Local Labors Instead of Expatriate in Jordan Tourism Sector

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    The objective of this current study is to identify the issue of tourist expatriate labor, its effects on the touristic and economic levels, its ways of evaluation, the manner of dealing with its reasons and motivations, and the ways of replacing it with local labor. However, this labor is able to fill the gap to and from a pure Jordanian touristic product. In addition, it is able to obtain the maximum benefit from tourist activity. The results of the study revealed that the expatriate labor represents 17.6% of the total labor in the Jordanian tourist sector. Therefore, most of these labors are concentrated in hotels and tourist restaurants. Tourism is one of the Jordanian sectors that do not attract local labor, but are attractive to expatriate labor. The expatriate labor in the Jordanian tourist sector is complementary. Hence, it is not a substitute for the tourist professions. The study recommended the need to develop local tourist workers by holding courses for the Jordanian workers in the tourist hotels and restaurants. Also, training on lingual and specialized tasks which focuses on the medium university education should be provided for them. Also, vocational training corporations should be organized. This in turn fills the gap of the tourist activities that attract expatriate labor and amendment legislation and laws relating to wages and the nature of work in the tourism sector. Hence, this is aimed to attract local tourist labor

    Symmetric- Based Steganography Technique Using Spiral-Searching Method for HSV Color Images

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    إخفاء المعلومات يعني أخفاء المعلومات السرية في بعض الوسائط المختارة الأخرى دون ترك أي دليل واضح على تغيير ميزات الوسط الناقل. تخفي معظم طرق الاختباء التقليدية الرسالة مباشرةً في الوسائط الناقلة مثل (النص والصورة والصوت والفيديو). يترك بعض الاخفاء تأثيرًا سلبيًا على صورة الغلاف الناقلة، هذا التأثير السلبي يًمكن من اكتشاف التغير في والوسط الناقل من خلال الإنسان والآلة. الغرض من طريقة إخفاء المعلومات المقترحة هو ان جعل هذا التغيير غير قابل للكشف، يركز البحث الحالي على استخدام طريقة معقدة لمنع الكشف عن إخفاء المعلومات بواسطة الإنسان والآلة باعتماد على طريقة البحث اللولبي، تم استخدام مقاييس مؤشر التشابه الهيكلي للقياس للحصول على دقة وجودة الصورة المستردة وتم تحسين جودتها المدركة. تم حساب قيم مقاييس المعلومات من خلال التجارب العملية (الإدراك، المتانة، السعة) باستخدام تقنية الاستيفاء ومقاييس التشابه الهيكلي. تظهر النتائج التجريبية أن استخدام هذه المقاييس (PSNR و MSE و SSIM) قد حسن جودة الصورة بنسبة 87٪ وأنتج قيم PSNR (38-41 ديسيبل) و MSE = 0.6537 و SSIM = 0.8255. توضح النتائج أيضًا تقدمًا ملحوظًا في مجال إخفاء المعلومات وتزايد صعوبة اكتشافها من قِبل البشر والآلات.Steganography is defined as hiding confidential information in some other chosen media without leaving any clear evidence of changing the media's features. Most traditional hiding methods hide the message directly in the covered media like (text, image, audio, and video). Some hiding techniques leave a negative effect on the cover image, so sometimes the change in the carrier medium can be detected by human and machine. The purpose of suggesting hiding information is to make this change undetectable. The current research focuses on using complex method to prevent the detection of hiding information by human and machine based on spiral search method, the Structural Similarity Index Metrics measures are used to get the accuracy and quality of the retrieved image and to improve its perceived quality. The values of information measures are calculated through practical experiments of (perceptibility, robustness, capacity) by using interpolation technique and structural similarity measures. Experimental results show that the use of these measures (PSNR, MSE, and SSIM) has improved the image quality by 87% and has produced values of PSNR (38-41 dB), MSE = 0.6537 and SSIM= 0.8255. The results also demonstrate a remarkable progress in the field of hiding information and the increasing difficulty of detecting it by humans and machines

    A Two Channel Analog Front end Design AFE Design with Continuous Time Σ-Δ Modulator for ECG Signal

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    In this context, the AFE with 2-channels is described, which has high impedance for low power application of bio-medical electrical activity. The challenge in obtaining accurate recordings of biomedical signals such as EEG/ECG to study the human body in research work. This paper is to propose Multi-Vt in AFE circuit design cascaded with CT modulator. The new architecture is anticipated with two dissimilar input signals filtered from 2-channel to one modulator. In this methodology, the amplifier is low powered multi-VT Analog Front-End which consumes less power by applying dual threshold voltage. Type -I category 2 channel signals of the first mode: 50 and 150 Hz amplified from AFE are given to 2nd CT sigma-delta ADC. Depict the SNR and SNDR as 63dB and 60dB respectively, consuming the power of 11mW. The design was simulated in a 0.18 um standard UMC CMOS process at 1.8V supply. The AFE measured frequency response from 50 Hz to 360 Hz, depict the SNR and SNDR as 63dB and 60dB respectively, consuming the power of 11mW. The design was simulated in 0.18 m standard UMC CMOS process at 1.8V supply. The AFE measured frequency response from 50 Hz to 360 Hz, programmable gains from 52.6 dB to 72 dB, input referred noise of 3.5 μV in the amplifier bandwidth, NEF of 3