170 research outputs found

    How to Make Teaching Interesting?

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    AbstractLectures, particularly in Mathematics, worse still in abstract courses such as Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra and Analysis, often create boredom to some students, especially when the lectures are delivered in two continuous sessions, or in the afternoon. However interesting the lecture is, surely there must be some students who fall asleep. In this paper we give suggestions on how to make lectures or teaching interesting. Two things that should be included are the historical aspect of certain concepts to be introduced in the lectures, and some applications of the concept in our daily life. We give an illustration of the lectures in Abstract Algebra offered by the author at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Another way of avoiding the students’ boredom is to include some mathematical humours and create a language and terminology corner. This corner can help the students in their research projects and also their theses. This corner might also be helpful to those who wish to submit their papers for publication in the local journals

    Malay mathematics based on Terengganu Inscription

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    We exhibit the Malay Mathematics in the 14th century Terengganu Inscription dated 702H, that is 1303. There are several mathematical elements that we classify as Malay numbers (cardinal and ordinal), units of measurement, position (location and position in a family), elements of logic, and time (day, month and year). We also give an equivalent amount of fine imposed to convicts as listed in the inscription

    Vague Soft Hypergroups and Vague Soft Hypergroup Homomorphism

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    We introduce and develop the initial theory of vague soft hyperalgebra by introducing the novel concept of vague soft hypergroups, vague soft subhypergroups, and vague soft hypergroup homomorphism. The properties and structural characteristics of these concepts are also studied and discussed

    Retorik naratif dalam novel “Orang Kota Bharu”

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    Kajian ini merupakan penelitian secara tekstual dan kontekstual terhadap novel Orang Kota Bharu karya Sasterawan Negara S. Othman Kelantan. Tumpuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti jenis retorik dan meneliti beberapa elemen retorik yang digunakan. Pengkaji memanfaatkan teori retorik moden oleh Enos dan Brown (1993) untuk menjelaskan makna kata yang halus sifatnya. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa pengarang mementingkan retorik jenis naratif untuk menyampaikan pemikiran beliau. Novel ini bertemakan sejarah masyarakat Kota Bharu selepas kemerdekaan negara dengan mengetengahkan beberapa isu politik, ekonomi, keagamaan dan sosial. Berdasarkan analisis elemen retorik, didapati pengarang memanfaatkan bahasa figuratif yang merangkumi elemen metafora, anafora, repeten, epifora, simile, personifikasi, hiperbola, dan hibrida dengan berkesan. Pemanfaatan elemen ini dalam penulisan novel menjadikan bahasa yang digunakan halus dan mendalam. Tahap pemikiran yang tinggi diperlukan untuk memastikan bahawa pembaca memahami maksud sebenar yang ingin disampaikan oleh pengarang

    An adjustable method for data ranking based on fuzzy soft sets

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    This work deals with an adjustable approach for ranking objects based on fuzzy soft models. We first generate two preorder relations, thus, two equivalence relations based on the fuzzy soft topology. Then, a method for data ranking is designed according to these binary relations. The connection between Separation axioms and such data ranking method is also studied. Finally, an example is provided to illustrate this method for problem of data ranking

    Titah ucapan pembukaan Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan oleh Sultan Muhammad V: satu analisis retorik

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    Kajian ini merupakan penelitian aspek retorik dalam titah ucapan KDYMM Sultan Muhammad V, Sultan Kelantan ke-29. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti teknik retorik dalam teks rasmi diraja, untuk menganalisis dan menghuraikan aspek penggunaan kosa kata, kekuatan dan keberkesanan seni pengucapan Sultan Muhammad V. Data kajian ini dianalisis secara kuantitatif untuk meneliti peratusan penggunaan teknik retorik, dan secara kualitatif, iaitu dengan huraian deskriptif teks berlandaskan prinsip ketiga teori retorik moden Enos dan Brown (1993), iaitu untuk memberikan kesan mendalam terhadap ujaran atau penulisan. Sebanyak 251 ayat telah dicerakinkan daripada tiga teks ucapan, di samping terdapat 27 jenis teknik retorik yang telah dikenal pasti dengan ditandai ungkapan tertentu berdasarkan kategori Lakuan Bahasa. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Sultan Muhammad V menggunakan beberapa elemen retorik dalam titah ucapannya, iaitu aliterasi, polisindeton, repitisi, soalan retorik, metafora, simile, alusi, dan kosa kata asing daripada bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Arab. Teknik dan elemen yang dimanfaatkan dalam pengucapan ini mampu memberikan kesan terhadap kefahaman khalayak

    On Normalistic Vague Soft Groups and Normalistic Vague Soft Group Homomorphism

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    We further develop the theory of vague soft groups by establishing the concept of normalistic vague soft groups and normalistic vague soft group homomorphism as a continuation to the notion of vague soft groups and vague soft homomorphism. The properties and structural characteristics of these concepts as well as the structures that are preserved under the normalistic vague soft group homomorphism are studied and discussed

    Fuzzy Parameterized Soft Expert Set

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    In 2011 Alkhazaleh and Salleh introduced the concept of soft expert set and gave an application in a decision-making problem. In this paper we introduce the concept of fuzzy parameterized soft expert set by giving an important degree for each element in the set of parameters. We also study its properties and define its basic operations, namely, complement, union, intersection, AND, and OR. Finally, we give an application in decision making