41 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of income expectations on entrepreneurial interest in the people of Tumpatan Nibung Village VI Dusun VI, Batang Kuis District, Deli Serdang Regency. The sampling technique used was random sampling method, namely taking samples from the population at random without regard to the strata in the population of 94 people. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire. In the partial hypothesis test (t test) the income expectation variable has a positive and significant effect on the interest in entrepreneurship with a t count t table (9.969 1.661) and a significant value of 0.000 0.05. The results of the determination test obtained an R Square value of 0.519, meaning that the variable interest in entrepreneurship can be explained by 51.9% by the income expectation variable, while the remaining 48.1% is explained by other variables not included in this study

    Anthropometric Parameters among Children Under 6 Years with Stunting

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    Anthropometric measurement is a quantitative measurement as a nutritional status and can describe composition of the body. Stunting is when children have a low height-for-age. There are potential causes of stunting in Indonesia, including factor maternal nutritional status, breastfeeding practice, complementary feeding practice, exposure to infection, and related distal determinants such as education, dietary pattern, health care, and water sanitation hygiene. The objective of the research was to assess the association between gender, age and anthropometric parameters (weight-for-age, weight-for-height, body mass index for age) among children-under-six-years with stunting.  The research used a cross sectional method which used documentation research of gender, weight, height or length and age reports of 25.158 children under six years. The anthropometric parameters of the children were categorized using weight-for-age (WAZ), weight-for-height (WHZ), body mass index for age. This research used spearman rank test and binary logistic regression to analyze association between gender, age, weight-for-age, weight-for-height, body mass index for age, and height or length-for-age. Results: There were male 14.027 (55.8%), 2-6 years 15.789 (62.8%), with normal anthropometric parameter (weight- for-age, weight-for-height, and body mass index for age in stunted children. There was no significantly correlation between the children's gender and height-for-age (=0.096) and OR 0.993 (0.933- 1.056). Furthermore, there was low significantly correlation between age, anthropometric parameter (weight-for-age WAZ, weight-for-height WHZ and body mass index for age) with height-for-age (=0.000). Stunted children who had normal nutritional status were 0.469 times more likely to experience stunting

    Rancang Bangun Alat Penjernih Air Tipe Portable Menggunakan Metode Nigel Cross

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    The earth's surface consists of 71% water, water itself has unique characteristics, both physical and chemical. The Kampar river basin has a direct influence on the quality of groundwater (wells) for the residents of Kampung Baru Salo Hamlet. This is because this area is directly adjacent to the Kampar river, ground water (wells) in every house of the residents of Kampung Baru Hamlet is used for daily needs such as consumption, bathing and washing. Along with rapid population growth, the need for clean water is also increasing. This is one of the problems that occurs in Kampung Baru Hamlet, namely the lack of groundwater (wells) that is clean and suitable for consumption. The research carried out by the author discusses how to design a portable water purifier that is efficient and uses easily available materials. This design was carried out using the Nigel cross method. Data collection was carried out by giving questionnaires to 25 respondents who experienced difficulties with clean well water (fit for consumption). Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the researchers concluded that portable water purifiers can overcome the problem of lack of clean water that occurs in the community and also that the materials for making them are easy to obtain so that people can make them at home. Based on the results of consumption standard testing, the water produced from this filtration process meets the standard consumption requirements, namely 7 - 9 pH

    Circulating clones of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) in Western Australia in the past 11 years (2002-2013)

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the most complicated problems in infection control and disease prevention. Imported strains or group of similar strains called clones were introduced from other states within Australia and also from other countries. Western Australia (WA) MRSA clones known to be the most predominant clones circulating in Western Australia (WA). However, MRSA strains originally from other states and countries outside Australia (imported) have increased in number in the last decades. The aim of this study was to examine the epidemiology of CA MRSA clones in Western Australia for the past 11 year’s period (2003-2013). There were 10 predominant clones of CA-MRSA circulating in WA with WA MRSA-1 (32,82%), Queensland (22,67 %) and WA MRSA-2 (22,67 %) clones as the top three predominant clones. The percentage of PVL positive CA-MRSA clones such as Queensland (Qld) clone has been increasing significantly (R2=0,67) from 2,38 % in 2002 to 25,69% in 2013. In contrast, the percentages of two major PVL negative clones, WA MRSA-1 and WA MRSA 2, have been decreasing nearly by half from 52,38 % to 27,71 % and 30,95 % to 16,59 % respectively in the last 11 years. PVL positive clones have been introduced in WA from other states and overseas in the last eleven years. Due to the virulence factor of PVL toxin, the emergence of PVL positive CA-MRSA should be considered as public health concerns

    Pengaruh pemberian timbal (Pb) dosis kronis secara oral terhadap peningkatan penanda kerusakan organ pada mencit

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    Several kind of heavy metals that present in the environment are considered as toxic substance to human and animal. Lead (Pb) is one of heavy metals that increase in use for the last decade. Lead toxicity to human had wide influence in medical aspect, from nerve problem, bone metabolics disturbance until liver and renal failure. This experiment tried to found out the effect of cronic oral lead consupmtion to lead plasma rate in mice. Design of this experiment is true research experiment to test wheater there is an effect of oral lead consumption to acumulation of lead in blood plasma of mice. The dose devided to two kinds, medium dose (50 ppm) and high dose (100 ppm). The results show increase of lead accumulation in blood plasma of the mice compared to control group

    Pengaruh Economic Value Added (EVA) Dan Market Value Added (MVA) Terhadap Return Saham

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    This research aims to determine the influence of EVA on Return shares, MVA against Return shares. and EVA, MVA jointly (simultaneous) against Return shares. Samples of this research as many as 7 companies manufacturing automotive subsectors listed on IDX period 2010-2018 obtained by purposive sampling method. Data analysis techniques use descriptive statistical analysis, test prerequisite analysis, and multiple linear regression analyses. The results showed: EVA had no effect and was insignificant to Return shares, the MVA had no effect and insignificant to Return shares and EVA, MVA, jointly (simultaneous) gave a positive and significant influence on Return stock

    Hypertension Associated with Poor Sleep Quality in The Elderly Population in Batu City

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    Hypertension affects approximately 26% of the adult population and it is a leading cause of death in up to 13.5% worldwide. Hypertension is a disease with the highest prevalence in Indonesia, so good treatment and prevention are needed. Several studies suggest that there is a correlation between hypertension risk factors and the disturbance of sleep quality. Therefore, it is necessary to develop preventive and promotive efforts to obtain optimum blood pressure in patients with hypertension to avoid complications or even death. This study aims to find out the correlation between sleep quality and the value of blood pressure in the elderly ?60 years old in Batu City. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Batu City in 2020. Stratified random sampling was performed to select the respondents. A validated PSQI questionnaire and sphygmomanometer were used to assess sleep quality and blood pressure, respectively. A Chi-Square test was used to test the hypothesis. There were 391 respondents involved in this study. Most of the respondents have poor sleep quality, 205 respondents (52,43%) of which 41 respondents (20%) have normal blood pressure, and 164 respondents (80%) have high blood pressure. The statistical analysis shows a significant correlation (p=0,000) between sleep quality and blood pressure. In conclusion, hypertension is associated with poor sleep quality in the geriatric population in Batu City.Hypertension affects approximately 26% of the adult population and it is a leading cause of death in up to 13.5% worldwide. Hypertension is a disease with the highest prevalence in Indonesia, so good treatment and prevention are needed. Several studies suggest that there is a correlation between hypertension risk factors and the disturbance of sleep quality. Therefore, it is necessary to develop preventive and promotive efforts to obtain optimum blood pressure in patients with hypertension to avoid complications or even death. This study aims to find out the correlation between sleep quality and the value of blood pressure in the elderly ?60 years old in Batu City. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Batu City in 2020. Stratified random sampling was performed to select the respondents. A validated PSQI questionnaire and sphygmomanometer were used to assess sleep quality and blood pressure, respectively. A Chi-Square test was used to test the hypothesis. There were 391 respondents involved in this study. Most of the respondents have poor sleep quality, 205 respondents (52,43%) of which 41 respondents (20%) have normal blood pressure, and 164 respondents (80%) have high blood pressure. The statistical analysis shows a significant correlation (p=0,000) between sleep quality and blood pressure. In conclusion, hypertension is associated with poor sleep quality in the geriatric population in Batu City

    Cinnamomum burmannii (Nees & T. Nees) Blume and Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr. extract combination ameliorate lipid profile and heart oxidative stress in hyperlipidemic mice

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    Background and Aim: Hyperlipidemia is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The use of statins has adverse side effects that result in oxidative stress disorders. The objective of this study was to investigate the antihyperlipidemic effect of a combination of Cinnamomum burmannii and Eleutherine palmifolia extract in high-fat diet (HFD)-induced hyperlipidemia mice. Materials and Methods: Mice were divided into eight groups (n=4): Control group or healthy mice (normal), HFD-induced hyperlipidemic mice without any treatment (CE0), HFD-induced hyperlipidemic mice treated with 3.6 mg/kg body weight (BW) atorvastatin (atorvastatin), and HFD-induced hyperlipidemic mice treated with a combination of C. burmannii and E. palmifolia in the following ratios: 300:0 (C300), 225:75 (C225), 150:150 (CE150), 75:225 (E225), and 0:300 (E300). Mice were fed a HFD for 4 months to induce hyperlipidemia. Total cholesterol, cholesterol oxidase-peroxidase aminophenazone (CHOD-PAP), triglyceride-glycerine, and fat serum were analyzed with colorimetric method. The measurement of superoxide dismutase was done with the xanthine oxidase method and malondialdehyde measurement was done with the thiobarbituric acid method. Results: Results showed an increase in antihyperlipidemic characteristics as the concentration of E. palmifolia extract (p<0.05) increased. Duncan's multiple range test also showed an increase in anti-stress oxidation as the concentration of C. burmannii extract (p<0.05) increased. Conclusion: The E225 group showed the most potential as a safe, antihyperlipidemic agent characterized by improvement in lipid profile and antioxidant balance

    Perencanaan Gedung Hotel 4 Lantai & 1 Basement Dengan Sistem Daktail Parsial Di Wilayah Gempa 4

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    Perencanaan struktur adalah bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu struktur yang stabil, kuat, awet dan memenuhi tujuan-tujuan seperti ekonomi dan kemudahan pelaksanaan. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan perencanaan gedung hotel 4 lantai (1 basement) dengan mengacu pada Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Beton untuk bangunan gedung (SNI 03-2847-2002). Perencanaan ini dibatasi pada perencanaan struktur dari gedung, yaitu struktur atap (kuda-kuda) dan beton bertulang (plat lantai, tangga, balok, kolom, dan perencanaan pondasi). Perencanaan pembebanan untuk gedung menggunakan Peraturan Pembebanan Indonesia Untuk Gedung (PPIUG) 1983. Analisis perhitungan struktur gedung menggunakan bantuan “SAP 2000” non linear dengan tujuan mempercepat perhitungan. Sedangkan penggambaran menggunakan program Autocad 2008. Analisis beban gempa menggunakan metode statik ekivalen dengan Pedoman Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Rumah dan Gedung SNI-1726-2002. Sedangkan untuk perhitungan struktur rangka atap baja mengacu pada PPBBUG 1987 serta SNI 03-1729-2002. Mutu bahan untuk penulangan struktur beton bertulang dengan kuat tekan (f’c) = 25 MPa, fy plat = 240 MPa, fy balok = fy kolom = fy pondasi = 400 MPa, sedangkan untuk profil kuda-kuda baja menggunakan mutu baja Bj 37 (σijin = 1600 kgcm2). Hasil yang diperoleh pada perencanaan struktur gedung adalah sebagai berikut : Stuktur rangka kuda-kuda baja menggunakan profil 45.45.5, 40.40.4 dan 35.35.6, dengan alat sambung Las dan pelat buhul 10 mm. Ketebalan plat atap 10 cm dengan tulangan pokok D10 dan tulangan bagi D8. Ketebalan plat lantai 12 cm dengan tulangan pokok D10 dan tulangan bagi D8. Ketebalan Plat tangga dan bordes 15 cm dengan tulangan pokok D14 dan tulangan bagi D8. Balok induk menggunakan dimensi 400/600, dan kolom rencana menggunakan dimensi 600/600. Dimensi pondasi tiang pancang 300/300 mm dengan tulangan pokok D22 dan tulangan geser 2 dp 6, plat poer (2,5x2,5) m2 setebal 0,71 m dengan tulangan pokok D25 dan tulangan bagi D16, sedangkan dimensi sloof 650/1300 menggunakan tulangan pokok D25 dan tulangan geser 2 dp 12

    Students' perception and readiness level toward Interprofessional Education (IPE) before and after program implementation

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    Background: The changing health system and the large number of patients presenting with chronic diseases require multi-disciplinary care. For this reason, Interprofessional Education (IPE) needs to be conducted to train teamwork between these health workers. Furthermore, to develop the IPE program at the faculty, it is necessary to have a good evaluation. In Kirkpatrick's evaluation model, an assessment of student perceptions and readiness can be carried out to evaluate IPE implementation. Therefore, the differences in perceptions and readiness at the beginning and after IPE implementation need to be carried out to assess the program. Objective: The purpose of this study is to find out the overview and comparison of perception and readiness level before and after the implementation of IPE. Methods: This research was a comparative quantitative study with a pre-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design with data collection using questionnaires. The type of data used in this study was primary data using Student Perception of Physician and Pharmacist Interprofessional Clinical Education (SPICE) and the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) questionnaires. 81 final semester academic students of the pharmacy and medical study program were collected to measure their level of perception and readiness for IPE before and after the implementation of IPE. The data were analyzed using the SPSS computer program. Result: Perception result before IPE was 4.29 (scale 1-5) and 4.49 after IPE. As for the results of readiness, 4.15 before IPE and 4.29 after IPE. There was a significant increase in students' perceptions and readiness after the implementation of IPE (P<0.005). Conclusion: Most students have a good perception and readiness for IPE and there is a significant increase after IPE