704 research outputs found

    Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Sectoral Data in Indonesia

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    The paper investigates the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth using detailed sectoral data for FDI inflows to Indonesia over the period 1997-2006. In the aggregate level, FDI is observed to have a positive effect on economic growth. However, when accounting for the different average growth performance across sectors, the beneficial impact of FDI is no longer apparent. When examining different impacts across sectors, estimation results show that the composition of FDI matters for its effect on economic growth with very few sectors showing positive impact of FDI and one sector even showing a robust negative impact of FDI inflows (mining and quarrying). The sectors examined are: farm food crops, livestock product, forestry, fishery, mining and quarrying, non-oil and gas industry, electricity, gas and water, construction, retail and wholesale trade, hotels and restaurant, transport and communications, and other private and services sectors.Foreign direct investment, economic growth, Indonesia


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    Keadaan tanah di Banjarmasin mempunyai struktur jenis tanah yang sangat lunak, olehkarena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian dan pengkajian yang mendalam terhadap stabilisasitanah. Dalam menentukan daya dukung batas, dilakukan penelitian tanah berupa ujipembebanan tiang (loading test).Dalam penelitian ini hanya difokuskan pada tiang galam tunggal dengan diameter 12 cmdan 14 cm dengan panjang 3,5 meter dengan Sampel uji masing-masing 4 Sampelpembebanan yang diberikan hanya berupa beban mati dari sejumlah material bata press.Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di kampus Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin pada tanggal 17November sampai 1 Desember 2004.Dalam pemberian beban awal mengacu pada hasil pengujian sondir di lokasi penelitian.Pembebanan diberikan dilakukan secara bertahap dan pembebanan dihentikan apabilapenurunan yang terjadi telah mencapai 10 % diameter tiang. Dalam analisa data kamimenggunakan 3 metode yaitu : P-S, marzurkiewich dan chin.Dari hasil analisa data ternyata didapat interpretasi Beban Ultimit dengan menggunakanMetode P-S menghasilkan beban yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan Metode Chin danmarzurkiewich

    Interactions of water and calcium ions with food components, studied by NMR

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    NMR studies of water oxygen-17 relaxation in aqueous sucrose and lysozyme solutions have been carried out to investigate the interactions of water with sucrose and lysozyme. The effect of sucrose and lysozyme concentration on water oxygen-17 relaxation has been studied in detail. The dependence of relaxation on frequency and pH has also been analysed. The existing model, describing the relaxation of water oxygen-17 in aqueous protein solutions suggested by Halle in 1981, is tested to see whether it gives a true representation. It is found that at low concentrations of sucrose and lysozyme, the experimental data give good agreement with the model. However, at saturated sucrose concentration the agreement is not so good. An extra contribution to the transverse relaxation rate is seen. A possible explanation for the extra contribution to the transverse relaxation rate at high sucrose content is discussed. The effect of ionic charge on oxygen-17 relaxation in lysozyme solutions is also investigated. It is observed that both the ionic charge of lysozyme as well as lysozyme aggregation strongly affect the relaxation of water oxygen-17. A method for analysing the experimental data for water oxygen-17 relaxation in aqueous sucrose and lysozyme solutions using Halle's model is presented and employed to calculate the various parameters of the model. The relaxation and chemical shift of calcium-43 in simple calcium salts, calcium acetate and calcium ascorbate have been studied as a function of concentration and pH. The complexation of calcium to sucrose and to lysozyme has also been investigated. In almost all cases, a significant calcium-43 chemical shift has been detected. The direct measurement of complexation and binding of calcium by relaxation time and chemical shift measurements has been of particular interest

    Analisis Sistem Pengolahan Air Limbah Pada Kelurahan Kelayan Luar Kawasan IPAL Pekapuran Raya PD PAL Kota Banjarmasin

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    Sumber daya air selain merupakan sumber daya alam juga merupakan komponenekosistem yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Kebutuhan akan air cenderung semakin meningkat dari waktu ke waktu.Kota Banjarmasin merupakan salah satu kota yang memiliki banyak penduduk danterkenal dengan sebutan Kota Seribu Sungai, sering kita jumpai kebanyakan masyarakatyang tinggal di pinggiran sungai menjadikan sungai sebagai tempat pembuangan, seperti :sampah, tinja, air bekas cucian, air bekas mandi dan sebagainya, khususnya pada kelurahankelayan luar kota banjarmasin. Oleh karena itu pemerintah mendirikan PD PAL (PerusahaanDaerah Pengolahan air Limbah).Penyusunan laporan dilakukan dengan metode pengumpulan data primer dan datasekunder, data primer meliputi wawancara langsung dengan narasumber di lapangan dansurvey ke lapangan untuk memecahkan masalah.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan perhitungan di dapat debit aliran air limbah existingpada Kelurahan Kelayan Luar Kota Banjarmasin yang berpenduduk 4.801 jiwa dan luaswilayahnya 22.05 ha adalah 6,6680556 l/detik (tahun 2014), sedangkan untuk debit aliranair limbah pada 10 tahun ke depan adalah 7,2625 l/detik (tahun 2024)


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    This study aims to analyze compliance audit of the working capital financing procedure at Bank Sulselbar Makassar Sharia Branch. The method of analysis used in this research is qualitative analysis method. In this case, the researcher uses a risk-based audit approach, an audit approach which checks the harmony between the policies and the procedures performed by the regulations. Thus, Bank Sulselbar Makassar Sharia Branch must be in line with regulations or procedures that have been held by Bank Indo nesia (BI) in terms of financing. Based on the result of the research, it shows that the Compliance Audit conducted by Compliance Director and Compliance Unit of Bank Sulselbar Makassar Sharia Branch has been running well in accordance with its duties and authority and maintaining its independence well because it has work guidance, work system and procedures that have been referring to the provisions current regulation. Likewise in terms of providing working capital financing to customers has been in accordance with applicable procedures. All financing stages or procedures have been implemented or followed before financing decision can be realized. And each stage is not immune from the supervision of the Compliance Group so that any part or section concerned at that stage is professionally responsible


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    Accounting Policy Analysis of Zakat Asset Treatment at PT. Bank BNI Syariah Makassar Branch. This research aims to determine the accounting policy for the zakah treatment of assets in PT.Bank BNI Syariah Makassar Branch and the influence of zakat on sharia accounting policies. The method of analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis method by using data collection technique that is observation and interview. From the results of research conducted at PT.Bank BNI Syariah Branch of Makassar on accounting policy for the zakah treatment of assets. Where in the accounting policies that exist in PT. Bank BNI Syariah Branch of Makassar level of quality of information provided to the public, where the zakat management agency should be able to convince the public that BNI Syariah Bank Makassar Branch has the ability and capacity in achieving program objectives in accordance with Islamic Shari'a in the management of zakat that requires the resources human beings who have managerial skills, religious knowledge, sufficient technical skills
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