303 research outputs found
Determinants and Consequences of Extended Disclosure under Concentrated Ownership Environment: The Indonesian Evidence
This study is aimed at providing evidence in regard with (1) the economic consequences of quality of extended disclosure and (2) the influence of ownership and director char- acteristics on the quality of extended disclosure. Using 260 firm years of the Indonesian firms, this study finds that the increase of disclosure quality is found to have a positive correlation with the increase of share price five (5) days after the announcement date of financial reports and the increase of Return of Assets (ROA). In regard with ownership and director characteristics, this study finds that government ownership and size of board have a positive relationship with disclosure quality; while management and block-holder ownership are not relevant in increasing disclosure quality. It is also found that individual characteristics of director which are independence and financial expertise/background do not have any relationship with the quality of extended disclosure. From the study, it can be concluded that extended disclosure is an effective tool to increase the financial performances of a firm under a concentrated ownership environment such as in Indone- sia. Government and board directors are two players who induce firms to increase trans- parency through voluntarily disclosure
Early age is the golden age that only occurs once in the development of human life. This period is as well as a critical period in a child’s development. If at this time the child receives less attention, it is feared that the child can not grow and develop optimally. One of the important things to get attention associated with education given at an early age is giving values of discipline through education in kindergarten. In developing the values  of discipline for early childhood needs to be done with extreme caution. This is because early childhood is children who are in the concrete operational stage of development as proposed by Piaget, while the value of discipline are common abstract concepts, so in this case the children can not necessarily accept what is taught by teachers / parents with abstract nature quickly. For that old man “or†teacher “must be very clever in choosing and determining the method to be used to instill the values of discipline to the child so that the message can be really understood by students for the provision of life in the future There are somes methods to instill the discipline values to the children that can be offered in this paper, namely the model of authoritarian, permissiveness and democracy discipline, or method of storytelling or it could be a habituation method. According to the writer, of course each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefor teachers or parents in instilling the discipline values  to the children shall be adjusted situation and condition of the child and understand the theories of child development offered by the expert
Conflict is motivated by differences in the characteristics of individuals brought in an interaction. These differences are related to the physical characteristics including, intelligence, knowledge, customs, beliefs, and so forth. With individual characteristics in social interaction, conflict is a normal situation in each community. None of the people who have never experienced any conflicts between members or with other community groups, the conflict will only disappear with the loss of the community itself. Results of a conflict are: 1) Increase the solidarity among members of the group (in-group) which is in conflict with the group elsewhere.2) Rift between the warring factions. 3) Personality changes in individuals, 4) Property damage and loss of human lives. 5) The dominance of conquest even one of the parties involved in the conflict.   Attempts to defuse conflicts in achieving stability is called “accommodationâ€.The parties in conflict with each other adjust to the situation by working together. Forms of accommodation are: 1) truce, 2) Abitration, 3) Mediation, 4) Conciliation, 5). Stalemate, and 6) Adjudication. Young people or students have great potential in solving the nation’s problems, particularly issues related to the anticipation of social conflict, although there is no doubt that the problem of the young generation too much. The important thing is to be able to change his awareness of the construction of the object becomes the subject of development and able to anticipate these issues
The paper intitled: “Teachers: Obeyed and Imatated “ describes how criteria and requirement for any requirements that must be possessed by the teacher so that he becomes a teacher who is heard his advice and obeyed all his orders, as well as his behavior could be an example for his student . He is a professional teacher.To be a professional teacher then he shoud seek as optimal as possible to meet the competencies that must be owned by a teacher. The competencies include professional competence, pedagogical competent, social competence and personal competence as well he should be healthy physically and spiritually. Profesional teachers are teachers who are able to manage themselves in carrying out their duties daily.Criteria professional teachers include : 1) having tellent as a teacher, 2) having skill as ateacher, 3) having a good as expertise and integrated, 4) having a healthy mental, 5) able-bodied, 6) having extensive experience and knowledge, 7)having spirit of Pancasila, 8) the teacher is a good citizen.There are four programs that can be developed in the framework of the establishment of professional teachers, namely 1) pre-service education; 2) in-service education; 3) in-service training; and 4) on-service training
Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik ( PPOK) adalah penyakit obtruksi jalan napas karena bronchitis kronik atau emfisema.Salah satu penyebabnya adalah merokok,perilaku merokok adalah salah satu faktor yang paling mendasar dalam terjadinya PPOK, oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku merokok dengan kejadian PPOK.Desain penelitian in
AbstractMen who have age for, 40 to 80 years, 52% of them consider that sexual activity is the importan thing while men who have erectile dysfunction at age from 40 to 60 years, and more than 60 years old are 75% suffer erectile dysfunction. Sexual disfunction have because of disorder organ, it’s decrease of blood circulation to screw which is influence by some factors they are: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, age over than 40 years old. This research is used to know the relationship between sistemic illness to old age men and erectile dysfunction. The data was got on July at PWRI Kabuh Kabuh district, Jombang regency. The design of research use analisitic survey with cross sectional. Population in this research are 70 old age / responden, by using total sampling as a technique of sampling to get the incluse criteria. Measuring for is used by researcher to measure glucose in their blood with random sampling. While hypertension use sistolic pressure. Instrumen in this research is a questionare, it is used measure the erectile dysfunction with EHS scale. Data analysist used mann Whitney and Spearman rank as statistic experiment. The resulth of research show that there is relationship between sistemic illness and erectile dysfunction, with odds ratio old age suffer erectile dysfunction old sistemic illness 5 time higher than men with40-60 year old. Based on the result of research above sistemic illness at old age can cause dysfunction to sexual activity and it also can have influential in the have hold life. To avoid these risk, old age people or suffer of sistemic illness can be given explanation about erectile dysfunction. Avoid condusing pills or medicine life style that can the caused of disfunction erection, for example dringking alcohol other erectile dysfunction pills.Key word : sistemic illness, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, old age, erectile dysfunctio
AbstractMen who have age for, 40 to 80 years, 52% of them consider that sexual activity is the importan thing while men who have erectile dysfunction at age from 40 to 60 years, and more than 60 years old are 75% suffer erectile dysfunction. Sexual disfunction have because of disorder organ, it’s decrease of blood circulation to screw which is influence by some factors they are: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, age over than 40 years old. This research is used to know the relationship between sistemic illness to old age men and erectile dysfunction. The data was got on July at PWRI Kabuh Kabuh district, Jombang regency. The design of research use analisitic survey with cross sectional. Population in this research are 70 old age / responden, by using total sampling as a technique of sampling to get the incluse criteria. Measuring for is used by researcher to measure glucose in their blood with random sampling. While hypertension use sistolic pressure. Instrumen in this research is a questionare, it is used measure the erectile dysfunction with EHS scale. Data analysist used mann Whitney and Spearman rank as statistic experiment. The resulth of research show that there is relationship between sistemic illness and erectile dysfunction, with odds ratio old age suffer erectile dysfunction old sistemic illness 5 time higher than men with40-60 year old. Based on the result of research above sistemic illness at old age can cause dysfunction to sexual activity and it also can have influential in the have hold life. To avoid these risk, old age people or suffer of sistemic illness can be given explanation about erectile dysfunction. Avoid condusing pills or medicine life style that can the caused of disfunction erection, for example dringking alcohol other erectile dysfunction pills.Key word : sistemic illness, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, old age, erectile dysfunctio
Analisis Sistem Marketing Syariah Pada Marketing Mix Outlet Whoops Tea Kota Pekalongan
Following the basis of Islamic economics, a business should not be concerned with profit for itself, so there is a need for a sharia marketing system. Islamic marketing is an overall system of a business activity that is used for planning, pricing, promotion, product, and distribution of services or goods that satisfy desires, both for existing buyers and potential buyers, in which there is a conformity of the contract, objectives, characteristics., as well as sharia principles in the whole process, as well as in the muamalah. This type of research is field research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were obtained from interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the Whoops Tea Outlet of Pekalongan City in marketing its products has implemented a marketing mix that has 4 (four) main variables, namely products that are halal and do not harm others, the prices offered by producers are competitive, quite a strategic place, and good promotion. And four (4) characteristics of the sharia marketing concept, namely rabbāniyah, akhlāqiyyah, al-wāqi'iyyah, and al-insāniyyah have a good impact, scilicet, outlets are still able to survive and even try to develop in anything.Following the basis of Islamic economics, a business should not be concerned with profit for itself, so there is a need for a sharia marketing system. Islamic marketing is an overall system of a business activity that is used for planning, pricing, promotion, product, and distribution of services or goods that satisfy desires, both for existing buyers and potential buyers, in which there is a conformity of the contract, objectives, characteristics., as well as sharia principles in the whole process, as well as in the muamalah. This type of research is field research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were obtained from interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the Whoops Tea Outlet of Pekalongan City in marketing its products has implemented a marketing mix that has 4 (four) main variables, namely products that are halal and do not harm others, the prices offered by producers are competitive, quite a strategic place, and good promotion. And four (4) characteristics of the sharia marketing concept, namely rabbāniyah, akhlāqiyyah, al-wāqi'iyyah, and al-insāniyyah have a good impact, scilicet, outlets are still able to survive and even try to develop in anything
Defining the types of veranda uses in a tropical urban context of Kuala Lumpur
This thesis discussed a research in defining the types of veranda uses for social activities in tropical urban context of Kuala Lumpur. Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur shows low continuity between sites due to the gaps area caused by the abandoned buildings that may give negative impact to the street life. In a relation, the existence of veranda is commonly known within the rural area where it is normally built in traditional Malay houses. However, the adaptation of veranda in urban context is less acknowledged although it is a very effective architectural element that plays many role in social and environmental aspects. Hence, a methodology of identify the veranda typology and relating it to the pedestrian movement pattern of density using scientific analysis of space syntax is carried out. To strengthen the findings, literature review and case studies are done in order to identify the specific veranda typology used in the urban context. The pedestrian movement data is analyzed in order to determine the workability of veranda typology used in tropical urban context. The findings suggest that although veranda is an extension of an architectural feature has much to offer and it able to play a big role in enhancing the social environment in the urban context
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