1,976 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Usahatani Nilam terhadap Total Pendapatan Petani di Desa Sangia Tiworo Kecamatan Tiworo Selatan Kabupaten Muna Barat

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    The research aims at knowing: the total income of patchouli farming, and the contribution of patchouli farming towards the total income of patchouli farmers at Sangia Tiworo Subdistrict of South Tiworo, West Muna Regency. The population of the research is the entire farmers of patchouli and another kind of farming at Sangia Tiworo Subdistrict of South Tiworo, West Muna Regency which total 20 farmers. The technique of deciding sample is “Probability Random Sampling” in which the entire farmers have an equal chance to be a sample. The data were analyzed by using “income analysis”, and “contribution formula”. The result of the research shows total income of farmers per planting season is Rp. 435,620,298 on average Rp. 22,641,240. Patchouli farming gives a big contribution towards farmers\u27 household income, which is being approximated at 31% - 97% on average contribution 84%

    Evaluation of Effect of Exchange Rate Variability on Export of Ethiopia’s Agricultural Product: Case of Oilseeds

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    This research was carried out to find out the effect of exchange rate variability on export of oilseeds. It has employed annual time series data (1992-2010) collected from the country’s different institutions, namely: National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA), and Ethiopian Custom Authority (ECA). Tools of descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data and understand the dynamics of the variables included in the analysis. Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) with Wald test was used to test the hypothesis that ‘there is no short run and long run relationship between export oilseeds and explanatory variables included in the model’. The result revealed that export oilseeds have negative relationship with exchange rate variability. Terms of Trade (TOT) was found to be negative and significant. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is found to be insignificant; implying contribution of oilseeds to the export basket of the country is decreasing. Moreover, the underlined hypothesis was rejected confirming that there is a long run relationship between export and oilseeds and explanatory variables included. Export diversification and value addition are of possible solutions the country should focus on to improve the ever decreasing terms of trade and extract the gain from policy changes. Key Words: Exchange rate variability, Devaluation, Export, Oilseeds, ARDL and Wald tes

    Valuation of Soil Conservation Practices in Adwa Woreda, Ethiopia: A Contingent Valuation Study

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    Soil degradation is one of the most serious environmental problems in the high­lands of Ethiopia. The prevalence of traditional agricultural land use and the absence of appropriate resource management often result in the degradation of natural soil fertility in the country. Thus, in this study we have attempted to investigate the value that the farmers have attached to soil conservation practices and the determinants of willingness to pay for it using a Contingent Valuation Method. In the CVM survey, Double Bounded Dichotomous Choice format with an open ended follow up was used to elicit the households’ willingness to pay. Based on data collected from 218 respondents, probit model was employed to assess the determinants of willingness to pay. The model shows that age, sex, education level, family size, perception, tenure, Total Livestock Units and initial bid were the important variables in determining willingness to pay for soil conservation practices in the study area. Our study also shows that the mean willingness to pay (WTP) estimated from the Double Bounded Dichotomous Choice format was computed at 56.65 person days per household per annum. The respective total aggregate value of soil conservation in the study area (Adwa Woreda) was computed to be 1 373 592 person days per annum, which is equivalent to 16 483 104 Ethiopian Birr. Therefore, if new intervention program for soil conservation is to be implemented, policy makers should consider those factors for better results. In Our study, we found very few protest zeros only (1.8%) which shows CVM is suitable method for valuing non marketed goods in less developing countries like Ethiopia. Keywords: Contingent Valuation Method, Willingness to Pay, Soil Conservation, Double Bounded Dichotomous Choic

    Anana Bicara-Bicara: Selera Musik, Gaya Hidup, dan Strategi Rapper di Kota Jayapura

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    Hip Hop music entered Papua, through digital media platforms from the current process of globalization and modernization. For example, through radio, television and the internet. The emergence of Hip Hop music is very loved by young Papuans, especially in Jayapura. The Rap community who works in the field of Hip Hop music is called Anana Bicara-bicara which is part of the urban community subculture in Jayapura. Therefore, this study aims to describe and analyze musical tastes, lifestyles and the artistic strategies of youth who love Hip Hop music in popularizing their existence, warding off stigma and gaining popularity. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method using an ethnographic approach. The research instruments were in the form of voice and image recording devices and field notes for reflection in the field. The technique of determining informants is carried out proposive by optimizing the friendship network. Data collection techniques include in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques through the process of data categorization, data description and data interpretation. The results showed that first, the formation of aesthetic tastes from rap music is based on the emotional experiences of each actor. In addition, the rap music structural factor emphasizes the aspect of story telling freely but in orderly rhymes. Second, the lifestyle of rappers in Jayapura follows the trend of Hip Hop music that is Glamorous, Blink-blink, but there are also some who are poorless to show the passion of the ideas they want to convey. Third, the strategy developed is educational, which is to ward off bad stigma about rappers such as making songs that are better and proud of Papua, and creating events that elevate generations. Then, to popularize Hip Hop music through social media Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp

    Penyuluhan dengan Media Audio Visual dan Konvensional terhadap Pengetahuan Ibu Anak Balita

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    Intervensi penyuluhan dengan media audio visual merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk merangsang masyarakat terutama keluarga (yaitu ibu rumah tangga) agar mampu menjadi inovator di lingkungan rumah tangganya sendiri. Audio visual merupakan alat bantu yang paling tepat saat ini. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan dengan media Audio Visual dan konvensional terhadap pengetahuan ibu anak Balita yang tidak naik berat badannya di Wilayah Puskesmas Penimbung Kabupaten Lombok Barat. enelitian dilakukan di Wilayah kerja Puskesmas Penimbung yaitu Desa Dopang dan Desa Gelangsar selama kurang lebih 6 bulan, yaitu pada bulan Juni-November 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan eksperimen sesungguhnya (true experimental design) dengan rancangan pretest-postest with control group design. Jumlah populasi adalah sebanyak 91 orang dengan sampel 60 rang. Data diolah dengan menggunakan analisis statistik Independent Sample t Test dan Paired Sample t Test. Tidak terdapat perbedaan rata-rata pengetahuan ibu Balita (post test) setelah dilakukan penyuluhan dengan media AV dan konvensional. Terdapat perbedaan rata-rata pengetahuan ibu Balita (post test) setelah dilakukan penyuluhan dengan media AV dengan kelompok kontrol. Terdapat pengaruh peningkatan rata-rata pengetahuan ibu Balita antara sebelum penyuluhan dengan setelah penyuluhan baik pada kelompok penyuluhan dengan media AV maupun media konvensional. Consultation intervention using audio-visual media is one of the methods that can be car-ried out as an effort to enhance the society especially family (i.e. housewife) to be able to play the role as an innovator in her own household. Audio-visual is the best assistive tool nowadays. Objective of this research is to know the influence of consultations using audio-visual and conventional media on the knowledge of mothers having toddlers with non-rising weight in Penimbung Public Heath Center's operational area, West Lombok Regency. The research was carried out in Penimbung Public Health Center's operational area i.e. Dopang Village and Gelangsar Village in approximately 6 months, from June to November 2012. This research applied the true experimental design using pretest-posttest with control group design. The population number was 91 subjects and the samples were 60 subjects. Data was processed using the Independent Sample t-Test and Paired Sample t-Test statisti-cal analysis. There was no difference in the knowledge average of mothers (posttest) after consultations using audio-visual and conventional media were conducted. There was a dif-ference in the knowledge average of mothers (posttest) after audio-visual consultation was conducted in the control group. There was an influence seen in the increase of knowledge average of mothers when compared before and after the consultations have been conducted, both in the consultation groups using audio-visual and conventional media

    IL-12: The Role of p40 versus p75

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    Dijkstra, C.D. [Promotor]Ploegh, H.L. [Promotor

    Topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures using an evolutionary optimization method

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    Iso-XFEM method is an evolutionary optimization method developed in our previous studies to enable the generation of high resolution topology optimised designs suitable for additive manufacture. Conventional approaches for topology optimization require additional post-processing after optimization to generate a manufacturable topology with clearly defined smooth boundaries. Iso-XFEM aims to eliminate this time-consuming post-processing stage by defining the boundaries using isovalues of a structural performance criterion and an extended finite element method (XFEM) scheme. In this paper, the Iso-XFEM method is further developed to enable the topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures undergoing large deformations. This is achieved by implementing a total Lagrangian finite element formulation and defining a structural performance criterion appropriate for the objective function of the optimization problem. The Iso-XFEM solutions for geometrically nonlinear test-cases implementing linear and nonlinear modelling are compared, and the suitability of nonlinear modelling for the topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures is investigated

    Fungsi dan Nilai Khayi (Perahu Perempuan) bagi Suku Sentani di Kampung Ayapo Kabupaten Jayapura

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    This study discusses khayi, which focuses on how khayi function and value as a women's boat in the culture of the Sentani people. This research is ethnography with a qualitative approach and descriptive data analysis. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, recording and recording and literature study. Informants were selected based on purposive sampling. Then the data analysis used includes the process of data reduction, data display and data interpretation. The results showed Function of khayi is highly related to its shape. Khayi shape is an adaptive function of social culture life for Sentani tribe, especially in Ayapo village. Their knowledge of raw material and putting root of tree as the prow is an adaptive reaction to culture society. Its long, big shape has significant function to support and espouse fully activities of Sentani women. Value of khayi is an appreciative representation of Sentani men to their women for their significant roles in social culture cycle and family income and society as well

    Multiplex cytokine analysis of dermal interstitial blister fluid defines local disease mechanisms in systemic sclerosis.

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    Clinical diversity in systemic sclerosis (SSc) reflects multifaceted pathogenesis and the effect of key growth factors or cytokines operating within a disease-specific microenvironment. Dermal interstitial fluid sampling offers the potential to examine local mechanisms and identify proteins expressed within lesional tissue. We used multiplex cytokine analysis to profile the inflammatory and immune activity in the lesions of SSc patients