15 research outputs found

    Status of the Micro Vertex Detector of the Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment

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    The CBM experiment will investigate heavy-ion collisions at beam energies from 8 to 45 AGeV at the future accelerator facility FAIR. The goal of the experiment is to study the QCD phase diagram in the vincinity of the QCD critical point. To do so, CBM aims at measuring rare probes among them open charm. In order to identify those rare and short lived particles despite the rich combinatorial background generated in heavy ion collisions, a micro vertex detector (MVD) providing an unprecedented combination of high rate capability and radiation hardness, very light material budget and excellent granularity is required. In this work, we will discuss the concept of this detector and summarize the status of the R&D

    International Large Detector: Interim Design Report

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    The ILD detector is proposed for an electron-positron collider with collision centre-of-mass energies from 90~\GeV~to about 1~\TeV. It has been developed over the last 10 years by an international team of scientists with the goal to design and eventually propose a fully integrated detector, primarily for the International Linear Collider, ILC. In this report the fundamental ideas and concepts behind the ILD detector are discussed and the technologies needed for the realisation of the detector are reviewed. The document starts with a short review of the science goals of the ILC, and how the goals can be achieved today with the detector technologies at hand. After a discussion of the ILC and the environment in which the experiment will take place, the detector is described in more detail, including the status of the development of the technologies foreseen for each subdetector. The integration of the different sub-systems into an integrated detector is discussed, as is the interface between the detector and the collider. This is followed by a concise summary of the benchmarking which has been performed in order to find an optimal balance between performance and cost. To the end the costing methodology used by ILD is presented, and an updated cost estimate for the detector is presented. The report closes with a summary of the current status and of planned future actions

    The ILD detector at the ILC

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    The International Large Detector, ILD, is a detector concept which has been developed for the electron-positron collider ILC. The detector has been optimized for precision physics in a range of energies between 90 GeV and 1 TeV. ILD features a high precision, large volume combined silicon and gaseous tracking system, together with a high granularity calorimeter, all inside a 3.5 T solenoidal magnetic field. The paradigm of particle flow has been the guiding principle of the design of ILD. In this document the required performance of the detector, the proposed implementation and the readiness of the different technologies needed for the implementation are discussed. This is done in the framework of the ILC collider proposal, now under consideration in Japan, and includes site specific aspects needed to build and operate the detector at the proposed ILC site in Japan

    ILC Reference Design Report Volume 1 - Executive Summary

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    The International Linear Collider (ILC) is a 200-500 GeV center-of-mass high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider, based on 1.3 GHz superconducting radio-frequency (SCRF) accelerating cavities. The ILC has a total footprint of about 31 km and is designed for a peak luminosity of 2x10^34 cm^-2s^-1. This report is the Executive Summary (Volume I) of the four volume Reference Design Report. It gives an overview of the physics at the ILC, the accelerator design and value estimate, the detector concepts, and the next steps towards project realization.The International Linear Collider (ILC) is a 200-500 GeV center-of-mass high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider, based on 1.3 GHz superconducting radio-frequency (SCRF) accelerating cavities. The ILC has a total footprint of about 31 km and is designed for a peak luminosity of 2x10^34 cm^-2s^-1. This report is the Executive Summary (Volume I) of the four volume Reference Design Report. It gives an overview of the physics at the ILC, the accelerator design and value estimate, the detector concepts, and the next steps towards project realization