203 research outputs found

    Predicting the potential current and future distribution of the endangered endemic vascular plant primula boveana decne. ex duby in Egypt

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    Knowledge about population attributes, current geographic distribution, and changes over predicted climate change for many threatened endemic vascular plants is particularly limited in arid mountain environments. Primula boveana is one of the rarest and threatened plants worldwide, surviving exclusively in Saint Catherine Protectorate in the Sinaic biogeographic subsector of Egypt. This study aimed to define the current state of P. boveana populations, predict its current potential distribution, and use the best-model outputs to guide in field sampling and to forecast its future distribution under two climate change scenarios. The MaxEnt algorithm was used by relating 10 occurrence-points with different environmental predictors (27 bioclimatic, 3 topographic, and 8 edaphic factors). At the current knowledge level, the population size of P. boveana consists of 796 individuals, including 137 matures, distributed in only 250 m2. The Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCorA) displayed that population attributes (density, cover, size index, and plant vigor) were positively correlated with elevation, precipitation, and pH. Based on the best-fitting model, most predicted suitable central sites (69 km2) of P. boveana were located in the cool shaded high-elevated middle northern part of St. Catherine. Elevation, precipitation, temperature, and soil pH were the key contributors to P. boveana distribution in Egypt. After field trips in suitable predicted sites, we confirmed five extinct localities where P. boveana has been previously recorded and no new population was found. The projected map showed an upward range shift through the contraction of sites between 1800 and 2000 m and expansion towards high elevation (above 2000 m) at the southern parts of the St. Catherine area. To conserve P. boveana, it is recommended to initiate in situ conservation through reinforcement and reintroduction actions

    Global and regional IUCN red list assessments: 6

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    In this contribution, the conservation status assessment of four vascular plants according to IUCN categories and criteria are presented. It includes the assessment of Epipactis maricae (Croce, Bongiorni, De Vivo & Fori) Presser & S.Hertel at global level, and the regional assessment of Cerinthe retorta Sm. (Italy), Platanthera kuenkelei H.Baumann subsp. kuenkelei (Europe) and Typha elephantina Roxb. (Egypt)

    Differential effects of RYGB surgery and best medical treatment for obesity-diabetes on intestinal and islet adaptations in obese-diabetic ZDSD rats

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    Modification of gut-islet secretions after Roux-En-Y gastric bypass (RYBG) surgery contributes to its metabolic and anti-diabetic benefits. However, there is limited knowledge on tissue-specific hormone distribution post-RYGB surgery and how this compares with best medical treatment (BMT). In the present study, pancreatic and ileal tissues were excised from male Zucker-Diabetic Sprague Dawley (ZDSD) rats 8-weeks after RYGB, BMT (daily oral dosing with metformin 300mg/kg, fenofibrate 100mg/kg, ramipril 1mg/kg, rosuvastatin 10mg/kg and subcutaneous liraglutide 0.2mg/kg) or sham operation (laparotomy). Insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, PYY, GLP-1 and GIP expression patterns were assessed using immunocytochemistry and analyzed using ImageJ. After RYGB and BMT, body weight and plasma glucose were decreased. Intestinal morphometry was unaltered by RYGB, but crypt depth was decreased by BMT. Intestinal PYY cells were increased by both interventions. GLP-1- and GIP-cell counts were unchanged by RYGB but BMT increased ileal GLP-1-cells and decreased those expressing GIP. The intestinal contents of PYY and GLP-1 were significantly enhanced by RYGB, whereas BMT decreased ileal GLP-1. No changes of islet and beta-cell area or proliferation were observed, but the extent of beta-cell apoptosis and islet integrity calculated using circularity index were improved by both treatments. Significantly decreased islet alpha-cell areas were observed in both groups, while beta- and PYY-cell areas were unchanged. RYGB also induced a decrease in islet delta-cell area. PYY and GLP-1 colocalization with glucagon in islets was significantly decreased in both groups, while co-staining of PYY with glucagon was decreased and that with somatostatin increased. These data characterize significant cellular islet and intestinal adaptations following RYGB and BMT associated with amelioration of obesity-diabetes in ZDSD rats. The differential responses observed and particularly those within islets, may provide important clues to the unique ability of RYGB to cause diabetes remission

    Spondyloarthritis mass cytometry immuno-monitoring: a proof of concept study in the tight-control and treat-to target TiCoSpA trial

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    Objective: Mass cytometry (MC) immunoprofiling allows high-parameter phenotyping of immune cells. We set to investigate the potential of MC immuno-monitoring of axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) patients enrolled in the Tight Control SpondyloArthritis (TiCoSpA) trial. Methods: Fresh, longitudinal PBMCs samples (baseline, 24, and 48 weeks) from 9 early, untreated axSpA patients and 7 HLA-B27+ controls were analyzed using a 35-marker panel. Data were subjected to HSNE dimension reduction and Gaussian mean shift clustering (Cytosplore), followed by Cytofast analysis. Linear discriminant analyzer (LDA), based on initial HSNE clustering, was applied onto week 24 and 48 samples. Results: Unsupervised analysis yielded a clear separation of baseline patients and controls including a significant difference in 9 T cell, B cell, and monocyte clusters (cl), indicating disrupted immune homeostasis. Decrease in disease activity (ASDAS score; median 1.7, range 0.6-3.2) from baseline to week 48 matched significant changes over time in five clusters: cl10 CD4 Tnai cells median 4.7 to 0.02%, cl37 CD4 T-em cells median 0.13 to 8.28%, cl8 CD4 Tcm cells median 3.2 to 0.02%, cl39 B cells median 0.12 to 2.56%, and cl5 CD38+ B cells median 2.52 to 0.64% (all pPathophysiology and treatment of rheumatic disease

    Exploring the antibacterial potential of plant extracts and essential oils against Bacillus thermophilus in beet sugar for enhanced sucrose retention: a comparative assessment and implications

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    Sugar beet is one of the greatest sources for producing sugar worldwide. However, a group of bacteria grows on beets during the storage process, leading to a reduction in sucrose yield. Our study focused on identifying common bacterial species that grow on beets during manufacturing and contribute to sucrose loss. The ultimate goal was to find a potential antibacterial agent from various plant extracts and oils to inhibit the growth of these harmful bacteria and reduce sucrose losses. The screening of bacterial species that grow on beet revealed that a large group of mesophilic bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus xylosus, Enterobacter amnigenus, and Aeromonas species, in addition to a dominant thermophilic species called Bacillus thermophilus, were found to be present during the manufacturing of beets. The application of 20 plant extracts and 13 different oils indicated that the extracts of Geranium gruinum, Datura stramonium, and Mentha spicata were the best antibacterials to reduce the growth of B. thermophilus with inhibition zones equal to 40, 39, and 35 mm, respectively. In contrast, the best active oils for inhibiting the growth of B. thermophilus were Mentha spicata and Ocimum bacilicum, with an inhibitory effect of 50 and 45 mm, respectively. RAPD-PCR with different primers indicated that treating sugar juice with the most effective oils against bacteria resulted in new recombinant microorganisms, confirming their roles as strong antibacterial products. The characterization of Mentha spicata and Ocimum bacilicum oils using GC/MS analysis identified cis-iso pulegone and hexadecanoic acid as the two main bioactive compounds with potential antibacterial activity. An analysis of five genes using DD-PCR that have been affected due to antibacterial activity from the highly effective oil from Mentha spicata concluded that all belonged to the family of protein defense. Our findings indicate that the application of these pure antibacterial plant extracts and oils would minimize the reduction of sucrose during sugar production.Peer Reviewe

    Medications Activating Tubular Fatty Acid Oxidation Enhance the Protective Effects of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery in a Rat Model of Early Diabetic Kidney Disease

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    Background: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB) improves biochemical and histological parameters of diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Targeted adjunct medical therapy may enhance renoprotection following RYGB. Methods: The effects of RYGB and RYGB plus fenofibrate, metformin, ramipril, and rosuvastatin (RYGB-FMRR) on metabolic control and histological and ultrastructural indices of glomerular and proximal tubular injury were compared in the Zucker Diabetic Sprague Dawley (ZDSD) rat model of DKD. Renal cortical transcriptomic (RNA-sequencing) and urinary metabolomic (1H-NMR spectroscopy) responses were profiled and integrated. Transcripts were assigned to kidney cell types through in silico deconvolution in kidney single-nucleus RNA-sequencing and microdissected tubular epithelial cell proteomics datasets. Medication-specific transcriptomic responses following RYGB-FMRR were explored using a network pharmacology approach. Omic correlates of improvements in structural and ultrastructural indices of renal injury were defined using a molecular morphometric approach. Results: RYGB-FMRR was superior to RYGB alone with respect to metabolic control, albuminuria, and histological and ultrastructural indices of glomerular injury. RYGB-FMRR reversed DKD-associated changes in mitochondrial morphology in the proximal tubule to a greater extent than RYGB. Attenuation of transcriptomic pathway level activation of pro-fibrotic responses was greater after RYGB-FMRR than RYGB. Fenofibrate was found to be the principal medication effector of gene expression changes following RYGB-FMRR, which led to the transcriptional induction of PPARα-regulated genes that are predominantly expressed in the proximal tubule and which regulate peroxisomal and mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO). After omics integration, expression of these FAO transcripts positively correlated with urinary levels of PPARα-regulated nicotinamide metabolites and negatively correlated with urinary tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates. Changes in FAO transcripts and nicotinamide and TCA cycle metabolites following RYGB-FMRR correlated strongly with improvements in glomerular and proximal tubular injury. Conclusions: Integrative multi-omic analyses point to PPARα-stimulated FAO in the proximal tubule as a dominant effector of treatment response to combined surgical and medical therapy in experimental DKD. Synergism between RYGB and pharmacological stimulation of FAO represents a promising combinatorial approach to the treatment of DKD in the setting of obesity.Health Research BoardHealth Service ExecutiveScience Foundation IrelandUniversity College DublinWellcome TrustSwedish Medical Research CouncilEuropean Foundation for the Study of Diabetes/Boehringer Ingelheim European Diabetes Research ProgrammeHealth and Social Care, Research and Development Division, Northern Irelan

    Memory CD8(+) T cell heterogeneity is primarily driven by pathogen-specific cues and additionally shaped by the tissue environment

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    Factors that govern the complex formation of memory T cells are not completely understood. A better understanding of the development of memory T cell heterogeneity is however required to enhance vaccination and immunotherapy approaches. Here we examined the impact of pathogen- and tissue-specific cues on memory CD8(+) T cell heterogeneity using high-dimensional single-cell mass cytometry and a tailored bioinformatics pipeline. We identified distinct populations of pathogen-specific CD8(+) T cells that uniquely connected to a specific pathogen or associated tomultiple types of acute and persistent infections. In addition, the tissue environment shaped the memory CD8(+) T cell heterogeneity, albeit to a lesser extent than infection. The programming of memory CD8(+) T cell differentiation during acute infection is eventually superseded by persistent infection. Thus, the plethora of distinct memory CD8(+) T cell subsets that arise upon infection is dominantly sculpted by the pathogen-specific cues and further shaped by the tissue environment.Radiolog

    Development of an anti-CAR antibody response in SIV-infected rhesus macaques treated with CD4-MBL CAR/CXCR5 T cells

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    T cells expressing a simian immunodeficiency (SIV)-specific chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) and the follicular homing molecule, CXCR5, were infused into antiretroviral therapy (ART) suppressed, SIV-infected rhesus macaques to assess their ability to localize to the lymphoid follicle and control the virus upon ART interruption. While the cells showed evidence of functionality, they failed to persist in the animals beyond 28 days. Development of anti-CAR antibodies could be responsible for the lack of persistence. Potential antigenic sites on the anti-SIV CAR used in these studies included domains 1 and 2 of CD4, the carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) of mannose-binding lectin (MBL), and an extracellular domain of the costimulatory molecule, CD28, along with short linker sequences. Using a flow cytometry based assay and target cells expressing the CAR/CXCR5 construct, we examined the serum of the CD4-MBL CAR/CXCR5-T cell treated animals to determine that the animals had developed an anti-CAR antibody response after infusion. Binding sites for the anti-CAR antibodies were identified by using alternative CARs transduced into target cells and by preincubation of the target cells with a CD4 blocking antibody. All of the treated animals developed antibodies in their serum that bound to CD4-MBL CAR/CXCR5 T cells and the majority were capable of inducing an ADCC response. The CD4 antibody-blocking assay suggests that the dominant immunogenic components of this CAR are the CD4 domains with a possible additional site of the CD28 domain with its linker. This study shows that an anti-drug antibody (ADA) response can occur even when using self-proteins, likely due to novel epitopes created by abridged self-proteins and/or the self-domain of the CAR connection to a small non-self linker. While in our study, there was no statistically significant correlation between the ADA response and the persistence of the CD4-MBL CAR/CXCR5-T cells in rhesus macaques, these findings suggest that the development of an ADA response could impact the long-term persistence of self-based CAR immunotherapies
