718 research outputs found
Pelaksanaan Dasar Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Murni di Tiga Agensi Induk Jabatan Perdana Menteri
Tujuan utama kajian ialah untuk mengetahui serta mengenalpasti sejauhmana
Pelaksanaan Dasar Penerapan Nilai-nilai Murni dalam pentadbiran di jabatan-jabatan
kerajaan. Kajian ini dijalankan di tiga agensi induk jabatan Perdana Menteri. Objektif
khusus kajian ialah untuk mengetahui kefahaman pegawai-pegawai kerajaan mengenai
dasar tersebut, kepentingan nilai-nilai murni dalam pentadbiran kerajaan, mengetahui
langkah-langkah pelaksanaan yang telah diambil oleh jabatan kerajaan terhadap dasar
tersebut, mengetahui amalan dasar tersebut dan mengenalpasti masalah-masalah serta
halangan utamanya. Data dalam kajian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan borang soal-selidik
yang diisi sendiri oleh 46 orang responden yang bertugas di tiga agensi induk Jabatan
Perdana Menteri iaitu di Unit Penyelarasan Pelaksanaan (UPP), Unit Perancang Ekonomi
(UPE) dan Unit Pemodenan Tadbiran Malaysia (UPTM)
Prisons Ordinance (1952) : A short survey / Abd. Rahman Abdullah
This paper was written in consequence of a series of' incidents involving questions on security of prisons in Malaysia. The first incident was the hostage drama in Pudu Prison on October 17th 22nd, 1987; which was followed by Puan Mariana hostage drama 78 days at the Kuantan prison
Abstract – With the ever increasing labor cost and high labor turnover, performing labor productivity study is imperative for the back-end semiconductor manufacturer to stay competitive. However, an effective technique to perform the work study on the operators is required before any productivity improvement initiatives can be performed. This paper discusses the various techniques being evaluated based on the preset criteria established by the company’s management. Results from the method evaluation will be used to determine the suitable work study technique to be used to perform labor productivity study
Gerakan Ahli Sunnah Di Perlis: Satu Kajian Tentang Kaum Muda (1927 – 1970)
Kajian ini sebenarnya lebih memusatkan perhatian kepada gerakan pembaruan dalam zaman transisinya, iaitu sejak tahun-tahun 1920an. Dan kawasan yang dipilih untuk dikaji ialah negeri Perlis. Ada beberapa sebab kenapa negeri Perlis dijadikan kajian
Effects of deposition time and counter-electrode size on the fabrication of lscf-sdc carbonate composite cathode for sofc
The electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process has shown great potential in the development of cathodes for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). This study thus aimed to determine the feasibility of the electrophoretic deposition technique in producing composite cathode films. Two parameters were investigated, namely, the effects of counter electrode size and those of deposition time on the thickness and quality of an LSCF-SDC carbonate cathode composite deposited onto an SDC carbonate substrate. The effects of the changed parameters were observed by applying constant suspension pH and voltage. Five different deposition times ranging from 10 to 30 min were selected. The counter electrode sizes used were 25 × 25 mm2 and 50 × 50 mm2 . Then, the cathode composite films were sintered at 600°C for 90 min. Microstructural characterization and film thickness measurement were performed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The 50 × 50 mm2 counter electrode was found to produce a cathode composite film with higher thickness. The effects of the selected parameters (deposition time and counter electrode size) were also determined by analyzing the weight and thickness of the obtained LSCF-SDC carbonate films. The results showed that for the selected time interval, a film thickness of 4.6 to 30.8 μm is generated. Further studies on fabricating LSCF-SDC carbonate cathode composites by electrophoretic deposition present promising potential given that the film thickness obtained agree well with those derived in previous studies on various types of cathode materials
Penelitian tentang prediksi nilai debit puncak aliran telah dilakukan di Sungai Pasangkayu Kecamatan Pasangkayu Kabupaten Pasangkayu. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memprediksi nilai debit puncak yang terjadi di aliran sungai Pasangkayu. Data debit aliran sungai yang diperoleh dari hasil pengukuran diolah dengan menggunakan Metode Muskingum yaitu suatu cara perhitungan yang digunakan dalam penelusuran banjir dengan pendekatan hukum kontinuitas, data kecepatan aliran, kedalaman, jarak tiap pias diolah dengan menggunakan program Microsoft Excel. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa debit maksimum aliran masuk sungai Pasangkayu terjadi pada tanggal 17 Maret 2018 pukul 12:00:00 WITA dengan besar debit 18,17 m3 /dt sedangkan debit maksimum aliran keluar terjadi pada hari yang sama pada pukul 10:00:00 WITA dengan besar debit 19,09 m3 /dt. Hal ini disebabkan terjadinya hujan di bagian hulu sungai tepatnya di desa Lalundu yang memiliki aliran ke sungai Pasangkayu. Berdasarkan grafik Muskingum tanggal 18 Maret 2018 menunjukkan bahwa debit puncak bagian hulu (aliran masuk) lebih besar dari pada debit puncak bagian hilir (aliran keluar), perbedaan waktu terjadinya debit puncak antara bagian hulu dan hilir memiliki selisih waktu 1 jam, sedangkan pada tanggal 17 Maret dan 19 Maret 2018 nampak debit puncak aliran masuk lebih kecil dari pada aliran keluar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aliran masuk yang lebih besar dari pada aliran keluar yang menyebabkan terjadinya limpasan di permukaan sungai Pasangkayu sehingga terjadi banjir.Kata kunci: Aliran sungai, debit puncak, metode Muskingum, Microsoft Exce
Analisis Pengaruh Shariah Compliance dan Assurance terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah BMT Barokatul Umah di Kabupaten Merauke
This study aims to determine the effect of Shariah Compliance and Assurance on customer satisfaction partially and simultaneously. In this study using a quantitative approach and multiple linear regression. The object of this research is the employees and customers of BMT Barokatul Ummah in Merauke Regency. While the data collection techniques are using interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the Shariah Compliance and Assurance dimension has been implemented well, and has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction at the BMT Barokatul Ummah. This means that the Shariah Compliance and Assurance dimensions are further enhanced, customer satisfaction is getting higher.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Shariah Compliance dan Assurance terhadap kepuasan nasabah secara parsial dan simultan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan regresi linier berganda. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah pimpinan dan nasabah BMT Barokatul Ummah di Kabupaten Merauke. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu menggunakan wawancara, kuesioner, dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dimensi Shariah Compliance dan Assurance telah dijalankan dengan baik, dan mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan kepada kepuasan nasabah pada BMT Barokatul Ummah. Artinya semakin ditingkatkan dimensi Shariah Compliance dan Assurance maka kepuasan nasabah semakin tinggi
Non-repudiation in order, delivery and payment process for a sustainable online business
Online businesses in Malaysia suffer from the lack of non-repudiation in the ordering, delivery and payment process. Most businesses cannot sustain their growth because of this limitation. The paper presents a new model for the implementation of online business. The solutions can also be adapted to any country for the most part except for the delivery process that requires the use of a smartcard-based national identity card. The non-repudiation evidences that are generated from the system can be used by both the consumer and the merchant to resolve possible future disputes. The evidence is also admissible in the court of law since they are generated from the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that is recognized by the authority as legally binding
Human System Modeling for Optimum Labor Utilization and Man-Machine Configuration
Manufacturing organization with increased in the organizational complexity, is facing difficulty in measuring its performance. Various factors could affect manufacturing performance such as equipment performance, material planning and human resources. In this paper, focus was given primarily on the human resource which was considered as an important factor of the simulation model development to achieve optimum utilization and ensure efficient operator allocation to the machines. Static modeling was performed to capture all the critical factors contributing to the work such as the operator activity sequence, the time value for each activity and also the machine process time for each batch of product. A dynamic model was then developed to enable quantitative analysis in the optimization of human system performance. This paper illustrates the application of different modeling approaches to demonstrate advantages gained in the process of evaluating human system performance
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